Find Function Had Runtime Errors

Jul 16, 2008

My code here searches for a number from my (mActiveSheet) to see if it matches any number on my "Finanace" sheet. With this code, if the number on my (mActiveSheet) isnt on my " Finanace" sheet, then the proram gets a run time error 91. It happens when my SSRmatch is empty, and it blows up at the line of: If SSRmatch = SSRR, b/c my SSRmatch does not have anything in it. Can anyone help by not having it to blow up, and just move on to my code where if my SSRmatch is nothing?

Do Until z = LastRow
If SSRR "" Then
Dim SSRmatch As Range
Set SSRmatch = Range("B5:B100").Find(What:=SSRR, After:=Cells(50, 2), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
'I have everything I need when it is equal to true:
If SSRmatch = SSRR Then

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Runtime Error '91" Using Find Function

Apr 27, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a large amount of data, and one thing I need to do is Find the maximum value in a column and then select it. I was originally using an If loop to find it, but I would like to make the code more efficient by using this method. My code is as follows:

Function FindCells()

Dim FindData As Long
Dim Row_Number As Integer


FindData = ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 15).Value
Range("L5:L2000").Find(What:=FindData, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

Row_Number = ActiveCell.Row
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 14).Value = Row_Number

End Function

This string of code works fine, but it doesn't find the right value. Cell (6, 15) contains the maximum value but excel treats it as a whole number. If I try to change the data type of FindData to double or to string I get a Runtime 91 error. If I change LookAt to xlWhole I get the same error.

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Copy And Paste Macro Receiving Runtime Errors

Sep 4, 2007

I am getting a Runtime Error 13 Type Mismatch on some code that I am using. This macro was created to copy a range of data, prompt the user to open a specific workbook, prompt the user to select the uppermost left cell in the range, copy the data and then save and close.

Sub Copy_data9111() ...

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Catching Errors When Using The Find / Replace Function / Replace All

Apr 20, 2006

Need assistance with the code for catching errors when using the find / replace function in excel? In particular, I am trying to write code to break to an error message when the value or string searched for isn't found in the find / replace. At the minute I have just copied the standard code using a macro and all this does is return a message box saying X entries replaced.

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Hiding Runtime Errors: Refreshes A Specific Data Range That Imports Data From A Text File

Nov 25, 2009

I have a macro that first refreshes a specific data range that imports data from a text file as such:

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VBA Index Match Function With Errors

Sep 29, 2013

I'm trying to replicate the iferror index match function from excel into vba. The excel version is


Which works fine. In vba I have:

Cells(i, 19) = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
Index(Sheets("billing-data").Range("B:B"), _
Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("payment-data").Range("c" & i), _
Sheets("billing-data").Range("C:C"), 0), 1)

There are some mismatches and I get an error message with this which prevents the all the data from being displayed.

I'd like to show Cells(i, 19) as null or blank if there is a mismatch or error.

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Formula To Find Errors

Jan 15, 2010

I need a formula that will check a few things and if it finds an error the word error will appear in the cell, the details of which are in the attached spreadsheet.

I have worked on this a great deal and cannot seem to make a formula with the proper logic. There is a sample of an error in the spreadsheet.

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Offset IF Function That Checks For Mathematical Errors?

Aug 11, 2014

I have an IF Function that I want to use to check mathematical errors between two sheets. For example Sheet2 is where I put all my material prices and Sheet1 cell A1 shows the total amount that is one Sheet2. On Sheet1, I have an IF Function in B1 that does the same calculation A1 does, but will display "ERROR" if A1 does not Match B1.

The IF Function works, my problem is that I want this to work from B1:B100 on Sheet1. But on Sheet2 the next SUM would be from row 42 to row 59.

How can I make and IF Function from B1:B100 on Sheet1 offset every 20 rows on Sheet2

For example:

Sheet1 B1 would be:


Sheet1 B2 would be:

[Code] ......

I need to do this without having to manually enter each range to sum up.

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Find Min In A Column While Excluding 0 Or Errors

Nov 1, 2008

I am having trouble figuring out a way to get around this situation:

I have a to find the minimum in a range. I have used =Min(range)

However, i wish to exclude 0 values and n/a errors in the case no data figure in one or more cells of the range.

Could you please help me figure out a way?

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Match Function To Return Column Number For Matching Date Errors?

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to use some vba match function code to return the column number of the matching date. The date will be stored in a date variable.

Every time I run this code I normally get a match error even though the date is in the worksheet and the variable matches that date.

See below:

[Code] .....

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Function Works But Get Runtime Error 13?

May 20, 2014

This is a function to add the ascii values of a string to give a single value. Initially I wrote this as a Sub routine and it worked fine, but when making it into a function, I get this error. From a little research it appears that you can not use a string as an argument for a function call, yet that defeats the object of this particular function.

