Finding All Dates In A Column That Are In The Range Today To A Week From Now
Sep 21, 2008
Im trying to search a column (A), that has a list of dates (not in order), for the row in which the dates are equal to or greater than today and less than or equal to a week from today. I then want the information contained in the rows with these dates to be transferred to another sheet and ordered by date.
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Feb 11, 2013
Within a user entered range of two dates, I would like to identify the individual calendar date(s) and count the number of Mondays which fall within the specified date range.I will eventually be using the same "Monday" code to find the same data for every day of the week within the dates ranges, but I figured I'd start with Mondays and build from there.
For Example: Date range 1/1/2013 - 1/15/2013 (date ranges could potentially encompass a full business quarter) Within the range, list each of the dates as dates. (used for comparative counting purposes elsewhere in the document)Count the number of Mons, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fris, and Sats within the date range.Based on the example date ranges above; Mons = 2, Tues through Sats = 3 each.
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Aug 15, 2007
I am being supplied with a date (but not weekday) in a report. How do I find the date of the prior Saturday without having the weekday supplied?
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Sep 11, 2013
So I have this sheet template to copy for various other sheets, and on A3-A1000, they contain dates from August 1st 2013 to whenever. Starting with A3 as August 1st. The problem is now, it's September 10th, and I would like A3 to be a week before September 10th. Then A4 would be September 11th. And so on and so forth. The dates also must only consist of weekdays and the dates must be hard coded. Is this possible? I have the simple code for copying over the spreadsheet, but I don't know the rest.
Sub Submit()
Sheets("Client Name").Copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) = Sheets("Control").Range("C19").Value
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Sep 11, 2003
I have a workbook which contains 1 spreadsheet that contains data entry for approximately 20 employees. The workbook then contains a separate sheet for each employee to display the detailed information
Column A stores the dates from Jan1 to Dec 31
Row 1 contains the employees names.
The data entered consists of approximatle 4 different 1-letter codes as to what transaction occurred that particular day.
What I would like to do now is be able to count the number of cells that contain a code for 2 different time periods. I would like for it to count 2 weeks ago and separately count 2 weeks in the future.
In trying to get this last calculation, I've added a column for WEEKNUM next to the date (column B) and used somethign along the lines of
=CountIF(C2:c366,Weeknum(Now()-2)) and also tried +2. Neither have worked.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have 2 columns in my spreadsheet:
B:B is a column of dates.
C:C is a list of names
formula that will count the number of times the name 'SIMON' appears in column C:C but here is the catch: I only want to know how many times that name has appeared over the course of the previous week. IE NOW - 7days
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Jan 22, 2014
I am trying to update our sickness spreadsheet for work to make it a little more 'intuitive' and less cumbersome to use. There are dates (by day) accross the top, with staff names below. If someone is off sick, the manager writes the number of hours lost to sick in that day, under the correct day, then uses back color / font color to show its sick.
Our work uses a 3 periods of absence or more over a rolling 12 months and the staff are issues with a warning, same with over 8 days off sick. If they are off for longer than 14 days they are long term sick.
I would like excel to show whether each staff member has met any of those criteria in the last 12 months by either highlighting their name or putting text into an adjacent cell.
I have tried using offset, named ranges and anything else I could think of to automatically increase the range +1 day very day, but I cant !
Attached File : plan of staff for 2014.xlsx
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Nov 11, 2008
I'm trying to create an excel worksheet as follows:
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
Date Time In Time Out Hours Worked Pay
I want to insert in the first column (Column1) dates starting from 01/01/2000 all the way up to today, 11/11/2008. So I would end up with a unique date on each row.
To accomplish this manually would be a daunting task. I'm a newbie to excel and don't know how to use any in-built functions.
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Jul 6, 2009
I need to do a total of the dates entered in the RAW DATA sheet that fall in between today's date and 7 days ago. I am comparing it to B3 in sheet 2. Have tried a COUNTIF but cannot get it to work.
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Apr 23, 2009
I got this problem I can’t solve, maybe it is easy to solve, but I am fairly new to writing functions in excel.
I got a lot of different dates in single column, what I need is to pull the dates if they fall in to the range, from today till 30 days from now.
I understand it calls for array formula.
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Jul 8, 2014
I want to find the number of times the 23rd happens between a range of dates.
