I have a particular problem to solev. I am an average Excel user with no VBA experience, so. I want to construct a matrix with 72 columns and rows filled with symetrical values eg
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 5 7 8 1
2 5 0
3 7 0
4 8 0
5 1 0
I have a CSV file with the values in the form of {column},{row},{value} eg 5,70,8. how to get these simply into Excel? This is not a one-off operation, the text file is an export from AutoCAD and will be run fairly frequently, so doing it manually is not an option!
How do I send a text file to a usb dot matrix printer as opposed to a parallel port.
I have an Excel spreadsheet that prints labels on a dot matrix printer. Until now the printer used a parallel port. My Excel workbook generates a text file "C:PRINTLABEL.TXT". I then execute a shell command to run a batch file called
"C:PRINTLABEL.BAT". The BAT file contains the line ---------------------- copy C:PRINTLABEL.txt lpt3 ------------------------ The shell command contains the lines (not all lines are shown) ------------------- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Enable error-handling routine. RetVal = Shell("C:PRINTLABEL.BAT") ' PRINTS LABEL. Exit Sub ' Exit to avoid handler. ----------------------------------------
Now I have to deal with a newer dot-matrix printer (EpsonLX300+II) that is able to use a USB port.
How do I print the plain txt file to the printer using the USB port (LPT1/2/3 are all parallell ports, so the batch file does not work as it stands.
i would like to write vba to fill a "chess Board" Matrix (8X8) With Powers Of 2... starting with 2^0 and ending with 2^63... (i suppose, click a button/icon and have the numbers fill in/populate...)
I'm trying to write a sub function that when called will search left to right, top to bottom for the first empty cell in a 4x4 grid and insert a timestamp.
I've generated a large bulky bunch of code that seems to do the trick but I'm not terribly happy with it...
I have some quality information that is stored in a single .txt format. All the information for several different parts are stored in the same file "merge__chr.txt I then have a single excel file for each different part. I need to be able to use a macro to extract the data from the txt file and fill in the excel file based on 3 criteria.
Part # Serial # Characteristic #
The part # is always in cell "B4" of the excel file, and the first column of the .txt file The Serial # is variable, but will always be in column B (starting at row 11 and down) of the excel file, and the second column of the .txt file The Characteristic # will always be in row #7 (starting at column D and right) of the excel file, and is in the 3rd column of the .txt file.
I need this to copy the information from the 6th column of the .txt file and store it in the cell where the characteristic and serial # meet. I only need to be able to do this for 1 serial # at a time. When the current serial # is selected, I would like to use a button to fill in all the information for all Characteristics of that part. I attached a sample set of data with "QA-PRINT" as the Part #.
I have a workbook entitled "Correlation Matrix". I download data from my data provider and then update it in excel each night. I have several worksheets in the workbook, one called "MCC". Today I made a copy of MCC, named MCC2, to experiment, then deleted it. Now, after I update my data in Excel it gives me the msg, "We can't open the source file '(Path)[Correlation Matrix.xlsx]MCC2'".
The data updates fine and all values are correct in the worksheets. I've tried closing and reopening the file, closing and reopening excel, but I'm still getting this msg when updating the data.
I need to get an output better on text (excell is limited with rows and the matrix can have up to 5000 rows and lines) i tried to open the file with excel but every line is a string and i can't separet it
I have a large number of text strings representing chemical formulas. They include letters for the element names and numbers for the number of atoms of each type. For example:
C18H35NO3 C4H7S C11H16O2Na
etc. The element name has either one or 2 letters (one capital, one small), if there is no number and no small letter after the capital letter that means that there is only one atom of this sort(like in C18H35NO3 - there is one N atom). If the element is not listed in the text string it means that it is not found in that particular formula (i.e. the numerical value is 0). Is there any function that could help converting such a vector (say A1:A3) into a matrix that will have the following form:
C H N O S Na 18 35 1 3 0 0 4 7 0 0 1 0 11 16 0 2 0 1
Using VBA, I wish to work out the inverse matrix of a large matrix (100*100), but keep getting the # Num! Error. I am using the minverse function. I have defined variable as "variant", does this give me the same possiblities in terms of number size as the variable "Double"?
