Faulty Macro Run While Automatic And Correct While Manual (F8)

Aug 1, 2013

Is it possible that the very same macro runs kind of incorrectly while it's being run as "automatic" (F5 key) and absolutely correctly while run manually, line by line via F8 key?

I am trying to debug the code but no luck as I get proper results while run manually.

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Manual Or Automatic Calculation Option Using VBA

May 26, 2006

Is there a way of using VBA to check which calculation option is on - "automatic" or "manual" ?

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VBA Updating For Manual Cell Entries But Not Automatic Ones

Jun 4, 2013

I have in cell A2 a number, and my VBA is as follows;

If Target.Address(0, 0) = "A2" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2).Value = Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

This basically adds any new number typed into cell A2 into a list which starts in A3 then continues down through column A.

I also have another part of my VBA which says;

If Target.Column = 1 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Cells(Target.Row, 2).Value = Date + Time
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

This part works fine and adds a date stamp to my blank cells in column B whenever I manually type anything into column A, however, when the first part of the VBA works the date stamp is updated into cell B2 and I want it to update next to the new entry that has just been added into column A by the first VBA doing its job.

I think I need to change;

Cells(Target.Row, 2)

To something that refers to a Range of cells (would be B3-B5000 for example) but my knowledge on how to change that part of the VBA has now ran out!!

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Turn Off Automatic And Manual Calculation Modes Manually?

Dec 12, 2011

I know how to turn off automatic and manual calculation modes manually in excel or through VB. But is there a way to make the automatic calculation mode ignore changes in certian cells? It would be good if you could right click on a cell and turn this on/off as an option. I assume I will have to code this in vb somehow, but I am a novice. Something like:

Sub test123()
For Cells = Value.Range("I7:R22")
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Like I basically want part of my sheet to be set to manual calculation mode, and partially to automatic...

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Change Manual Execution To Automatic Execution

Jun 1, 2007

I have this codes which will only trigger if I manually execute it. What do I need to do to trigger it automatically whenever the worksheet change.

Below is the codes:

Sub Risk_Color()

Dim c As Range, myFontCol As Integer, myCol As Integer

For Each c In ActiveSheet.Range("f7:g20000")
myFontCol = xlAutomatic
myCol = xlNone
Select Case c.Value
Case Is = 1, 2, 3
myCol = 34
Case Is = 4, 5, 10, 20: myCol = 43
Case Is = 30, 40, 50: myCol = 6
Case Is = 70, 100, 140, 150
myCol = 5
myFontCol = 2

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Automtic Faulty Error Show In The Beside Cell

Aug 8, 2009

when a write a code the equivelant erro apper in the anothe cell

For example:

When i write faulty code (211) in cell A1. The (CRT cable disconnected) automaticly apper on B1

So, What is the formula for that.

Kindly find attached file( Faulty Log). You can find in faulty code that when you enter a number say (211) an automtic faulty error show in the beside cell

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Macro To Reference Cell But Still Allow Manual Input Override?

Aug 31, 2012

I have a situation where I need a macro to reference another cell in the sheet if the cell is left blank. If the user wants to edit the value, they have the option to manually input a value but if they decide to leave it blank, it autopopulates the referenced cell.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Open A Folder Then Prompt To Allow Manual Selection Of File?

Sep 9, 2013

Its been a while since I did this on 2003 and needing a pointer on 2007.

Just needing a simple macro that opens the relevant folder from a hardcoded path to allow the user to manually select the file to be used.

This file will then be used to copy from and paste to another file.

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Countif Formula: Added The Correct Amount In The Correct Cells

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.

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Check Cells Are Correct Format And Contain Correct Data

Jan 26, 2014

We receive about 20 sales files of several hundred lines of data each day from various agencies. I want to create a macro / VBA code which checks that the data submitted is correct so that we can upload it into our database without import errors and / or having to manually check each line of data.

I envisage something like an output report:

149 entries
Column A - Date - OK
Column B - Customer_Phone - Errors (Should be 11 digits)
Row 21 - Customer_Phone - Error (Not 11 digits)
Row 108 - Customer_Phone - Error (Contains letters)
Column C - Outcome - OK
Please correct and re-check.

