Finding Values In Array
Mar 27, 2007
I'd like to know if exist a procedure/ function to find a argument in an array and return the index/address of the argument at the array.
For example, I have a array contaning a list of products. i'd to create a function that finds the index of a particular/list of products, feeded as arguments, and returns the indexes locations.
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May 9, 2014
I have been trying to set up a macro to find the Minimum and Maximum values from an array of temperatures for painting... so far, partially successful.
The problems I am having are that the values have 1 decimal place and can be anywhere between 22.7 to -1.4. When they come they are put on the spreadsheet, the MinTemp can be 10.0 and MaxTemp 9.9, totally reversed.
Dim Info(2000, 2) As String
Dim MonthValue(31, 9) As Variant
Dim Working1 As Date
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim Tot As Integer
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Aug 16, 2013
I have a table with three columns, column 1 is a list of names, column 2 is where I want my result to appear, and column 3 has my array of search values. Column 1 and 2 could have any number of rows with values, but column 3 will have less values. It looks like this if it's working right:
Item List
Search List
What I am trying to do is for each cell in column 1, I want to see if there is a matching value in column 3 - it has to be either an exact match or a partial match (i.e. the string appears somewhere in the values of column 1).
I have been trying to use MATCH like this:
but it does not return true unless the match is exact.
way to get these partial string matches to work?
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Feb 11, 2014
What I'm trying to do is generate a 2D array of values in VBA from data in a spreadsheet. (Array is not pulled from sheet)
What I would like to do next is look at each row or column of the 2D array and find the max value. I've tried using the worksheetfunction.MAX to no avail.
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Mar 1, 2005
How do i find the length of an array, which has been declared as
VB : Dim abcarray() As Variant
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Jan 15, 2014
i have a sheet in template i use in preparing bid packages for electrical relates to locating in a (building) grid the locations of the motor control (mcp) and power panels (cdp).my desire at this point is to find a way to local a unique value (mcp or cdp) in a 2d grid and then return the column and row names from the same grid. eventually this information will populate a table of all the mcp's and cdp's with their locations.
my sticking point appears to be finding a unique value in a 2d table. this value can be anywhere in the table, not just the first column.
i've tried the lookups and index/match. match fails when i extend the lookup_array beyond the first column.
not sure if this is even possible.
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Nov 12, 2008
Very simple problem. I need the second highest value in an array. Max gives me highest. Min gives me lowest. I need a kind of a MAX2 function.
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May 15, 2014
I have an array that I want to go through several times. I want to try something like this:
[Code] ......
I cant just say "If Val < 7 Then" because it will spit out the string where "Val" is.
I know that I could create another variable like so:
[Code] .....
but this doesnt seem like an elegent solution...
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Jun 4, 2009
I am aware that you can use Match to find the position of an entry in an array, and the following code works as expected, returning an index of 4:
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Aug 8, 2013
I have list of strings to be searched in column A2 to A150 (A1 has column title). The array that needs to be searched is in B2 to AG1000 (B1 to AG1 has column title). I want each string in column A to be searched in the full array. If match is found the corresponding column title (B1 or C1 and so.) and cell address needs to written to a new result columns in AY and AZ. it should work for duplicates as well i.e. the string can be in all the columns of array from B to AG. and all of them needs to be written to result column.
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Mar 8, 2007
Is there a way to find data in an array similar to the way match, index or vlookup is used for data in cells of the spreadsheet?
Example, if I have a 2 dimensional array:
1 apple
2 orange
3 pear
4 banana
5 grape
and I want to know if the word "banana" exists in the second column of the array, is there code that would determine if it was in there at all, and is there code that would determine that it was item 4 in that array?
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm setting up an Excel (2000) sheet to record the results of a competition at my local photographic society. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible to fill out by the people using it, so have shaded the cells that require the user to put data in. I'll post a screenshot of the sheet, which is named "DPI", to make it easier:
(EDIT) screenshot removed - see attached file in post #3 below instead
I use one row for each member entering the competition. Each member can submit up to three photographs for judging. The names in B5:B30 are tied to the member number in A5:A30, and pulled in with VLOOKUP from a separate sheet containing all the club's members. The names in this example are, obviously, fakes. ;-)
The three blocks are to enter the image titles and associated scores. I have a range called "scores" which is defined as =DPI!$D$5:$D$30,DPI!$G$5:$G$30,DPI!$J$5:$J$30
The rank columns are simply calculated using the RANK function. E.g. the formula in E5 is =IF(ISBLANK(A5),"",RANK(D5,scores,0))
The cells at the top are calculated using the LARGE function upon the defined range "scores" (although they could equally use the SMALL function on the rank columsn instead).