Let's say I invoice a customer on 5/23/12 (Column C) and I've sent an invoice every month on the 23rd. I want to count how many invoices I've sent during the past few months. I need a formula which tells me how many times the 23rd of the month happens between 5/1/12 (in column A) and 12/15/12 (in column B).
I thought it might be =COUNTIFS(A1:B1,DAY(C1)) but that formula is for counting cells in a range.
I found formulas for counting the specific day of the week (like Tuesday) and for counting the number of cells containing a number, but not this.
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Mar 9, 2014
I may be making this more complicated than it needs to be but I can't seem to figure it out. The goal of this spreadsheet is for General Managers of a restaurant to give feedback about food deliveries. These deliveries usually come on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, but could for a list of reasons come on any day of the week. I want to automatically populate as much information as possible without requiring GMs to remember and enter dates.
A1 is =TODAY()
A2:A5 is a drop down where the GM selects the day of the week the delivery arrived. i.e. MON, TUE, WED, etc. I want the corresponding date of the past week to auto-populate in this cell (or even the adjacent cell if necessary) once the day is selected. For example, if today is 3/8/2014, when MON is selected in A2, I want the cell to automatically add "3/3/2014," making the entire cell read "MON 3/3/2014."
So if said GM is filling in this spreadsheet on a Saturday, and I want to display the date of the previous Monday, I need to find the day of the week of A1 (WEEKDAY function), and make A2 = A1-5.
If today is a Friday, it would be A2=A1-4, and so on for the 7 days of the week.
Then I would need to do all of this for if a Tuesday is selected in the drop down box, meaning IF(Saturday)Then A2=A1-4, etc...
I was trying to string together IF statements like this:
It works when I do only the first IF statement, but when I add another it returns #VALUE. I thought that excel would find the first true value and stop evaluating.
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Jan 27, 2006
Basically I have 2 columns each with a list of dates in no particular order (and containing blank cells too), one planned date column and one actual date column.
What I need to do is plot this on a graph, and since the number of dates has no set limit and I dont want to have to plot maybe 100 dates on the x axis, so i want to group them by week before plotting them, i.e. 10 dates for week ending 10th jan, 25 dates for week ending 17th jan etc
I have a pivot table that counts how many of each date occurs, i.e. 10 x 2nd jan, 7x 3rd jan etc etc but it does not split them into weeks.
im sure theres an easyish way of doing it so i can get the 2 lines on the graph for no. of planned dates each week and no. of actual dates each week, i just cant see it.
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Mar 4, 2009
I am a basic user of Excel.
I have an Excel spreadsheet with data from the last 10 years.
In one column it has date in dddd,mmmm,dd,yyyy format and the second column with data for the dates.
I need to have Excel extract only Tuesdays with data that is a positive number (above 0).
Is there a formula, or other method of finding only these results from the whole speadsheet?
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Apr 20, 2009
Column A = Date
Column B = Numbers
Column C = results
As you can see Column C, I manually did what I want the formula to do, which is get last number from the previous week. (weekdays only, but can be either 1,2,3,4 or 5 days due to holidays).
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Apr 20, 2009
I have two columns.
A column = contains dates but does not always have 5 days in a week. Holidays are not entered.
B column = price data for each day
All I want to do is get the highest price from the previous week. So for example last week highest price was 5000 then column C will display 5000 for this entire week. I tried using WEEKNUM and WEEKDAY but i am clueless on what to do after that. I'm trying to avoid macros or VB since im not that advance with that. But if I have to I will.
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Jun 27, 2014
is it possible to display the week number of todays date (today()) from a physically entered start date (which would obviously be week one), the start date would be november 4th 2013.
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Jan 11, 2005
I have a column that I would like to have a count of all the dates that areless then today's date.
I have tried: =countif(d2:d25,"<TODAY",0) This has only gotten me 0. If I leave the " " out then I get an error message.
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Mar 19, 2013
I'm trying to automate a field in my file that tells me whether or not a promo code is valid.
Col F2 = Promo Start Date (example: 1/1/13)
Col G2 = Promo End Date (example: 5/1/13)
Col H2 = Valid? (Yes/No) (example: "Yes")
What formula would I put in H2?
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Feb 17, 2012
Im trying to write a macro which goes down column C and if the date is less than todays day change it to today. I cant get the code correct thou.
