Form Control Combobox And Multiple Columns
Oct 22, 2013
I want to display mutliple columns in a form control combobox. Tried activex and the easy part was the multiple columns. I couldn't get the activex combobox to update properly when a cell value changed.
The form control combobox updates properly but it is only displaying the first column of my named range.
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Feb 1, 2014
I have a combo Box (Form Control) in my spreadsheet which is basically used as a drop down menu.
How do I change the font size of the text that appears in the box?
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Oct 12, 2006
Excel – Forms – Combo Box, cell updating.
I have a form (the main one) which accesses a second form, which accesses a third form. All forms have a combo box, control button and a text box.
The items selected in the control boxes are entered into cells (the base cells) in the spreadsheet, via “Control Source”. The text boxes access these cells and show the selected items, which are then copied to other cells via a macro on activating the control button in the main form.
The main form stays open while other items are selected and transferred. Some of the items may not be changed (reselected) as they may be common. The problem is that after a number of items have been selected and transferred, the base cells for the second and third text boxes do not update after a selection from the combo boxes, and they continue to show a previously selected item.
The problem can be solved by closing the 2nd and 3rd forms and starting again. What can I do keep the cells updating without closing the form down?
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Apr 18, 2008
I need to establish a method of interleating multiple dropdowns or Form Control boxes. The purpose is to select one item and have a selection of multiple items associated with the selected item. Example:
Computer training dropdown box 1 offers selections of word, excel, powerpoint, ... If selection is Word, then dropdown box#2 offers advanced in room #15, Intermediate in room #16, Beginning in room #17. If Box 1 selection is excel box 2 selections would be different.
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Feb 17, 2007
creating this excel file with multiple comboboxes, i was wondering if i can add another into the equation. so i can have sub-categories.
i have attached the original file and how i would like to change the layout!
i also have another question, see with the info that would go into the textbox is there anyway you can put writing on seperate lines,
all within the same cell?
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Aug 23, 2013
My problem is I cannot copy from a Form Control drop down box, and I need to do this for ~10 drop down boxes in about 200 xls files. The files follow a template so the drop down button Inputs are uniform. Here is some more detail:
I’m building an Access Database so that our data (currently in many, many Excel Spreadsheets) can be efficiently queried. The old system was that when asset data was collected, the data would be entered into an Excel spreadsheet, using a Template. So for example:
Project A1234
Main Street Pipe
High Street Pipe
Ref No.
Installation date
X Coordinate
Y Coordinate
We have hundreds of these files, but I managed to get all the files in one folder and Paste and Transpose the data from the relevant Cell Ranges in each file (using a VB sub) into ONE summary sheet. Success; or so I thought.
Unfortunately for one generation of the template (people changed them slightly every year), the template had people enter information into Drop Down Menus. Not a problem when they’re associated with a cell, but these were free floating Form Controls.. so you can’t actually click and copy from them, or call them in VB as you would a specific cell.. afaik.
So my issue is how can I extract the data from those Form Buttons? I’ll try and provide as much info as I can:
Firstly I tried to find some sort of identifier for each Form Button. The dropdowns are called Combo Boxes, (Developer tab > Insert > Combo Box (Form Control) ), and when you select them (by right clicking) and hit the View Code button in Developer Tab > Controls the following shows up in VB.
Sub DropDown44_Change()
End Sub
I’m guessing that the number is related to the button so that’s one useful thing, an identifier of sorts. There’s no actual code there though really from what I can see.. My problem is I have no idea how to extract from DropDown44!
The range of values in the drop down comes from a separate sheet where there’s just a list of the values. There aren’t any cells linked to the drop downs though. If I enter a cell in (Right Click) Format Control > Cell link: then it prints the number (e.g. 4) of the value in the range. So if the drop down options are “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday” and “Thursday” is selected, the linked cell says: “4”.
They didn’t link a cell, then I could call that cell in a VB sub and the job would be done. Unfortunately they didn’t, so I tried Recording a Macro and selecting the drop down form control.. That didn’t really work, except if I right clicked it, I got some more info from the macro VB:
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Drop Down 19")).Select
So is my drop down an Array? My understanding of an Array is that it’s a list of arguments.. all I get there is the name of the button. I am not experienced in VB so this is as far as I’ve got. Perhaps I can get a sub to select the button using the above line, but I need the info from it, i.e. which value is currently selected in the Drop Down.
(Using Excel 2010 but the .xls files are from ~2005)
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Nov 8, 2012
I am trying to display multiple columns in my combobox on my userform.
I have it where it will find and load the data but when i select from the data only 1 column shows is there a way to have all 4 columns show up?
