Excel Macro To Import Contacts And Place Them On Particular Sheet?
May 2, 2014
I have come up the code below. It imports contact information from Outlook contacts in a contact folder called Private Contacts. The below code has been copied and modified from this forum.
As it stands the macro creates a new workbook and places the data on that. What I need it to do is create a new worksheet with the name of private compare on the active workbook and then place the data on that worksheet.
[Code] .....
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May 17, 2013
Wanted to know can I transfer excel sheet to outlook pst?? If yes then how can I do so??? As I have lots of contacts list in Excel sheet but now I wanted to import those contacts to Outlook.
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Mar 14, 2014
How to get the outlook contacts for the organization using excel macro vba.
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Jun 1, 2012
Excel 2007 I have 80 very similar sheets. The only difference is the sheet name (Phase A (1), Phase A (2) etc.). I want the formula located in cell B5 to be different on every sheet.
I have listed the desired formulas on a single seperate worksheet, named "Overview". On this sheet, the following columns have these data in them:
A - Sheetname (example: Phase A (1), Phase A (2) etc.)
B - Cell location (example B5, constant)
C - A formula (example: =Sheet1!G47, =Sheet1!G48, etc.)
I would like to create a macro that will loop through all the sheets, doing the following:
1. Check if the sheetname exists in column A of the Overview sheet
2. If it does, take the formula from column C of the Overview sheet
3. And put it in the cell specified in column B of the Overview sheet
Here is some code, to illustrate the above. I know the code is mostly nonsensical.
Sub Enter_formulas()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
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Dec 20, 2012
i have a excel sheet which i use to estimate of course i have many contractors i use
my question is, is it possible to create a drop down menu with the contractors name and autofill the cells below with the address
Cell_B5 Company (Dropdown)
Cell_B6 111 Street Rd
Cell_B7 TownCity State 11111
or is it without a dropdown possible by just typing the first few letters and then autofill and how to do this
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May 13, 2014
Work on a spreadsheet with multiple sheets , that will then be emailed once a month, with different sheets going to different contacts because of our timezone difference.
If a sheet could be used to maintain a list of contacts and which sheet to email out Also in which format PDF, Excel (locked down) or both would be useful.
A button maybe on the contact sheet to start the process / but also with an option to set-up to email on a certain day per month would be good.
the number of contacts at the moment varies between 1 and 4 for each sheet - perhaps , we could set-up to email up to 10 contacts per sheet
The email client is Outlook
Each contact should only receive their sheet and not see any of the other sheets , also the contacts should not be able to alter the spreadsheet at all. hence the possibility of using PDF , but most still would like to see the report in excel format.
there would be about 20 sheets , to go to between 1 and 10 contacts for each sheet
I have attached a dummy workbook , which has 4 example worksheets in
In the real workbook, the worksheet names , also will have spaces in them.
I could setup a Start Sheet and a finish sheet - so that the macro - can go through each worksheet in between , if that offers a solution also a maintenance sheet which has the sheet name , email contacts email address and PDF, Excel or both format.
I have outlook on my PC , so i can play - BUT its not connected via exchange server, if that makes any difference.
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Feb 22, 2007
I am after a macro to do the following, my visual basic skills are very limited (non existant):- Look at the date in cell A1 on Sheet 'Live Report' and err 'remember it' Copy a range of cells from A3 to A10 on 'Live Report' Go to sheet 'Monthly Summary' and find the date that had been remembered previously (this date will be in column A on 'Monthly Summary' which will probably be a mixture of values and formulas). After the date has been found paste special and transpose the 'values only' copied range from 'Live Report' (A3 to A10) in column B on 'Monthly Summary' next to the date that has been found in Column A.
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Aug 17, 2006
When you enable macros the sheets 2, 3, 4 ect are visible but if you disable macros, you only see sheet 1 and and you can place a message on the sheet saying this will only work with macros enabled.
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Oct 7, 2011
I am importing data into an Excel 2007 worksheet from an online form. They are answers to 30 questions for up to 250 respondents. I was expecting to import one row of data for each respondent however the data is importing in a step like manner as below
AF169856 Y
AF145723 N
Any formula/solution to bring all of these responses into one line for each respondent ?
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Apr 16, 2012
How to write a code to import all tables from a single word document into a single excel sheet? (we don't know exactly how many tables there will be,or how many rows in a table there will be , but the columns are certain, which is 9, from A to I.
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Jul 25, 2014
I have a folder with multiple text files. I want to import one of these files to a sheet called data in an existing Excel file. The excel file has references to this data sheet on other sheets which I want to keep. I want to save this excel file with the name the text file has and repeat this for all the text files in the folder.
I found a macro a while back which does the job nicely of importing and saving the Excel file, however all the data in the other sheets gets lost once it is saved. How to keep the data?
