Find The Column Position Dynamically.
Jan 15, 2009
In the following code, you will find a sorting function with a range is hard coded. Instead of hard coded value which is marked with red colour, i need to find that range value dynamically. How to write a code to find that ?
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Feb 17, 2009
A simple question:
I have a column of numbers, for example:
I would like to know the value that corresponds to (for ex.) 5th position from, of course, the beginning of the column, ie 8.
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Dec 1, 2012
trying to find the value of column A (date field) if it exists on the row that the cursor is presently on. I'm trying to check for the value before performing the next function to make sure the user is on a valid row. Cursor could be on any column A to F. Columns are always 6 but the rows can vary.
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Jun 20, 2008
my file was too big to attach, so to get it, go to [url] (p: SOCIALCHARM [all caps]). It's the only file underneath the 'documents' section.
This is a complex sheet, so I won't go into everything I'm doing, but really just the part I need help with. Instead of trying to explain it abstractly, I'll use a a concrete example (you'll need to look at the sheet to understand this).
The general idea is that I results from an online ad campaign (ie I ran ad X on site Y in position Z), and - given the results I have - try to optimize which ads I run where. Each in the real data (row 167 and below) represents a 'space' where an add can be run.
First, row 551:
The original recommendation is in Column T, which is Brand "Buddies" (column V). The total # so far for brand "Buddies" (col W) is less than the limit, so Column X = 0, and the updated recommendation (Column Y) is just the original recommendation from Column T.
Now, row 552, (the condition I'm having trouble with)
The original recommendation is in Column T, which is Brand "Pink" (column V). The total # so far for brand "Pink" (col W), however, is now OVER the limit, so Column X = 1. This means that excel now needs to search all of the creatives (in column E), filter out all the ones that don't match the size of the current creative in question (ie that are not of size 300x250 - E551), ALSO filter out any creatives of brands that have already hit their limit (in this example, brand "2-in-1" has already hit it's limit, as you could check by looking at X537), THEN, from the remaining creatives (ie those of size 300x250 and not of brand pink OR of brand 2-in-1), select the creative with the highest value in Column AI).
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Jul 18, 2006
What I have is a list of numbers, many of which are duplicated, in no particular order and I really want to avoid sorting. What I want to find is the lowest position in the list of a particular value. Unfortunaly MATCH only seems to return the first occurance of the value. Not really looking for a VBA solution.
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Jan 9, 2013
I have in the first column something like this:
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION1 Particular description1
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION1 Particular description2
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION2 Particular description1
GLOBAL DESCRIPTION2 Particular description2
I want to to have in the second column:
Particular description1
Particular description2
Particular description1
Particular description2
So far I have this: +IF(EXACT(A1;UPPERCASE(A1));A1;+RIGHT(A1;LEN(A1)-(FIND(X;A1;1)-1)))
X standing for the position of the first lowercase, which I don't know how to get.
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Jul 11, 2014
Is it possible to find the location of different characters in a string (using VBA)? Normally I would use InStr of InStrRev option in VBA but my situation is a little more complicated.
The character I am looking for is not always the same, sometimes it is a , or a . or a : or a "blank" etc
I tried to do it like:
dim strChar as string
strChar = "[,.? /]"
SearchPosition = InStr ("cell location", strChar) (searchposition is the name of the function I am trying to make)
This works if I define only 1 character, this way it gives me a 0 as outcome
I have tried to change it to strChar = "[,]" or strChar = "[.]" or strChar = "[ ]" but this doesn't work.
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May 7, 2012
I'm messing around with two shapes, a Cannon and Cannon Ball. With code the Cannon rotates for the angle of fire. What I can't do is position the Cannon Ball at the end of the Cannon when Cannon is at an angle. Long time since I was in school so forget most of my maths.
Sub IamUseless()
Rem this is work in progress and in NOT WORKING!!!!!!!
Dim xDistance As Double ' is inital x position of object
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Feb 14, 2013
I have a user form where two command buttons are set with the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Frame1.Visible = True
Frame2.Visible = False
Now, when cmdbtn1 is clicked, frame1 is visible and vice-versa.
