SUMIF And LOOP Till The Last Row
Jan 29, 2010
How would one go about creating a macro that would sum values in column G based on a condition in F ( a "SUMIF" basically) until the end of the range?
The condition would be so that the first blank cell in Column G (starting from column G9 ie Range("G9").End(xlDown).Offset(1,0) would contain the sum of everything above up until the word "Total" (or even the string of 5 characters from the left say "Total") appear in Column F - (the word Total appears a few times in column F, so it should detect the first applicable one)
The idea would be to have this repeated / looped until the end of the data range
Attached is an example and I hope what I have written makes sense
As for the worksheets:
"Final" is what it should look like (Blue Cells represent manual calculations)
"Working" Sheet is where I have it up to now
The sheet "Original" has a button that recreates everything up until where "Working" Sheet is
Sheet ("Tenant History Schedule") is scrap sheet
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Jan 19, 2014
I am trying to add up the same item until it changes. I have attached the file with the desired outcome in the 2nd column.
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Jan 8, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with a varying number of columns with data.
Now I like to copy the header over it till the last column that contains data.
If I used the recorded VBA the range is stated in letters (In the sample below column K but this can be any column).
What is the best way to code it in such a way that one gets the headers till the last column used?
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:K1"), Type:=xlFillDefault
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Apr 15, 2009
Can I have a macro code to insert a row from column A:K.
I have data in column L to IV which I want to stay as it is. i.e. for example when a row is inserted from A:K, that row should not extend beyond Column K.
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a problem with a very simple Lookup (please see attached). When I copy/drag down the dropdowns in column A and the Lookup formula in column B, the lookup up does not recognise the value in column A till I save the sheet. The same if I select a different value from the dropdown i.e. the lookup only works when I save the sheet. Am using the wrong Function to do this or it something else.
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May 13, 2014
I am running a formatting excel, and I will also need to select from cell P30 till last row, then sort alphabetically by moving the other rows data too.
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Nov 8, 2009
I need help on Excel 2007 Macro , the below coding searches for a string "recvtiming" in a cell as a wildcard and delete it entire row once it founds it in a single active sheet.
1. How do I manipulate it to search for the same string and upon finding
a) Delete its cell content and all the contents from its right hand of side till its last column which have a value from the same row on all 50 sheets in the workbook.
a b c d recv 0 1 2 3 4
It should return,
a b c d
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Jul 29, 2013
If Cell "B55" Cell is selected and I want to Select all the above rows to select till Row 1. Selected Row mught change Say B66 or B82 (Dynamic)
Whatever may be the Cell Selected, The result should be The above rows should get seleted. So that I want to delete the rows easily
HTML Code:
Range(ActiveCell, Activecell.Offset(-55,15)).Select
'This cannot work if the selected Cell is 65, So this should be Dynamic till above Range 1)
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Feb 20, 2014
I've uploaded my spreadsheet. I asked my professor if our formula had to take into account whether or not our payment would be changing. As long as I calculated the initial amount - which worked out to be around 30 dollars, I could assume I paid that amount for the entirety.
My latest Mastercard statement shows a balance due of $1,696.96.
Based on recent bills, assume that the minimum payment amount is computed as follows
(balance_owed)*(annual_interest_rate/12) * 2, then rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount.
The minimum payment amount is the amount calculated above or $25.00, whichever is the greater amount.
The annual interest rate for purchases is 11.24%. If I make no more purchases and always pay my bill on time how many years and months will it take be pay it off at the current minimum payment amount each month?
How much total interest would I pay if I repay the loan this way?
What fixed monthly payment amount would pay off the debt in 2 years?
Assume monthly compounding of interest. All calculations are to be done in the Excel worksheet.
The functions NPER() and PMT() will be useful. Note that either the Present Value or Payment amount should be negative (not both) because of conventions concerning the direction of cash flow."
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Dec 21, 2012
If a cell contains a birthdate, how do I count the number of days till the next birthday? The date is entered, as an example "1/1/2013".
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Jun 25, 2013
I want to combine row while address row not complete. I attach example xls file in this post.
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Aug 11, 2014
This is part of the bigger excel sheet. I would like to write a macro to find the column D6 based on the location of text 'committed total' . Then addup all numbers from E6 to V6 and write total in W6. Then add d6 and w6 and place it in X6.
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Oct 18, 2008
I need a formula to sum all E3 cells starting from sheet "Joe" to the last sheet i have, without being obliged to modify the formula for each new sheet i create and which by default is created in the end. something like:
=sum(Joe:my last sheet created!E3)
Also,do protected cells in some of the sheets affect this formula calculation?
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Mar 11, 2009
can i use the countif question to make it count till a particular row based on the value . for instance if i want the countif till value 45 is met i.e i want countif to count till the row where 45 value is housed
VALUES 40404540403047
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Jul 22, 2014
I've normally just dynamically selected a range using the xldown feature but because this row contains formula it goes always down to the bottom of the formula instead of the last cell which isn't blank.
How would i go about generating this dynamic range that stops at the first cell that contains no value (but has a formula)? Perhaps a do while loop which looped down until it hit the first blank and then assigned the cells it had looped through as the range?
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Feb 19, 2014
I have a control chart macro which is being used for patient doses of a medication. Right now my macro automatically fills columns D-N down to row 100. However, I would like it to stop at the last row of data entered in column A. I have attached the code related to the formulae a
Sub Control_Chart_1()
' Control_Chart_1 Macro
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Apr 18, 2013
I try to do something like this
Sub autofill()
Selection.autofill Destination:=Range("A1:A1048576 "), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
but i need to select first cell in every 20th column and then execute autofill till the last row that excel provides. I can only do this manually but I have for now 125 columns to fill or to write some monstrous code. Unfortunately I do not have the knowledge to do this in a smart way and I guess there is an elegant way to solve this problem.
