Countif Formula: Added The Correct Amount In The Correct Cells
Feb 15, 2010
I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.
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Jul 3, 2008
I have a table with 3 columns of dates and then a column with Set # that I
feel in the box #.
I need to see how many items processed for each set per day.
The problem is that it counts the correct amount but not with the correct
The formula that I use is:
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Jan 26, 2014
We receive about 20 sales files of several hundred lines of data each day from various agencies. I want to create a macro / VBA code which checks that the data submitted is correct so that we can upload it into our database without import errors and / or having to manually check each line of data.
I envisage something like an output report:
149 entries
Column A - Date - OK
Column B - Customer_Phone - Errors (Should be 11 digits)
Row 21 - Customer_Phone - Error (Not 11 digits)
Row 108 - Customer_Phone - Error (Contains letters)
Column C - Outcome - OK
Please correct and re-check.
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Mar 3, 2010
I want to create a macro that will copy and paste a couple seperate collumns but the problem is that each month, and each invoice, contain a different amount of rows so I can't "record" a macro. Lets say I start on A4 which is the heading of Column D..below it are a bunch of records at the end of the records is a space. I need it to stop there. Then do the same for Column G, I, etc. I would like it to copy each column and paste in a new workbook.
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Jun 27, 2014
How to make a formula with references to certain cells, so I can sort the sheet but keep the formula referring to the same cells as before the sorting?
In the example I illustrated the problem: when I sort the data, the formula refers to the same cells which have now different values, so the calculation is not right anymore.
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Nov 4, 2005
How can I correct this Time formula which says in the Tag that it produces a
negative Result and hence displays in cell as ####
What I am doing is selecting the field in A which equates to the lowest
value in C (C= hourly sales), then I am subtracting 60 mins from the value
selected in A. This in effect will give me my closing Times i.e. find the
cell with Zero Sales then subtract 1 hour to find what must be the closing
time (assuming of course that there is at least ?1 of sales per hour while
My cells in A are formatted as h:mm AM/PM, as is the format in the formula
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Aug 5, 2014
correct formula related to dates;
Assume cell A1 contains a date in DD-MMM-YYYY format. I would like to have a formula that looks in A1 and compares to the current date (TODAYS Date) and if the value in A1 is todays date or greater return "YES" and if not return "No".
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Feb 25, 2014
Cell A3 on my SHEET1 has the following formula =DATE(YEAR(C1),MONTH(C1) + 1,DAY(C1). It goes on like this for the next 12 months (+2, +3, +4....).
Column B on my SHEET2 has One of the five product codes (A, B, C, D, E) and Column D on my SHEET2 has manually entered dates
I created the following condition for each product code under each month in SHEET1
The formula only works for two product codes (A and B), and then yields blank cells.
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.
B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0
I have attached the sheet also.
Sheet 1.xlsx
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Nov 3, 2008
I have a column with numbers ranging from -5 to 250. I want to write a formula to correct the numbers in the next column. If the number is less than 0, I want to replace it with 0,if the number is greater than 150 i want to replace it with 150 and if the number is in the 0-150 range it should be kept the same. Is there a way to use inequalities in a formula to do this??
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Mar 11, 2013
I am using this formula for long now
=SUMPRODUCT(('[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Nov 12'!$C$2:$C$251=$H$1)*'[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Nov 12'!$G$2:$G$251)
every month i just add a new sheet and change the month name in the formula to that eg
I changed it to
=SUMPRODUCT(('[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Dec 12'!$C$2:$C$251=$H$1)*'[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Dec 12'!$G$2:$G$251)
but now it is not calculating the answer is coming as #value!.
Then I tried to add up by
=VLOOKUP($H$1,'[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Dec 12'!$C$2:$G$215,5,TRUE)
but it does not add all the entries only one entry is shown.
I want the total of the column G. looking up for values in C = H1 value
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.
B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0
I have attached the sheet also.
Sheet 1.xlsx - Speedy Share - upload your files here
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Mar 18, 2008
Excel 2003 SP2
I have been programmatically setting the formulae in a worksheet. I have various formulae:
Example 1 - =COUNTIF(Data!M$6:M$9871,3)/$E$4
The cell is formatted Percentage, 2 decimal places.
Using the formula evaluator the value returned is 56.80%
The cell displays 56.80%, all is good!
Example 2 - =SUM(IF(Data!$J$6:$J$9871=$D8,IF(Data!$M$6:$M$9871=3,1,0)))/$E$8
The cell is formatted Percentage, 2 decimal places.
Using the formula evaluator the value returned is 53.37%
The cell displays 0.00% !?!
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May 16, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that has 5 columns, with the headers:
There are over 500 lines on this spreadsheet.
The Blue headers have all the information filled in, whereas the Red headers do not.
I have a second tab on that spreadsheet with the below information filled in.
Now my problem is that I need to merge the 2 tabs into 1...however....
