Find Particular Text And Do Summation Till That Point
Aug 11, 2014
This is part of the bigger excel sheet. I would like to write a macro to find the column D6 based on the location of text 'committed total' . Then addup all numbers from E6 to V6 and write total in W6. Then add d6 and w6 and place it in X6.
I have a set of task descriptions that I am attempting to trend on. Some of these (Column B) have the customer's name added to the description; others do not. I need to be able to make a list of task names (ColumnA), removing the name from the text string.
The formula I am using is [=LEFT(B3,FIND("for",B3)-2)].
The problem I am having is when the description does not contain the "for" built into the formula, I get "VALUE" error. What adjustment can I make to the formula to pull over the Description if the "for" does not appear in the text string?
The top row is just 0, 1, 2, 3 The bottom row is something like: 850, 790, 200, 250
Here's the problem: I want to find the midpoint of the data set in row 2, based on the values in row 1. So, the sum of the data in row 2 in this example is 2090, meaning the midpoint is 1045.
If we were traversing along the top row as a line, we'd find that midpoint somewhere in the 0.3 range... but how do we get that value?
I now have a XY scatter graph with 109 individual points (representing schools) and a macro that tells you the plot details when you hover over. It's ok if you want to know which school is down the bottom but if you don't know where the desired school is in the first place, it's a lot of trial and error before you find it.
What could I look to add that gives the user the option to have a single data point highlighted (on selection?) so they don't have to manually look for it?
I'm trying to create a macro that when run, scans Row 12 (only after column E), Finds the first empty cell, then inserts the cell value from Sheet4 CellE8. Then the hard bit begins. I need it to insert cell info in all the cells below it, from different locations...
For example
In the above sheet, I need it to go to cell D2 and insert the values from Sheet4 CellE8, Then proceed to D3 and insert data from Sheet3 D4, then to cell D5 and insert data from Sheet1 A7, etc etc
I dont mind doing each cell individually, but they will always be in the same column (and row 2 "Value" will always be the one that determines the next empty column).
My data is set out in columns, where alternate columns provide day numbers for given years (we can call these type 1 columns), with adjacent columns containing values which correspond to those type 1 column day numbers (we can call these type 2 columns). There are about a hundred columns in total (50 of each type). I would like to get excel to return the three largest numbers within each type 2 column, but I want to exclude data within the type 2 column above the point which is adjacent to a specific (varying) day number in the type 1 column. The location of this point varies for all the type 1 columns, according to a third row of numbers (the look up start point), which are currently listed below the dataset in every type 1 column. So, for the type 1 column "year 1", I would want Excel to ignore the values 0 and 1, which are listed next to day numbers 78 and 79, and begin looking for the three largest values down the column starting from the value which is adjacent to 81 (which is a 2). In type 1 column "year 2", excel would start looking for the largest values from the cell adjacent to 78, so it would ignore the 18 at the top of the column,and would return 2 and 12. And so on.
I have a pivot table as shown below which is pretty straight forward however I am trying to create a macro that will automatically change the point name to match the point name in column E then copy that resulting dispaly to another sheet then pick the next point name in line and do the same thing and repeat for 50 rows, so my end result will be 50 pivot tables ready for printing. I can do this manually but I am trying to make it automatic...BTW the point names in column E change everyday but the pivot table supports the name changes.
Option Explicit Sub PointName() Dim Ws As Worksheet Dim Rng As Range, Cel As Range
Set Ws = ActiveSheet Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp))
For Each Cel In Rng Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "
Ws.Columns("A:B").Copy Sheets.Add With ActiveSheet .Paste .Name = Trim(Cel) .Range("A1").Select End With Next Ws.Activate End Sub
I turned it off for a while and when I turned it back on I am getting an error Unable to set the _Default property of the PivotItem class
Debugger is highlighting
Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "
I'd like to send data from an excel sheet to an XML file that already exists. Is there a simple way to use XPath to point to a tag (in which I would want to insert text) using VBA?
I am trying to return the first occurrence of a variable text string with-in brackets for all data on the spreadsheet using the "RIGHT" excel function, the text to search is in column D.
Example for cells D2 & D3 reads:
D2:Adv Costs (27a) - would return "27a" D3:Designer Unit (60) (Base) (50abc) - would return "50abc"
How would one go about creating a macro that would sum values in column G based on a condition in F ( a "SUMIF" basically) until the end of the range?
The condition would be so that the first blank cell in Column G (starting from column G9 ie Range("G9").End(xlDown).Offset(1,0) would contain the sum of everything above up until the word "Total" (or even the string of 5 characters from the left say "Total") appear in Column F - (the word Total appears a few times in column F, so it should detect the first applicable one)
The idea would be to have this repeated / looped until the end of the data range
Attached is an example and I hope what I have written makes sense
As for the worksheets:
"Final" is what it should look like (Blue Cells represent manual calculations)
"Working" Sheet is where I have it up to now
The sheet "Original" has a button that recreates everything up until where "Working" Sheet is
Can I have a macro code to insert a row from column A:K.