Sub aaaChangeToTodaysDate()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim r As Long
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Oct 17, 2008
I am trying to project the next 12 month-end dates, based on today's date. I can do that using the EOMONTH function ... see exhibit below ... present month, 1 month out, 2 months out, last month. However, this workbook must be sent to many people and many of those folks will not have EOMONTH functionality because that requires the Analysis Toolpak functions to be added in. How can I accomplish this using standard Excel functions?
Present Month >>> =DATE(YEAR(NOW()),MONTH(NOW()),1)
One Month Out >>> =DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(NOW(),1)),MONTH(EOMONTH(NOW(),1)),1)
Two Months Out >>> =DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(NOW(),2)),MONTH(EOMONTH(NOW(),2)),1)
Eleven Months Out >>> =DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(NOW(),11)),MONTH(EOMONTH(NOW(),11)),1)
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Dec 12, 2008
I have a list of dates in col "A". In col "B" i would like it to display the week it falls on. Example 12/12/08 would fall under week 12/7/08 to 12/13/08.
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Oct 10, 2009
i have a spreadsheet that contains dates spread across different rows and columns. How can I identifying dates for this week and next week by colouring the cells?
example dates that fall within this week will be red, next week will be blue.
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Oct 3, 2012
Is there a way with VBA to sort lets say column A by last weeks dates. For example, if to day is Wed Oct 3, can I filter it for Sep 24-28?
All the dates in col A are in 10/2/12 format.
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Mar 15, 2008
I have a column of dates in one column and in the next column next to the dates, I want to show the day of the week that each date represents, such as;
Col A Col B
1 March 2008 Sunday or Sun
etc etc..
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Jun 9, 2014
I need to make a table for an injury category per shift per week. (Falls per shift per week)
I have attached an example of the spreadsheet. I have a formula in the table now that was calculating just the injury type per week but just need to add the function to read per shift but can't seem to get it to read correctly.
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Jan 10, 2014
I wanted to work backwards from a weeknumber (as defined in Excel). In other words, given a week number (i.e. 5) what is the first date and last date of that weeknumber. These are the formulas that I came up with and they work fine.
Formula: [Code] ......
Ffor 1st of the week and
Formula: [Code] .......
For the last of the week.
Attached File : Weeknumber.xlsx‎
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Aug 11, 2014
I'm using this formula to look up the date stored in one vile (shown as a number, e.g 35), and then pulling this back to the first sheet in order to convert it to a date. Problem is the date keeps showing up as a week after its supposed to be.
=IF(VLOOKUP(B76,'[MAD File.xlsx]Feuil1'!$A:$K,11,0)="","",MAX(DATE(BN76,1,1),DATE(BN76,1,1)-WEEKDAY(DATE(BN76,1,1),2)+('[MAD File.xlsx]Feuil1'!K74)*7+1))
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Mar 27, 2009
Worksheet is an action log. It has a column containing "due dates". I want to count all rows (dates) that are "less than" today (to see what work is overdue). I also want to count all rows (dates) that will come due in a week. Conditional formatting highlights them OK but I also want to maintain a set of counts. I can do all this in a macro but I don't want to use macros, just formula.
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Apr 15, 2012
We have started a new venture from 5th April & I need to create a template for a year and assign week no against the dates. The week1 will start from 5th April & week 52 will end on 31st March.
Also there will be a summary of the Week No(Starting Date & End Date) against each week at the top of the template. I could put the formula for the summary part but I am unable to figure out how to assign week no against the dates as given below. It is very difficult to assign the week no manually for the whole year & also it is vulnerable to error. a formula across B7:B23 which can deliver the desired result?
Sheet2 Â ABC1Week NoStart DateEnd Date2Week15-Apr8-Apr3Week29-Apr15-Apr4Week316-Apr22-Apr5Â Â Â 6DateDesired
Result 75-AprWeek1 86-AprWeek1 97-AprWeek1 108-AprWeek1 119-AprWeek2 1210-AprWeek2 1311-AprWeek2 1412-
AprWeek2Â 1513-AprWeek2Â 1614-AprWeek2Â 1715-AprWeek2Â 1816-AprWeek3Â 1917-AprWeek3Â 2018-AprWeek3Â 2119-
[Code] .........
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