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Sumproduct- Counts The Correct Amount But Not With The Correct Dates

Jul 3, 2008

I have a table with 3 columns of dates and then a column with Set # that I
feel in the box #.

I need to see how many items processed for each set per day.


The problem is that it counts the correct amount but not with the correct
The formula that I use is:

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Macro Not Looping To Correct Position

Sep 19, 2006

I'm having trouble with a macro not looping back to the right place. The macro runs fine but is looping back to the very beginning instead of to the DO WHILE point which is the bit I would like to loop through. The code I have posted is a little long I am afraid (with the first part being largely irrelevant to the issue I am trying to solve), but I have marked where I am trying to get the macro to loop though.

Sub Collect_Trade_Data()

Dim y As String

Dim strResult As String
strResult = Dir("K:BTSFilesMQ_FromBloombergutilities.txt")
Select Case strResult
Case ""

Case Else

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="K:BTSFilesMQ_FromBloombergutilities.txt", _
Origin:=xlMSDOS, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _
xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, _ ...............................

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Sum Macro With IF Formula - Enter Correct Value Into Column

Dec 8, 2011

I want to create a Macro that uses IF statements to enter the CORRECT VALUE into COLUMN “Q” in the ACTIVE WORKSHEET. I am providing an example of what the data set looks like at the very bottom of this post. I want to use a Macro as oppose to Formula in the worksheet because I want to turn the Macro into an Excel Add-In.

I want the Macro to do the following THREE THINGS:

1. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “0” THEN enter “n/a” into COLUMN “Q”
2. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “2” THEN enter “n/a” into COLUMN “Q”
3. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “1” THEN use a formula that looks like this:

= O8 + ( ( O8 / P8 ) * (First SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O for all the ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H and a “2” in COLUMN L and then MULTIPLY that Result against those rows with a “1” in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours). The RESULT of the FORMULA would be entered into COLUMN “Q”. Once you look at the example at the bottom of this post it will definitely start making sense. I highlighted rows 8 – 11 for you in red in the data set at the bottom of this post just to center the attention on the rows I am talking about.

Here is an example of how the formula will work:

I will use ROW 8 from the data set below as an example. From the dataset I know CELL O8 equals 10 and CELL P8 equals 76. Now I will SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O ROWS 10 and 11 for ALL ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H in this case the values are “Times” and “PM” and contain a “2” in COLUMN L which happens to equal 3, then that 3 should only apply to those rows with a “1” in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours. So now I plug that into the formula: =10+((10/76)*(3)) and MY RESULT which will go into COLUMN “Q” IS 10.395.

Here the DATA SET:

Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G Col H Col I Col J Col K Col L Col M Col N Col O Col P Col Q Col R Col S Col T
Row 1 B ID Name Org Div T Number Model Make S Function E Function Type Description P ID OG Hours Sum EA P Hours Sum P S Hours EQ

This is what is happening in Column Q Explanation of Formula

Row 2
28 28 n/a

n/a If formula populates Column Q cells with "n/a" if Column L cells contain a "0" or "2".

Row 3
404 1194 413.4740369

O3+((O3/P3)*28) You get the Sum "28" by adding all the "P Hours" in Column O that match these 3 values:
1. The "Org" value of "Times" in Column C
2. The "S Function" value "Cont" in Column H
3. The "P ID" value "2" in Column L

[Code] ...........

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Macro To Convert Dates To Correct Format

Jun 7, 2013

When I import data , the dates appear as follows in Col G sheets "Imported Data"

If I select Col G and use Text to columns and select mdy, it gives me the dates in the correct format. However, If I use the macro recorder to do this and then run the macro, it does not work

I have attached the dates after using text to Columns wjhich is the correct format.