The bit I'm stuck at is what I want it to say along the top. eg: "Leg 1 Winner: 30 is {insert image title} by {insert member name}"
Using the winner as an example, I want to take the winning score shown in D1, find it in the named array "scores", and return the image title to the left of it. Obviously I can't use VLOOKUP as the data is to the left of the lookup value as well as being in multiple columns. I wanted to use OFFSET to return the value of the column to the left, but to do that I need to pick up the reference of the cell containing "30" i.e. the winning score shown in cell D1.
How can I find this cell reference? Or is there a better way? I thought about the old MATCH/INDEX function, but INDEX doesn't seem to work very well with data in non-contiguous arrays as I'd have to specify which block to look in.
Once I can get the image title returned I hopefully sholdn't have any bother extending it to return the member name from a fixed column, but I can't figure out how to get the reference of the cells in the "scores" array that contain the winning scores shown in D1, D2 and D3.
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Mar 25, 2014
I've defined a string array and would want to use it as a basis for a vlookup. Is it possible to find the elements of the array directly in the worksheet ?So far I've got :
[Code] .....
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Feb 7, 2012
I have an array that is 60x100 (column x row).
I'm trying to search for a value in that array and return the value on the same row, but shifted to the right one column.
Example: If my value is found in D63, I want to return the value in E63.
I've been messing with Index, Match, and Offset, but I can't get anything working.
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Sep 12, 2010
I am using VLOOKUP with the not_exact_match set to True, however instead of finding the next largest value that is less than value, I want to find a way of returning the next largest value that is greater than value. I have looked at using MATCH and OFFSET to try and increment the returned value by 1.
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to find an item within an array and then VBA could execute code.
Here is an example:
LookupItems =("text", "value", "book") or should I acutally be using Split("text,value,book",",")
For Each sht in ThisWorkbook
If = array(LookupItems) Then.....execute code
[Code] ....
So basically in this example I want to loop through all the sheet names in the workbook and if any of the names in the arrary are found it will execute the code for those particular sheet names.
I know alternatives are the select case or write an if statement for each value I am looking up or even use an OR for each value to lookup; but I just wanted to see if this method was even possible as it would be less coding.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a column array with various cells in that array populated. In every subsequent cell in that array I want a formula that finds the previously populated cell and that value added a cell that is in the same row but two columns to the left.
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Oct 2, 2008
I have a class module with several private variables, including one that is an array of a user-defined type. I am trying to set the values of a single element of this array with "Property Let ..." from a string array:
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Jan 31, 2012
Here's an example of what I need..
I want to
2.5 corn
4 corn
7 green
2 green
I'd like a macro to find all corns, add up the column A for each corn and place the sum beside the last corn in column C
Then do the same with green, etc.
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Oct 22, 2013
Question contained within code:
Dim MyArray(6, 1) As String
Dim i As Integer
'' Array List 1
'If lbxLI = any list index from Array List 1 then use the value stored in Array List 2 to give Listbox 2 its rowsource.
'For example; ListIndex "0" would produce a row source "_0" for listbox 2. Else if ListIndex "1" is selected, produce row source "_1" for listbox 2.
' I would like to achieve this from one "If" statement. I'm guessing it must be possible using a loop, I just can't think how despite a lot of messing about with code.
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May 11, 2009
I have 10 columns (A-J). Column B is the Date & Column C is the Time, I have the data sorted 1st by date then by time. The 5th Column, E, is Size. The 10th column, J, is "Position."
This 10th column, J, is in binary format. A 1 equals a Position & a 0 equals no Position.
1) I need to find the Max Sum of the Size in which the Max consecutive set of 1s has occurred.
2) I need to also do this on a day by day basis, using the Date in Column B, without having to manually go through & modify all the formulas to reference the date.
I have a Sumif formula for the 2nd but it won't copy down to update the formula for each unique date. I have to manually change the date values & I have ~957 unique dates to do; so it would be a rather painstaking process if only done manually. Moreover, it doesn't count the Max Sum of all consecutive 1s in Column J...
