Exit Macro If Sheet Protected....!
Mar 6, 2007
I'd like my button-triggered macro to exit and quit IF the sheet it is on is protected when someone presses the button. Here's the idea:
IF the active sheet protected THEN
Display "Can't do this on protected sheet" (and exit macro after click OK)
run the rest of the macro.
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Feb 24, 2011
I am using Excel 2010 and I have a password protected workbook with password protected sheets that uses several macros. Most of them, in order to run, have to un-protect the sheet and then re-protect it again. This has been accomplished easily enough by adding ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:= "mypassword" and ActiveSheet.Protect Password:= "mypassword" to the appropriate places in the script. All of my macros, which do various things like sorting and moving data, deleting blank rows, displaying dialog boxes containing warning messages etc. run fine.
My problem is this: when I password protect the sheets manually, I have checked the following options in the "Protect Sheet" dialog box. Under "Allow users of this worksheet to" I have checked 1)Select unlocked cells and 2)Format cells. After entering my password and closing the dialog box my sheet is protected, but I can edit cells in the manner my allowances permit. However, once I run any of the macros that un-protect and re-protect the sheet, I remain able to select and edit unlocked cells (practically, for my purposes, this means that I can input data which will appear in the default font size and color of the sheet) but I cannot format cells (which, practically, for my purposes would allow me to occasionally change the font color and size of the data). Naturally, after running a macro, the other cell-formatting options are unavailable to me as well. Is there any way to get my manual selections to remain in place after running a macro that functions as mine do? Or is there any way to make my manual selections the default settings for a protected sheet?
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Mar 27, 2009
I have protected several sheets in my workbook to protect the forumlas and data for being tempered with by the users.
When I try to run my macro, I get an error message stating:
Runtime '1004'
You can not use this command on a protected sheet
And the debug is pointing to this part of my code
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Sep 19, 2013
I have certain cells which I want the formulas hidden to the end user and protected so they can't update them.
I've locked and hidden these cells and protected the sheet however my Macro's fail to work thereafter.
Protect the sheet for the user interface only. This has to be done in VBA:
- Activate the sheet.
- Activate the Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11).
- Activate the Immediate window (Ctrl+G).
- Type
- Press Enter.
- Type
ActiveSheet.Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True
- Press Enter.
The sheet is now protected for the end user, but VBA code can freely manipulate it.This works well however when I go to another page and do the same it stops working on the original sheet.I would like to know if there is an easy way to:
protect/unprotect all sheets in one go and have the macros still work?
When I protect pages individually I want the following to be allowed:
Select unlocked/locked cells
Use autofilter
use pivottable
I will first save which cells are un/locked & hidden.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have a sheet for data entry. On that sheet a button to run macro to scale the graphs on sheet 2. If I protect sheet 2 though because I am thinking of letting others use this program. It gives me an error 400.
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Aug 5, 2008
I am creating a series of macros for a workbook, and at the beginning of each macro I unprotect all sheets and at the end of each macro I protect the sheets once more. The issue I am having is that even with these macros in place, I continue to receive an Excel alert message saying:
"The cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only. To modify a protected cell or chart, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Review tab, Changes group). You may be prompted for a password."
The macro will then run. Everything works as it should, but I do not want this error message to pop up. I have tried inserting
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
into the code, but it does not stop the message.
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Jan 14, 2010
I tried to use the code that allows macro to run even when the sheet is protected.
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Sep 9, 2008
I am getting an error when I protect a worksheet and save it. Upon re-opening the worksheet, I try to use the cells that are being formatted by a macro, but I get the following error...
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to set the NumberFormat property of the Range Class.
If I open the worksheet and it is already protected from when I last closed it, then I get the error. If I unprotect the sheet, then close it and reopen it, then I don't get the error. Does anyone know what I might be missing or doing wrong.
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Sep 19, 2006
I have used a small macro to format the sheet to hide cells with no entries and then print. The problem is that when the sheet is protected, then macro wont work. The sheet needs to be protected by the end user. I am only really learning excel, I could add to the following so the sheet can remain protected?
Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Range("O:O")).Offset(0, 1).Select
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End Sub
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May 5, 2014
I have the following macro so that we can use the outline feature without having to unprotect a sheet.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Worksheets("Schedule")
.Protect Password:="APQP", Userinterfaceonly:=True[code]....
However once the macro is run, filtering will not work without unprotecting the sheet first. If you choose not to run the macro, filtering will work without unprotecting the sheet however the outline feature will not. what I need to add and where to make both the outline and filter features to work without having to unptotect the sheet?
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Feb 23, 2007
I've got a work book with numourous password protected sheets which i quite often have to update (as i use around 10 of these with at least 10 sheets in each its time consuming). I've had several goes at creating 2 macros to unlock and then lock the sheets (with my password). I've managed to create on that unlocks the sheets using the password but i can't get a macro to lock the sheets up again using the password.
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Apr 1, 2008
how to unprotect the sheets in order to be able copying datas to to certain cells.
The unprotection works but only when I start the macro the second time. I do not understand why.
After I did the updates I want to reprotect the sheets but that seems not to work in my case.
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="my_password_here"
'unprotect the sheet
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, _
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, Password:="my_password_here"
' Reprotect the Sheet
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Dec 13, 2007
I have a Workbook that I use to log invoices and credit notes and it is password protected so that the cells that contain formulas are locked and therefore not selectable.
What I wanted to know is. Is it possible to lock other cells depending on what values are in certain cells?
Let me explain. I have Columns G & H which contain the heading 'Credit Note Number' & 'Credit Note Amount'. Now in columns I & J I have the heading 'Invoice Number' & 'Invoice Amount' respectively.
What I have done is to make a condional formatting so that If I put a value in cells in column G it will change the colour of the adjacent cells in columns I & J, likewise If I fill in cells in column I the conditional formatting will change the colour of adjacent cells in coulumn G & H. This helps me to see whether a row contains a credit note or an invoice.
What I would ideally like is for a Macro that would automatically locks cells G & H in a particular row that I am currently working on if I enter data into the cell in column I. Likewise if I am entering data in column G in the row I am currently working on for a credit note, then lock columns I & J in the row I am currently in.
Any Ideas how this can be done? Also can locking and unlocking of cells be done in VBA while the sheet is protected or would the macro need to temporarily unprotect sheet, lock the cells then protect sheet again?
PS: I have uploaded a Jpeg of what my conditional formatting does to try and illustrate what it is I need.
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Feb 21, 2007
I have a protected worksheet containing an SQL query. I have two cells on the worksheet unlocked so that users can enter fresh parameters to feed the query.
Because I have to use MS Query to interrogate our SQL server (current IT decree), the query won't support parameters directly when the query cannot be represented graphically - so I have to manually edit the sql command text and then refresh the query - or at least that was why I wrote the code below
The problem: My macro won't unprotect the sheet before it calls the SQL.it therefore won't update the sheet to detail the DSN, command text and number of parameters (latter should be 0) - info just used to verify queryit won't run the query / return the data as the sheet is still protected Comment: I have had to remove sheet protection in order to allow the sql to execute and return data. If protection is removed, the query does execute and return data ( changes in the "parameter" cell contents do cause the query to be correctly modified)
I could comment out the debug info but the query still doesn't return data if the sheet is protected.
Activesheet And worksheets(ndx) where ndx has been defined As ActiveSheet.Name
I apologise If my post Is difficult To follow - especially the code.
Sub AgedStockParameters()
nmb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ndx = ActiveSheet.Name
WkshtQryCon = Workbooks(nmb).Worksheets(ndx).QueryTables(1).Connection
ActiveCell.Value = WkshtQryCon
WkshtQryFld = Workbooks(nmb).Worksheets(ndx).QueryTables(1).CommandText
ActiveCell.Value = WkshtQryFld.......................
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Apr 13, 2009
I have a macro code for conditional formatting. The first 2 lines of the macro are
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ....
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Apr 24, 2009
I would like to call upon a function until a certain criterion is fullfilled. Then, I would like to have the result returned to me and exit (all) open functions. For value1 = 1 and value2 = 10 I expect value1*value2 = 100. Instead, the routine returnz zero. What is the logical flaw in the code below.
