Formula to split a cell at the first break/space and to keep the rest of the cell contents together? For example to separate addresses from the street and street name.
B1 C1
I have tried to use text to columns but as the cell contains three or four words I don't want to have to rejoin cells afterwards.
I am entering large amounts of text into a text box uisng VBA code.
In VBE I need to line break the text using "space _" in order I can keep the text manageable on the screen. Problem is VBA is telling me there is a limit to the number of line breaks I can have in a sub, how I can solve this, ideally would like to paste a para of text at a time.
I'm having troubles with a spreadsheet and unfortunately don't know enough VBA to fix it. I have two columns, each with data like so (standard text) separated by a line break:
Object1 Object2 Object3 value1 value2 value3
And I need them separated like so:
Object1 Value1
Object2 Value2
Object3 Value3
with other items in the row from other columns applied to the new rows accordingly.
Any script/macro/tool (even non-Excel) to do this effectively (over 800 rows)?
I'm sure this is mighty easy, but I'm hoping to take Column A which currently has names written in it in the form "Joe Bloggs" and split it into two columns, "Joe" in Column B and "Bloggs" in Column C. All names are enterred seperated by a space.
I recently got this task by my work employer to transfer information from several non-organized Excel-documents into one, complete and organized one.
The thing I have to organize right now is a column with thousands of zipcodes and zones in one single cell, only separated by spaces, like this:
Zipcode Zone 115 54 Gothenburg 443 67 Skane
What I want to do is instead of having to go through 24h of braindead control/paste is to use some easy and fast function or script that could pull out the last piece of string of information in every cell in that column into its own separate cell.
Although I am using Open Office Calc/Gnumeric on Ubuntu Dapper, if a script is necessary and only work with Excel on Windows/Mac, that is no big problem for me to solve. So please, any suggestion is welcome.
I will attatch two examples for you to look at, to get the whole picture.
I'm looking for a way to split a cell with text into two cells. The first cell can only contain up to 40 characters, the rest needs to go in the second cell. However, I don't want the text to be split in the middle of a word. So basically, if the text is in cell A1, I need to find the closest space to the left of position 40 in A1, and move anything to the right of this position to B1. Example:
Original text: A1: One green apple and a bucket of small onions that smell nice
I want to avoid this: A1: One green apple and a bucket of small on B1: ions that smell nice
I want to achieve this: A1: One green apple and a bucket of small B1: onions that smell nice
I'm struggling to find a good formula or code produce the below. I have a column that contains a text string followed by spaces then a number. I need to sparate these into two separate cells.
In an adjacent column, I am seeking to display the letters, numbers or symbols that appear before '/'. I would normally solve this little problem with something like =left(A5,2) or some combination of left and len. This method fails when the formula finds a len of 8 when the previous highest len was 7.
I am suffering with split a long descriptions into 3 cells with criteria 1st cell not more than 30 characters, 2nd cell not more than characters and 3rd cell will locate the remaining characters there. I think this is quite easy if I use LEN/MID/RIGHT/LEFT formula. However, I wish the formula will smart enough to split word by word. refer to example below:-
"My lecturer replied, that i really did very bad in final, nothing's gonna change my plan."
If I use left(A1,30) formula, the result is "My lecturer replied, that i re"however, the word "really" is cut half way. I am finding the formula that split description to not more than 30 characters and won't cut my string and become incomplete word. Expected result should be 1st cell "My lecturer replied, that i", then "really did very bad in final," at 2nd cell.
I have a simple pivot. In the columns to the right I have a few formulas. The user simply sees the pivot and extra columns---they have no idea they are looking at a hybrid type thing and they DO NOT EVER manipulate the pivot in any way other than choosing a particular DEPT form the page area.
I set this thing up by first select: ALL for the Dept and the dropiing my formulas down to the end of the sheet (actually a few hunded lines after that to allow for some data over the year)
The trouble is that if the user picks a particular dept, at the end of the dept data, not only does the user see the formula extended down numerous row (I can use cond formating to make the font white, ie hide them) BUT worse when printing it prints numerous extra pages.
So, is there a way to only make it print to where the pivot data ends.....not where the formula ends..WITHOUT the user having to do a SELCT PRINT AREA type thing.....
Ex: User picks Dept 1003, data ends after Code 99, formulas extend down past that in case user selects ALL Depts. We want printing to stop after Code 99 though....NOT to print a bunch of 'extra' pages....
I have simple Countif and Averageif formulas that I would like to have linked to variable data in cell E6 on the Assumptions (2) tab however, the formula is not taking the cell as the criteria and only taking a hard number when I am using >=.
The example would be: I3 needs to be able to use the data changed in E6 for the >= number instead of the hardkey 29...
Is there any formula that will count the space of a cell. For Example. If I type Mr. Ashish Patel in a cell the formula should give me count as 2 as there are 2 spaces in this name One after Mr. and another after Ashish.
I have a formula in a cell which is refered to other cell within the same sheet and also to other sheet from other file. say
C1 = A1+B1+data file c1 Data file is another file in other location.
I was trying to break a external reference link (from Data File) from Data _ Edit Link, but it is converting all the formula to value. How is it possible to break only the external link without damaging the formula within the sheet say c1 = A1+B1+26 (value from data file c1)
I have been working on different formulas to return the text string between the first and last space and have been unsuccessful. Is this possible?
I have tried several combos or Left and Right, I have been able to get the values after the first space, and the values before the last space, but not between the spaces.
Desired results: D60 CULT NUCLEUS 3X2 SPRING WST BK
I download players names from the internet for a football program I have and then have a formula that separates their names from their numbers. The problem is that in the cell with the players name their is always a space before the name starts. How can I get rid of this space?
The current text I download comes from the internet as follows:
2 Tom Bellchambers 4 Jobe Watson 5 Brent Stanton 7 Leroy Jetta 9 Brendon Goddard 11 David Zaharakis 12 Stewart Crameri 15 Courtenay Dempsey
These are all in column A I have the following formula in column D:
The formula separates the names from the numbers but it leaves a space before the name starts such that in column D the first name woud be appear as:
Tom Bellchambers (or - ""Tom""Bellchambers) Jobe Watson
And so on. My computer tries to match up these names in another sheet but because there is a space before the name begins it doesn't register. I got the formula above from one of you geniuses a while back and have NFI what it really means but alter it slightly so it gets rid of that space at the start of the name.
The real formula works, but I am having having difficulties with the syntax of the VBA formula. The above VBA formula works to, but enters a 0 in the cell instead of a space.
I have text string and would like two formulas to find, 1) the characters after the last space and 2)to find the number of characters after the last space.
I did copy/paste lots and lots of pages from an online database into excel and the data all has a hidden leading space that is not recognized when i do find and replace or =trim. I am trying to compare this data against other data in excel and all the formulas are "false" unless i remove that space manually