Formula To Find Characters After The Last Space In A String
Aug 28, 2007I have text string and would like two formulas to find, 1) the characters after the last space and 2)to find the number of characters after the last space.
View 9 RepliesI have text string and would like two formulas to find, 1) the characters after the last space and 2)to find the number of characters after the last space.
View 9 RepliesI have text string and would like two formulas to find,
1) the characters after the last space and
2)to find the number of characters after the last space.
I need to add spaces to a string of characters so that it is readable, the database is huge so I cannot do it manually:
For example,
123456John Doe 3456Adam Sharp I need it to apperar as:
123456 John Doe 3456 Adam Sharp
but still remains at the same column. Is there a quick way to do this ?
Is it possible to find the location of different characters in a string (using VBA)? Normally I would use InStr of InStrRev option in VBA but my situation is a little more complicated.
The character I am looking for is not always the same, sometimes it is a , or a . or a : or a "blank" etc
I tried to do it like:
dim strChar as string
strChar = "[,.? /]"
SearchPosition = InStr ("cell location", strChar) (searchposition is the name of the function I am trying to make)
This works if I define only 1 character, this way it gives me a 0 as outcome
I have tried to change it to strChar = "[,]" or strChar = "[.]" or strChar = "[ ]" but this doesn't work.
How I can change this formula to find the first 3 characters of a text string?
Instead of using numbers in column A, it will be Names, I need the user to enter only the first 3 characters of the name and then display the results, (Meaning that all others irrelaavnt rows will be hidden.
Sub myHidingRoutine()
Dim foundCell As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set foundCell = .Range("a:a").Find(What:=.Range("a2").Value, After:=.Range("a2"), _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
I have been working on different formulas to return the text string between the first and last space and have been unsuccessful. Is this possible?
I have tried several combos or Left and Right, I have been able to get the values after the first space, and the values before the last space, but not between the spaces.
String: Y60
Desired results: D60
The problem - I'm trying to find a formula that will find text between 2 characters with unlimited instances in a single string and combine the found text to a single string. The character enclosing the text i'm after will likely be a % symbol. This formula would then be replicated down 5000-10000 rows.
eg. 1 - This is %an% example %sentence% to show what I %am% looking for
eg. 2 - This %is another% example of what I %need%
eg. 1 answer - ansentenceam
eg. 2 answer - is anotherneed
Ideally this would not use a macro as it will be applied to an ever expanding data set but I realize that may not be possible.
I've scoured the internet for this answer and have not found a formula that works.
I have a list of domain names/URLs in column A of workbook 1:
I have a list of domain name extensions in workbook #2:
I want to determine if the cells in column A workbook one contain any of the strings in workbook 2 - note that I need to look at the string, not the entire cell in workbook one. If there is a match, true, if not, false for that cell within workbook one.
It's sort of a reverse array lookup with text. It seems that cross workbook and text is what causes the challenge.
I'm using Excel 2007. I want to write a formula that will list all characters in a string to the left of a "-". See below example. What formula would I use?.......
View 2 Replies View RelatedAutomatically format a textbox on a userform so that it puts a space immediately before the last 3 characters, regardless of how many characters are put in?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have following kinds of texts in a column.
I want to convert above texts with space between every character as follows:
J B K U 3 4 8 5 9 7 - 3
T - 2 2 5
7 5 9 8 4
I am trying to find numbers before a space character.
For example...
In column return in column 2
23 cars................................................. 23
5 trucks................................................. 5
150 vans.............................................. 150
I can't use MID Function as it can be 4 numers long...
I basically want to find and replace certain characters in a formula, but the formula is quite intricate so I will give some background to the problem first:
I have a complex spread sheet which is used to check if a data array matches another data array (both data arrays are different sizes). One array has a set of parameters for a variable and the other array has the variables and the actual values for each variable. I have a section with the following formulas to check if the actual value (C121&D121) matches the parameters ($A$9:$A$108, $B$9:$B$108) & ($C$9:$C$108, $D$9:$D$108)
I have the following formula in cell AB121:
In cell AC121:
And have similar formulas from AD121 to AY121. I mention this to point out that excel regards this as an inconsistent formula, I haven't copied and pasted it over, I have had to re-enter it in each cell adjusting the parameter sections.
The problem I have is that currently this is set up to check through a data set and wrap around every 100 rows ('100' Entered in $D$1) but I want to adjust the formula when there is a different amount of rows to check. So basically the only way I can think to be able to do this is to have a formula or something in VBA (which I have very low level experience with) to be able to go into the formula and change certain characters within the formula. For example, if I wanted to check 95 rows instead of 100, it would need to have 95 in $D$1, which I enter in manually, but then how to go in and replace (101:101)-INT(ROW(100:100) with (96:96)-INT(ROW(95:95) in 2 sections in the 1 formula then do the same with the inconsistent formula from AC121:AY121?
I am looking a macro which should perform below activities
I have a lists of suppliers which needs to cleansed....
1.replace all the special characters with a space
2.replace Corporation with Corp
Incorporation with Inc
Limited with Ltd
Limited partnership/ltd partnership with LP
Company with Co
Unltd with UNLIMITED
Ctr with CENTER
3. Remove any text, Special characters and numbers after INC,CO, LTD, CORP,LLP, LLC
The macro should when I select any particular column... not restricted to column A
I've a column of data as below:
ROACH (#21)
SHARK (#11)
SHARK (#13)
ROACH (#20)
VIMBA (#03)
VIMBA (#04)
ROACH (#07)
ROACH (#08)
ROACH (#10), UNICORN (#24)
What I need to do it to strip off all the characters after the first space.
I assume I can use FIND and then LEFT, but how to I put this into a Macro?
