Exclude Minimum Two Values In Average

Dec 8, 2006

I have looked on here and I can find the minimum value in my range but what I am trying to do is find the minumum two values. Or rather, i want to find the average of the remaining values.

If the lowest value happens THREE OR MORE times, i still only want to exclude two of them. Same thing goes if the second lowest happens more than once, i only want to exclude at most two values from the avg.

currently, i have 12 values in my list.


list --> one in each cell going across

25, 50, 87, 56, 99, 80, 81, 82, 50, 100, 98, 99

i have the answer as 83.2 doing it by hand. the 25 and one of the 50s would be dropped and the rest would be averaged.

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Average Of Last 5 Values But To Exclude Any Blank Cells

Jul 3, 2014

I have a scenario where I have a rolling list of sales figures which get added to each week that passes.

I need a formula that will calculate the last 5 weeks of sales and generate an average - which I think I have an idea how to do.

The sticking point is that so as not to skew the averages, when there has been an exceptionally busy or quiet day for a reason we know about I exclude the sales from that week.

This then interferes with the averages as it either takes it as a zero and lowers it or seems to stop formulas from working.

So to summarise:

Average of last 5 weeks sales
Excluding any blanks
Dynamic enough to always pick up the last 5 values in the list (i.e. the last 5 weeks)

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How To Get A Minimum Average And A Maximum Average

May 23, 2014

Can I get a minimum average and a maximum average, I have a worksheet with days of supply for 100 stores with about 100-200 products each, the dos resides in column D.

I was going to create a summary page and reference column d.

The following just gives me the min, I want the min average if possible:

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Exclude Cells That Have 0 In Them From Average?

Jan 13, 2004

I have a list of weeks 1-4 for the fiscal month of January. I have a total column. Each week the appropriate week is updated and the total is updated via formula. The total column is just formulas adding Weeks 1-4 up. I also have an average column with the AVERAGE formula beside the total it that should give me the weekly average for January. However, it's trying to average all the weeks instead of just the weeks that I am on.

For example, Week 1 is 1,000,000. Week 2 is 500,000. Week 3 & 4 are 0 because there is no data in there yet. The AVERAGE formula keeps showing 375,000 instead of 750,000. It's averaging all the weeks and I just want it to average Weeks 1 & 2 right now, but automatically average Weeks 3 & 4 when they are populated.

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Exclude Outliers In Average Calculation

Oct 14, 2009

Is there a good way of excluding an outlier in an average calculation. In the example below will I exclude 1000 from the average-calculation.

The way to decide excluding-values can either be a percent based on the range or everything that is a higher than a user defined value. It can also be more than one outlier.
A user defined function is OK with me, if it is impossible to use the built-in functions.

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Exclude Hidden Cells In Average

Jul 18, 2007

I have a large data table that has autofilters on the headings.

I also have a "Data Summary" Sheet in which I would like to get a conditional average.

Here is my *working* array formula:

=AVERAGE(IF('Data Table'!$C$10:$C$65536=A2,'Data Table'!$BP$10:$BP$65536))

The problem is, it averages all cell values (conditional upon the C column's cell being equal to A2 of course), whereas I only want to average the VISIBLE cells that match the condition.

I have tried using a little VBA with:

Function Vis(Rin As Range) As Range
'Returns the subset of Rin that is visible
Dim Cell As Range
Set Vis = Nothing
For Each Cell In Rin
If Not (Cell.EntireRow.Hidden Or Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden) Then
If Vis Is Nothing Then
Set Vis = Cell
Set Vis = Union(Vis, Cell)
End If
End If
Next Cell
End Function

and then trying the formula:
=AVERAGE(IF(Vis('Data Table'!$C$10:$C$65536)=A2,Vis('Data Table'!$BP$10:$BP$65536)))
but it does not work.