The codes on tabs are not in the same order, and on the first tab, they are interspersed with merged rows with the category name, whereas the second tab they are just a full list.
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Mar 4, 2014
How to get correct value using vlookup formula in duplicate look up values.
Here i mentioned a eg;
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Dec 17, 2009
I have a what I believe to be a consistant formula on lines S12-S18 for gathering the sumproducts for dates on column O. Only problem is that the sumproduct formula is not working on line S18 correctly. I keep looking it over and I can't figure out why it is not returning the correct amount for that cell.
Here is the formula I am using:
Please see attached line S18 for the error I am getting.
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Mar 27, 2009
Attached you will find the spreadshhet in question. If you click on the click here button input the following info:
the sheet will auto populate all numbers. this part is working properly. MY issue is if you look at the Bad Debt number, the correct response should in cell f21 should be $636.46 because in order to hit the next level of pay, you must at least hit $3,424,082.00. I can not figure out how to get the correct formula that will put the right pay out. Basically in order to hit a certain level of payout you must hit that next number, even if you are a $1 higher you can not get the pay out. So for example if your bad debt is $3,424,083 you would be paid out at 100%, not 120%.
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Dec 8, 2011
I want to create a Macro that uses IF statements to enter the CORRECT VALUE into COLUMN “Q” in the ACTIVE WORKSHEET. I am providing an example of what the data set looks like at the very bottom of this post. I want to use a Macro as oppose to Formula in the worksheet because I want to turn the Macro into an Excel Add-In.
I want the Macro to do the following THREE THINGS:
1. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “0” THEN enter “n/a” into COLUMN “Q”
2. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “2” THEN enter “n/a” into COLUMN “Q”
3. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “1” THEN use a formula that looks like this:
= O8 + ( ( O8 / P8 ) * (First SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O for all the ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H and a “2” in COLUMN L and then MULTIPLY that Result against those rows with a “1” in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours). The RESULT of the FORMULA would be entered into COLUMN “Q”. Once you look at the example at the bottom of this post it will definitely start making sense. I highlighted rows 8 – 11 for you in red in the data set at the bottom of this post just to center the attention on the rows I am talking about.
Here is an example of how the formula will work:
I will use ROW 8 from the data set below as an example. From the dataset I know CELL O8 equals 10 and CELL P8 equals 76. Now I will SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O ROWS 10 and 11 for ALL ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H in this case the values are “Times” and “PM” and contain a “2” in COLUMN L which happens to equal 3, then that 3 should only apply to those rows with a “1” in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours. So now I plug that into the formula: =10+((10/76)*(3)) and MY RESULT which will go into COLUMN “Q” IS 10.395.
Here the DATA SET:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G Col H Col I Col J Col K Col L Col M Col N Col O Col P Col Q Col R Col S Col T
Row 1 B ID Name Org Div T Number Model Make S Function E Function Type Description P ID OG Hours Sum EA P Hours Sum P S Hours EQ
This is what is happening in Column Q Explanation of Formula
Row 2
28 28 n/a
n/a If formula populates Column Q cells with "n/a" if Column L cells contain a "0" or "2".
Row 3
404 1194 413.4740369
O3+((O3/P3)*28) You get the Sum "28" by adding all the "P Hours" in Column O that match these 3 values:
1. The "Org" value of "Times" in Column C
2. The "S Function" value "Cont" in Column H
3. The "P ID" value "2" in Column L
[Code] ...........
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May 18, 2012
Users copy and paste source data from a report into worksheet 1 each month. Data from last month is deleted and data for the current month copied into worksheet 1.
I am trying to write a formula within worksheet 1 to check that data for the current reporting period only is in worksheet 1. For example all data from last month's reporting period has been removed and the only data in worksheet 1 is the current reporting period.
Reporting period is shown in two columns Year and Period number (1 to 12).
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Mar 27, 2014
I'm trying to find the correct formula to sum text that meets two criteria. If C2:C1023 is Equal to TEXT from J8 and F2:F1023 is equal to TEXT J4 add up the total times J4 shows up in C2:1023
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Feb 24, 2014
I have the following code, which executes just fine:
The problem is that I need to run this again in a different column, and the data is held in another sheet that I have given the variable StepTwo to.
I'm not sure of the syntax to do this. Basically - this is what I need the code to do:
[Code] ....
Understandably this is totally incorrect, but it's the best I can do to explain what I'm actually trying to do....
The two parts of SUMIF are both held in a workbook that I've given the variable "StepTwo" to. Both sets of data are also held on Sheet(1) of that workbook.
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Mar 5, 2014
Column A = persons name
Column B = number of hours
Column C = trade
Column D = shift (as in day, night or weekend)
Column E = I would like the formula that looks at the trade and time and then puts the correct rate.
I have a little table on the site with trades/times and rates. IF and IF THEN do something
I took a screenshot to show: [URL] ..........
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Jan 9, 2014
Any way to automatically update my spreadsheet align all of the cells in the correct row/column.