I have data in column L to IV which I want to stay as it is. i.e. for example when a row is inserted from A:K, that row should not extend beyond Column K.
I have a problem with a very simple Lookup (please see attached). When I copy/drag down the dropdowns in column A and the Lookup formula in column B, the lookup up does not recognise the value in column A till I save the sheet. The same if I select a different value from the dropdown i.e. the lookup only works when I save the sheet. Am using the wrong Function to do this or it something else.
I am running a formatting excel, and I will also need to select from cell P30 till last row, then sort alphabetically by moving the other rows data too.
I need help on Excel 2007 Macro , the below coding searches for a string "recvtiming" in a cell as a wildcard and delete it entire row once it founds it in a single active sheet.
1. How do I manipulate it to search for the same string and upon finding
a) Delete its cell content and all the contents from its right hand of side till its last column which have a value from the same row on all 50 sheets in the workbook.
I have written an SQL Stored proceedure which drags this information into excel.
All is well here, however because the information changes regularly adding and subtracting in row length it means I am having issues writing code for sums as a standard macro is absolute and not realative.
I need to be able to search through category(column H) and match with machine size category. Then for each category split up total time spent on each function. Granted this will be 6 formulas. I've searched through the forums and came up with what I have....
I try to add some numbers, it will display ### symbol rather than that Value.If i give Summation for 10+10+10+10+10 the result displays ### than 50. How to resolve this?
how to make a summation formula in excel (not simply adding 2 numbers together)? I have one cell that I would enter a number into, and another cell which would specify the limit. So if the first cell A1 = 1, and cell A2 = 50, then the 3rd cell would automatically add up every number "n" plus 1 until n=50. ie: (1+1)+(2+1)+(3+1)+...+(50+1)=result. The limit would have to be flexible, so if I change the 3rd cell to 70 then it would calculate to 70.
If Cell "B55" Cell is selected and I want to Select all the above rows to select till Row 1. Selected Row mught change Say B66 or B82 (Dynamic)
Whatever may be the Cell Selected, The result should be The above rows should get seleted. So that I want to delete the rows easily
HTML Code: ws.Range("B55").Select Range(ActiveCell, Activecell.Offset(-55,15)).Select 'This cannot work if the selected Cell is 65, So this should be Dynamic till above Range 1)
I've uploaded my spreadsheet. I asked my professor if our formula had to take into account whether or not our payment would be changing. As long as I calculated the initial amount - which worked out to be around 30 dollars, I could assume I paid that amount for the entirety.
My latest Mastercard statement shows a balance due of $1,696.96.
Based on recent bills, assume that the minimum payment amount is computed as follows
(balance_owed)*(annual_interest_rate/12) * 2, then rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount.
The minimum payment amount is the amount calculated above or $25.00, whichever is the greater amount.
The annual interest rate for purchases is 11.24%. If I make no more purchases and always pay my bill on time how many years and months will it take be pay it off at the current minimum payment amount each month?
How much total interest would I pay if I repay the loan this way?
What fixed monthly payment amount would pay off the debt in 2 years?
Assume monthly compounding of interest. All calculations are to be done in the Excel worksheet.
The functions NPER() and PMT() will be useful. Note that either the Present Value or Payment amount should be negative (not both) because of conventions concerning the direction of cash flow."
I need a formula to sum all E3 cells starting from sheet "Joe" to the last sheet i have, without being obliged to modify the formula for each new sheet i create and which by default is created in the end. something like: =sum(Joe:my last sheet created!E3)
Also,do protected cells in some of the sheets affect this formula calculation?
can i use the countif question to make it count till a particular row based on the value . for instance if i want the countif till value 45 is met i.e i want countif to count till the row where 45 value is housed
Attached is my sample data...Indicative Data_Revenue 2.xlsx
My aim is to populate columns C to G (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) automatically via vba against a particular account name(in expected output tab).The account names will have a Key word (listed in the "List Of Account" tab)The Q1 Sum should be a sum of Q1 revenue against all such accounts containing the Key word. Same applies for Q2,Q3 and Q4.Each account has 3 types. viz, BAU, Top Commits and Strong Prospect.
The BAU quarter sum should be pulled from "Revenue 1 - Assured" tab where Q1=Apr+May+Jun, Q2 = Jul+Aug Sep and so on. The Top Commits Sum should be pulled from "Revenue 2 - Expected" against all records where "Sales Stage" Column equals Stage 4. The Strong Prospect Sum should be pulled from "Revenue 2 - Expected" against all records where "Sales Stage" Column equals Stage
Currently I am using formulas but there is too much of hard-coding and its becoming difficult to manage as Accounts increase.
I have attached a screen shot below of a sheet I am using to collate fruit orders and calculate an order total for each individual person.
The price of each fruit item runs along row 3 and then each persons order has its own row. The total price for each person is then calculated in column AM. However I am looking to shorten the formula I am using to calculate the total in this column.