Macro Of Formula That Shows Character Location Number Of Text File
Aug 14, 2014
I am looking for a way to show the character location number of a text file, possibly in the first row or a macro that I can run at any given location that will give me the location # I am currently viewing.
Currently, when I open the file I can see the character # at the opening screen (see attached file) but they disappear when it actually converts. I would like to be able to keep the character location ruler once the file is opened in Excel so I don't have to manually count.
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Feb 23, 2014
I have a requirement to download a lot of historical data files from the archieve of an website. The url goes something like this: [URL]....
This downloads file for 21022014 ie. 21-Feb-2014. I need to be able to have a facility to have a selection criteria on my user form (in excel) where I specify a date range and the macro automatically downloads all the valid excel files available within that date range (files for Saturday, Sunday and some holiday dates will not be available in the website archive database) one after the other (like at single clcik of button) into a specific location (predefined viz.. c:/Users/EOD files/) on my laptop. Best would be if I am able to select the save location run time by using a 'Browse' like feature where I go and choose my local laptop folder...same type when we try uploading a file from our laptop to the web..
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Feb 8, 2013
I do routine tasks every day which involves opening 3 different files and pasting data into my main file. The data is always in the same format, and the 3 files are saved in the same location (3 different folders through). The 3 files are saved each day and the naming convention is constant, with only the date changing. For example, the files are always saved in C:My Documents and the files are called test_05.02.2013.xls. Tomorrow the file will be called test_06.02.2013.xls and so on.
So each day I will be rolling a file forward and I want to bring in the info from each of these files based on the new day.
How to do 1, and I will do the others (because the concept will be the same).
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Mar 16, 2007
On cell K7, i have this formula:
On cell L7 i have this formula:
The issue is that in cell K7 a dash (-) shows up and ranks this as the number one, even when i have no data in I7 and J7.
MTD Conv
Conv Goal
B/W Goal
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Dec 7, 2011
How would I go about counting the number of times TA shows within strings of text in a range within a sheet. Example: TA,MH in cell A2, CB,TA in cell C40, ES,TA in cell Q19. Result would be 3. Ideally, I'd like the formula to reference a cell that has TA as the look up data such as in A1 I'd have TA.
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Aug 7, 2006
I have been trying to work this out by looking at other posts (mostly concerning Binary Access) but can't figure it! The source text files I am using can vary in length from 4,000 characters to well over 100,000 characters. However the data I am looking for always starts 40 characters from the end of the file and is 10 characters long! I need my macro to pick out this data and store it as a string (so it can be added to an array and exported to a worksheet later)
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Jan 19, 2010
if this is possible, but is there anyway to reference a file location in a formula using another cell?
Cell A2 (Text) = C:Folder1Folder2Folder3Sheet v1.2.xls
Cell B2 = =A2'tab1'!$A$1
So, in cell B2 it will use the file location in cell A2.
I need this because the values will be updated in Sheet v1.2 and version controlled (so if it changes to 1.3 all you have to do is change cell A2).
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Aug 13, 2013
I am trying to track inventory over 160 days in a spreadsheet. Every week I update a table that shows the number of skus and dollar amount that are over 160 days in a table. I have a ton of formulas that will automatically populate once I put in the new weekly data on a different spreadsheet. I want to track the weekly data so what I would really like to be able to do is paste the actual numbers and not the formulas into another excel spreadsheet so I can track the progress over time. Is there a way to just paste the actual numerical number instead of the formula itself?
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Oct 16, 2009
Does such function exist in Excel?
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Jun 7, 2007
I am using a User Form to input data to a spreadsheet and have an issue. I've set the TextBox WordWrap & MultiLine Property to True and the textbox values don't show the reverse P character, but how do I get the "square" from populating into the cells on my worksheet? I was using this old thread as a point of reference, but didn't understand how to use or where to put it in my form. I'm referring to the code that Dave Hawley supplied. Strange Characters Pasting to Textbox
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Dec 13, 2008
I'm trying to write to text file a HTML page that is in string variable sFullPage.