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AVERAGE Calculation To Exclude Blank Cells

Sep 3, 2009

I have an array formula that calculates the average of numbers between two dates:

{=AVERAGE(IF('Date Range'!$B:$B>$H$4,IF('Date Range'!$B:$B<=$B$3,'Numbers to Sum'!$C:$C)))*100}

The start date is the day after the date in H4 and the end date is in cell B3. The dates are in column B and the numbers to sum associated with these dates are in column C.

Some of the cells in column C are blank and my formula is taking these blanks into account in calculating the average, while I would prefer not to count them in the calculation.

Can someone please suggest how I could amend the formula above to accommodate this?

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Get Average But Exclude Zeros AND Hidden Rows?

Aug 15, 2013

excluding zeros and for excluding hidden rows, but can't seem to find a way to do both at the same time, which is what I need to do.

My company has projects that come and go (and are hidden when they are gone) and at times, those projects return 0s because we do not work on them for a short period... so, when I average a column, I need to exclude both situations.

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Average Non-contiguous Cells & Exclude Zeros

Oct 10, 2007

I would like to average a non-continuous range of cells while also excluding all zeros.

I am averaging hours worked and the hours are found in cells:

B2, D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2

Some of these cells contain zeros at this time and I do not what to include the zeros in the average.

I have found formulas that would work but they are all with continuous cell ranges.

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Average Dynamic Data But Exclude Zeros

Feb 26, 2008

I use a SQL query to export a subset of data from our server. After manipulating the received data I need to Average one column that has been sorted into a number of blocks consisting of variable numbers of rows and post the result to the ajacent cell. I have tried the Countif worksheet function but am unable to resove the syntax problem.

Sub SumBlock()
Dim First_Row As Long
Dim Last_Row As Long
Dim iTotalRows As Long
Dim iCount As Long
iTotalRows = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
First_Row = 2
Do While Last_Row < iTotalRows - 1
Last_Row = ActiveSheet.Range("j" & First_Row).End(xlDown).Row
iCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("J" & First_Row), ("J " & Last_Row), ">0")
ActiveSheet.Range("K" & Last_Row + 1).Formula = "=Sum(J" & First_Row & ":J" & Last_Row & ")/iCount"
First_Row = Last_Row + 2
End Sub

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Average From Minimum Row To Current Row In Another Cell?

Aug 4, 2012

I would like to generate an average of Row 1 to Current Row in a column. The Average column is the column that I would like to know how to generate.





I got close with =AVERAGE(OFFSET($D$1,COUNT($D$1:$D2),0,COUNT($D$1:$D2))), but after a couple rows of it being correct, the average starts to fall.

Using the above:

Should be




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Average And Minimum Function In Array Formula

May 19, 2009

Actually with the help of array formula I"m taking out Average, Min, Max value of ranges and I was omitting zero but the problem is occurring that if i have originally zero in my ranges then Average & Minimum function is not working properly.

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Using IF Function To Calculate Average Minus Maximum / Minimum?

May 1, 2014

I am trying to automate a process involving a Grubb's outlier test and calculating averages/stdev of a set of numbers. I have the data in one column and have calculated the average/stdev/%CV of that data. I have also added a formula to calculate Max/Min outliers of that column of data. Then there are cells with IF statements that display either "yes" (for an outlier present), or "no" (if no outlier is present). What I would like to do, if it is feasible, would be to set up formulas to recalculate the average/stdev of the column, taking into consideration either the presence or absence of outliers.

Here is what I invision(cells are for example purposes)

=IF((M9 = yes, Avg(H2:H40)-max(H2:H40)),M9 = no, avg(H2:H40))

So it would calculate the average without the outlier if the outlier "yes" was present, or just calculate the average if "no" is present.

I would also do this with a minimum outlier as well, but i can set that up if this first one is possible.

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VBA To Average Range Starting From Minimum Value & Ending At Maximum Value

Jul 4, 2009

I am using Excel to use stock ticker symbols such as FDX "Fedex", to return past volume and price daily performance found in Google Finance that will be manipulated with the current VBA I am working on that will result in a trading pattern. Each trading pattern will happen at a different range in the same column. I will be inputting hundreds of ticker symbols daily so using VBA and not having to enter formulas manually in each is greatly preferred as this will save me lots of time.

