I came up with a formula that i thought should work but apparently not so could someone be kind enough to post a formula that will take the date in one cell and place it in another but showing 6 months later.
I have a excel file which deals with accounting systems. It has the Loan date in Cell B6 and Number of dues in cell B7. I need the column from B11 : B34 to be filled with due dates for every month. Suppose if the loan date is 12/05/2013 and number of dues is 10 then in B11 I should get 12/06/2013 , B12 it should be 12/07/2013 and B13 should be 12/08/2013 and so on based on the number of dues.
Trying to do a linkback from another post located here but not having much luck doing it: [URL]
I'm working with 2 date columns and trying to filter a view to only include projects with dates within 3 months of today's date.
I've attached a current working file of the data and the end result i'm hoping to achieve via a macro of some sort.
I've manually got it to work via formula by inserting 2 additional columns (highlighted yellow) which determine if the dates "YES" fall in this 3 month time frame of "" blank if not.
create a macro which does all of this automatically without modifying any columns if this is possible
I have collected some data on economic factors for different countries. Unfortunately, the dates when I started to calculated my economic factors are different for each country (due to the data available to me).
What I would like Excel to have done is to take the date when I started to measure for e.g. country A (D3 ie 30/06/2007), copy it into column "I" (for country A, it's cell I3) and fill in the following months in the rows below (with always the date of the last day of a month) until it reaches 28th of Feb 2013. Then, it should go up to the next country (country B) take the starting date (D4, ie 31/07/2007), go to the last entry in "I" (ie I71) and paste the date in, fill in the months until 28th of Feb 2013, do the same for country C and so on.
I have started to code a VBA but I am unfortunately a beginner in VBA and totally stuck at the moment. My VBA code does paste in the months but for some reason, it also changes the starting date of the first month.
Moreover, I tried a workaround for the fact that Excel doesnt know when to stop; ie I introduced a "monthdiff" variable which should calculate the number of months between the starting date (which is variable and unique for each country) and the end date (which is always 28th of Feb 2013). At the moment, it only does this for country A.
VB: Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("I3" & Cells(monthdiff, "I").Address)[SIZE=4][/SIZE]
I have tried to make this dynamic but have been unsuccessful so far.
Spreadsheet with data&code is attached.
VB: Sub Macro1() Dim mainrange As Range Dim rng As Range
I have a file that uses dates, when a cell is in date the cell is "GREEN" but when the cell is out of date after 3 years it turns "RED". I want to add another formular so that when it gets to 2 years & 11 months the cell will go "YELLOW" for 1 month only before it turns "RED".
I have a start date for a contract in cell AM1. I need AN1 show a date six months from the start date in AM1. I am fine with that part.
However, I would like for AN1 to calculate not only a six-month date but also to auto-update to the next six month date from AM1 once the first six month date is about, let's say, one month past. What I am doing is calculating when a six-month inspection needs to be completed; these inspections are ongoing, so I need them to auto-update.
So let's say a contract was awarded today, 25 JAN 2010. That would be value in AM1.
I want AN1 to produce a date six months from 25 JAN 2010, which would be 25 JUL 2010 (yes, this way of calculating the six month date is fine). Then around, let's say, 25 AUG 2010, I want AN1 to auto-update to produce the next six month date, which would be 25 JAN 2011 (six months from 25 JUL). Obviously the function would need to relate to TODAY() in some way.
I have managed to create a formula to add a date (contained in cell E3) to a number of months (contained in cell F3).
This formula is in cell G3 =DATE(YEAR(E3), MONTH(E3)+(F3+1), 0)
This works fine. Apart from before I put information into E3 and or F3 then G3 displays "31/01/1900". I wish G3 to remain empty until information is entered into both E3 and F3.
I have used data validation on cell E3 to restrict users to enter a date between 01/01/1980 and 01/01/2099.
I have a macro that adds a text in column H if criteria is met. In column Q I have a date field. I'd like to add 3 months to that date and put the result after my text below, so it would look something like this:
Is it possible to do relatively easy?
Sub ForceMatch() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim line As Integer Dim Endline As Long For Each ws In Worksheets If ws. Name <> " Total" And ws.Name <> "Batch" And ws.Name <> "Summary" And ws.Name <> "PivotTable" And ws.Name <> "Fields" Then..............
I have to figure out the date of 3 months ago from today. The rule is:
1) if today is the month end (e.g. 30/06/2013), then 3 months ago will also be the month end (e.g. 31/03/2013).
2) if today is not the month end (e.g. 10/06/2013), then 3 months ago will have the same day (e.g. 10/03/2013). But this has some exceptional case, because some month has 30th while other month does not. For example, if today is 30/05/2013, then 3 months ago will be in February which does not have 30th. In this case, just make it as the month end of 3 months ago.