Imported Assets *G207/01/2006302/01/2007402/01/2007511/01/2008601/01/1985720/11/1990801/01/1985901/01/19851001/01/19851101/01/19851225/09/19921302/01/1993

Imported Assets  G201/07/2006301/02/2007401/02/2007501/11/2008601/01/1985720/11/1990801/01/1985901/01/19851001/01/19851101/01/19851225/09/19921301/02/19931401/05/19931501/06/19931601/08/19931701/01/19941801/09/1995

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Importing Data In Correct Format For Macro To Run

Aug 17, 2008

We have a system that normally dumps our data in the format of column K, with all of the data in one column and the same spacing you see below in red. The problem is when the system is slow, we have to manually dump it, and when we manually dump it, it comes out spread out from column A to column I. For the macro to work without bugging out on me, it has to be in the same format as column K, with exactly the same spacing.

I have tried text to columns while importing, amongst other things, but have not had any luck. So in a nutshell I need to be able to make column A thru I, look just like column K with exactly the same spacing. The data dumps are different every day.

I have a strange feeling I will not get a reply on this question, because it is so strange, or that I failed to articulate it correctly....

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Identify Correct Embedded Chart With VBA Macro

Oct 8, 2008

I have several charts embedded in a worksheet, and I would like to use the ChartObjects Method in VBA on some of them. That requires knowing the index number of the charts I want to work with. Where/how do I get that? (For example, in the VBA Project Explorer window the only listed objects are sheets. Is there an object explorer with a chart list?)

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Command Button: Prompted For A Password And Then If Correct A Macro Would Run

Jun 11, 2009

I would like to create a command button that is available on my worksheet at all times. When clicked the user would be prompted for a password and then if correct a macro would run. If the password is incorrect then the user would receive an error message "You do not have access to run this maco" and he could go back to entering his values.

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Macro To Copy And Paste The Correct Amount Of Rows

Mar 3, 2010

I want to create a macro that will copy and paste a couple seperate collumns but the problem is that each month, and each invoice, contain a different amount of rows so I can't "record" a macro. Lets say I start on A4 which is the heading of Column D..below it are a bunch of records at the end of the records is a space. I need it to stop there. Then do the same for Column G, I, etc. I would like it to copy each column and paste in a new workbook.

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Macro To Find Correct Data In Cells That Have Multiple Values

Jan 27, 2014

Script Example.png (Picture)
Script Example.xlsx (Example Workbook)

I have a report that I pull that I pull fairly often that is in this format and shows which footage of products each store is getting (out of over 1800 stores)!

Above is the format that it comes back as. And here is a spreadsheet that shows what steps I take to find correct values in detail.

So each FTG has an ID# and Desc. The ID is in text format and each ID is seperated with a comma, no space. Description also. Date is seperate by a space and comma. Stores change footages a lot so I want to find out which footage is effective today (1/27/2014) For ex: Store 63 would have the 5ft effective right now because we are between 5/23/08 and 5/22/14. So each ID# and Ftg Description is in the same order as Date.

When I have hundreds of stores, it is difficult to go through and get each one (even with the way I've been doing it.) But my ultimate goal is to create a macro to put only the current footage ID#, Desc, and Date in Columns C,D,and E. I'm not sure even where to start with doing a macro.

I usually just find the store with most ftgs, count them, insert that many rows after ID and Description columns, then do a text to columns (comma, delimited), sort by 2nd date column (so they all come up top) and then manually go through them and delete unneeded columns once I have them all.

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Ensure Macro Code Applies To Correct Sheet & Workbook

Mar 21, 2008

I am trying to write some code that is linked to a Command button. The code in the command button is in my workbook called "MF Consolidated ACTUAL DAILY REPORT - Dev.xls" but then I have another workbook called "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" that I want to do some work with - namely delete blank columns and it is here that I am having the problem.