Sub tgr()
Const txtFldrPath As String = "FOLDER WITH TEXT FILES" 'Change to folder path containing text files
Const xlsFldrPath As String = "FOLDER FOR EXCEL FILES" 'Change to folder path excel files will be saved to
Dim CurrentFile As String: CurrentFile = Dir(txtFldrPath & "" & "*.txt")
Dim strLine() As String
Dim LineIndex As Long
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Aug 6, 2008
I have a data file saved as csv like this:
Risk Postcode,Effective Year Month,Written Premium,Written Units,Earned Premium,Earned Units,Claim Cost,Claim Count,Glass Manufacture Decade,
what i want to do is to group the record with the same postcode together and just return one record for each postcode in excel.
so the output will have the postcode, the sum of written premium, written units.
I understand i can use Access to do it, but I want just to use excel for this task.
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Oct 30, 2008
I have this Macro for Excel which imports 1 file C:datafilesuser1-data-1.txt into cell E52:
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Feb 23, 2014
I am attempting to modify VBA code from [URL] .....
The section of the code I want to modify is below dealing with importing selective text. The original function returned a "False" if the line contained a keyword specified in the Array function. I have reworked it so that it shows a "True" if the line contains a keyword specified in the Array function.
My only problem is that it only does it when the keyword appears in the beginning of the line, as it uses the "Left" operator in looking at line. How do I configure the function so that it returns a "True" if the keywords appears anywhere in the line?
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Jun 5, 2014
I am trying to take multiple tables from a Word document and import them into an Excel worksheet. Currently I have found two versions that when combined, could yield what I am looking for. The first one imports the table's data from Word, but does not maintain formatting of the table (font, colors, rows/columns etc.):
The next code maintains formatting, but only imports/pastes one table:
[Code] .........
For the second one, I do not like the fact that it is calling a specific Workbook to paste into. If I could somehow maintain the ability to import/past multiple tables while keeping formatting that would be perfect. An extra bonus would be to import each table within the Word document into individual Worksheets in Excel. I am also using Office 2010.
References: [URL] .........
VBA - How to preserve source formatting while copying data from word table to excel sheet using VB macro? - Stack Overflow
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Nov 1, 2013
How can i get this code to run through each sheet and place the value of the sum on its respective sheet in the same positon .....
Sub maths()
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
Range("E" & lr + 1).Select
ActiveCell.Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("E2:E" & lr))
Selection.NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss"
End Sub
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May 7, 2014
How do I do this?
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Sep 6, 2005
"DRHannay" wrote:
> how do I place the sheet tab name in my spreadsheet by formula?
> Excel 2003
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Oct 15, 2012
I need to copy the sheet being worked on, and place it behind the original sheet.
This is going to be in a Macro enabled template that other users will be rename when they save it.
It will be activated by a button on the original worksheet other users may need to rename the worksheet before copying so I am using ActiveSheet.Copy I don't want to put the sheet after a counted sheet, because other sheets may be inserted before the one being worked on. I am not proficient at VB, I basically search for a macro that does what I need and copy it.
This is what I am working on.
Sub CopySSR()
' CopySSR Macro
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Sheets(7)
End Sub
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Apr 4, 2008
I have is 3 seperate jobs listed, what i want to do is have each one of these rows copy over to a different sheet, and place the next available row. What I would like to drive this is the number in column "n", for example, "n3" is 1, so I would like that row to copy to the sheet named "1", and entered in the next available row under any previous lines that have been copied over.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - BETA SCHEDULE.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP1Date EnteredTime Ent'dCUSTOMERJOB #LINE #MATERIALMATERIALMAT'L QTYPAPERPAPER QTYFinish QNTYSIZEMach.RUN DATEDue Date233/318:58 AMCUST. A2585271HSS5260 15 SH 15 / 1530X65 .02013/313/3143/318:58 AMCUST. B2585241PC 8256 7 FT 3 / 624X26 .01023/313/3153/318:58 AMCUST. C2585161TFS1010 3178 FT 615 / 61532X61.5 .00833/314/1MASTER [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
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Feb 24, 2011
I am using Excel 2010 and I have a password protected workbook with password protected sheets that uses several macros. Most of them, in order to run, have to un-protect the sheet and then re-protect it again. This has been accomplished easily enough by adding ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:= "mypassword" and ActiveSheet.Protect Password:= "mypassword" to the appropriate places in the script. All of my macros, which do various things like sorting and moving data, deleting blank rows, displaying dialog boxes containing warning messages etc. run fine.