I have an existing spreadsheet with a column of strings (actually VIN numbers). These numbers correllate to a bunch of text files, that can exist in one of three folders (UsernameDesktop1, 2, or 3) on my desktop. What I need the macro to do is:
1) get the filename from A2 (A1 is a heading row) 2) Find the appropriate text file in one of the three folders 3) Put the folder name into I2 4) Scan the text file for some strings, and copy some data that follows those strings into J2:O2 (I can handle programming this) 5) Close the text file 6) repeat above for the remainder of filenames (about 1800 files)
Got a slight problem; I am making a "worker-plan", where you should be able to write a name on one file and have it updated (removed) from the equivalent columns on another file automatically. Here's an example with two separate projects:
Project 1 before and after changes: Attachment 257366 Attachment 257367
Project 2 before and after changes: Attachment 257368 Attachment 257369
You can see here how I intended it to work. When one worker is moved from Project 1 to Project 2, that worker should also be removed from those weeks in Project 1. The previous worker from Project 2 should also be removed from those weeks (in Project 2).
Are there any formulas that can make this work automatically? All week numbers will belong to the same columns in all files.
Edit: There are 30 files that should be syncronized, not just two.. I could also gather all files into one file with sheets, instead of having seperate files.
For a table like the one below produced for the sake of example (actual is much much bigger) I want to make it list rows that are true for a certain column for a certain variable in the matrix. So for say water terrain, which types of activity can I do i.e. swimming. Or for Offroad the activites which I can't do i.e. Run and Swim.
ActivityWaterRoadOffroad Jog nym Run nyn Walk nyy Swim ynn y=yes n=no m=maybe
I have a macro which imports data from a mainframe dump text file and performs 'Text to Columns' on the imported data so that formula in the spreadsheet can act on the data. The code works perfectly well when I use it, but if a different user logs on and performs exactly the same mainframe dump and import macro the Text to Columns action splits the raw data in a different way and the result is that the split renders the formulae useless.
I've experimented a little and for some reason it appears that the 'Field Info' parameters which are produced when the Text to Columns function is recorded in a macro differ between users even though the raw data is exactly the same.
Is it possible to write vba code that will generate a text file with ALL changes that were made to an excel file. Ex. If Cell A17 = "Monday, June 4, 2012" and a user updates Cell A17 to "N/A", I would like to know what the value was before and after the udpate was made.
I have a workbook with many spreadsheet named Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on. Each sheet is filled completely upto 65536 rows. This data is being picked up from a CSV file. In this file there are sites with each site there is a assciated set of data. What happens is the data that extracts data does not differntiate between sites and when it reaches to the end of worksheet it splits the data into next sheet. So I am trying to create a macro to check each spreadsheet starting with the last sheet in the work book for example last sheet in the workbook is seven it should go to sheet6 and if there is a blank row after row 64000 it should cut all the rows and move them to sheet7. Then it should goto sheet5 and do the same and keep on doing it until it reaches sheet1.
i'm having a problem with a script I have (script is below). What i'm doing is running a script that displays files in a certain folder, those files are then displayed on sheet1 column O and are linked so when they are clicked upon, the file will open. I also have a combo box with a input range of $O$O. That puts the values in column O in the combo box. Now here is a problem and request.
Problem first, when I select the file names from the combo box, they don't open the file, all it does is display the file name in combo box and that's it. how to I get it to open up the file? Now for a request, I have another sheet that is almost exactly as the one i described above. The only thing different I want is when someone clicks on a file name from the combo box, instead of it automatically linking to the file, I want them to click on a button to display the file.