Dim lrowzz As Integer
lrowzz = (Sheets("graphs").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row) - 1 'new row to enter data into NEXT AVAIABLE ROW
Me.capac.List = Sheets("graphs").Range("B43:e" & lrowzz).Value 'populates the capa combo box on change capa tab
that is my code to populate the combobox using a dynamic range from B43 - D & Lastrow with data
Column b Column C Column D Column E
333 infoa dateA LocationA
334 infob dateb locationb
335 infoc datec locationc
when it loads the combo box i can see:
333 infoa datea locationa
But when I select 1 of the lines all that is displayed is Column B Data. How do i get it to still show all of it?
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Oct 23, 2009
i have a form control listbox (list box 5), it is multi select, i need to create a for next statement that loops through the list in and tells me which "row numbers" as it were are selected. i.e if the 1st and 3rd ones are blue, it returns 1,3 in a cell? (lets say cell A1).
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Dec 1, 2012
I have a control sheet that I am building and my sliderbar is making my data just disapear and not replacing it with any new data. Can this be fixed if I am able to reverse the sliderbar
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May 12, 2006
I am trying to use the Chartspace object on a VBA form in Excel 2002, but am unable to find out how to specify the speadsheet data to be used for each series. I have found out how to add series, and to add titles & legend etc.
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May 30, 2013
I have many Form Control Check Boxes that all link to another sheet on row 3.
I have many changes to make but only want to implement the change related to the check box.
This code works perfect when you manualy type true or false on row 3 but not if the check box makes the change.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ThisCol = Target.Column
If Target.Row = 3 Then
RESULT = MsgBox(Cells(1, ThisCol) & " = " & Cells(3, ThisCol), vbOKOnly, "CLICK RESULTS")
End If
End Sub
Why does this not work when a check box changes the value in row 3?
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Nov 16, 2012
I have several files with form control buttons that automate functions but, on occasion, they get smaller relative to the worksheet they're in. At some point, they become unuasable unless they're manually resized.
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Nov 28, 2012
I have a rather large sheet with lots of embedded form control buttons, each one with a document link. Is there a function (no VBA) to search for a specific form control button in excel? for example: i want to find the form control button which is linked to the "application" document.
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Jan 13, 2009
Does anyone know how to make a form control (ex combobox, textbox) have multiple columns so that it would behave like 4 controls in one. What im going for is a control that looks like the control used when setting windows system time "12:30:00 AM" So "12" is in col 1, ":" is in col 2, "30" is in col 3, ":" is in col 4, "00" is in col 5, and "AM" is in col 6.
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Feb 13, 2008
how to link VBA to the buttons on user forms:
Now I'm interested in some refinements to make this little toy I'm building work faster. I want the user to be able to enter data without having to click the text box in order to proceed. My code
Userform1. show
just brings up the form with a text box in it, and the user has to click in the box to get started. Is there code I can add that will put the cursor in the text box so it's ready to go?
I suppose this seems trivial, but it will speed the data entry part of this little project up and every little bit counts.
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Mar 15, 2009
I am looking to connect 2 form control boxes and have the second box run 2 different types of macros. The first box will have only 2 options - select by week and select by month.
The second box should show the list of weeks or months based on the selection in the first box. Then for the second box, if weeks is shown, a week macro should be run whenever a week date is selected. Similarly for the list of months, a month macro should be run whenever a month is selected.
I have been trying to do this for more than a week (after posting on this board) without success. I apologize if this seems like a duplicate post.
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Sep 21, 2006
how to get a list of the properties for form control shapes (not control toolbox shapes) that are placed on a worksheet (not on a userform). Eg., a button, checkbox, combobox, etc.
If it's possible, I'm interested in working with properties like "enabled", "caption", etc. that aren't listed on the "Format Control Properties" dialog.
I understand you can edit properties of a form control shape via VBA code (See example below), however, I can't seem to find anything within the object browser about them.
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Scroll Bar 2").ControlFormat
.Min = 10
.Max = 150
End With
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Sep 22, 2006
I need to extract proper unit price of a component from a large data base. So far, I have created drop down lists so that the users can select different parameters for each component. How do I use the user selected parameter to pin point the proper unit price from the large database?
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Jan 30, 2014
Trying to create a dynamic chart herewith control in combo box.
Chart 2.xlsx
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Sep 25, 2009
I have a combobox from the Forms Toolbox inserted in a worksheet and have a macro assigned to run when the user selects a value. After the value is selected in the combobox I'd like the combobox to clear itself (show a blank). Currently the selected value stays highlighted in the combobox after the selection is made. I know how to do this with a Controls combobox, but cannot figure out how to use it with a Forms combobox. (The reason I am not using the controls cb is because there seems to be an Excel2007 bug that causes the properties of the displayed text to randomly change when the control is activated. When a selection is made in the controls cb, the text displayed in the cb turns bold, and either grows or shrinks in size to the point that it is unreadable. Same thing seems to happen with all other ActiveX controls...)