However, the position of both the frames on the user form are not on the same position on the user form. Indeed, it takes the position of the design view.
I want a code which will place the frame1 and frame2 at the same place and position on user form, irrespective of its position in the design view.
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Jun 12, 2014
I am trying to work out how to get nth position of a character in a string. For example in this
if I use the formula
it will give me answer 3. But I want the position of 3rd "i" in the string. The answer should be 12. How can I change this formula to get the correct result?
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Mar 18, 2009
*ABCDEFGHIJKLMn8OPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACADAE1n1n2n3n4n5n6n1n2n3n4n5n6n7n8n9n10n11n12n13n14n15n16n17n18n19n20n21n22n23n24Position 24567141517192223272834353639404143464748493;223268103048456714151617192022232830343637383941434446485;16;20:24421432364148456791014151718202328303438394041444647485;9;2159173537384645679101416182023273032343839404144474849620253542454645679101416182327283234353738394043444647497131423414748567810141617202528303435363839414244454647
I have selected numbers to play in the table shown above from cell G2:AD7 and celebrated draw result numbers are shown in cells A3:F7
Now, suppose I want to play the numbers, which are in cell G2:AD2 and the draw-celebrated numbers are shown in the cell A3:F3.
Now I want to check cells A3:F3 with G2:AD2 and want to know in which position are the celebrated draw matched with the numbers played.
In this case the result in AE2 will be 3; 22 that means only two numbers are matched with the played numbers. Those numbers are the number ‘6’ which is in the position 3 counting from G2 and number ‘48’ which is in the position 22 counting from G2 again.
The result must be shown in column AE for all the draws as shown in the table above.
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Dec 9, 2013
I'm looking for a way to split a cell with text into two cells. The first cell can only contain up to 40 characters, the rest needs to go in the second cell. However, I don't want the text to be split in the middle of a word. So basically, if the text is in cell A1, I need to find the closest space to the left of position 40 in A1, and move anything to the right of this position to B1. Example:
Original text:
A1: One green apple and a bucket of small onions that smell nice
I want to avoid this:
A1: One green apple and a bucket of small on
B1: ions that smell nice
I want to achieve this:
A1: One green apple and a bucket of small
B1: onions that smell nice
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Jan 29, 2009
I'm having some difficulties in defining my formula. I'm pretty sure that this should be possible.
I have a table containing values and dates. For each change in dates, I should summarize every value for that date. I cannot use the autosummarize function, because I do not want the sum to be beneath the values, rather in a column to the right of the values.
I have created a formula which checks for a change in date: =IF(C15=C16;0;1) where the C column contains the dates. Basically I say that the Index column should contain a 0 if the date is the same as previously registered, 1 if it is a new date.
The index column is used in some conditional formatting rules, so I would like to keep it anyway.
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Mar 31, 2009
Find latest delay Position of each number which is in the game
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a worksheet (A) similar to the following:
Jan '12, Feb '12, Mar '12 --> Header Row
-5, 10, 2
6, -2, 3
5, -2, -1
I have another worksheet (B) with the same header Row (Jan '12, Feb '12, Mar '12). I need to create formula in cell A2 on worksheet B (right under Jan '12) that dynamically locates the Jan '12 column in worksheet A and then sums the numbers in that column only if they are < 0.
So in cell A2 on worksheet B (under Jan '12) I'd have -5 (only -5 is < 0), in cell B2 on worksheet B (under Feb '12) I'd have -4 (-2 + -2) and in cell C2 on worksheet B (under Mar '12) I'd have -1.
I've tried several variations of sumproduct, sumif, index, etc. with no luck.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have this code below that deletes any single occurrence of a customer number but the "Customer Numbers" must be in column A.
I would like to change the code below to instead look for the "Customer Number" column by name, rather than by column A. My "Customer Number" column will always be in row 1, but yet, it will be in a different column letter every time I run the report.
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Apr 20, 2009
In the attached sample workbook I am trying to add the vendor number down the column H for each PO. I have copied a few of the numbers into the column, (in red), to show the desired result.
Basically, I will have a report daily with a variable number of suppliers, and variable PO's for each supplier. I need to add the vendor # to each row.