The intention of this function is that it works on a name in a given cell and the value (an integer) that is produced is then displayed in another cell, or if using it as a formula, the cell the formula is in.

I simple wrote the work "Hello" in cell A1 the ascii values of these added ignoring any spaces give 500 which is correct.

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QueryTable: Find The Balance On Sheet2 From The Querytable At Runtime

Dec 5, 2008

See the attached spreadsheet with a macro that gets the querytable in Sheet1. In sheet2 there is a formula to get one of the balances from the querytable result. Is there a way to find the balance on sheet2 from the querytable at runtime so that I do not have to download it to Sheet1? Then I could do away with Sheet1 altogether.

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2007 Right Function With Embeded Find Function

Mar 26, 2009

I have a range of cells, for this example I will use 2.

Cell E17 = 77/170
Cell E18 = 8/9

Using the following formula: =SUM(RIGHT(E17,FIND("/",E17)))+SUM(RIGHT(E18,FIND("/",E18)))

This bring back an #VALUE! Error as the second part of the formula keeps picking up "/9" however the first part works fine, displaying "170"

Now if I use:
It all works. The problem is that I need this to be automatic using the above way means having to add a "-1" to every formula for a cell with only 1 char to be added.

Using the formula:

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Using The Find Function

Dec 8, 2008

So I have 2 worksheets. One has a list of Player Names. The other has a list of Plays that any of these players could have been involved in (or they may not have been involved in).

I am trying to use the find function to find anyone of those player names from sheet 1 in each of the plays. My functions currently stands at

=FIND(('Dinas Roster'!$A$2:$A$21),I6,1)

Where Dinas Roster is the list of players and I6 is a particular play and would go to I7, I8....which are the plays,

This isn't working as I am getting all #Value. If I just do it for 1 Player (i.e. Dinas Roster'!$A$2) it works and returns a number on each line that player shows up in...

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Find Anywhere Function

Mar 7, 2007

I need a find anywhere function.
text to find is in ZZ1
area to find the text is A1:BB500
It could be anywhere in that area.
I don't want to do the find command 1000+ times for all the data i need to search for.
Vlookup is just column A, i need column A:BB
I have no idea what column or row it would be in.
basically, look for text from sheet2A1 anywhere in sheet1

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Find & Add Function

Sep 28, 2006

I'm looking for something simple that will let me type in a 5 digit numeric value and then when it finds the associated value, will add +1 to the associated col/row.

Such as, type 11111 in the box, click the button...When it finds the data on say row 8, col A it will then add +1 to row 8, col G.

I'm not sure of the best way to do this...I'm not exactly new to excel, but it has been a VERY long time (10 years!) since I've used it in this aspect...Just trying to help a friend out.

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Find Function In Vba

Jun 12, 2007

I have this source data that has different types of currencies in it. It will be processed by a marco. But Before i do the processing, i would like excel to check if all currencies in the source data have had their rates determined by the user in another worksheet. This is the code i am using. However, when the marco trys to find rates that has not been determined (cannot be found in remarks sheets), it will just skip the msgbox code.

Find = Cells.Find(What:=local_currency, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Select

If Find = True And ActiveCell.Next.Next.Value <> "" Then
Find = Empty
MsgBox "The currency " & local_currency & " does not exist in the currency list"
End If

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Expansion Of FIND Function

Jan 30, 2014

I want the create the following summation function (probably with the use of FIND).

You have 3 columns:
- Column A containing values; a, b, c, d, e
- Column B containing values: 1, 2, 3
- Column C containing ad randum values f.e. lengths

I want the achieve a summation of the lenghts with the following conditions 'a' in column A AND '1'in column B.

Apart of this a summation of the lengths with the conditions 'a' in A AND '2' in B.


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Match & Find Function

Jan 8, 2009

In Sheet 2 i have a 1000 of data contains the birth date of following customers

The result i want in Sheet 1 is
particular on todays (Say on 27-11-2008) date how many customer are having birthday, supoose there 10, or 8 wahtever should show me the list.

I tried this formula


but by this formula it only show one customers birthdate what i want if there 10 differenrt customer those same birthdate it should display all the 10 date and name in diff rows

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Find Function Macro

May 11, 2009

Attached is a sample in which Column"B" contains Total IDs and Column"D" contains worked labour IDs. Now I want the IDs of labour who have not worked in Column"F".

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Function Find Last Week

Dec 20, 2009

Need a function that returns the days from the last week of a month?

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Optimization Of The Find() Function

Feb 16, 2010

I use a lot the function “Find” in Excel but the problem is that it takes a lot of time, so I’m searching for another function or code that can be faster than that, the Worksheets that I use in Excel contain thousands of sheets so it takes hours to execute the Macro.