I am trying to write a function that finds and breaks a cell about the first space.
Worksheet is:
=LEFT(name,FIND(" ",name)-1)
Have tried...
Function Firstname(name)
Dim Space As Integer
Set Space = .Find(" ", name)
Firstname = Left(name, Space)
End Function
and also...
Function Firstname(name)
firstname = left(name,find(" ",name)-1))
End Function
I want to write a macro that will check every selected cell. It should detect if there is a space after the fourth character. If there is a space, go to the next selected cell. If there is no space, add a space and go to the next selected cell.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to remove the front zero(s) from the front and put a space before the last two letters for the following column of data in Excel:
Final result will have this format and the data are right aligned.
1 MG
20 MG
100 MG
1000 MG
The numbers can vary (e.g. 0150MG, 0025MG,etc.) but the arrangement is always the same: four figures for the first 4 characters and two letters for the last two characters.
The format of the cells containing the data is: “General”
My table has 7 columns and these data are in the 5th column in a worksheet called “ProductSummary”. The number of rows for the records can vary from 10 to over a couple of hundred.
How can I use VBA to: 1) automatically select the table range in that worksheet and reformat all the data in the 5th column.
Using VBA, how can I determine if a cell contains only white spaces and NO valid characters?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can do this in Excel, but I don't seem to have a single example to hand of how, using VBA, to extract all characters up to but not including, the first space character in a cell.
View 9 Replies View Relatedusing this format *.#,##0_);*.(#,##0);*.0_);@*. I get this:
would like custom format to do this,
Bonds . . . . . . . .
note:@ sign activates text formatting, *=repeats .=character being repeated
I've tried putting space characters before and after the period - no luck
I have the following type of info in A1,A2,A3...
citySan Jose
My goal is to get as close as possible to this,so it will be easier to sort and manage
nameHarryage50citySan Joseheight180
I can't use the "" sign as delimiter to separate them into different columns because the age,city,name and height fields are in random positions on different cells.The good thing is person's name will always come after "name" string, age is alwals followed by "age" string, so it cannot be like nameheight40Michigan180
I think the following would be the easiest method(not for me tho).If on B1 I had a formula that said "find the string "name" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character".On C1 field I could have a formula "find the string "age" and write anything after it until you reach the next "" character.On D1 I would have the same for "height" string,then on E1 for city string.
My question is somewhat similar to this one
Extract A String Between Two Characters
Formula which outputs the data between 3rd and 4th instances of the "_" character.Can we substitute "3rd and 4th" with a specific strings like "age" or "height" ?
=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,FIND("|",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_","|",3))+1,LEN(A1)),"_",REPT(" ",LEN(A1))),LEN(A1)))
I'm trying to split the string in textbox 1 so i get the first name and the last name but this doesn't seem to work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have some code that grabs the name of a staff member. The format is:
Result = Trim(Sess0.Screen.GetString(8, 33, 10))
.Cells(r, 15).Value = Result
How do you trim the string before the first space so the value in Result would be just the last name (DOE)?
there is AT() which finds the first occurrence of a string searching from the left like FIND() and SEARCH(), and RAT() which finds the first occurrence searching from the right-to-left.
A single column with names:
John Doe
Jane Marie Smith
Dr. Alex R. Jones
I need two columns that would look like:
Jane Marie........Smith
Dr. Alex R.........Jones
How do you replace a string in a Formula within a cell or several cells?
For example:
find and replace Monthly with Quarterly
What formula can I use to search a range of cell values for a specific text string? My method is searching formulas instead, which is not what I want.
Background: I am developing a little test script for a project and I want to include some automatic validations to help make the job of the testers easier.
What I have set up so far:
1. Testers input numbers into specific fields M8 through M20.
2. Fields N8 through N20 automatically check fields M8 through M20 and compare those with what is contained in a range of hidden cells I set up in advance. A formula ensures that it reports "correct" or "incorrect" on a field-by-field basis, based on the comparison.
3. Cell O8 searches for the text string "incorrect" in cells N8 through N20. If that text string appears in any one of the cell values (not formulas), then O8 directs the tester to test again. If the text string "incorrect" does not appear, then cell O8 reports that the test was successful, and the tester can proceed to the next test (exact same setup repeats).
My only problem is in the formula used for the last step. I have tried a few different formulas I know in cell 08, but none are giving me the results I'm looking for. The closest I have come is a successful search and validation based on the string being in the formula instead of in the value of the given cell.
I have a column called "Unit Size," which contains data such as 200 g, 0.32 g, 15 mL, 2 mg.
I need a macro to automatically insert a space between the numbers and the letters, for example, if someone types 10g it automatically converts it to 10 g.
The strings may be of different lengths, i.e. contain different numbers of decimal places or signficant figures.
On sheet one, in the column column C I have cells which have characters separated by a space character (For example cell C3 looks like this: "L C"; cell C12 looks like this: "S BF54FR"). There are only a few cells which have more than three characters. The characters are separated by a space character. I would like the macro to do the following: take out each on of the character in put in the same row next column. (For example if in column C has the value: "L C" then in the same row column D should have the value "L" and column E should have the value "C". Or if column C was "S BF54FR" then column D should have the value "S" and column E "BF54FR".
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to extract the data after the first space in a string to after the first set of numbers (always 8 digits). The formula I'm using is not accurate since the number of words that appears between the first space to the first set of numbers changes.
Sheet2ABC1Desired results2277 xxx spzrtmhk
companies 12345678 231516990 2475.06 3199.57 23.19 street 1 739.00xxx spzrtmhk
companies12345678 231516990xxx spzrtmhk companies 1234567831528 dts powertrain comp inc
15981808 231516989 43.55 84.40 48.40 5.00dts
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