Find Column A Cell Value If It Exists For Current Cursor Row Position
Dec 1, 2012
trying to find the value of column A (date field) if it exists on the row that the cursor is presently on. I'm trying to check for the value before performing the next function to make sure the user is on a valid row. Cursor could be on any column A to F. Columns are always 6 but the rows can vary.
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Jun 22, 2009
The user has multiple Excel documents available [which all contain this macro, as they were generated from the same template by a third-party software (LabView)].
The user is already working on a Word document, typing text until he decides that he wants to add some information from one of the Excel sheets. To do this, he changes to Excel, clicks on the button running the script, and the required information is pasted into the Word document at the present cursor position.
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Jan 29, 2009
I'm having some difficulties in defining my formula. I'm pretty sure that this should be possible.
I have a table containing values and dates. For each change in dates, I should summarize every value for that date. I cannot use the autosummarize function, because I do not want the sum to be beneath the values, rather in a column to the right of the values.
I have created a formula which checks for a change in date: =IF(C15=C16;0;1) where the C column contains the dates. Basically I say that the Index column should contain a 0 if the date is the same as previously registered, 1 if it is a new date.
The index column is used in some conditional formatting rules, so I would like to keep it anyway.
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Nov 22, 2012
I know you can see it but If set to default when the mouse moves over an object it changes to that object's cursor. Access had a screen property that may have detected this change. Excel Examples On the worksheet the cursor is a cross If on a worksheet you have a shape with a macro the pointer changes to a hand On a shape without a macro the pointer is 6
HOW do you use vba excel to find its current number or send a message when it changes or peek message to notify when it changes
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Dec 15, 2009
I need the cell address where the cursor is (in a non active worksheet).
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May 17, 2006
is there a control for placing the cursor at the beginning of a large amount of text in a userform testbox.
evertime i run the userform the cursor is at the last entry so the user has to scoll up to read?
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Aug 7, 2009
1-Using the Date-Time data in cell “T3” find the cell in column “A” that has the same Date and time.
2-Position the cursor in column I of the same Row.
In the example giving the Date-Time in “T3” is: 07/03/2008 17:15:00. The Cell in column “A” that has this same Date-Time is: “A97”. The cursor should then be positioned in Cell “I97”.
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Mar 29, 2014
I'm in a text box in Excel 2010. I need to find the current cursor position in the line of text in the box - using VBA.
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Oct 15, 2013
I have a choice of 9 command buttons on a form that enter a short string of text into a textbox. Each button enters a different string into the textbox. The string is the prefix to a product serial number. Once the user has clicked the button & entered his preferred prefix I would like the cursor to be flashing after the last character ready for the user to manually type in the remainder of the product serial number. I'm guessing (with my limited ability) that I have to create a function to do this & then call the function when the button is clicked ?
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Mar 15, 2014
Doing a search function where the cursor is on a row some where (unknown).
I would like to move the cursor to the first column of the spreadsheet.
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May 23, 2014
file storage
1. Look at the "Days so far" section
2. Ignore cell C1
3. All the other cells in that row are shaded blue. Look at these.
4. Look at the "Volunteer" row - all the cells in that row are shaded blue. Look at these.
5. Wherever a name - any name - appears in the "Volunteer" row, 1 is added to the previous number in the "Days so far" section and the result is displayed in cell from the "Days so far" row above that Volunteer's name.
6. For example, we begin in C1 with a count of 12 days so far - this was manually entered
7. In cell H5, we see Henry has volunteered 1 day. The total no. of days so far should now be 12+1. Therefore, the number in H1 should be 13.
8. In cell G47, we see Joseph has volunteered 1 day. The total number of days volunteered BEFORE Joseph volunteered is 15 (see cell D43). But now, with Joseph volunteering 1 day, the total no. of days so far should now be 15+1. Therefore, the number in G43 should be 16.
9. what formula l must put in the "Days so far" row (excluding cell C1, which is manually input) to give me the "should be" results predicted in that row? I'm guessing it will be a formula which looks at each row fragment of the "Days so far" row, row by row, right up to the previous cell in that row, all within one formula.
P.S. I just want to leave the "Days so far" row blank, for any columns where there are no volunteers in the "Volunteer" row, so please don't give a formula which inserts zero for days with no volunteer, and then sums the cumulative total.
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Nov 11, 2008
I require a macro to enable a selected shape to be moved from current cell location to relative position but 1 row up. eg topleft address = A4 and shift shape to topleft address = A3
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Feb 18, 2009
how can i define, in vba that after click on button in sheet1, it looks at value in cell B1 in this sheet and move my cursor exactly on this value in sheet2 where i have data in range (B4:C6000).
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Feb 17, 2009
A simple question:
I have a column of numbers, for example:
I would like to know the value that corresponds to (for ex.) 5th position from, of course, the beginning of the column, ie 8.
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Jan 15, 2009
In the following code, you will find a sorting function with a range is hard coded. Instead of hard coded value which is marked with red colour, i need to find that range value dynamically. How to write a code to find that ?