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Find A 9 Within A Range Using A Function (T/F)

Nov 4, 2005

I need to try to cobble together a function nest or whatever I have to do, which will tell me if the number 9 exists anywhere within
a range of cells. The 9 could be just one character of a larger number (i.e. 1496), or it could be just a nine. I know that I could
use filtering or use the find feature with the dialog box, but I need a formula instead. Also, I just need to know a true or false;
I don't need to know where the nine is or any other info. I just need to know if it is there.

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RND Function And Match To Find Value?

May 8, 2012

I have a column of values (text) to choose from. I need to randomly assign them to names.

There are more values then names.

Each name has to have a value.

Each value has to be used only one time.

Not every value has to be used.

Column B contains names, column Q contains values.

Now. So far I've come up with below:

Sub randomize()
Dim Random As Integer[code].....

"Random" returns exactly the amount of values in column Q, so this works ok.

"i" counts iterations correctly, meaning as many times as names in column B.

I tried useing Match to rule out already used value but this code returns "unable to get Match property of the WorksheetFunction class" error.

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Find Function Not Working

Jan 7, 2013

I have a worksheet with dates on and have user form to display dates within a range. I have created some code, but the find function errors and says it cannot find this value on the sheet, but it is definatly there. This is my code: I have added an asterix to where it errors and says it cannot find the value

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
Dim lbtarget As MSForms.ListBox
Dim rngSource As Range
Dim FoundFrom As Range
Dim FoundTo As Range
With Worksheets("Calender")


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Using Range.find Function

Mar 3, 2010

In a database, i need to search and select the cell that contain a given string. If found, from that cell range, i want to grab some info using the offset command.

I'm trying to use the Range.Find function. I got an error on my formula

what: "IP_"
From cell ("T1)
Look in Whole cell
Look by Row

[CODESub GetInfosFromData()
Dim st As Range

st = WorksheetFunction.Range.Find("IP_", Range("t1"), , xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext, True)

If SG IsNothing then ' A match occured
' do the process
End Sub][/CODE]

how do i tell the subroutine to look for any subsequent match (Next)

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Find Function Over Two Spreadsheets

Jul 1, 2005

I have two spreadsheets, which have over 10,000 entries and I am trying to compare them both for duplicates. I would like to know whether or not there is any VBA coding which will allow me to copy a cell from one spreadsheet and look for it in the other spreadsheet.

The major problem which I am facing is the information which I am trying to look for is constantly changing and therefore is more or less unknown to me. I am hoping for some VBA coding which will allow me to copy whatever is in cell A1 and find it in the other spreadsheet which I have, and then do the same for A2,A3 and so forth.

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VBA Find And Next Record Function

May 14, 2006

how to make the << and >> buttons as well as the find button work on this form. Here is the code for the >> (next Record) button. I think if I can understand how one of them is supposed to work I can do the rest. I have been trying for days to figure it out, and even with RoyUK's help I still can not get it to work....

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Find Function Error

Feb 2, 2007

I am having trouble with the following code. When I put in a value in C8 that is on the list being searched (A2:A27), the Answer is still coming up as false (ie, the find function isn't finding the variable in the list, though it is there). I'm guessing I'm using incorrect syntax somewhere.

Dim Answer As Boolean
Private Sub CalcBi_Click()
Dim Pledge, Edate, PR, PPA, EEA As Double
Dim Due, Chdate As Date
If Range("C6").Value = "" Or Range("C8").Value = "" Then
Exit Sub
Pledge = Range("C6").Value
Edate = DateValue(Range("C8").Value)
Set rngschedule = Worksheets("Bi Weekly Schedule").Range("A2").Offset(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Range("C8"), Worksheets("Bi Weekly Schedule").Range("A2:A27"), 1), 0).....................

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Find Function Debug

Feb 15, 2007

What I'm doing in this script is taking a whole bunch of variables and pasting them into a seperate sheet "Checks" which will construct a cashiers check. The problem is where I've highlighted the code in red. At that point I have copied the Vendor name to the clipboard - I then go to the "Vendor Info" page and search for that Vendor name. If that name exists on the page it works perfectly...moving one column to the right, grabbing the Address Line 1 and dropping it into the check, then going back and grabbing the Address Line 2 and dropping it into the check. The problem is when that Vendor name doesn't exist in the "Vendor Info" page...I want it to just paste two blank cells into the check (because I obviously don't have the address info for that Vendor)...but instead it gives me an error:

Run-Time error '91':

Object variable or With block variable not set

Sub Checks()
' Checks Macro
' Macro recorded 2/14/2007 by Derek Minner
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _

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