Sub HyperlinkXLSFiles() ActiveSheet.Unprotect Dim lCount As Long Application. ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.EnableEvents = False On Error Resume Next With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch 'Change path to suit .LookIn = "c:Sec" .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks ' .Filename = " Book*.xls"..................
found the following code which works for 1 workbook at a time. I am trying to save 7 workbooks at 1 time. Is it possible?
Sub SaveAsCell() Dim strName As String
On Error Goto InvalidName strName = Sheet1. Range("V77") ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strName
It will work on the first sheet but none after that. I need to have each workbook saved with the value in cell V77. Also if that is possible, is it possible to change where the file is saved as well?
Right now I have a master workbook that will open the 7 other workbooks, paste data onto several pages in each workbook. I would like the macro to save the workbooks. The workbooks are named: 02 Tuesday, 03 Wednesday, 04 Thursday, 05 Friday, 06 Saturday, 07 Sunday, 08 Monday.
I have a macro that takes a text file as input and produces an excel file as output. I want a macro to store the name of the text file in a variable (without its file extension).
As I am looping through files in a folder, I would like to determine if the file is a text file.
The problem is that all extensions are variable in a pattern such as .078, .051, etc.
In this instance, the extensions are numeric, but I'm trying to figure out a way to handle that is all encompassing to include *.txt, *.tsv, *.csv, *.prn, etc......
How to save a file, with file- name. but the directory is to be read in worksheet "towns" in Cell1 (brussels) and filename in worksheet "names" in cell B2 (i.e. winter), so it saves to c:russelswinter.txt as a wordpad or kladblok txt file, that keeps a number, so each time we push a button "go back from worksheet names to worksheet towns" the "number" that is saved in the txt document goes up by value +1. In Flemisch, the "old" code goes as follows, and saves the number in the txt file Factuurnummer7.txt. But I want that the file name (here: FactuurNummer7) can be a variable text issue, which has to be read - as already noticed - in cell B2 (with the word WINTER). So the are 2 worksheets: towns, ans names
pad$ = Application.DefaultFilePath 'controle = Dir(pad$ + "FactuurNummer7.txt") 'If controle = "" Then GoTo EerstAanmaken 'Open pad$ + "Factuurnummer7.txt" For Input As #10 'Input #10, Nummer1 'Close #10......................
I've encountered a bit of an odd one. I am opening a tab delimited file, which has been sved as an xls. When I open from file manager, it opens correctly. When I open from Excel, I have to go through 3 screen dictating how the data is set up, and the end result is that a couple of the numbers come through as text, rather than numbers.
Failing an explanation - how do you open workbooks as file system objects - currently I am opening them using
I want macro which export each excel column to new text file. The data in excel file is number. The column has only 5 rows that means each new text file should contain five lines of one column. It looks simple but couldn't manage to do macro for it. I have very big data set in one excel file, and have to be splitted into text files. The file name in new text files can be any kind as long as it can be in some sort of order for each export.
I am reading a portion of a string with the FileSystemObject in excel vba. The data I need from the string has a variable length(3 to 5 characters long). Unfortunately if I just pull the first 5 characters from the string, it can include numbers and anything after the data that I don't want. Can someone help me figuer out how to do this.
I have a sheet of over 40000 rows, I attach a sample. Column a is called dam and column b is called damsire. Each dam has only one 1 damsire. Both column a and column b are sorted ascending. Unfortunately there are big gaps in column b. some of these can be filled in as we have the information e.g. b38 and b39 should be Manila..as the row 37 tells you the correct damsire. Similiarly b49 could be filled in as shernazar. I want to create a new column which contains a formula to fill in these blanks. of course some of the blanks cant be filled in as the information is not there e.g. b23 to b28.
I am trying to fill text in the Text area of the sharepoint page using Excel VBA. I am not able to fill this up.
Given below is the screen shot of the website part which I want to fill up. Above text box is a tool bar which activates when I click on textbox - it's some kind of RichText formatting :