Formula For Stats Table In Percentages?
Aug 25, 2014
I use a workbook that records data centered around course referrals.
The workbook also has a stats page. It records Instructor stats but needs to be in the form mostly of percentages.
In Column D within the page Stats I need the cells to show the total number of "YES" that each Instructor has achieved from their number of pupils in the Sheet Data.
Column E and F in Stats need to show the percentage of Yes and No of each Instructor from Column D in the Sheet Data.
Column G In Stats needs to show the number in total of Referrals made by Indivisual Instructors taken from Sheet Data.
Columns H,I and J in Stats need to show the percentage of referrals to OBT,Kaya and HWal made by the Individual Instructors taken from Sheet Data.
Finally in Stats, Columns K,L and M need to show the percentages for each Instructor of their Leave Reason again Taken from Sheet Data.
Usually there are several hundred entries and at the moment I do this manually with a calculator.
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Jan 10, 2014
I am new to pivot tables and charts and to build.... I heard that the best is to use pivot tables but no clue how to do it I have tried but no luck....
How can I see the following information in chart?
-Non con close out time by person- so who is failing to close out on time in this case is completion date
-Frequency of reports by area/ shift
-Number of reports by month, split into critical/major/minor
-Main reasons for reports so trend of type of record
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Oct 14, 2008
I am trying despeartely to finish this out. Here is the deal. I created a pivot table (see attached). The issue is that I need the numbers in the red boxes to be a percentage of the total number below - so the 2 should be a percentage of the 9 (22%) and the 3 should be 100% and the 7 should be 78%. I cannot seem to get this to work. Also, there are multiple rescue groups that need this and each needs to be the % of its own total number of animals.
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Jan 5, 2008
I have chunks of raw data held in my spreadsheet and i am using pivot table to give me the final results based in the criteria selected, I now need to add another column to my pivot table to give me a percentage value from 2 values within the table- is this possible ?
(is there a way of adding a column into the table and insert a function to carry out the calculation?)
- I am looking to do it this way so that instant charts/reports can be easily made......
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Jul 2, 2007
Am trying to do a formula to work out a percentage of one figure from another, cannot for the life of me think it through properly!
So in
Cell J73 I have the net income and in cells J75 +J77 I have the total outgoings.
I want a formula that works out the percentage outgoings, so if someone is earning £100 and they have £20 outgoings, that is 20% of their earnings.
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Jun 27, 2014
I need a formula to create the following:
In Cell F5 is 26, so the percentage should be 101% (100+1). How can I modify the below to add 1% when the number goes over 100%?
Do I have to create two columns? one for the below and one if the F6 is over 100%?
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Jan 16, 2009
I have been working on this for days and cannot come up with a answer to this. I am trying to average a column that has percentages. some of the cells have o's in them and the numbers that I am trying to average is a weekly number. So I am trying to average every 7 days percentage. Is there a way to do this? I have looked thru the forum and all over the web and can't come up with an answer. I have excel 2003. Do I have to write a macro for this or can I just do a formula? If so how do I do it?
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Jan 20, 2009
I am captain of a Dart Team in 2 different leagues. I have a excel spreadsheet that does some calculation for me (Wins, Losses, Percentage) when I manually enter the numbers. I have just created a workbook with multiple worksheets for each week of the season, including playoffs, and a sheet for overall and print. I want to be able to input the data for each week and have it auto calculate on the overall page and auto populate the print page. The overall page will have all the stats, wins singles games, wins doubles games and wins 3 man games, along with percentage in each category. I am pretty sure I can accomplish this task. The problems I am having is:
1. Adding wins and losses based on player number, I have one cell with a players number and I will put a 1 or 0 in that cell based on a win or loss. Off to the side I have the player roster with card numbers and a win column and loss column. I would like excel to see the 1 or 0 in the main column and add the appropriate to the roster column, calculating total for the night. Then adding that to the overall page.
2. The print page, I want a easy to read page that displays each players, wins and losses for each category described earlier and averages through each week displayed nicely to distribute each week. Would I have to export that page to word? I want to display wins and losses as 14-7 without it calculating it.