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Oct 6, 2011
I have a worksheet that has a column labeled "Sort Order". It is always the farthest, right-hand column. I also have a macro that sorts and re-numbers the data in that column.
My problem is that I am constantly inserting columns, so the label/count of the actual column to be sorted changes. How do I write the VBA code to automatically determine the last column?
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May 26, 2009
How to find position of lust number in column (non macro preferably).
For number 1 match will return 3 but I need 9 (and I can't sort column opposite)
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Jan 9, 2014
I have 6 column charts that are supposed to be identical. There are 12 pair of columns per chart. Some chart's pair are centered over the tick and some pair are to the right of the tick and I can't figure out how to make them all the same.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have e.g. 3 colums, A, B and C.
In column A there is A number on every row.
In column B there is a number on ever row.
In column C I want to compile a new list such that if a number in column B is X (eg 1) the number from column A at the corresponding cell should be copied to column C. I want there to be no empyt cells in column C. So for the list below, the number in column A should be copied to C if its corresponding B cell is 0.
[Code] .......
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May 16, 2014
I am trying to hide a column titled "Test". This column is usually column E, but it is possible it can be moved to column D or F. If I use:
[Code] .........
Then column E is hidden, regardless of whether Test is moved left or right. The reason Test moves is due to the user inserting or deleting a column.
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Dec 12, 2009
I am trying to create a schedule using colors. The colors will indicate the start time, break time, lunch time, break time (second break) and end time. see attached document.
Thank you for attempting to solve this puzzle using formulas and or VBA code. I am trying to automate the schedule so the numerical times automatically appear when I "paint" the schedule.
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Nov 10, 2011
I will be working with an array of data approx 500 rows by 50 columns (eg Sheet1!$A$1:$CV$500) in which I will need to check if approx 1000 unique values exist and in which column they appear in. Each unique value should not appear in more than 1 column. Once identified, I need to return the header value at the top of the relevant column.
My thoughts on approach would be perform a lookup of some sort to identify the column number and then use that within an index formula to return the header value based on the column number.
However, I'm not sure how to perform a lookup to get the column number. A match formula can, as far as I am aware, only lookup against a single column or single row.
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Mar 15, 2013
Data manipulation question here: how to dynamically filter and sort a multi-column data set? My end goal is to be able to (1) quickly collapse all columns into one single column, (2) remove all duplicates, and (3) sort the information in ascending order. A reference sheet is attached in case it's useful.
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Feb 12, 2014
So I have exported a canned report showing me payments by day and it is EXACTLY what I need EXCEPT the dates don't repeat (and it has spaces and some headings but those aren't a big issue). Anyway, I need to dynamically fill in these dates for an entire year.
To be clearer, column A starts off with 1/1/2013 and column B has payment amount, column C check number, D invoice number etc.
But the rest of the cells in Column A for 1/1/2013 after the first row are blank until you hit the payments for 1/2/2013. Then 1/2/2013 is listed once and then blank (or junk header data at a page break) until 1/3/2013 and so on. And of course there are different numbers of payments for each day.
I'm looking to dynamically fill in the dates so that I have a real data /flat file that analysis can be run on. I have some ideas ... Could probably incorporate a "do until" statement somehow...
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Jan 7, 2009
Is it possible to position a predetermined cell (e.g. A42) in the top left corner of the screen. (Not every screen users use has the same size)
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Jul 11, 2014
I have a data set, in which Sheet 1 have a matrix of high level showing Engineer, Program and commodity relationship.
I have to create separate sheet for each program on sheet 1, each program sheet should have Engineer name and commodity name from sheet 1.
Multiple commodities and multiple engineers should be separated by definite structure.
find worksheet with input and output (manual) as expected.
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May 27, 2014
There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.
First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.
Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.
The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.
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Sep 19, 2006
Is there an easy to use macro or VBA function to delete the rows with "position" column value of a zero? I have both positive and negative values in the column. I tried to put on filter but am not sure how to make it a rule based function: i.e. show only < 0 <.
Date Type NamePosition
2006/09/20CRGTom 0
2006/09/20CRGMark 58371
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