First Occurrence Of A Word After The Searched String
May 8, 2007
I need to find the first occurrence of the word grandsal after each employee details thru VBA. Is it possible to do that. If yes how to construct the if loops.
I take this time to thank all the members of the ozgrid for their exceptional.
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Aug 11, 2013
How to make information gathering easier. So I have a spreadsheet with information in one tab and Graphs & tables in another. I am trying to count how many times a word appears in my last column (the word is "HM - GM") but I only want to count how many times that appears in the month of Jul (The July column is my first column, it shows as "Jul-13" but when you click on the column it appears as 01/07/2013). I have tried a few =COUNTIFS formulas I found around the site, but none seem to work for me. I am trying to get the counted information into a table so it will show how many 'HM - GM' were in Jul-13.
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Oct 31, 2009
I am writing a program which would look for look for the word " TOTAL" in sheet1 and then assign several values in sheet 2 based on cells offset of address of "TOTAL". This is repeated and down rows of sheet 2. Everything works except that it is giving repeating the first "TOTAL" address; i.e. it doesn't seem to go to the next met criterion.
Sheets("Summary").Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(Sheet1!C,""TOTAL"")" ....
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Nov 12, 2013
I understand that the function FIND(find_text, within_text, start_num) will find the first occurrence of a stated string. And by adjusting the start_num, you can skip a set number of characters before the search begins.
But, is there a way to find the Last occurrence of said string? In my case the find_text string may occur multiple times in the variable length within_text cell to be searched.
Sample: Find the last occurrence of MDU
In the above 2 sample strings the output of the Find() function needs to be 26 & 40. Having a cell formula would be desirable, but if it can only be done by VBA that is acceptable, also.
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May 23, 2007
I would like to find the position of the last occurrence of a character in a string. For example, I have a string with the following:
"c:wwgpeToolbidsTest File.GP$".
I would like to find out the position of the last '' in the string because I want to pull the filename, 'Test File.GP$' into a variable. I would like to avoid writing code to do this. Are there some Excel functions I can use for this?
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Mar 14, 2007
I have multiple automatically updating data sets and I need to extract certain data to perform calculations on, this is the format of the data
HOME 20 6 1 0
AWAY 20 7 2 0
HOME 2 0 1
AWAY 3 1 4
basically, what I need is to extract the data for home and away, and put them each on one line, no problem if this is always the format, but there are other lines of data that I don't need thrown in there at times which shift the data up or down
a simple vlookup will extract the first occurance of home, but I need another formula to extract the second occurance so I can have them all on one line and have the data as:
HOME 20 6 1 0 2 0 1
AWAY 20 7 2 0 3 1 4
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Jun 29, 2008
on the web I've found this formula, which returns the postion of the last occurrence of the character in cell B1 in the string in cell A1:
How do I turn this into a VBA function?
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Jun 9, 2009
Have problems using find and the Dictionary
What Im trying to do is find a certain word in a string then return the number associated with that word
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Apr 4, 2007
I'm just new here as well as in Excel-VBA stuffs. I will appreciate if someone could help me. Here is the scenario. I have a data piled in a single column and different rows. Like this one:
I need to select and copy all rows in between the occurence of "spot.return". There are a total of 80 occurences of "spot.return".
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Feb 8, 2011
I am running EXCEL 2007 on XP. What is the EXCEL cell formula to put in a cell (for example"E5") that will reference the "last" occurrence of a specific text string in column A (For example Chard ) but will show its corresponding column B content (for example its PH number 3.45) regardless of the number of data entries that will be inputted in the future for both column A and B.
4Cab 3.44
5Merlot3.38 xxx
8Cab 3.41
9 Merlot3.33
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Aug 14, 2014
I'm trying to extract all the numbers from the left of the delimiter ":" . They can occur once or more.
E.g. cell F2 contains BP2.2.1:40 BP2.2.1:50 BP2.2.1:60 BP2.2.1:70 BP2.4.1:80
and what i want as a result is : BP2.2.1 BP2.2.1 BP2.2.1 BP2.2.1 BP2.4.1.