Attached is a sample sheet. Columns A-D show how they originally look. Columns F-I show how I would like them to appear.
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Mar 14, 2014
The text disappears when I want to correct it (protected sheet). see the discription of the problem in the attachment with figures.
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Jan 27, 2009
I trying to populate cells with a correlation function using VBA, I have set up dynamic references/arguments for the fuction to take on however I just can't get it to work. Currently instead of populating the formula into the cell, it's just populates it as a string based on what's entered below =correl(Ystart &":"& yend, xstart&'":"'& xend").
FYI - The correl function takes on two ranges,. I've predefined these below.
Sub testing()
lastcell = ActiveSheet.Range("c575").End(xlUp).Row
firstcell = ActiveSheet.Range("c1").End(xlDown).Row
Ystart = ("b" & firstcell)
yend = ("b" & lastcell)
xstart = ("c" & firstcell)
xend = ("c" & lastcell)
Range("c575:c580").Formula = "=correl(Ystart &":"& yend, xstart&'":"'& xend")"
'this works
'Range(xstart, xend).Select
End Sub
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Aug 8, 2014
I am trying to save some time converting a cut up inventory catalog number. Specifically focusing on the color code. I have the list of colors associated with their specific part number. The order cannot change or my sheet will mismatch.
What I want to do is convert the # in column A to the color code text in column b so that it matches the translated code in column C? For example
1 I want to tell 1 to = Polished Chrome anytime #1 appears in my column.
What formula should I choose to achieve that goal. As well, how do I know what data to imput into the formula wizard?
Sheet is attached.
I have Cut a few thousand items off the bottom of the sheet. I can apply to additional data left off.
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Jan 27, 2014
Script Example.png (Picture)
Script Example.xlsx (Example Workbook)
I have a report that I pull that I pull fairly often that is in this format and shows which footage of products each store is getting (out of over 1800 stores)!
Above is the format that it comes back as. And here is a spreadsheet that shows what steps I take to find correct values in detail.
So each FTG has an ID# and Desc. The ID is in text format and each ID is seperated with a comma, no space. Description also. Date is seperate by a space and comma. Stores change footages a lot so I want to find out which footage is effective today (1/27/2014) For ex: Store 63 would have the 5ft effective right now because we are between 5/23/08 and 5/22/14. So each ID# and Ftg Description is in the same order as Date.
When I have hundreds of stores, it is difficult to go through and get each one (even with the way I've been doing it.) But my ultimate goal is to create a macro to put only the current footage ID#, Desc, and Date in Columns C,D,and E. I'm not sure even where to start with doing a macro.
I usually just find the store with most ftgs, count them, insert that many rows after ID and Description columns, then do a text to columns (comma, delimited), sort by 2nd date column (so they all come up top) and then manually go through them and delete unneeded columns once I have them all.
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Feb 18, 2014
The code below works correctly on certain sheets. The code is supposed to loop through worksheets in an array, calculate the percent change from 1990 to 2012 and from 2005 to 2012, and put the calculations on the 4th and 5th row from the last non-empty row, respectively. All the sheets are identical except for 3. The sheets that are different only have a different number of years of data. For some reason this causes the macro to put the percent change calculations in random rows below the correct location. Also, the macro doesn't work correctly on one of the identical sheets.
[Code] ......
Example of how the macro runs correctly on an identical worksheet : correct.gif
Example of how the macro runs incorrectly on one of the 3 sheets that are not identical : incorrect.gif
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Aug 6, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that has been sent to multiple clients. I have discovered an error in a few of the cells:
1. a link between two cells is broken so the correct number is not showing up in the cell. It is a simple formula ie: =A15, that I either forgot to put in or deleted in a fit of madness. It is in the same cell on the same worksheet in the workbook.
2. A hidden column on a worksheet has a formula that sums a range of cells. I have discovered that this range of cells is wrong. This error is duplicated on a number of worksheets in the workbook. The problem is that the error is in the same column in each worksheet but not in the same row.
Each worksheet is password protected. This is done through VBA code so the passwords won't be a problem.
The clients have already started working on the spreadsheet that I sent them and I want to send them a "fix" so that the correct formula will just update the spreadsheet they already have rather than me sending a completly new one and them having to start from scratch.
I had this wonderful spreadsheet set up with columns that appear and disappear and formulas galore so that the client didn't have to do to much work and then I find these errors after it has been sent. My testers let me down but that's life.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have two questions:
1. Is there a way cells with formulas cannot be tampered even if they are not locked? So when I enter a data on a cell with formula, the formula won't be erased? The sample below shows that C1 and C2 has formulas but let's say I enter a value on C1, the formula should still stay? Is this possible?
1 5 10 =SUM(A1:B10)
2 2 4 =SUM(A2:B2)
2. Let's say I have a total of 125 (A1) and I need to get the answer (B1) where it has 5 with No. 3 on top (subscript) of 5? How to create a formula for this (I hope I make sense)?
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