Sample attached.
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Aug 30, 2006
I have a database of data that looks like this
Centre Name Training Type Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4
MyCentre MyTraining Me
MyCentre MyTraining Me
MyCentre MyTraining Me
MyCentre OtherTraining Me
NewCentre NewTraining NewPerson
I am trying to create a user form (in VBA) with a combo box that has each centre name appear only once (despite the fact that in the database each occurs multiple times). When a specific centre is selected, this brings up all the different training types associated with that centre in a separate list box. When that training type is selected, it should bring up all of the experts in that training type (for the specific centre). I should mention that the range is static (though the data is always contiguous) as the database is updated on a going forward basis.
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Oct 25, 2006
I am trying to find a formula that references a cell on a spreadsheet (H7) which is really a Combo Box that is located on a range of cells K25:K30. I want to put a formula in H18, but of course, the combo box always references the range on K. i have tried the $K$25:K430, but i don't know what i am doing. The drop down menu and everything works fine, but the data IS stored elsewhere. HOW do i tell Excel to look at K25:K30,(depending on choice within combo) and then ad H8:H19? I have looked, but all answers are for forms. I am doing this for final exercise for a university course, and (hmmhmm) must folllow obtuse instructions.
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Jun 5, 2008
If this control is a TextBox, I would like to read the Text property,
and if it's a ComboBox, I would like to read the Value property.
Public Function readValue(c As Control) As String
If (TypeName(c) = "TextBox") Then
' convert the Control to TextBox then put readValue = c.Text
If (TypeName(c) = "ComboBox") Then
'convert the Control to ComboBox then put readValue = c.Value
End If
End If
End Function
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Jul 16, 2014
I am working on an Inventory control worksheet where i have all parts used in a certain assembly on the left (A) followed by Qty per assembly (B) and then current baseline Inventory (C). In columns D-max i will have at the top a pull down menu to let the user decide if they are subtracting from inventory (Purchase Order) or adding to inventory (Fulfillment). Under both circumstances, depending on which is selected I would like a different form to pop up which allows the user to enter values to control the chart.
If Purchase order is selected then a pop up will ask the order number, date, and quantity. This will then fill in three specific cells in the chart which control an equation to subtract the number of parts based on the order quantity.
If Fulfillment is selected I would like a pop up or the entire parts list to appear with a field to enter the number of parts being stocked. The program will then add these parts to the previous inventory entry.
In the example attached you can see that right now you have to manually enter the number of units ordered, then an If statement takes over to calculate the new inventory level (If statement used to keep things neat and possibly to incorporate fulfillment at a later time). At this time there is no way for me to enter stocking transactions.
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Jul 21, 2014
I have made an excel sheet for multiple choice questions, in which person needs to click on submit button after completing with the test & pop up will say "Your score is__". Now, I want to want to add one more button named "Reset". I want below :
1. Person should not be able to make any changes after clicking on "Submit" button.
2. If one tries to click on "Reset" button, it should ask for password.
3. After keying password for "Reset" button, all questions should be reset so that next person can give test.
I have attached an example excel sheet for reference : DoM1.xlsm‎
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Oct 8, 2009
how to insert an attractive form control button instead of the horrible default grey buttons that come with Excel? I've seen it done, so I know it can be done.
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Jun 4, 2013
I am having some trouble with cascading two tier drop down. I cannot seem to find out how to do it. I am trying to create a two tier cascading drop down in form control. I want the first drop down to be Products we have and the second one to be customers. I also want to be able to create a bar chart from these drop downs where after we choose our customer by product, it shows the revenue we have recieved from the customer by months. Is there a way to do this? I figured out how to do this with just one combo box, but I am unable to do a cascading one.
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Apr 5, 2013
I am trying to get a form sent as an email by pressing he control button without having to cut and paste into an email sheet. I have tried with
[Code] .....
but the code I put in only opens a new email form, which requires cut and paste.
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Jun 4, 2008
I am designing (badly!) an excel file that is intended to be as user friendly as possible. I would like to add in a navigation feature using a list box or other appropriate control form that will take the user to the correct tab in the workbook depending on which item they choose from the list.
My aim is too hide all the tabs at the bottom whilst not crowding my page with multiple command buttons, and still be able to navigate easily through the workbook.
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Aug 9, 2009
Is it possible to configure the workbook so the user can view the data in the worksheet from the form and I can hide the actual worksheet so that the data in the workshhet cannot be changed? Or maybe there is a better way all together??
I am attaching a copy of the worksheet.
Second, Is there a better way to input a code that would allow a search for duplicates in certain fields to be flagged (other than the color coding?)
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