I am trying to find a formula that references a cell on a spreadsheet (H7) which is really a Combo Box that is located on a range of cells K25:K30. I want to put a formula in H18, but of course, the combo box always references the range on K. i have tried the $K$25:K430, but i don't know what i am doing. The drop down menu and everything works fine, but the data IS stored elsewhere. HOW do i tell Excel to look at K25:K30,(depending on choice within combo) and then ad H8:H19? I have looked, but all answers are for forms. I am doing this for final exercise for a university course, and (hmmhmm) must folllow obtuse instructions.
I'm using combo boxes. Initially I used combo boxes from the Forms toolbar, however the text in the combo box was to small. Now I'm using combo boxes from the Control tool bar. However, i would like the link cell to show the number of the entry in the list (like the forms control box) and not the actual entry. Is there an option I need to select in properties, or is there some VB code I can attach to the combo box ?
I have a combo box, which is used after a search. The box only identifies a list of cells, but to the right of that, is somemore info that i need.
I would like it, so when you bring down the list window, and pick from the list, it knows which Address it is, so it can then HLOOKUP the information in the next column.
I can't seem to make it happen. I either cannot get it to let me know the Address of the cell I had choosen, or I cannot make it look to the right, and put the contents into another text box...
I have something like this:
Addresslist.plant = addrlist.offset(,5).value
how do i make it find the location ie $D$5 of the of item i selected from a combo box?
Is there a way to calculate a conditional minimum? I have a range of 1000+ values and I need to find the minimum, but the minimum has to be greater than a specified minimum threshold
how I would display a simple msgbox to a user if a date they select from monthview isn't a date I want them to select. They can only chose dates between aug and dec 07 and i have the code lines
If MonthView1.Month = "12" And MonthView1.day = "15" Then december15.december15
I have a worksheet that has a Calendar on a worksheet from Calendar Control 8.0.
I want to be able to pick a month from the calendar and press a button to convert the selected month into a worksheet. I have a custom made calendar worksheet that I would like for it to be converted into.
I have uploaded my workbook. It contains the custom calendar worksheet as well as the calendar control.
I've created drop down box using VBA code. Data for drop down box is on the Sheet2 and drop down box created on Sheet1. Need code I have to use to copy selected value from box to any cell on Sheet1 (i.e. Sheet1.A5). Here is my
Private Sub Workbook_Open() CreateMyBox End Sub
Sub CreateMyBox() Dim MyBox As Excel.Shape With ActiveSheet Set MyBox = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, 5, 17, 175, 15) End With With MyBox .Name = "MyBox" .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)..................
I have, 10 combobox, if the user makes click in the combo,start the event combobox1_change, and the value of the combobox is searching in excel, when find it, move one cell toward the cell of the left, and the value of the cell of the left is shown in a label, that work.
But I need copy teen time the same code? (My english is very bad) this is the
Private Sub ComboBox2_Change() If Sheets.Application <> "Materiales" Then Sheets("Materiales").Select End If
I have a userform which manipulates data based on the userselection from the combo box. I have setup the userform so that the user may select up to 3 sheets due to the presence of 3 combos boxes. I need to writing an IF statement which checks to see if combobox1 is occupied to carry out a function, followed by it checking to see if combobox2 is occupied to carry out the function, and then checks to see if combobox3 is occupied and carries out the funciton.
As such, if only 1 combo box is occupied it would then only carry out the operation on combobox1's selection, and if none are occupied, nothing occurs, the box simply stays open. This is what I have so far, I know there is probably a more eligant way of writing such a If/Then/Else statement
Sub Start() If UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value And UserForm1.ComboBox2.Value > 0 Then Call Find1 Call kTest1 End If
If UserForm1.ComboBox3.Value And UserForm1.ComboBox4 > 0 Then Call Find2 Call kTest2 End If................
Right now I am constructing a macro so that upon exection, the user will be forced to select one of the dropdown menu options which are listed in a dynamic array. The dropdown menu should be in a popup of somekind created by the macro and not on any of the worksheets or charts. I would like to then assign the choice that the user makes to a variant. I have searched the web but not found what I am looking for and was hoping that someone could give me some phydocode that I can look at. The restrictions that I am operating by do not allow me to place a combobox upon any of the worksheets which is what I find in all the examples posted online.
How do I check the information from a user selection of all comboboxes on a multi-page control to format a worksheet?
A few more specifics: There are roughly forty comboboxes on a multipage with six tabs. The comboboxes contain a list of choices for how different aspects of the project are financed. I want to check for whether the user has selected a specific entry. If any of the forty comboboxes have made that selection, some code runs that formats the column of the worksheet in a specific way. I have written the code which formats the column, and it works fine, but my attempts to run the check mentioned above, have not worked. The code cannot check based on .listitem, it must check based on a specific string.
A few more clarifications: It doesn't matter whether all forty comboboxes have this selection, or one; if any of them have the selection, the code needs to recognize this. The code would currently run off a command button which performs a series of calculations, tests, and then runs the code to format the worksheet.
I'm trying to build a Userform with a combo box that is populated by a row of data, this will allow the user to select the column of data. What i want to do is find out the address of the data that is selected so I can work with.
ie A1 = Apple B1 = Orange C1 = Grape
if the user selects "Grape" I want to find out the column that it is in. Also the Row of data is Dynamic so I need to re-check the range each time.
I have two comboboxs on a userform, both are populated like this: (ComboBox1 is a different sheet/column)
' Sets Remarks in ComboBox4 Contents With Worksheets("Data") Set rng = . Range(.Cells(1, "C"), .Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)) End With With ComboBox4 .RowSource = rng.Address(external:=True) End With The function is that ComboBox1 will populate the names on lets say Sheet1, Column A, and when selected will populate by offset all the other Textboxs, and ComboBoxs.
