Formula For Pulling First Character

Jun 24, 2006

I am working with a tab delimited file, and am needing to have a column of its own that will pull the first letter of another column. i.e. in A will be the title of the book, and in column C I need to have the first letter of the title of the book appear for other uses.

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Pulling Only Certain Rows With A Formula

Jun 11, 2009

This formula returns the count of all rows in Sheet1 that have Donation in the first 1000 rows of Column G AND Student in Column T.

=SUM((Sheet1!$G$1:$G$1000"Donation")*(Sheet1!$T$1:$T$1000="Student Time"))

I need to do the exact same thing but instead of looking for the word Student as the value of the cell, I need to count the cells that have the words "Student Time" somewhere in the cells in Column T. These cells also contain lots of other text including sometimes carriage returns.

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Duplicates Pulling Through From Index Formula?

Apr 10, 2014

The attached sheet is an example of a tracker sheet that I am trying to put together. No matter how I look at this I cant get my head around how to make this work

Basically It would work fine if all of the amounts were different. But in the cases where the retailers have been offered the same level of support YTD it is causing duplicates to pull through into the formulated tab.

I attached will clear up my query.

I have highlighted in red where the duplicates are showing

PS - It does need to be formula driven

TEST Manual Bonus Tracker 2014.xlsx

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Formula For Pulling Data From A Matrix

Nov 21, 2006

Im currently working to speed up my monthly reporting process. Each month I pull data from the ledger by account & office. Below is an example of what the format of the ledger looks like.

My next step is to report the amounts by account number for each office. At the moment I do this manually, which takes a very long time. My goal is to be able to paste the ledger data on a worksheet and have my report populate automatically.

In regards to the account numbers from the ledger, we summarize the accounts using the first 3 digits of the account. For example, account number "1113454" would be considered a "111" account. Account number 3335454 would be considered a "333" account.

************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - 3Q Global Variance Analysis.xls___Running: xl2000 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB16C16D16E16F16B22E22B23E23B24E24B25E25B26E26=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Pulling Multiple Matches (formula Repeat?)

Aug 21, 2009

I'm looking for is to repeat this formula within the cell, so that it can pull the information of not only the first match, but all matches proceeding it. Right now it only pulls the first match it finds, but I would like it to add every time a row matches the criteria of the formula.

=(LOOKUP(2,1/(('Paste SFHS'!$A$2:$A$9=A2)*('Paste SFHS'!$B$2:$B$9="08-Wave/Stu. Goals")),'Paste SFHS'!$C$2:$C$9))

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LOOKUP Formula Not Pulling Correct Data

Mar 27, 2009

Attached you will find the spreadshhet in question. If you click on the click here button input the following info:


the sheet will auto populate all numbers. this part is working properly. MY issue is if you look at the Bad Debt number, the correct response should in cell f21 should be $636.46 because in order to hit the next level of pay, you must at least hit $3,424,082.00. I can not figure out how to get the correct formula that will put the right pay out. Basically in order to hit a certain level of payout you must hit that next number, even if you are a $1 higher you can not get the pay out. So for example if your bad debt is $3,424,083 you would be paid out at 100%, not 120%.

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Replace Character Used In Formula Where Formula References Cell

Feb 23, 2008

I am using vlookup to get a cell value from another sheet, but if the cell has "&" or "/" I need to substitue "&" and "/" with "and" so that the cell can be added later to a url.

i am using =VLOOKUP(a1,Sheet2!A1:W17968,6) to get the value of a1 in sheet 2 and return the value of column 6

this will return "Audio Cables & Leads" but i need it to say Audio Cables and Leads

I need the formula to also check and replace "/" with "and" as well so cables/wire will be Cables and wire

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Formula For Pulling Data Into New Worksheet If Certain Criteria Met Without Using Macro

Jun 3, 2014

I would like the following columns to show on a new worksheet if column Z and AA (which show a date and time) are the same as todays date, the columns of info I would like it to pull through are Column C,D, Z, AA. The row numbers could be different daily? is this possible?

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Pulling Earliest And Latest Times From A List Using Lookup / Formula?

Jul 25, 2014

I'm trying to pull the earliest and lasted times out of a list of time stamps. Say I have a column full of clock in and clock out times and wanted to find the first clock in time and the last clock out time (just an example). My lookup_value would be a Store number. I can't post it here due to legality reasons, but I have a column a store numbers that will be my lookup values and I need to find the earliest and lastest time in a list of data on another tab.

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CountIf Formula Using / Character?

Feb 11, 2012

I want to count the number of cells in column B that contain the start with the string US/IL. Here's the formula that I created, but it returns a value of 0 instead of 590.

Is there something I need to do differently when a cell value contains the / character in the string?


Once I have the correct formula for the above, I want to write another formula on the row below that counts how many rows of this 590 value have a corresponding "Yes" value in Column M.