I've tried =IFERROR(LEFT(F2,FIND(":",F2)-2), " ") but only displays 1 out of a possible 4 in the cell.
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Dec 24, 2013
I'm getting an export from a CDR. This export contains the date and times people log on and off from a queue. For logging in they dial 511, for logging out they dial 512. They get a voice prompt and type their password. I need to know how much time they daily spend in this queue
At first this looks pretty easy. I just make a sum of all the times they called to 511, then a sum of all time they called to 512 and finally I substract those values and I end up with the correct time spend in the queue.
The problem comes when they call multiple times to 512 without actually logging off. For example, they type the wrong password or simply hang up.
Result is this in the CDR
101 511 23/12 08:34
101 512 23/12 11:58
101 511 23/12 12:34
101 512 23/12 14:45
101 512 23/12 14:47
101 512 23/12 15:00
The actual time spend in the queue is 5 hours and 50 minutes. But Excel calculates this as 35 hours and 22 minutes, because it counts the 512 values no matter what.
How can I make sure that Excel only calculates the values of they are either the last value in the row OR if they are preceded by 511?
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Sep 2, 2009
How can I remove everything to the left of the first space in a String? For exapmle - 'Mr Adam Bill' should become 'Adam Bill'
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Dec 9, 2007
I need to replace the second word in a cell with another,
eg in cell AI1 I have Black Box.
Which formula would retain the first word, before the space and replace it with another, eg
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Feb 11, 2009
I have put a formula in excel to count how many times the word 'administration' appears in a column:
Unfortunately, the output that I am searching has mulitple words in it, separated with a colon and no space. My formula skips the count if the word Administration is not completely on it's own
e.g. Administration counts 1
Administration;Cardiology does not count
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Sep 11, 2013
I have random text strings which I need to extract the last part from in Excel.
The text string will be made up of code, but the word I need is always to the right of a prefix />
So for instance in A1 I have 76ruihfo:;.>6">/apple
I would want to extract "apple" from the string above into B1.
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Feb 12, 2009
I want to delete a specific words from string but i have a problem with the code below. For example, i wan to delete the word "Inc" only but the problem with my code is that it is deleting from "Incorporated" too and i want only the code to delete only if it finds the word "Inc" only.
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Oct 30, 2008
I want to take a string which is a list of words and compile a list of the words listed and how many times each one is listed. For Example, for the string "word1, word2 word1, word3 word2"
I want to get the following calculations:
word1 = 2
word2 = 2
word3 = 1
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Oct 13, 2013
Let's say i do have words : cow, dog, giraffe, elephant, parrot.
The rest will try to explain in the excel file.
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Jul 25, 2014
How can I extract the first word only from a Textbox string?
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Jan 5, 2007
Lets say there is a string: " andy,andy,tom,amy,andy" and I would like to search the word "andy". The function would return 3.
How could I implement this using VBA?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a userform with 5 text boxes and a command button.
I also have a sheet with a large amount of data on it, arranged into sections with headings (sheet1).
The user will enter the section heading he desires into textbox1, then other data into all of the other text boxes. Then click the command button.
I need a code that will search sheet1 for the heading they entered into textbox one, then find the next empty cell BELOW the heading (in the same row). It will then put whatever the user entered in textbox2 into that cell, textbox3 in the cell directly to the right of it and textbox4 to the right of that one, and so on.
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Oct 2, 2013
I have sample string: Cat jumped over lazy Dog
I only want to capitalize: LAZY
so it should be: Cat jumped over Lazy Dog
Proper capitalizes first letter of every word, just want one word capitalizaed.
Also, if I want to use an and function to capitlize multiple words, so it should be: Cat Jumped over Lazy Dog
where just Jumped and Lazy are capitalized.
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Jun 11, 2013
I currently have a large amount of data extracted from a performance tracking system. The columns I am concerned with are Page Title and Time (the time it takes the system to navigate to the this page).
I am trying to create a dashboard to show:
Webpage Title (each unique instance of the webpage)Aggregate Time (total time it takes for all instances)# of Hits (Each time the value appears in the data)Average Time (this formula I can handle; Aggregate Time/# of Hits)
The major issue is that the webpage is extracted as XYZ001 -- PAGE1, XYZ439 -- PAGE2, XYZ854 -- PAGE1, etc. Basically, I am only concerned with what comes after the --.