Function testfunction(value1, value2)
If value1 = value2 Then
'Calculating the difference
testfunction = value1 * value2
Exit Function
ElseIf value1 < value2 Then
value1 = value1 + 1
Call testfunction(matrix1, matrix2)
End If
End Function
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Dec 5, 2013
I use the macro below to loop through files, which works fine. Can the code be modified so that when a specific file is opened, the entire macro stops? Exit Sub only seems to stop the inner loop, but I would like the entire macro to be stopped.
Sub Loop_Through_Files()
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim FF As Scripting.Folder
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set FF = FSO.GetFolder("D:")
DoOneFolder FF
[Code] ........
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Mar 23, 2007
I a macro (Main) I start a userform (FrmMenu.show).
This userform has a cancel button (CmdCancel). When the cancel button is activated I want the macro (Main) to stop running.
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Mar 26, 2009
How can i exit or close the macro after the condition,
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Mar 28, 2012
I am creating a time tracking tool.
I would like a macro or event, etc to round an inputted time to the nearest 15 min increment upon exit of a cell.
For example, a user inputs a raw time into cell B5. Upon exit from B5 I would like the macro to round that time to the nearest 15 minutes and keep the time in cell B5. All of the cells in column B would need to have this capability.
1. How do I call teh macro upon exit from the cell
2. What is the code to grab that data from the cell in column B, round it to the nearest 15 minute increment and then put that value back into the same cell?
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Dec 20, 2013
The macro does numerous things, including deleting the sheet that was active when it is called. If the sheet is not deleted, there is no crash. Otherwise, Excel crashes as soon as the VBA interpreter hits "Exit Sub". The Excel message is simply "Excel Stopped Working". The macro also saves the workbook before finishing, and the saved workbook opens just fine, but it's unacceptable to have to kill Excel and restart it every time (I am not the main user for this spreadsheet). I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have spent ages creating a work diary and have protected the sheets using VBA however on finishing the sheet one important thing that needs to happen is the ability to copy and paste information from the boxes to another worksheet. i.e MONDAY - SUNDAY
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Jan 18, 2008
Does anyone know if there is a way to unprotect a sheet. The person who created this spreadsheet no longer works for our company and although we can see the spreadsheet, the formulas are hidden so we can't figure out where the data is being pulled in from. Any ideas?
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Jun 11, 2008
is there a code to still allow me to move between sheet tabs by using [alt] pg up or [alt] pg dn on a protected sheet?
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Apr 26, 2007
What code would I use to test if the sheet is protected or not? In other words:
If Activesheet.Protection = True Then
MsgBox "You have no authority!!!"
' Some code here
End If
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Feb 11, 2010
I have a workbook whose worksheets use protection (don't want my calculations stomped on).
When the Protection is on, the search function does not work. You call it up, write what you are looking for, it accepts it, and then when you tell it to search it ignores you.
When you turn the protection off, the search function works just fine.
HOWEVER....Other workbooks I have with protection on its sheets do not share this problem, just this one workbook. And the problem is on all sheets in this workbook. The problem is not on any of the sheets in the other workbooks. I can't see anything different between them, but then I may not know what to look at.
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Sep 4, 2013
I wanted to know:
Q1. How can we insert new rows in a protected sheet?
For example: In the attached sample protected excel sheet "insert rows.xlsx" , if for Employee ID and Name fields, the user has more no. of records than provided, how can he insert new rows considering the fact that Company ID and Name field are locked.
Or any way to address this issue via some other method like adding a scrollbar,etc.
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Dec 20, 2007
I've locked certain columns on my worksheet so that users cannot overtype target dates etc. I've password protected the worksheet.
The password protection means that for some reason the users can't use the autofilters that are on the header row.
Can someone help me solve this problem; I still need the locked cells and password protection on the sheet but the success of the sheet depends on users being able to filter for specific rows using the autofilter....
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Dec 11, 2006
When I protect my sheet and have the option to allow the users to autofilter the sheet, how come it doesn't work? I want to allow people to autofilter the data in the worksheet but not modify the contents of the cell.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have a dropbox located on a sheet which other information needs to remain protected.
How do we give access to users to the dropbox while the remainder of the sheet is protected?
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