The first formula will sit in cell B1840

The second formula will sit in cell B1841

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How Can I Look For A Character Or An Operator In A FORMULA

Jul 9, 2008

Iīm trying to find a way to get a formula which can look if there is a character (letīs say it is "-") in a formula which is, by the way, variable (letīs say each cell has different values like: =899+59-6 and so it goes and goes), and brings me a true or false value.

Specifically it is like this:

I have formulas to be evaluated like the following:


I need a formula which can look into the formula and if it finds the character "-" or a "+", brings me a true or false message.

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Formula That Will Remove The First 2 Characters And The Last Character

Mar 10, 2009

i need a formula that will remove the first 2 characters and the last character from the below, so below the result should be R0131644, the number of characters vary from row to row, they are not always 11


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Formula To Remove All But The Last Of The Same Character In A Cell

Aug 21, 2009

I have data in cell A1 and A2 which looks like below

SECTOR - 11, HIRAN MAGRI, - 313001

In cell A1 the number of hypens (-) are 2
In cell A2 the number of - are 3

What I am looking for is a formula which can remove all additional - except the last one. Therefore the result of the formula should be

SECTOR 11, HIRAN MAGRI, - 313001

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Aligning Part Of A Formula To A Certain Character Limit (63)?

Jul 24, 2014

Is there anyway of aligning part of a formula to a certain character limit (63)?

For example:

Aaaaaa(A1), bbbbbbb(B1), 1111111.00(C1)
Aaaa(A2), bbbb(B2), 11.00(C2)


Aaaaaa(A1), bbbbbbb(B1),____________1111111.00(C2)
Aaaa(A2), bbbb(B2),______________________11.00(C2)

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If / Then Formula: Makes A Character That Has A Score Of 9 For One Of His Attributes?

Oct 29, 2008

I'm helping out a community that puts out a role playing game by making a character sheet for their gaming system. It's normally a pen-and-paper type affair, but a few people have reached out to me and asked me to make it. Now, one thing that I really thought would be nifty would be to make it persistent. I know of the Excel basics, creating basic formulas and the such, but this is where I hit a brick wall.

For the character sheet, they normally have basic attributes on a 1-20 scale. These attributes are accomanied by a bonus. The only thing is those, while these bonuses go across a linear path (For attribute 1, it's -30, for 2 its -20, for 3 its -10, for 4 its -5 for 5 its 0....), I cant seem to figure out how to create some kind of If/Then formula for it....

Heres my example:

Brad makes a character that has a score of 9 for one of his attributes. The bonus given to someone with a 9 is a +10. What I'm looking to do is create a table that sees that 'If (c9)=9, Then (d9)=+10'...

And my second related issue...

Is there any possible way to do the above mentioned formula in relation to a drop down selection bar? It's the same thing here; To break it down simply, It would be excellent if there was a way for it to say If (a10)=Warrior, then (c10)= +10.

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Formula To Find Required Character In Cells?

Dec 26, 2011

I have following table,

Item NoSectorDestination

Row 2 to 5 are of same item no. The result that is required is in Column C. The formula to check same item numbers in column A and give the result as "FRA" in column C3 with C2, C4, C5 showing as not applicable. Similarly for the next item no

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Character Length Formula - Add Trailing Spaces

Feb 11, 2013

Is there a fomula that can add trailing spaces. For example....I need a certain feild to be 11 Characters in length. So lets say in Column A, I have a bunch of different words:


I would like to put a formula in column B that takes my original text and adds blank spaces to the end of it until it's 11 Characters. So "House" in Column A would be "House " in column B.

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Wild Card Character Used In Array Formula

Jun 26, 2013

The usage of the wild card character is not getting me the results I need for a formula I am using at work. When the wild card asterisk character is removed, I get the correct result but only for an exact match of the particular text. I need it to match the "Particular Text plus another text. The Text is CBKC. Then there is also CBKC 5400 and so on. I need to have the wild card expression character before and after the CBKC characters. The formula is below that I used.

=sum(--k2:k500),--(c2:c500=" Y"),--(D2:D500=" Permit"),--(s2:s500="*CBKC*))

Excel doesn't like the way I am expressing the wild card inside the double quotes......the column getting added if the matches are found is column K. The other columns have to meet the criteria in the formula.

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Formula To Extract Undefined Number Of Names Following Specified Character

Apr 8, 2014

I need a formula which can pick out the names from string of text, each name follows "-->", the number of names in each cell differs and is undefined. The result needs to be posted into each column following these cells.

An example of a cell is below:


Loss -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hen... U. DEC 3 5:00

-->--> Matt Ricehouse -- -- -- -- Dec. 4, 2010

Win -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hea... SUB 1 0:56

-->--> Eric Steenberg -- -- -- -- May. 15, 2010 Guillotine Choke"

I have tried using text to columns but everything after the first line is not recognised (when I click finish anything after "TIME" is simply not there).