My problem is this: my code module is contained in my project "MF Consolidated ACTUAL DAILY REPORT - Dev.xls" and the columns that I want deleted are in the "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls". Now even though I believe I have activated the "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" workbook the action, that of deleting the blank columns is performed on the "MF Consolidated ACTUAL DAILY REPORT - Dev.xls" workbook. Why?? Here is the code that I am using:

Sub Commandbutton()
Workbooks("MF Consolidated ACTUAL DAILY REPORT - Dev.xls").Worksheets _
("Seg and Non Seg Bank Summary"). Range("I1") = Application.InputBox("PLEASE ENTER REPORT DATE IN THE DD/MM/YYYY FORMAT")

Workbooks("MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls"). Sheets("Seg and Non Seg").Activate
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim Isheet As Integer
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange................

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Jan 12, 2007

I am trying to achieve an automated macro.

I would like my spreasheet to look at cell B2, compare this to a list of information in Sheet2 and if it matches, run Macro1

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Automatic Macro To Convert To Uppercase?

May 22, 2014

I am trying to accomplish the following, when i enter a word in column C but in the odd row i want a macro to automatically convert that word to uppercase.

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Automatic Macro Run When File Opens

Mar 30, 2012

I need a code that will automatically run my first macro. The first macro already calls all the others. I just need everything to run as soon as someone opens the file.

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Macro To Have A List With Automatic Numbering

May 8, 2013

The context of my question is "Invoice Numbering".

I would like to have a sheet where I can have an incremental number. Every time I run the macro it should strikeout the last number and it provides me an incremental number.

I used such a sheet in a previous job and I cannot find it online.

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Automatic Macro On Named Cell Change?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm in the process of trying to get a macro to run when one cell, named "ImpVersion" changes.

Here's what I've got so far.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = Range("ImpVersion").Address Then
Call Implement
End If
End Sub

The problem I'm having is that ImpVersion doesn't always exist, as it is only added in when it's needed. When ImpVersion doesn't exist, I get a 1004 error.

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Macro To Create Automatic Backup Of File

Oct 27, 2013

Is it possible to create a macro that automatically saves a backup of the excel document in another desired location?

I have this formula:

Sub backupbutton()
Dim fname
fname = "D:" & Format(Now, "dd mmm yy hh mm") & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fname
End Sub

But that just keeps on making multiple copies of the file rather than overwriting the backup in the D: location.

Also, that particular macro requires me to have to click on a button in order for it to work but I would prefer that it happens automatically when the original file is saved.

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Automatic Column Data Sort Without A Macro

Mar 6, 2008

a way, without using a macro, to have a specific column automatically sort data being pulled in from another column, so that even if the data from the initial column gets changed, that the destination column will take that change into effect and update the sort automatically?

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Macro Automatic Printout Worksheets Daily At A Specific Time

Feb 2, 2007

Need Macro to automatically printout my worksheets daily at a specifi time?

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Macro To Copy Data From Sheet 1 To Multiple Pages On Sheet 2 In Correct Cells

Jan 15, 2009

I have attached a 97-2003 .xls file with data for multiple store locations on sheet 1, and the desired result on sheet 2. I am actually using excel 2007, but I dont think I need any special features that it provides.

I will try to explain the issue here without opening the attachment.

Here is an example of the Data on Sheet1

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Auto Open Macro To Find Correct Week Tab & Day/date In 52 Week Worksheets

Jan 19, 2010

I am new to VBA & not sure of the full understanding of code copied from a workbook which worked on the same principle but with Monthly (12) tabs. I thought if modified to show weeks, the macro would be able to locate the current week tab & day/date within - but upon opening, the cell stops at WK19 & column O - rather than WK43, Column N (which changes daily).

Sub Auto_Open()
week(1) = "WK1"
week(2) = "WK2"
week(3) = "WK3"
week(4) = "WK4"
week(5) = "WK5"
week(6) = "WK6"
week(7) = "WK7"
week(8) = "WK8"
week(9) = "WK9"
week(10) = "WK10"
week(11) = "WK11"
week(12) = "WK12"
week(13) = "WK13"
week(14) = "WK14"
week(15) = "WK15"
week(16) = "WK16"
week(17) = "WK17"
week(18) = "WK18"
week(19) = "WK19"
week(20) = "WK20"
week(21) = "WK21"
week(22) = "WK22"
week(23) = "WK23"
week(24) = "WK24"......................................

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