etc. for all days of the month, and all months of the year.
(The gold coloured cells are part of a formula I have somewhere else - no need to worry about them)
I was wondering - is there a way to get it so that whatever todays date is, the calendar will highlight the column a specific colour (e.g.) if the date was the 5th January, it would look like this:
January 20091234567891011February 200912345678
(Although not nescessarily that specific (and frankly pretty horrible) shade of green).
I have a list of all the HTML codes, palette numbers and hex codes for all the excel colours.
Im designed a form in excel, which has a calendar date picker to select a desired delivery date for the user, which makes it easier to use for the user, than using a text box.
Ive searched a number of websites and so far havent seen what I need.
I want the calendar, once my form has been opened, to automatically change to the current date.
So in summary, the code, I believe would look something like this:
1 column in my sheet is a list of dates (affectively a calendar). I am trying to create a macro that will only display rows 1-5 and then current the current date and the next 30 days and hide all other rows.
The approach I have tried is to use “ADDRESS(MATCH(BS40,$B$1:$B$462,0),2)” equation to find the cell with todays date in it (Cell BS40 contains todays date). This was repeated for todays date +30. The problem I have is that although I now have the cell address’s located I cannot reference their values in a
I want to select a date of choice from a calendar in a field within an Excel spreadsheet.
I do not know how to do userforms and so that is why I wonder if I can add this in just a spreadsheet.
This is how far I have gotten so far: After doing the following, I have a static calendar setting in my spreadsheet like a text box showing the current date.
Developer Insert More Controls Calendar Control 12.0
I have a macro that displays a calendar with code to highlight the current date, but this part of the code does not work and the current date is not highlighted.
I'm using Excel 2010. I need to populate a daily calendar with the number of nights spent, extracted from the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure of individuals.
I currently have a worksheet that when a user clicks on the cell, a calendar form opens. From here they can select a date, click ok, and the date gets placed in the corresponding cell they clicked on.
Now if the user needs to change that date, i want them to be able to click on the cell again, and when the calendar opens, the date in the cell would be selected on the calendar. I was able to do this in a userform, but im not sure how to edit it to work on the worksheet. I am using the below to populate the calendar.
Code: private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target as range) if not intersect(target,range("aa16:aa24")) is nothing then .show calendar When the user clicks the date, the below code places it in the cell.
Code: private sub ok_click() with active cell .value=calendar1.value end with unload me end sub
Now the below code was used when I was using a userform, but im not sure how to edit this to pull the date from the active cell.
Code: privatesub userform_activate() me.calendar1=date if not tb is nothing then if isdate(tb.value)then me.calendar1.value = tb.value end if end sub
I select the date from drop down calendar in excel and linked with one cell. when i use the date in vlookup formula it does not work due to linked cell date format.
I have column B with a heading "Days Remaining" and column L with a heading "Deadline". starting with row 5, I need to be able to enter a date in L5 and see the days I have left, from that day untill today, on B5. I need to then be able to enter a date into L6 and see a result in B6 and on and on. Then I need to be able to insert or delete a column and have the formulas still work in the columns with the heading "Days Remaining" and "Deadline"
I have a program where I can update the calibration due date of an item. I have attached a cut down version of my program showing the relevant areas. There is usually password protection on the worksheet so it can only be edited via the form (the vba coding removes the password protection before editing, then re-enables the password protection after editing). The "Update Calibration" button is usually on a "Menu" sheet.
Once the form is opened a serial number is typed in the textbox. The calendar button is then clicked, which brings up another form with the calendar on. The due date is selected on the calendar. When "OK" is clicked, the date label caption is then changed to the selected calendar date. When "Submit" is clicked, the spreadsheet will search for the Serial Number, once found, the label caption (being the date selected) will be entered into the cell to the right of the serial.
If the day selected on the calendar is greater than 12 the date is entered correctly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 15/01/2010. shown on sheet as 15/01/2010. However, if the day selected on the calendar is 12 or less, the date is for some reason entered incorrectly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 08/12/2010. shown on sheet as 12/08/2010???? What is going on here? how come the day and month are swapped around if the day is less than 12????
I have set up a calendar control on a userform and got it to pop up when selecting one of 3 cells on a worksheet. The various bits of code making this work are below.
This code is attached to the Userform.
VB: Private Sub Calendar1_Click() With ActiveCell .Value = Calendar1.Value
What I am struggling with is that I'd like to have the calendar that pops up in cell C18 (which is Date of Birth) default to starting on 1st January 1987 not todays date. Also, if there is a value in either of the 3 cells that use the calendar, then I'd like the calendar to display that date. If the cell is empty then todays date is fine for cells G3 and G26.