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Nov 2, 2008
I'm trying to add a textbox at the current position (selected cell) with a set size, fill color, and border color. I found this:
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Jan 9, 2013
I have in the first column something like this:
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION1 Particular description1
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION1 Particular description2
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION2 Particular description1
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION2 Particular description2
I want to to have in the second column:
Particular description1
Particular description2
Particular description1
Particular description2
So far I have this: +IF(EXACT(A1;UPPERCASE(A1));A1;+RIGHT(A1;LEN(A1)-(FIND(X;A1;1)-1)))
X standing for the position of the first lowercase, which I don't know how to get.
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Jun 25, 2013
I've a spreadsheet and I need to find cells in Column A that contains certain text and subsequently being able to compare the data in 2 other cells (column F and Column J) and post the results of comparison in Column L. Please see the tables below:
In this table, if Range("A1") contains abc, then data in Range("f1") would be compared against Range("J1"). If F1 = J1, then Range("L1") would say "ok" otherwise "needs to check" as in Rows 2.
Please note that the amount of data varies daily.
Column F
Column L
needs to check
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May 16, 2008
I have created a simple command button for tallying that will increase the count in the output cell by one every time it is clicked. It has basic code like this:
Private Sub ProductRegistration_Click()
[D4] = [D4] + 1
End Sub
On top of that, I want the output cell of this command button to switch every day. In this case, it would move to E4 tomorrow. The columns are dated but I can't figure out how to get the output cell to automatically change with the system date so I don't have to manually change it every day.
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Oct 2, 2007
I'm trying to do a formula without using a marco. The formula would do the following:
- Highlight value in column A if the value is found in column B and on the same line value in column F and I are equal to zero;
- Value in column A could match many value in column B
I tried everything I know but can't seems to make it work.
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Oct 22, 2007
I have working data on list sheet and added data on compiled sheet.
I need to match duplicates and delete these rows from compiled sheet.
I've tried coping to the list sheet and use "Remove Duplicates", but it rids me of the data that has been processed and has fills applied.
I'm looking for a macor that can do this work for me without losing data on list sheet.
This data reaches into the thousands and I'm looking to run this off the CASE column.
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Feb 18, 2008
Im trying to write a formula that will check if a name that I have in column A also appears in column B and if it does I want it to return a value for example TRUE in column C.
I'm currently doing a survey and I have all employees in column A (600persons) and then column B I enter thos that have taken the survey. So If an employees name exist in column B he/she has done the survey and then they I get the value "TRUE" or "1" or something else. So in this way I can easily see who has and who hasn't done the survey. I've been trying with VLOOK and so on but I can not get it right? Maybe I need VBA?
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Jan 19, 2008
One has numbers the other has "YES" or is blank. I want a formula to look at the second column and where there is a "Yes" then count the number in the same row in the first column.
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Jul 11, 2014
I have a data set, in which Sheet 1 have a matrix of high level showing Engineer, Program and commodity relationship.
I have to create separate sheet for each program on sheet 1, each program sheet should have Engineer name and commodity name from sheet 1.
Multiple commodities and multiple engineers should be separated by definite structure.
find worksheet with input and output (manual) as expected.
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Jan 7, 2009
Is it possible to position a predetermined cell (e.g. A42) in the top left corner of the screen. (Not every screen users use has the same size)
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Sep 17, 2009
I am working with a VBA userform and several textbox's, setting SetFocus and or TabIndex doesn't leave the box ready to accept input and there is no cursor shown to indicate it is ready to accept input.
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Jul 18, 2006
What I have is a list of numbers, many of which are duplicated, in no particular order and I really want to avoid sorting. What I want to find is the lowest position in the list of a particular value. Unfortunaly MATCH only seems to return the first occurance of the value. Not really looking for a VBA solution.
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Dec 15, 2011
When I'm moving around in an Excel sheet, I want to have a keyboard shortcut that Autofits only the column I am "in", and only to the width of the cell I'm "in". So I can arrow-key into a cell, hit ctrl-shift-W or whatever, and the column will autofit.
I try Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit but that's not what I want, it autofits every column. Sometimes this is not appropriate and I want to do it manually for the columns I want auto-fit.
I guess the more general question is how do I write VBA code for the column I am in and not every column or a specific column - not Columns("A:I") or whatever, it's going to be a different column every time depending on what cell I'm editing.
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Jan 6, 2013
I have a vba script that matches a date on two sheets then copies a formula based on the location of the date, the problem I am having is how can I refer to the activecell and active column without typing them manually as the range will change each day. See vba script below:
Sub find_date()
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
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Jul 11, 2014
Is it possible to find the location of different characters in a string (using VBA)? Normally I would use InStr of InStrRev option in VBA but my situation is a little more complicated.
The character I am looking for is not always the same, sometimes it is a , or a . or a : or a "blank" etc
I tried to do it like:
dim strChar as string
strChar = "[,.? /]"
SearchPosition = InStr ("cell location", strChar) (searchposition is the name of the function I am trying to make)
This works if I define only 1 character, this way it gives me a 0 as outcome
I have tried to change it to strChar = "[,]" or strChar = "[.]" or strChar = "[ ]" but this doesn't work.
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