Here is an example of the two tabs.
Page Title
Aggregate Time
# of Hits
Avg. Time
Basically, I am looking for a formula that says,
For any instance in the Page Title column that contains PAGE3, add the amount in the Time column (i.e., 1.2 +.5).
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Aug 13, 2014
I am new to VBA macros and trying to create display the searched items in the TEXT boxes for e.g
I have the data in one sheet as below.
Messgae CodeProgram NameError Description
789ARU100Praveen Code
i have created one text box so that user enter the data to search by giving Message code. My concern is
From the example,
If the user enter 789 in the text box, and click on te search button( On user form) then it should dynamically create displays 2 occurance in each text box.i.e if the 789 found in 1 col then it should create 4 test boxesto display Program name data and 4 text boxes to display Error Description side by side. if not text boxes if will be if we display in lables also.
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Jan 12, 2006
I would like a flexible Formula to Return the Column Number of individual
Numeric Labels and their Numeric Value. I have a 2-Row by many Columns
chart/ grid layout. My 1st Column, Column Number "1" is Excel Column Letter
Numeric Label 17 is housed in Column Number "12" per my chart , its Numeric
Value 5 is housed on the next Row - directly below the Numeric Label.
Sample Data: ...
To Return the correct Column Number: locate the Numeric Label 17 and its
Numeric Value on the Row below, Numeric Value is 5. The Numeric Value is to
be increased by a Value of 1 (one) - NEW Numeric Value = 6. The Column
Number Returned should reflect Numeric Label of 17 remains the same but the
Numeric Value is increased by one.
To Return a Column Number representing the Numeric Label 17 and its original
Numeric Value +1 (plus one): the Numeric Label is still 17 but the Numeric
Value is NOW 6. From the oringal Column Number that housed Numeric Label 17,
that is Column Number "12", SEARCH in Ascending order: moving LEFT from
Column Number "12" and using the Numeric Value as the 1st (first) search
order and the Numeric Label as the 2nd (second) Ascending search order.
SEARCH the Numeric Value Row until the first Numeric Value either equal to 6
or more than 6 is found. Then Return the Column Number of the Column to the
Right of that Numeric Value.
Required Result:
Return the Column Number based on the Numeric Label 17 and the NEW Numeric
Value of 6, search in Ascending order - First search order based on Numeric
Value 6 - Second search order based on Numeric Label 17.
Returned Result should be Column Number 10.
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May 7, 2014
I have a long list of process steps in a collumn e.g.
and then i have a list of tanks: Tank1, Tank2 etc. The i want a forumla to extract and return the tank in a adjacent cell:
_Tank1_CIP Tank1
_Tank1_CIP Tank1
_Tank2_CIP Tank2
_Tank4_CIP Tank4
_Tank_9_CIP Tank9
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May 16, 2014
In column A, I have the following lines:
2014-05-15 02:08:43 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:31:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:20 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 03:07:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:01:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:04:46 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
I would like to use conditional formatting to highlight cells which have the same first 16 characters (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) before the "@" AND that contains the words "CHANGE WORLD". Therefore, I'm looking for a formula I could include in the conditional formatting so I can easily find the "CHANGE WORLD" that occurred at the same time (minus the seconds, they may vary slightly).
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May 16, 2004
I need to pull a specific word from a string of text in a cell and have that word shown in an adjacant cell. For example A1 will contain the text "Smith Sun Alliance Pension Fund" I need B2 to show "Pension". I cannot use any filtering or text to columns as the word Pension can be anywhere within the text in A1 and I have thousands of entries. So I need a function.
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May 6, 2009
I have two different functions, first is importing website to excel and the a second is testing string according to pattern. Each one of them is working ok. I'm trying to find a word " finance" in URL and put it into cell "A1".
Sub ParseWebsite()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To 10
SiteURL = "URL;"
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=SiteURL, Destination:=Range("A" & i))
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False................
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