I am stuck trying to find the average value of a range starting from the minimum to the maximum value. For instance, Range("H10:H20") may have a maximum value at range("H12") and a minimum at Range("H18"). I would like the average of Range("H12:H18").

Sub Fnd()

Dim MaxStartPriceRange As Range
Dim MinStartPriceRange As Range

Dim MaxPriLocation As Double

Set MaxStartPriceRange = Range("h11:h21")
MaxPriLocation = Application.Max(MaxStartPriceRange)

Set MaxStartPriceRange = MaxStartPriceRange.Find(MaxPriLocation)

Dim MnPriLocation As Double

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Exclude Zero Values From Copy And Paste VBA

Aug 23, 2013

How do I adjust this formula so it copies & paste special values rather than copying formatting etc? I am very new to this and I have looked at other examples but have found it hard to adjust my code using those examples.

Sub PrepayjournalKW()
' PrepayjournalKW Macro
Range("A6", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("A1")
Range("B6", Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("C1")
Range("AB6", Range("AB" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("D1")
Range("AF6", Range("AB" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Journal").Range("E1")
End Sub

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Sumproduct Formula - How Do I Exclude Values

Apr 14, 2009

I've used the sumproduct formula very sucessfully in a workbook. The workbook is used to monitor discrepancies routed to other departments. Column U has the status of the discrepancy (Open, Closed, Cancelled etc). The below formula returns the number of discrepancies raised to a particular department. Now I need to tweak the formula to exclude values "Cancelled" found in range $U$119:$U:417.


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Sumproduct Formula To Exclude String Values

Jan 22, 2014

Question is...in the below formula the red are pointing back to name ranges in a different tab on my spreadsheet. On that spreadsheet I also have a name range called DTCCSUBSUPPREF

I would like to add within my formula, a string which will point to that name range and exclude values if they fit my criteria. Basically I need to see values only where comp or tri dont show up. comp or tri could be the only value in the cell, or could be in the beginning of a string, at end, or in between. Below examples. I have tried (--(DTCCSUBSUPPREF<>"*comp*")*(--(DTCCSUBSUPPREF<>"*tri*") , and I would have thought the * characters would have served as a catch all.

Below is the entire forumla just in case.



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Formula To Add Numbers And Exclude Text Values

Apr 1, 2009

I need a formula that calculates the values of 5 seperate cells located in different places throughout my sheet. The value will either be numerical or display a text value (normally "RD"). If it displays text I do not want that value counted. So it literally just totals the number values.

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Copy Values Between Minimum & Maximum

Jul 4, 2007

i have found this code on ozgrid to search between a min max value, trouble is it only selects the first cell it finds. How can it be modifide to copy each value in between the min max set say to sheet 2?

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strNum As String
Dim lMin As Long, lMax As Long
Dim rFound As Range, rLookin As Range
Dim lFound As Long, rStart As Range
Dim rCcells As Range, rFcells As Range
Dim lCellCount As Long, lcount As Long
Dim bNoFind As Boolean
strNum = InputBox("Please enter the lowest value, then a comma, " _
& "followed by the highest value" & vbNewLine & _
vbNewLine & "E.g. 1,10", "GET BETWEEN")
If strNum = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
lMin = Left(strNum, InStr(1, strNum, ","))
If Not IsNumeric(lMin) Or lMin = 0 Then...................

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Find 2 Corresponding Values & Multiple The Minimum

Jan 10, 2008

Look in Column A and find the cell that contains "Std A 1" and the cell that contains "Std A 2".

Compare the corresponding values in Column B, and multiply the lowest value by .2
I've tried using various methods (find, if cell.value.instr) but I keep getting errors. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Minimum Function In VBA: Find The Minimum Cumulative Cost In Week 0 Out Of The First Three

Jan 4, 2010

Attached is a print screen. I'm struggling with using the min function in vba. I want it to find the minimum cumulative cost in week 0 out of the first three, and the copy the permutations of it (1,0 or 1, 1 , e.t.c.) to Week one column C & D of the model.