My problem is this: when I password protect the sheets manually, I have checked the following options in the "Protect Sheet" dialog box. Under "Allow users of this worksheet to" I have checked 1)Select unlocked cells and 2)Format cells. After entering my password and closing the dialog box my sheet is protected, but I can edit cells in the manner my allowances permit. However, once I run any of the macros that un-protect and re-protect the sheet, I remain able to select and edit unlocked cells (practically, for my purposes, this means that I can input data which will appear in the default font size and color of the sheet) but I cannot format cells (which, practically, for my purposes would allow me to occasionally change the font color and size of the data). Naturally, after running a macro, the other cell-formatting options are unavailable to me as well. Is there any way to get my manual selections to remain in place after running a macro that functions as mine do? Or is there any way to make my manual selections the default settings for a protected sheet?
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Mar 6, 2014
I am running excel 2010 with windows 7. I created a macro in sheet 1 and I wish to activate the macro from sheet 2 using a form button. I have entered the code below. I know how to perform this function on a more simple macro like adding names to cells. This code is a bit more complex I just dont know where to start.
Sub LoanData()
' LoanData Macro
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Feb 6, 2008
I have a master spreadsheet that list several columns about employees(name, date, event name, etc.). Then I have an indivdual sheet for each employee. I am trying to import the column information for each employee onto their individual sheet based on their name. It is possible to import the individuals data from the master sheet to the individual sheet based on the employee name?
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Jan 19, 2014
how put picture into cell as background. it means, after it's done, if i click on cell, i must be able write into cell like before change. i dont want solution through comments or shapes because picture will be on top of cell. and not as background
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Nov 26, 2009
I am trying to place the contents of an array into a column on the sheet. I can enter the array into 1 cell (which strings the values), but I can't seem to make range(1)=array(1).
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Jan 10, 2008
Found several items close to this, but not exactly (at least that I could find). It's difficult to type what I need to do, but here it goes.
I have two sheets. Sheet1 has data that I want to look at in range A1:B7; Sheet2 has column titles waiting on data from Sheet1. If one of the column titles on Sheet2 is "Mike," I need to look for all "Mikes" from A1:B7 and pull the data automatically onto the other sheet. I apologize if confusing, but I tried as best I could to describe it. I have attached a small file for guidance. Using the attached file, take "Mike" for example. Under his name on Sheet 2, cell A2 would display 300, then cell A3 would display 1,000.
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Oct 25, 2012
where i can find symbols to place in Excel..i am looking for a warning sign,home and a large hand with the palm facing down with a pointing finger.
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Apr 7, 2009
using code to take raw data from one workbook <book1> tab <Phase1RawData> and pasting to summary workbook <book2> onto <SummarySheet>. New data is available with each Phase (14 in all) and will eventually fill all cells as indicated in the Summary Sheet Page. However raw data has in any one Phase only the columns up to the Phase its currently at. So Phase 1 will only have Phase 1 column, Phase two will have columns for Phase 1 and 2, Phase 3 will have 1,2,3 and so on (the example Book1 has two example sheets for phase 1 and phase 2 data - so each phase has a column added with the previous columns remaining.)
The problem is in having the summary sheet always show all 14 phases colmns (as in the example attached) irrespective of which Phase is being updated. So if up to Phase 3, insert the raw data available will be colmns for Phase 1, 2 and 3 - but I need ensure after that has been updated only the remaining Phase colums to 14 show. That is, if Phase 1, 2 or 3 etc are now in place, insert the remaining blank Phase columns to, and including Phase 14. Need to do this at end of each phase until 14 is met. The data up to column S is all from the raw data original sheet - Items from Column T I insert independantly as the data is transferred.
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Jul 19, 2012
I have a form with a number of fields that once submitted paste the data in the next blank row in a sheet (as below). A user will input the date of the week commencing in a text box on the form (Calendar1) and a number of days in another box (txtSupp). I need it to submit the value of "txtSupp" in the same row on the sheet under the right date of the week commencing based on date in "Calendar1". Rows L1 to EJ1 of the sheet have the date of the week commencing starting from 02/04/2012. E.g. L1 = 02/04/2012, M1 = 09/04/2012 etc.
Private Sub SubmitForm_Click()
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Jul 16, 2013
I am working on a workbook in which I extract data from a SQL database into a sheet with more or less the following format:
The aim is to extract a list of any employee that has been tagged as "NEW" in the last column, with his/her detail as per the column headings - and place the resulting list in another sheet. The extract is done dynamically and varies from month to month. So in other words the column headings 2013.MAY and 2013.JUN will change next month to 2013.JUN and 2013.JUL respectively - and so would the detail of the data below them as well. The "NEW" tag is simply assigned through an IF statement.
I had a look at most of the Excel Magic trick video clips on YouTube and managed to get a data extract from my main data sheet - BUT was only able to do the extract on the SAME sheet and NOT onto another sheet in the same workbook.
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