The length of the non unique columns (all columns w/o unselecting the duplicate entries) is 19,068.
If you can be of help, I'd be very brain is overloaded w/googling & using trial & error.
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Dec 20, 2012
I need to do a vlookup that takes a string from one cell and then tries to find that string (embedded in a larger string) in the table array
Essentially I imagine this involves the FIND function at some point.
Attached is an incredibly simplified example of what I'm looking for.
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Aug 3, 2006
i have a very large spreadsheet filled with telephone numberS and some other codes that go with them...i need to match the codes with the phone numbers.
Sub TRCO()
Dim TNs As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim TRCO As String
Dim CD03 As String
Dim ASOC As Range
CD03 = "CD034DF1"
'Filter TN's
Set tempRange = Range("A6", Range("A65000").End(xlUp))
With tempRange
. AdvancedFilter _...................
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Apr 29, 2014
Basically what I need is to find a row (I'm doing it by matching the row title that is 'BALANCE'), then I need to find the max value in this row (the problem I'm having is that the row number is not constant), copy that value in another cell and copy the name, that is located in the same column, next to the previous copied value.
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May 27, 2014
Actually i have to two sheets. In (1st file) I have the data of customers. And in (2nd file) I get the approved sales. So i have to find the numbers.
In my sales sheet, there is data of customers like name, address, phone number etc.
In my sales report sheet, i got multiple numbers in a notepad file which are rejected sales.
So basically, i have to copy every number one by one, and then have to find it in my excel sheet with CTRL+F and then i change the color of that cell which is rejected.
I want magic by which i simply add all the rejected numbers in one column of my file, and then do Abra Cadabra by which all the numbers which are rejected get in red colour automatically in the column in which there are all the numbers (approved as well as rejected).
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a spreadsheet in which one column I'm trying to find a value in another table that has 3 columns (A, B, C). I need to find all the values in A, that fulfill the parameters of less than 1.5 in B, and great than 5% in C.
They all need to be listed in column H while skipping the records that do not meet this criteria.
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Feb 18, 2013
I have people who wrote down that they attended a location on a certain date at a certain time, and I have their start and end time.
So for example my person data has something like this:
Arrive: 1/1/12 7:00 AM,
Leave: 1/1/12 10:00 AM
Arrive: 1/1/12 3:00 PM
Leave: 1/1/12 4:00 PM
Arrive: 1/4/12 8:00 PM
Leave: 1/4/12 10:15 PM
I also have those fields formatted as text and as decimals so I can work with whatever I need.
The next portion is a list of events that occur at these same locations. Here are some examples.
Event 1
Start: 1/1/12 8:15 AM
End: 1/1/12 12:15 PM
Event 2
Start: 1/4/12 3:00 PM
End 1/4/12 8:30 PM
What I need to find out is if the person was present at the location during any of the events.
A person may write down more than one visit to the location in a day. The events only happen once per day. I'm sure there's a pretty manual way to do this, however the list of people and events spans an entire year and it will be too time consuming to do it that way.
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Apr 29, 2013
I have a graph which is reading from a table. This graph is reading flows from a flow meter, but after reading data for over an hour the graph gets really squished. I'm looking at creating another graph with just the last 50~ values from one column. Is there a way I can create another table that only reads the last 50 values from one column?
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Aug 19, 2013
I have multiple columns / rows of data, some of which are duplicates.
Column S is a concat of columns A:R where this data is stored, and is sorted alphabetically.
I'm looking for a way using VBA to find duplicate concat rows by cycling through this list that is already sorted. I'm interested in moving down this list, 1 by 1, and if current cell = cell above, delete the data in columns A:P of that row, then delete the cell data in column R of the cell above the current cell.
So for example, if I have sorted data in S8:S14, and S9 = S8, then I would like to delete A9:P9, then delete the data in R8.
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May 22, 2008
Here is a little formula I working on:
=IF(MID(A1, LEN(A1),1)="i", "x", "")
As it is, it would return an X if the last value of a string is "i"
What I want to really do is check if the last value is a " qoute but it seems you can't put """ or you get an error -- example: =IF(MID(A1, LEN(A1),1)=""", "x", "")
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