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Aug 22, 2012
I am using this code and it works fine:
Dim MyData As Range
Dim MyResult As Range
Set MyData = Range("E1:E1000000")
Set MyData2 = Range("F1:F1000000")
Set MyResult = Range("J4")
Selection.Formula = "=COUNTIFS(" & MyData.Address & ",""=Kim""," & MyData2.Address & ",""=done"" )"
Is there any way I can change the code so that it automatically finds the last cell as Im using Range("E1:E1000000") and Range("F1:F1000000") because there will not be more than 1000000 entries.
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May 4, 2014
i want to delete entire blank row from column C2:C300 i mean if i have data c2:c100 then c101:c300 delete entire blank rows
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to perform 2 SUMIF's on 2 columns of data to return a result and I'm not quite sure the best way of doing this. I'll give an example below.
I have 2 columns of data, both numeric and the SUMIF needs to say if H1:H100="10" and also if J1:J100="907". I can perform one or the other but not both.
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Jun 12, 2014
I have two columns with total hours worked at different places and a grand total for both together in a third column.
I'm trying to sum the total hours for the week so far from Thursday till the following Wednesday for each week.
I want the wookbook to look up todays date and tell me what the total hours are for the current week
I'm using Excel 2003 - see the file attached
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Apr 21, 2009
I have many kitchens using the same recipes. I need to distill information down until I've got a summary of how much is being made. Uploaded is a condensed version of the point in the process I'm having difficulty with. This workbook will pull information from 8 other workbooks and give me excatly what everyone made on any weekday.
And from there, with the kind help of this forum, I figured out how to do a SUMIF based on the recipe number. And it summed up all instances of 'Recipe X' being used. However, it continues to SUMIF itself all the way down the page... which is good, because of how recipes are chosen for each kitchen. However, I only need to report one instance of each recipe.
In the uploaded example (and I apologize for the colorful sheet, but it helped me double check what I was working on.) ... I only need to report the PURPLE results elsewhere... the first instance of each SUMIF.
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Feb 27, 2012
I am wanting to use these two formulas in one cell. Is there anyway to do this? If "AD3" is 0 I want this =SUM(X3:AC3) and then if cell "AD3" is greater than 0 I want to basically use this formula
Is there anyway to merge these two formula's?
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Mar 14, 2014
I have an excel sheet wherin there is a column that has the data where in the dates are displayed and many other columns.
I get this excel every Thursday so i want to filter this date column in such a way that it give me the data related to the date of the previous week only yet there is a catch here. When i say previous week i mean.
Suppose today is 03/14/14 then i want the data from 03/07/14 till today ie Last week friday to this week full( so cant use Current week option) and then paste it in a new sheet.
I tried the Record part but in that it is taking a hard coded value as i am selecting the date myself. I dont want to change the date manually every time.
this was the macro that was created
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$BX$58").AutoFilter Field:=1, Operator:= _
xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(1, "3/10/2014")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNT(R[-4]C:R[-1]C)"
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May 3, 2006
Last processed row is rr. What's the code to delete all the rows below that.
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Mar 31, 2008
With Sheets("regrade pharm_standalone")
For Each r In .Range("standaloneTerritory")
If r.Value = "X101" Then
Sheets("X101").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
Next r
End With
I need to repeat this loop for values from X101 to X151. In all cases, the sheet name is equal to the value I'm looking up (eg: value = X102 goes to sheet X102).
I have a named range called 'territories' that contains the list of X101 -> X152.
I'm hoping to make the code perform the loop for each of the territories without my having to copy & paste and change the 'X101' 51 times as this would seem a rather silly thing to do!
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Mar 19, 2013
My data I need to copy begins as always from cell A5 and keeps going till A16.
I need to copy this data but only from A5 to A15. I always delete the last cell.
The number of rows is not always the same. Sometimes my data runs till A26.
How can I copy this data except the last row?
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May 14, 2014
Macro which loops through a number of files and calls the same macro in each of them. Unfortunately when I add "Application.Run..." to the code, it no longer loops through the process and instead stops after updating the first file in the loop. If I remove the "Application.Run..." code and add any other code, the loop works fine and it continues through the process repeating all the steps for each file found.
Why it stops after one file when using "Application.Run..." to call the macros?
NB I have a list of path and file names starting in row 8 of columns A and C. Each file in the list has a macro called UpdateS1 and promoupdate1.
Sub C_Run_Loop_Macro()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
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Sep 11, 2013
I have working code that returns a row number within a for loop based on parameters I set.
Each time the for loop runs I would like to store this row number, then after the loop has finished, delete all stored rows.
for rowNum = 1 to x (some variable end row number which I already have worked out using End(xlUp).Row)
if x = y then
*storedRow = rowNum
end if
next rowNum
Lines with a * are the bits I can't work out. I've been trying to understand arrays by reading posts on what other people have done, but I can't fit (or fully understand) the reDims, or reDim preserves into my code. I've seen what appear to be quite complex ways involving uBounds and LBounds, but unfortunately I can't see how to use them.
All I want is to simply keep adding a row numbers to a variable, (i.e. row 2, 5, 20, 33, 120, etc) and then delete those specific rows.
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