If someone can point me in the right direction that would be awesome. I can do simple stuff in excel, never had to do anything like this before, wanted to do it for a while and just didn't know where to start. What formulas to look up, not familiar enough with the nomenclature to look for the correct functions to accomplish this task, or if it's even possible.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have many spreadsheets with sports stats. I pulled the information from the web. So on one page I have the stats. The next page I want to be able to type the teams name and have excel pull out all the stats I want. Makes it easy to compare teams stats that are playing each other. Is this possible I tried to use most of the lookup functions but I just cant figure this out.
I will attach the sheets.
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Jun 6, 2009
I seem to find myself stuff on this project yet again, JBeaucaire was able to help me to get this far im hoping you will be able to help me with the next step of this project
The doc iv attached is able to give me the differnece between low and high numbers with this example low numbers being between 1-18 and 19 – 36 high numbers and 0 being a break if u test the project u will understand im now trying to create a pattern of 3s were im abe to get stat hits on for example the patterns of 3s are the following(numbers) low,low,low-low,low,high-low,high,high-low,high,low every time I type in the numbers 3 times in a row on the 3rd one I want it to show as a hit(success) if the 3 numbers I type in are not a hit like high,high,high I want it to show me a miss if it is a pattern I want it to show a if theres a 0 it must rest like from 0miss,4hits,o breaks to 0miss,0hits,1break and so forth im also wondering if at another part of the form it can keep the total stats like iv added In the doc
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Sep 17, 2013
Is there a way to automatically update football stats from a website. I want to update many different stats each week of player and team performances. Can I specify a website to go to update the info and prefer to do it each Tuesday. Let me know if more details are needed.
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May 2, 2007
I have a spreadsheet full to the gills of patient information. I have a separate sheet with information from the first spreadsheet like counts of a certain type of tests or diagnosis codes using a 'countif' function. This is based on all the info in that first sheet. I want to make a second sheet with the same basic setup, but only from the patients who visited during this fiscal year. Is there a code I can use to make this happen?
Let's say the date of the visit is in column A and the test type is in column N. The code I'm already using is =COUNTIF(Info!N:N,"*TestName*") How do I get this to return results only if the date of visit was within the fiscal year?
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Mar 20, 2009
i made another thread about this but this one is more detailed.
all my questions are in the attachment excel thing, on the main page.
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Aug 24, 2009
I having trouble trying to find the right formula to display statistics onto a 'Stats' page for my horse racing results from each month.
On the Stats page I have a summary of each month where I can view winners loosers, profit and loss, and the different types of racing (eg Flat and Jumps,Sprint, Non-Sprint).
For January I have two rows on a column for Sprints and Non-Sprints here I want to diplays the results (selections,won,lost) for each. The infomation on the January is all in date order and sprint races and non-sprints are all mingled in together. How do I display the infomation for sprints and non-sprints seperately on my stats page??
layout so far: (how it should be)
Stats page
Sprints | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1
Non-Sprints | 3 | 1 | 2 | 0
Jumps | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0
January Page
Sprint |placed
NoneSprt |won
Jumps |lost
NoneSprt |lost
NoneSprt |lost
Sprint |won
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Jan 30, 2007
I have used the "sort" function on many occasion, and I am now stumped as to why it wont work
I have a table with 9 columns: Team, Games played, Games won, Games tied, games lost, goas for, goals against, diff and points.
Each of the collums and rows have different calculators in them.
I want to sort each time the stats are modified, to show who is is first place, second etc. Thus the sort is by Points first, then Diff.
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Apr 16, 2007
I'm struggling to find a way to index data in an array that meets certain matching criteria. I am looking for an employee's rate on a given day by searching a database that lists the dates that an employee's rate was changed. I was hoping to solve it with a crafty index and match array formula but have been unable to find something that works so far. I have attached a simplified example of what I am trying to do.
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Jan 4, 2010
What I would like to do is for each worksheet run "descriptive statistics" in data analysis on the data in column Q, which varies in length, and then copy the "mean, median, SD, and skewness" in the results down columns T:W to the last row based off of a count in Column Q. Finally, calculate the "zscore" in column S based off of the formula in cell S2 in the attached workbook.
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May 13, 2013
I have a table below that looks like this:
# of days
The # of days column will be a manual input. Then I have a larger table that will take those values and convert them to look like this: (Obviously the dollar values are pulled from somewhere else)
$ 1,292.00
$ 1,292.00
$ 1,292.00
I've been thinking of trying to use a macro but not sure that is the best way. Using a button or something doesn't seem very elegant either.
