Extract Substring After Last Space In Text?
Apr 2, 2014
I am trying to extract the last substring in some text that I have. see below for example.
12/30-12/31 Bob Dylan 40.25
I need to extract the 40.25 out. Every line item may be different but the number I am extracting is always after the last space. I tried using mid and find but this doesn't work well when there is more than 1 space in the text.
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Jan 16, 2008
(I need to do this using VBA so that it can work as an excel macro and/or a vba function in access.)
How can I extract the first occurance of any substring over a certain character length from within a string ?
eg. My string may take any of the forms given below (or something similar), how can I extract the first set of characters that is at least (say) 4 characters long ? i.e. always get the 'Phillips' out of the below...
Phillips Homes Ltd
Mr T A Phillips
TA Phillips Homes Ltd
T A Phillips Homes Ltd
T. A. Phillips Homes Ltd
The names used are only an example (Phillips could be any name whatsoever).I am familiar with Search, Len, Left, Right, Mid, Instr etc. but just can't figure this one out.
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Oct 5, 2006
i have used the RIGHT function to remove the 1L/1S and the 1L from the samples belows
the problem i have is when the 1L is in its cell there are 3 spaces before it
how can i remove those spaces so that all the data is to the left of the cell
BYA001 1L/1S
BYA003 1L
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Nov 26, 2008
I am trying to make a simple formula to populate a cell with the first matching substring found in a data cell (from a fixed list of substring keys).
Example of desired results:
Substring data: {X, YY, ZZ} (typically 6 to 15 values in real world use)
Data..........Calculated result..........Comment
AAX.................X........................Substring X was found in Data.
ABC.............[empty]...................None of substrings were (X, YY, ZZ were found)
XYYZZ.............X......................(only first match need be returned)
ABCZZ.............ZZ....................Substring ZZ found etc….
I am looking for something cleaner than nested if statements since there are likely to be a lot of values and different variations. The work would then be to copy the formula and populate the list of substrings to search for in the data. I tried some array formulas using search() but no luck so far.
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Jul 19, 2012
I've found several posts about returning variable substrings that dealt with one or two spaces, but I have not been able to find anything that is for multiple spaces. The number of characters before the substring will remain constant.
For example:
Income from transmission agreement - 83 subs @ $0.44
In this case I need to extract: 83
Income from transmission agreement - 10,312 subs @ $0.50
Need: 10,312
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Dec 6, 2013
I have figured out certain formulas that can get me pieces of the text substring, I am having difficulty finding an all in one solution that will allow me to run a macro and automate this process due to the nature of variability of the # of characters in the text string. The category and what I need to extract is as follows (Michigan Missing Zips roll up I can deal with):
MWR - Illinois
MWR - Illinois
MWR - Illinois
[Code] ..............
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Jan 6, 2014
Let us say I have the following text in Cell A1. "There is a fault in the cal cycle.Need to update the records." And in cell A2 I have the following text. "Called for backup assistance. There is an issue with numbers." I cells B1 & B2 I need a particular formula which searches for the substring "cal" exactly and returns true if present. In cell A1, we have "cal" in the text. So it should return true for me in cell B1.
However in cell B2 I need false to be returned even though I have "Called" inside the text. I need true to be shown only for those cells where we have the exact text "cal" and no text characters in front or back of it.
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Jan 16, 2010
I'm looking for a formula that can determine whether a given sub-string appears in a string. For example if cell A1 contains the string "bathing", and cell A2 contains the sub-string "bat", the formula in A3 would return "TRUE".
However, if the sub-string in A2 is changed to "cat", the result in A3 would be "FALSE". The formula would need to work with strings of different and unpredictable lengths.
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May 26, 2007
I have been working on different formulas to return the text string between the first and last space and have been unsuccessful. Is this possible?
I have tried several combos or Left and Right, I have been able to get the values after the first space, and the values before the last space, but not between the spaces.
String: Y60
Desired results: D60
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Feb 10, 2007
I have two words of differing character lengths separated by a space.
How can I remove the first word... essentially, all the charcters to the left of the space AND the space itself?
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Apr 10, 2013
I only want to remove one space at the end of my text within a cell, if there is a space.
Sub hth()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("H1", Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
c.Value = Trim(c.Value)
Next c
End Sub
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm looking for a way to extract the data after the first space in a string to after the first set of numbers (always 8 digits). The formula I'm using is not accurate since the number of words that appears between the first space to the first set of numbers changes.
Sheet2ABC1Desired results2277 xxx spzrtmhk
companies 12345678 231516990 2475.06 3199.57 23.19 street 1 739.00xxx spzrtmhk
companies12345678 231516990xxx spzrtmhk companies 1234567831528 dts powertrain comp inc
15981808 231516989 43.55 84.40 48.40 5.00dts
[Code] ...........
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Oct 6, 2006
I am trying to write a function that finds and breaks a cell about the first space.
Worksheet is:
=LEFT(name,FIND(" ",name)-1)
Have tried...
Function Firstname(name)
Dim Space As Integer
Set Space = .Find(" ", name)
Firstname = Left(name, Space)
End Function
and also...
Function Firstname(name)
firstname = left(name,find(" ",name)-1))
End Function
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Sep 10, 2013
I can do this in Excel, but I don't seem to have a single example to hand of how, using VBA, to extract all characters up to but not including, the first space character in a cell.
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Jan 16, 2014
I found this code that import TAB delimited text file. I would like to import space delimited text file instead.