So far my code is like this:
Sub wrtHTML()
Dim sFName As String ' Path and name of text file
Dim iFNumber As Integer ' File Number
sFName = "c: est.html"
'Get an unused file number
iFNumber = FreeFile
'Create new file or overwrite existing file
Open sFName For Output As #iFNumber
'Write data to file....
How do I remove those first and last two marks (a double quote on each side + square mark from the end)? Do I use somehow wrong data types or wrong printing methods?
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Apr 2, 2008
I am trying to read a text file into a variable with VBA. The files I try to read usually have a bunch of unrecognized characters in them and I can't seem to read through them. I am looking for some code that will delete all unrecognized characters until it finds a string I specify.
Example of file
¾J Y D Y ³F Y ZE Y ¨B Z ˜6 Z
My code works fine if I manually delete all this stuff before GOOD DATA, but wont work if I dont. My "responseposition" is always 0 unless I delete all the nonsense.
Sub findvalues()
Dim strText As String
strText = GetFileContent("C:currentday.gdbm")
cardstring = "GOOD DATA"
responsePosition = InStr(1, strText, cardstring, vbTextCompare)
MsgBox (responsePosition)
End Sub
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Aug 16, 2007
Cell B23:687968307=ISTEXT(MID(RIGHT(B23,3),1,1))TRUE
Cell B24:C8796B07=ISTEXT(MID(RIGHT(B24,3),1,1))TRUE
I'm trying to test whether the third last character (3 and B) is a text or not.
As you can see, the reslts are both TRUE, but I'm expecting to see that the first one should be FALSE, as '3' is a number right?
Likewise, if I replace the formula with ISNUMBER instead of ISTEXT, the results are both FALSE, but shouldn't the first one be TRUE, again, because the '3' is a number?
Have I missed something in the formula, or is there a better way of expressing this formula?
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Oct 20, 2007
But the formula seems to be working properly.
I've got ALOT of parentheses, 5 nested IFs, 5 ANDs, 4 ORs. The ANDs and ORs are within the IFs.
While editing the formula, I can, at times, achieve the condition where the cell references become color-coded. Or at least some of them do. But, when I get to this point, I'm usually at a spot where I can see the formula isn't right.
I'm confused. What does it mean when my text is all red when I go to edit a formula? Did I hit some limit? Again, I don't get error messages and the formula seems to work properly.
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Dec 29, 2008
For a sheet that many non-expert users will use on different systems I need a macro that let's them save, print and send the results of their work. So I made a macro that makes a copy of only 1 sheet of the workbook and saves it with a given name to a given location. The problem is that I want a location prompt to ask the user where they want the file saved, while giving/suggesting them a fixed filename. A lot of different users will make and use their sheets so I need a certain naming policy to manage all the files. (date, location, etc)
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Sep 28, 2008
I use an image analysis program ImagePro which can call Excel within it's macro language (which seems to be visual basic). I looked up on this site how the change the drive (ChDrive command). But still when the Excel section (after With oExcel) executes the default file location in the browser is in My Documents on the C: drive.
Prior to this code Excel has been launched by this ImagePro macro, and a file Cumberland Template has been opened from the C: drive. Now I would like to do a Save As, but have Excel start at the I: drive location.
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Apr 1, 2008
I've tried and tried and I con not get it right. In A1 I have a validation, it onlu allows to enter a 6-digit number between 100000-899999 or the same numbers with the letter I in front, that is I100000-I899999. Now I need a macro to check that cell F2 is not empty if the value in Cell A1 is above 299999. And this should also apply if there is an I in front. The function for the validation is:
The code I have is:
If Range("A" & i).Value > "299999" Then
If Range("F" & i).Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Indicator missing on row " & i
Application.Goto .Range("F" & i)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
It works wor the nubers without the I but it demands a vlaue in F on all I numbers and I only want it for >I299999.
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Apr 8, 2014
I need a formula which can pick out the names from string of text, each name follows "-->", the number of names in each cell differs and is undefined. The result needs to be posted into each column following these cells.
An example of a cell is below:
Loss -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hen... U. DEC 3 5:00
-->--> Matt Ricehouse -- -- -- -- Dec. 4, 2010
Win -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hea... SUB 1 0:56
-->--> Eric Steenberg -- -- -- -- May. 15, 2010 Guillotine Choke"
I have tried using text to columns but everything after the first line is not recognised (when I click finish anything after "TIME" is simply not there).