Textbox1 is a date ComboBox4 is populated off of items from the data sheet ComboBox1 is populated off of sheet1 and provides names, then fills the userform fields
In populating the Userform, it fills Combobox4.value by the offset value of the selected name.
That cell does not contain the same info that was loaded into the ComboBox initally, and it does not show it. All other ComboBox entries match preloaded values, and show.
How do I get the ComboBox to display what is in the OffSet cell value, rather than blank because its different?
Sub ComboBox1_Chg() For Each Sheet In Worksheets If Sheet. Name <> "CoverPage" And Sheet.Name <> Sheets("CoverPage").ComboBox1 Then Sheet.Visible = False Else: Sheet.Visible = True End If Next Sheet End Sub
It works if I step through it (F8) but the ComboBox doesn't work. It's named ComboBox1, and in the properties the ListFillRange shows all of the names in the list in the ComboBox correctly.
Not overly familiar with ComboBoxes but what I want to do is load a ComboBox with data based upon the selection of another ComboBox
Please see attached example.
ComboBox1 - I can get to load. ComboBox2 - I want to load but only those lines that match the above selection TextBox - Load with the data on row selected by ComboBox2
I have a Combobox with it's 'RowSource' set to two columns x 1500 rows on a spreadsheet. The Combobox is set to 'fmMatchEntryComplete'. When the user types in invalid text I get an "Invalid Value Property" error. I would like to validate the Combobox so that the user cannot type text other than available in the list, or not allow for the focus to be taken away away unless the item is a match to the list. At present due to the interaction of other controls on the userform, the only way to clear the error is by pressing the 'Escape key'. I have a button designed to reset the 'RowSource' of the Combobox but even after adding a 'MouseMove' event to this button with code
I have a sheet with several entries. I want to find a way to have the user go to a specific cell instantly. What I thought I'd try was a combobox that when I click on a name in the combobox. It will make the matching name from the list the active cell.
Is it possible to have a combo box in excel, where, when an item is selected, it is assigned a colour depending on which item it is? Eg, The combo box list has item 1, and item 2. If I select item1, then the text becomes red, if I select item 2, the text becomes blue. If not possible using combo box, what method can I use?
I have a dynanic range named Room on B1. My combobox1 rowsource is linked to the Dynamic range Room. I would like to be able to delete the the specified selected room from the combobox and the next 3 column C,D,E (delete Shift cells up)
compare one coloum with another and return a corresponding value in the adjacent cell. For example
I have 4 colums A,B,C,D. In "column A" I enter Products names (Example- Apple, Orange..)and in corresponding Coloumn B, I enter Product Codes (01 for Apple and 02 for Orange etc..) When I enter Apple in coloumn C for 10 rows (C1 thru C10), I need to get Code 01 in Column D in all rows (D1 thru D10)
I am trying to run a macro once a particular word shows up in the combo box. now in my chase i could try to use VBA code to run the macros such that once the arrow is used in the combobox to select a certain word a particular macro labled the same name as the word chosen would run.
I have a combobox from the Forms Toolbox inserted in a worksheet and have a macro assigned to run when the user selects a value. After the value is selected in the combobox I'd like the combobox to clear itself (show a blank). Currently the selected value stays highlighted in the combobox after the selection is made. I know how to do this with a Controls combobox, but cannot figure out how to use it with a Forms combobox. (The reason I am not using the controls cb is because there seems to be an Excel2007 bug that causes the properties of the displayed text to randomly change when the control is activated. When a selection is made in the controls cb, the text displayed in the cb turns bold, and either grows or shrinks in size to the point that it is unreadable. Same thing seems to happen with all other ActiveX controls...) Sample attached.
Centre Name Training Type Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 MyCentre MyTraining Me MyCentre MyTraining Me MyCentre MyTraining Me MyCentre OtherTraining Me NewCentre NewTraining NewPerson
I am trying to create a user form (in VBA) with a combo box that has each centre name appear only once (despite the fact that in the database each occurs multiple times). When a specific centre is selected, this brings up all the different training types associated with that centre in a separate list box. When that training type is selected, it should bring up all of the experts in that training type (for the specific centre). I should mention that the range is static (though the data is always contiguous) as the database is updated on a going forward basis.
If this control is a TextBox, I would like to read the Text property, and if it's a ComboBox, I would like to read the Value property.
Public Function readValue(c As Control) As String If (TypeName(c) = "TextBox") Then ' convert the Control to TextBox then put readValue = c.Text Else If (TypeName(c) = "ComboBox") Then 'convert the Control to ComboBox then put readValue = c.Value End If End If End Function
Since Form Controls comboboxes don't allow font editing, I need to switch to ActiveX...
The combo box values come from the following cell range:
Those values are, from top to bottom: "select distance", "50 Miles", "100 Miles", "150 Miles".
The following macro is also assigned to the combobox:
I have two issues. The first is that the macro doesn't seem to be working. It is supposed to filter a list of cities within 50, 100 and 150 miles of a user input zip or city. The original Forms Control combo works but not ActiveX after I put the code in the change event:
[Code] .........
The second issue is that the last clicked value in the ActiveX comboBox replaces the top one.
Ex: from top to bottom, the combobox should display:
[Code] ........
but if the user clicks "100 Miles", the combobox is then going to display
[Code] ......
If the user then select "50 Miles", the box displays:
I want to display mutliple columns in a form control combobox. Tried activex and the easy part was the multiple columns. I couldn't get the activex combobox to update properly when a cell value changed.
The form control combobox updates properly but it is only displaying the first column of my named range.