Option Explicit
Sub ReadTxtFiles()
Const conSpath As String = "C:"
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Dec 23, 2008
I have a list of phone numbers in which name of the person and phone numbers are joined together. I would like to separate the name and phone number. Is there any way to do that. Example: I have the text like George9898989898, now i want it to appear as George 9898989898.
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Nov 9, 2009
I have copy some data from other program which when paste, it give as text value with few space at end of the text value ie 120@@@ (@represent spacing).
I try using text to column to delimited the space but it not working.
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Oct 6, 2009
I have a text file, which is been imported to excel sheet. There are 2 fields in the text file. Each field has to be placed in one column. The first field has values with space. Due to this the first field is split into 2 fields and totally 3 columns are imported in the excel sheet. Have set .TextFileSpaceDelimiter=True so that it would split the 2 fields, but since the first field has space in it, it splits into 3 fields. Is their any alternate way to obtain the above?
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Nov 4, 2011
I have a name field that contains last name comma first name space parenthesis text parenthesis space parenthesis text (may have a space or hyphen within then a final parenthesis).
Smith, John (MD) (Family Practice)
Brown, Alice (DO) (Oncology)
White, Joseph (MD) (OB/GYN)
I need to remove everything after the degree so that it looks like this:
Smith, John (MD)
Brown, Alice (DO)
White, Joseph (MD)
How can I do this?
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Feb 5, 2012
I am entering large amounts of text into a text box uisng VBA code.
In VBE I need to line break the text using "space _" in order I can keep the text manageable on the screen. Problem is VBA is telling me there is a limit to the number of line breaks I can have in a sub, how I can solve this, ideally would like to paste a para of text at a time.
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Mar 21, 2013
I download players names from the internet for a football program I have and then have a formula that separates their names from their numbers. The problem is that in the cell with the players name their is always a space before the name starts. How can I get rid of this space?
The current text I download comes from the internet as follows:
2 Tom Bellchambers
4 Jobe Watson
5 Brent Stanton
7 Leroy Jetta
9 Brendon Goddard
11 David Zaharakis
12 Stewart Crameri
15 Courtenay Dempsey
These are all in column A I have the following formula in column D:
The formula separates the names from the numbers but it leaves a space before the name starts such that in column D the first name woud be appear as:
Tom Bellchambers (or - ""Tom""Bellchambers)
Jobe Watson
And so on. My computer tries to match up these names in another sheet but because there is a space before the name begins it doesn't register. I got the formula above from one of you geniuses a while back and have NFI what it really means but alter it slightly so it gets rid of that space at the start of the name.
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Jun 7, 2013
Add a blank space after a specific text? I have many cells in a column that all begin with the same two letters followed by more text. Something like this:
What I'd like to see is:
ab 123
ab 456
ab 789
ab 159
ab 951
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Nov 23, 2013
I am try to get a space between the date and time but just can't get it. This code is entering the date and time in a textbox on a user form. I really don't need the Seconds at all.
This is what im getting in the text box. 11/23/20137:41:30 PM
This is what I would like. 11/23/2013 7:41:30 PM
This is the code I am using.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
edate1.Value = Format(Date & Time, "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub
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Jun 9, 2008
Need code that will indent text in a cell 5 spaces over.
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Jan 11, 2008
I import a CSV file into Excel where the column title row has column titles that are just one long text string, without any spacing between the words. For example:
I would like a method (formula or macro) that would add a space-character before each uppercase letter (that's not the first letter in the string or an uppercase letter that directly follows another upper case letter). Thus:
CompanySiteDescription becomes Company Site Description
CompanySiteExternalSystemID becomes Company Site External System ID
IssueNumber becomes Issue Number
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Mar 1, 2013
Why can't I apply text functions on strings into the file? For example: can't apply "Text To Columns" delimited by space on "Status Entry Date" column.
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Jan 13, 2010
I have a set of date of different lengths that I would like in a dropdown or combobox in a grid like fashion. Example
Apple, Banana, Orange, Kiwi
Mangos, Pineapple, Passionfruit, Guava
and I am trying to get it into the dropdown/combobox as
(without the dashes, the forum does the same thing excel does)
The data is of varying lengths, and the lists are actually parts lists, so they are long and of varying lengths each. Aside from physically going in a manually padding spaces, which isn't feasible given the number of them. The have alphanumeric characters, so jumbled all together seperated by commas is very messy and hard to read. I have tried padding with spaces using a formula but they do not line up right. I have been searching for a solution either having the entries in separate cells and concatenated entries, and still no luck.
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Aug 7, 2013
I am looking to replace the space in between numbers and letters in a text string. The number of entries varies with each row.
Example of the entries in the column I need to reformat. Each entry is in a new row.
10 SSS
24 MNL
17 HLG 18 LTN
17 CBG 17 HLG 15 HIL 15 thn 22 ALV
17 ELP 34 HLG 15 HIL18 THN 10 TTL
What I am looking to achieve:
17-HLG 18-LTN
17-CBG 17-HLG 15-HIL 15-thn 22-ALV
17-ELP 34-HLG 15-HIL 18-THN 10-TTL
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Nov 10, 2006
I would like to export some data from excel to a text file. An example of text in excel is as below. which each number is in a separate cell.
I tried to exported it as csv format and open it with text editor. it become
however I would like the text file looks like this with a space between each comma.
1, 2
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3, 4
What the best way to do it?
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Jan 13, 2009
I have attached the 2 workbook, master & transaction. From master workbook column F column name "EXIST DOCUMENT" values need to find in the transaction workbook column D column name "Documents". If match found in the column D substring field, it need to replace with column G column name "NEW DOCUMENT" value from master workbook.
The transaction workbook need to be given as input workbook, when the macro is get executed from master workbook.
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