Example attached : UFCv1.xlsx
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Sep 7, 2012
Is iy possible to create a macro to add a character to a cell with existing text, such as:
Progressive Insurance $
Where the name is in "whatever" font,color,format, and then the macro could insert the $ as pictured above different font,color?
I have played around with trying to write, or copy as image...with no luck.
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Oct 8, 2009
i am looking to create a small table from the attached worksheet that will show how many users there are for 3 different locations, the user names are in column a and the locations in column c. the thing is, the actual worksheet i am using in work contains almost 1000 lines, and is being updated daily, there can be multiple entries for a person for projects etc.. and someone can even be in the availability and pto area's without being in the main project area. each resource can only be on one location so that will not change.
also, there can be blank cells for resource which should not be counted. i was wondering if there was a formula or a macro that would count the distinct number of names and reference them to the location and give a count of resources by location?
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Mar 7, 2012
I have a text box that is set to "=B1". B1 is a cell from an Access table import with memo format. The text memo is long, probably on average between 1000-2000 characters. I have set up the text box to automatically resize for the text, but the text stops at what I assume is 255 characters, even though cell B1 displays the entire memo.
How can I set it up so that this text box (or any other similar shape) displays the text and retains its resize/wrap property?
This is done in Excel 2010.
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Dec 1, 2007
I created a vb macro to open a text file then process the file then close the file. Here is my problem:
Problem: THe text file has rows of data in it as follows
This row of text gets converted to
because excel treats the row of text as a number but i dont want it to do this transition.
When i save the file and then reopen it using say NOTEPAD i see 5.16E+42 and not the long string of text.
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Sep 26, 2008
I am trying to generate random numbers between upper and lower limits (eg 120,140). The randbetween function in the help file is ideal....but when I use it it generates a #Name error.
(I am using Excel 2002 and have the analysis toolpak add in ticked).
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Jan 21, 2008
how do you place 100/0 so the /0 stays static and the 100 can be used to operate? (ie: 100/00, 101/00, etc)
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Oct 10, 2007
When I copy from Excel 2003 (values & formulas) and paste special into Excel 2007 i get the option screen to select unicode text,sylk etc instead of the other screen with the option of values,formulas,formats etc.How can I select the option for value,formulas?
Sorry cannot attach a screen shot as it is above the allowed limit.
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Jun 26, 2013
I have a file that has been produced using Statistica software. The file is supposed to have around one million rows, and when exported to Excel the file is about 30 MB. When I open the .xlsx file in Excel 2010 only two pages of data appear. The rows also have weird numbering. The first square of the A column is A1. The second is A3833, the third is A6789, then A8161, then A8162, then A8163, then A8164, then A18070.
The scroll button to the left of the screen is long, as if the document was only two pages long. When the scroll button is click-and-dragged a small beige square appears with a row number. This small square seems to be aware that not all rows are shown as it shows many more rows than are visible to me.
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Aug 25, 2009
I have searched this and other forums for a macro which will insert a "+" (international dialling prefix) character before a phone number in an Excel field with no success. I have tried the "record macro" function without success. Any ideas?
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Apr 22, 2009
Say, for example, I have a spreadsheet as follows:
0 1 1 2 3 2 0 1 2
1 2 1 2 3 3 1 0 1
Is there a way to count the number of times a specific number shows up and have excel post it to a different cell? I need to know how many times a certain number came up for a specific row, and how many times.
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Jul 7, 2012
I have this sheet full of random data and I want to recalculate extra fast so I keep my finger on F9 which causes the random data to randomize really fast of course. Now, in B1:AT1 I have numbers that change with every recalculation but here is the problem. I want the recalculation to stop when excel identifies a zero in that range which doesn't happen often.
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Dec 31, 2006
I have a chart in my spreadsheet that shows number of claims per defect. Is there a way to format this bar chart so that it will only show the top 5 automatically, even when they are constantly changing? There are a total of 13 different catagories.
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