If I have a date in a cell. Let's say A2 is 12/1/2012. Six months later I would like that date to increment 6 months and display 6/1/13. When the date in A2 is 12 months old I want the date to increment another six months and show 12/1/2013. Basically, every time the date reaches a 6 month anniversary from the initial date found in A2 it would increment another 183 days.
The reason I'm trying to do this is to create a rolling reminder so I can followup with customers every 6 months.
If it's not possible without creating some sort of final end-date to the cycle I guess it would be okay if it ended after 3 or 4 years.
I use [=IF(F15="","",EDATE(F15,-D15))] to track time frames. The problem is Edate works great for months but on occasion I need days, like 40 days. In cell D15 I have a list where the user must choose from, but one of the choices needs to be in days so the Edate won’t work anymore.
A1 contains an entered date (4/18/08). B1 contains an entered number representing months (6). I want C1 to subtract 6 months from 4/18/08 and then show the rounded down date of 10/1/07.
Someone will enter their financial year end in the worksheet e.g. 31/03/2014 and I then have 12 cells below it called Month 1, Month 2 etc up to Month 12. I need the cell next to Month 1 to calculate what it would be... so for a Year End of 31/03/2014 month 1 would be April and this needs to apply to the 12 months.
Start date: 12/04/2004 End date: 12/04/2006 The formula should give the answer to 24 months
Example 2 Start date: 12/04/2004 End date: 13/04/2006 The formula should give the answer to 25 months
When I use function =(YEAR(A4)-YEAR(A3))*12+MONTH(A4)-MONTH(A3), it does not show 25 months for "Example 2" as it is still within the same month "April"
I'm trying to split an amount within a given month:
Customer From To Total number booked Total amount booked
A 3 March 2013 5 May 2013 458 £5,000
Therefore, assuming that the number and amount booked is done evenly on a daily basis and considering the fact that in March, the period is 3 March - 31 March, while in May it is 1 May - 5 May, is it possible to have a formula that calculates the amount by month?
I have been using =D2/(DAYS360(B2,C2)) to find out the daily number booked, then multiplying this by the days in a given month to find out the monthly value, but is there a more elegant way of doing this where I can define the month in another sheet (Col. B), to return the following in Col. C and D?
Customer Month Monthly number booked Monthly amount booked
I have a date stored in a variable and I need to add month(s) to that date. For example if I have 10/1/2013 in a variable if I add 1 to that month the result should be 11/1/2013. I am using the following formula but the problem is in the result date format, which shows as 1/31/1990, if I add 2 to the original date, the result is 2/29/1900 which ideally should have been 12/1/2013.
My formula is : ActiveCell.Value = "=date(year(" & last_date & "),month(" & last_date & ")+" & i & ",min(day(" & last_date & "),day(date(year(" & last_date & "),month(" & last_date & ")+" & i & "+1,0))))"
A - Date last checked B - Due Date C - Actual Date checked
Currently column B simply has =A+84 and will display a date 3 months in future.. Great..
However now i want column B to still display the 3 month date - unless there is a date in C, whereby i want B to then display OK. SO what im sort of needing is =A+84 (or if somethings in C then "OK")
I've developed a spreadsheet in Excel 2000 where one of the cells contains the number of months a quantity will last, calculated by taking the total amount and dividing it by the amount used each month (a constant).
I would like to have another cell where that number is translated into the future date that number of months represents, so that in addition to seeing how many months the total amount will last, one can see when the amount will be depleted.
For example, suppose it is December 9, 2009 (as it is now) and the number in the number-of-months cell is 6. Then, is there a way that when 6 is calculated, in another cell appears something like June 9 2010 or 6/9/2010 or 6/9/10 (assuming the computer's clock is correct)?
It would be nice if the formula would handle decimals too, such as the date for 6.4 months, but that's not essential.
I have a formula which works =SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(F7:M7=2) *(F12:M12="S"))) but only calcautes the S over certain dates. (F7:M7) Are the dates. i need to incorporate the today formuala so it works from 12 months from today. 12 months rollings (so figures wll change daily).
01 January 2014 02 January 2014 03 January 2014 04 January 2014 05 January 2014 06 January 2014 07 January 2014 08 January 2014 ######### #########
I'm scrambling my head to put this together. Could somebody show me how this is done? I have two rows of data that contains dates in the mmm-yy format. The first row is the start date of the activity and the second row is the end date of the activity. Thus, in each column i would have an activity with its start and end dates. If i want to total the number of months taking into consideration only unique months (counting over-lapping months just once), how do i do that? These dates could have breaks in between, too. Like if an activity ended Jul-08, the next could begin Dec-08. I am able to count the months using the datedif function, is there a match or other function that i need to use?
I have been trying to search for either a function or VBA that will perform the following:
If I enter I want all months >=1/1/07 and <=3/31/07 it would tell me that the months in between are January, February and March and so on with all dates.