I want a drop down calender to choose date from and found that i can use More Controls> "microsoft Date and Time Picker 6.0 (SP4)" for excel 2007 but it doesn't work with other excel and shows a "x" not recognised in some other machines.
I am trying to have the calendar in the second tab of the attached excel file to auto populate based on info in the first tab.
In the first tab, there is the start and end dates of certain projects. The calendar will need to only show the project name of every project being worked on that specific day.
Some days will have more than one project being worked on, the Calendar will just need to list them all under that day. The Start and End dates count as days the project being worked on as well. We will also need the calendar to auto update whenever we modify the dates in the first tab or add/remove projects (rows).
I have a a planner made using excel. Monday to Sunday are from G3 - M3 and the months are in F3 going downwards. The months are abbreviated to 3 letters e.g. Jan, Feb, etc.
Where months cross over in the same week this is indicated as month/Next month e.g. Jan/Feb. Within these fields I have manually entered the dates, so for example todays date of 19th Feb is located on cell J11, (the coordinates of Thu (in J3) and the month of Feb (F11) (showing on week 8). To indicate todays data on the planner I have used an autoshape and simply filled the colour red, so that it stands out. However, when I open the planner the next day I have to move the autoshape to indicate the correct date.
The problem is, if I want to open the planner today, next week or next month (or whatever date in the current year) could a macro be devised that will indicate the correct day (i.e. by increasing the text size, change the font, color, etc?) using the exact headings as I have mentioned? I am assuming a macro on open would work which would look at todays date, and convert this to both a day in the week and month. Once done it could then find the exact day?
I have todays date in cell A2. I have a range of dates in a row 4 and numbers below each date in row 6. What i want is to Sum the numbers below the dates in row 6 if the date in row 4 is with in 90 days before or after the date in cell A2.
The answer i should get is 4 since only 3 dates fall 90 days before or after todays date.
I am trying to write a simple code that will take the last date in Col A and fill down until it gets to todays date.
Code: Sub Fill_down_date() Dim x As Integer lr2 = Worksheets("sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row For x = lr2 To 20 If Cells(x, 1).Value < Date Then Cells(x + 1, 1).Value = Cells(x, 1).Value + 1 If Cells(x, 1).Value
way to have the vehicle registration date compared to todays date and have it return either due next month, due or over due.
Todays date is in format month/day/year, registration is only by month/year. Todays date is in fixed location in worksheet updated by function Today()
Basically a formula that resembles =If(registration date < todays date, overdue, If( registration date = todays date, due, If(registration date = todays date+1month, next month, If( registration date > todays date + 1 month, 0))))
I have the below code that when the spreadsheet opens input boxes pop up. The first asking to put the date in, but how can i make sure that the user does not put "todays date" in at anytime! (the date put into the inputbox (cell d2) should always be less than the date in b2 = todays date). As cell b2 in the sheet "97008390" already has todays date in. (using =today()).
i would like to be able to save my new workbook as "SL" with todays date next to it. so if i run my macro today it would save as SL 11/09 if i run it tommorow it would be SL 12/09
My datepicker automatically defaults to the date when it was first set up. I would like it to always show the current date when the user form is first opened...
I'm using excel 2010 on a pc. I need to create a calender. So far I have been using the tutorial for the pop up calender. The result I'm looking for is to set up a specific time frame and have the calender provide the "due" date. I would like the due date to exclude weekends and holidays. Would I be able to do this with the pop up calender?
I'm trying to set up a template running loads of formulas. One of the aspects I want is that a specific field refreshes with the current date, but always reverts to 10:00:00 (10AM) as the time.
So i have this macro that i been using for long time everthing works as expected but i will like to change the saving part to save as specific name plus todays date
Sub EQUIPMENT_RETURNS(control As IRibbonControl) Columns("A:A").Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Columns("C:C").Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Columns("D:J").Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Columns("C:C").Select Selection.Cut Columns("B:B").Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight Columns("B:B").Select...........................
I need a way in VB to say tell me the amount of dates that are less than todays (09-Dec-09) date. Using the above list the answer should be 2. Every formula I try returns the value 0.
What do I have wrong with this? I want to find a cell that matches today's date and then start with that row by copying a time value in another worksheet to the one that has the dates already.
Sub PunchClock() 'This will copy the current time punched and place it into the correct cell Range("B3").Select
Do Until ActiveCell = Now() ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop
All I need is some direction with this. I tried setting up a variable then check that variable against the current date and I didn't have that one figured out either.
i am building a data base and every day, say, at 5pm a certain cell should contain a corresponding date. In my macro I simply wrote
I thought naiivly it would work, but it doesn't, as the next day the date will be changed correspondingly. So, the question is: how to record todays' date (Dec 29) so that this date stays in this cell forever? Only the date, not Excel Dates & Times