Example attached : UFCv1.xlsx

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How To Remove Special Character Without Disturbing Other Character

Nov 27, 2012

To all sifus out there, how can i transfer from these:


To these:


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Append All Digits Before Character To All Numbers Between The Same Character

May 18, 2008

I have got a list of numeric abbreviations, for instance 10739011/21/31/41. What it should really display are the numbers 10739011, 10739021, 10739031 and 10739041 (the first six figures stay the same). All the numbers in my list are 8 figures long. I want to change the list from the list seperated by the backward slash to the complete numbers. I have uploaded an example of the list with backward slash between the numbers. Is there a way that Excel can automatically change these numbers to the full numbers?

Because all the numbers are 8 figures long, I thought the first 6 figures of the 1st number can be copied and those 6 figures pasted before the other two figures after the backslash. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;sorry, pressed OK too quickly. The problem is that there are sometimes 4 numbers in the cell, sometimes 6 and once three. I would like Excel to complete all the numbers in the cell and then move on to the cell underneath it and so on. Also, I would like each number to have it's own cell.

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Excel 2010 :: Increase Character Limit In Text Box That Is Based On Formula?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a text box that is set to "=B1". B1 is a cell from an Access table import with memo format. The text memo is long, probably on average between 1000-2000 characters. I have set up the text box to automatically resize for the text, but the text stops at what I assume is 255 characters, even though cell B1 displays the entire memo.

How can I set it up so that this text box (or any other similar shape) displays the text and retains its resize/wrap property?

This is done in Excel 2010.

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Macro Of Formula That Shows Character Location Number Of Text File

Aug 14, 2014

I am looking for a way to show the character location number of a text file, possibly in the first row or a macro that I can run at any given location that will give me the location # I am currently viewing.

Currently, when I open the file I can see the character # at the opening screen (see attached file) but they disappear when it actually converts. I would like to be able to keep the character location ruler once the file is opened in Excel so I don't have to manually count.

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Excel 2013 :: Formula Required To Remove Unknown Character And Extra Space From Name

Aug 19, 2014

i am trying to remove the unknown character and extra space from the name. Though i use formula as trim or proper(trim), it is not removing the Unknown character / extra space. I have attached the few name as sample. Formula to remove these Unknown character / extra space, double space, special character from selected cell?

Note : I am using ms office 2013

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Look For Character In Cell And Insert New Character - For More Than One

Sep 20, 2009

I have a cell which will contain SER01+SER02+SER03

and what i need it to contain is [SER01]+[SER02]+[SER03]

and shocker is i've got this to work for the first instance but not the other two

code as below... be grateful for your help

Sub measure1()
Dim list As String, pos As Integer, refl As String, refr As String, newlist As String
list = Cells(1472, 16).Value
pos = InStr(list, "+")
refl = Left(list, pos - 1)
refr = Right(list, pos + 1)
newlist = "[" & refl & "]"
Cells(1472, 17) = newlist
End Sub

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Add Character After 1st Character Of Cells

May 6, 2008

Need a formula/code that will determine what the corrected part number should be (insert dashes if they are missing) by comparing to other values in the list.

Original A1:A5 = {452, a-bc, 123, 4-52, abc}
Corrected C1:C5 = {4-52, a-bc, 123, 4-52, a-bc}

I can do this using an intermediate working column, but can this be done all in one formula, or via VBA?

My formulaic solution is thus: .....

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Formula For A Cell Contains Specific Character Then Multiply By Another Cell

Feb 17, 2014

Can I get a formula for the below specification.

if a cell contains character A THEN multiply by cell B * 0.02,if a cell contains character B THEN multiply by cell B * 0.05,if a cell contains character C THEN multiply by cell B * 0.010

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Pulling From Table

Nov 16, 2009

I have a table I wish to pull information from. Here is an example table:

"Start at".."Less than"..0..1..2..3

This example is A1 to F4. There are two inputs; A10 and A11, and one output (formula) on A12. A10 will be the column I choose, and A11 is the row I choose...but it's chosen if the number is >= column A and < column B.

Example: I input A10 as 2, and A11 as 87, A12 will output 4. If I input A10 as 0, A11 as 85, A12 will output 6.

I kind of understand how to use VLOOKUP for this, but I am unable to check column A and B to choose the row.

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Pulling Value From A String?

Apr 10, 2014

I created a macro that opens a page as an excel sheet, grabs data from it, and inserts it into a cell.

My problem is that one of the cells has an abundance of data that I don't need.

The data that it puts into the cell looks like this: 0849940222,* Bill Myers ,* Thomas Nelson,*1997-10-02 The only thing I need is the first name that shows up.

The number at the beginning is always the same length, so I thought about using a trim function for that, but since names are not always the same length, how to do the other end. Maybe get the value for commas and delete everything before the first and after the second...I also don't know how to do that in VBA.

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Pulling Data From A Tab

Jun 10, 2009

i want it to change the Header in E1 to the name of that price level and have the prices change according to that price level. The price level prices are currently being pulled from another tab through vlookups which lookups up the part numbers. My method only works with 1 price level right now and have no clue how to approach it with more then one price level. Also these part numbers will change positions and locations and are not permanent hence why i thought to use a vlookup.

Is there a way macro wise ( preferably through a formula ) that i can have Column E prices change according to the Price Level Entered.

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