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Jul 20, 2009
I am working with a list and would like to show the top 10 careers in %.
Out of 914 votes __ % are interested in Nursing, __ % are interested in ABC, ___ % DEF, etc.
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Dec 4, 2009
i have a figure of 395.00 euros to start and need to calculat percentages when i enter a certain figure ...
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Mar 10, 2009
I think a really easy no brianer, I need to find the difference in percentage terms of two values. I am using =(B2-A2)/ABS(A2)
where B2 = 24.09
and A2 = 21.08
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Oct 15, 2009
I am monitoring the balance in my Allocated Pension fund, via the WWW.
In particular, I am recording the profits (disregarding costs, outflows, etc.) as ANNUALISED PERCENTAGES (a new line, for each week).
My formula is:
=(accumulated profits/principal)*(365/elapsed days)
Will my formula remain valid, when “elapsed days” exceed 365?
If not, is there a FUNCTION that can handle my problem. And
What would the function’s ARGUMENTS be?
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Jul 26, 2006
I'm sure this will be an easy calculation for most of you...........
If I have two numbers, ie. 390 and 217, how can I calculate the difference
between the two figures as a percentage? (These two figures represent sales
in two months and I need to know the difference in percentage terms).
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Mar 14, 2012
I would like a way to use conditional formatting to highlight percentages that are over 50%. The problem is that I have other numbers in the same column that are not percentages but I would like to ignore them for highlighting purposes? Can this be done without sorting the columns?
345- ignore
Ken- ignore
2500- ignore
45.6%- do not highlight
65- ignore
92%- highlight
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Nov 5, 2013
The simple formula above calculates percentage which basically in this example, 159-90 divded 159% which equals 56.60%. What i need the formula to recognize is if both the entries are 159 which should show 100%. Its to show error rates by the way. Percentage wise.
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Jan 4, 2008
I am trying to combine to cells containing percentages, however when I do the percentages turn into decimals. I have tried using the text funtion, but that just returns the full number 1, no decimals or percentages.
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Mar 2, 2008
I work at a library and have been asked for help by the Asst. Director. The problem is, I have next to no Excel experience, just what I've been reading in the Help files and Online.
We are using Excel 2003 and running XP. Here is his predicament: he has an excel document that lists the books we have ordered from a publisher. Column I has the MSRP for the book and Column J has the discounted price for the book. We are trying to get Column L to show the percentage of the discount that we received. This is what i've come up with:
example for line 255 typed in as formula for L: =1-7.95/14.98
It comes out correct when I type in the formula as I show above, but when I try typing in the formula (as it should look:=1-J255/I255) , i get an error message: #VALUE! ...
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Jun 17, 2008
I have a table of data with names across the top and number of weeks down the left. The table lists amounts of money those names earned during the respective weeks. It looks something like this:
Mike Dan Bill Carl
400 500 600 700
800 900 1000 800
700 600 500 400
In a seperate worksheet within the same workbook, I have 3 columns of data. The first column is a name. The second column is a criteria. In the third column, I am trying to look up the value of 8 specified weeks of earnings of the name I put in column 1 and multiply those earnings by a percentage based on the criteria in column 2. Then sum the products.
I have a table of the 8 percentages I am trying to apply. There are 7 different percentage applications.
So if I am looking up Mike's earnings during those 8 specified weeks and the criteria in column 2 is "B", then I want to apply the appropriate column of percentages to those 8 looked up earnings, Multply them and then Add them.
Up until now, I have been trying to use some hybrid of HLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, and IF.
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Aug 20, 2008
I have a column of data with students marks ranging from zero to 78(S17:S74). I need to work out the mean score of the bottom 20% of all the scores achieved - Is this possible. I'm no expert so please keep it as simple as possible! I'm working with Windows XP and Excel 2002.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have data that I import from another source into excel and it pulls over like this
I want to remove the % since these aren't actually percentages, the report we pull from has them listed incorrectly and cannot be changed since it is software driven, not excel driven. The problem is simply remove the % changes the number to 38.66 instead of leaving it at 3866.
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