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Concatenate Multiple Vlookup Results With Dash Exclude Null Values Or 0 Return?

Jun 10, 2014

The 3 vlookup will be in a single cell for concatenation like :


Problem the are 3 vlookups where it will return names (with format -> Fname, Given Name Middle) and probably blank returns.

I have problem with the replace since there are also spaces between the Fname,Gname and Mname sample name with spaces.

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Count Daily Minimum/Maximum Values

Dec 2, 2009

the macro will track daily min/max values, and keep a count of the times these values occurred in a separate sheet in the workbook.
At first I thought simply setting up a macro to look at a predefined range of rows to find the min/max values, but some days may be missing data; therefore, I need a macro with the logic that looks for the min/max value appropriate to each specific day (which is the tricky part). Below is the detailed explanation of the process.

1)The "Main" sheet, Column A, contains days 01/05/1999 – 01/29/1999 (days are already in numerical value format). Begin in A1 and this will be the first daily value. Find the Max Value in Column D corresponding to the numerical daily value of A1.
2)Once Max Value found in Column D, Column B of same row will have the time the Max Value occurred.
3)Count time Max Value occurred in “Time Count” sheet Column C of corresponding time.
4)Move down to next daily value. Continue this process to last row in sheet.

For example, “Main” Sheet, day 01/05/1999 (numerical daily value 36165), Max Value is 1.1835 found in Cell D12. B12 has the time at 2:45. A “1” is then placed next to 2:45 or C14 of the “TimeCount” sheet. If the next day’s Max Value occurred at the same time, then a 2 would be placed in C14...........................

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Minimum Returned Based On Matching Values

Mar 28, 2007

I am trying to do a spreadsheet for my boss and one piece of it has me stumped.

Based on same "die name" I need to return the minumum quantity available.

So, in column D i have a multitude of die names. Some of them match for those that match, I need to return in another cell the smallest quanity available in our die bank (column p).

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Find The Minimum Values And Avoid Zeros

Feb 23, 2009

I have a range of values, (1,10,20,0,2,5)

I need to find the minimum values, but I want to avoid 0(zero)

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Maximum & Minimum Axis Values From Chart

Nov 20, 2009

how I get the maximum and minimum values of the axis from and excel chart? What I mean is I want to specify a chart, and output in the same excel worksheet the values for the maximum and minimum of the two axis.

I have tried various searches, but cannot come up with the answer, although I have a sneaky suspicion it in here somewhere.

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Minimum And Maximum Values Within Specific Date Range

Sep 30, 2009

I have a table of dates and values and would very much like to know a formula for returning the min and mean values for each column within a specified time (date) period.

Table is as follows

Date value(a) Value (b) ....
1/1/09 10 8
2/1/09 8 6
3/1/09 5 2

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Difficulty Adding Minimum And Maximum Values To Existing Formula?

Mar 12, 2014

I'm currently using the following formula to return values rounded down to the nearest 2.5: =FLOOR(X8*1.25,2.5)

This works fine but I would like to put in place a system where if the "X8" value is 1 the formula produces a 2.5, and if the "X8" value is 10 or greater the formula produces a 10.

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Using Scroll Bar To Modify Axis Of Chart - Maximum And Minimum Values By Default?

Sep 22, 2013

how to link axis properties with a scroll bar (two scroll bars).

The idea is to be able to modify the maximum and minimum values for the axis in case there are outliers which might cause problems by analyzing the chart.

The Guideline in the scroll bar should be set to its maximum (all the way up) by Default, meaning that if there chart behaves itself well there is no need to change its axis values.

The same applies for the minimum guideline of the scrollbar but it should be sent all the way down by Default.

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Find Minimum SUM If No Minimum Number In Row

Dec 24, 2009

I want in A1 to find minimum SUM if no minimum number in row.

Here is example attached: ...

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