Calendar Control On Excel Worksheet - Default Start Date

Jul 9, 2012

I have set up a calendar control on a userform and got it to pop up when selecting one of 3 cells on a worksheet. The various bits of code making this work are below.

This code is attached to the Userform.

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
With ActiveCell
.Value = Calendar1.Value


What I am struggling with is that I'd like to have the calendar that pops up in cell C18 (which is Date of Birth) default to starting on 1st January 1987 not todays date. Also, if there is a value in either of the 3 cells that use the calendar, then I'd like the calendar to display that date. If the cell is empty then todays date is fine for cells G3 and G26.

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Excel 2007 Calendar Control - Select Date From Calendar In A Field

Dec 24, 2009

Using Excel 2007 Calendar Control:

I want to select a date of choice from a calendar in a field within an Excel spreadsheet.

I do not know how to do userforms and so that is why I wonder if I can add this in just a spreadsheet.

This is how far I have gotten so far: After doing the following, I have a static calendar setting in my spreadsheet like a text box showing the current date.

More Controls
Calendar Control 12.0

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Set Default Value Of Calendar Control To Today

Sep 4, 2006

I am using calendar1 in my userform added from ms toolbox. When I open the file it shows dates of previous month when the calendar was added to the userform but not today date.

How can I set it to show as defaut day of today?

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Calendar Control 11: Selected On The Calendar Is Greater Than 12 The Date Is Entered Correctly Onto The Sheet

Jan 8, 2010

I have a program where I can update the calibration due date of an item. I have attached a cut down version of my program showing the relevant areas. There is usually password protection on the worksheet so it can only be edited via the form (the vba coding removes the password protection before editing, then re-enables the password protection after editing). The "Update Calibration" button is usually on a "Menu" sheet.

Once the form is opened a serial number is typed in the textbox. The calendar button is then clicked, which brings up another form with the calendar on. The due date is selected on the calendar. When "OK" is clicked, the date label caption is then changed to the selected calendar date. When "Submit" is clicked, the spreadsheet will search for the Serial Number, once found, the label caption (being the date selected) will be entered into the cell to the right of the serial.

If the day selected on the calendar is greater than 12 the date is entered correctly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 15/01/2010. shown on sheet as 15/01/2010. However, if the day selected on the calendar is 12 or less, the date is for some reason entered incorrectly onto the sheet. example: calendar date selected = 08/12/2010. shown on sheet as 12/08/2010???? What is going on here? how come the day and month are swapped around if the day is less than 12????

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Default Date In Userform Calendar

Jan 5, 2010

In the attached file I have put together a userform that contains a drop down calendar in order for users to select relevant dates.

I have two questions:

1 - I've noticed that from creating the userform (04/01/10) the date has remained as this and not updated to the "current date". Is there any way this could be achieved?

2 - Is there any way the code etc. could be manipulated to alter the dates in the Date Entry boxes, based on that entered into the "Rostered Start Date" box.

I.e. If a user was to select 09/12/09 in the "Rostered Start Date" box, the other date boxes would automatically change to that date.

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Go To Date Chosen From Calendar Control

Aug 18, 2009

Is there a way to calculate a conditional minimum? I have a range of 1000+ values and I need to find the minimum, but the minimum has to be greater than a specified minimum threshold

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Calendar Control To Enter Chosen Month As Worksheet

Jul 17, 2009

I have a worksheet that has a Calendar on a worksheet from Calendar Control 8.0.

I want to be able to pick a month from the calendar and press a button to convert the selected month into a worksheet. I have a custom made calendar worksheet that I would like for it to be converted into.

I have uploaded my workbook. It contains the custom calendar worksheet as well as the calendar control.

The file is called "calendar.xls".

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Determine If Calendar Control Date Is Between 2 Dates

Apr 15, 2008

I have a user form that has a calendar button. Once clicked it updates a txtbox on my user form. What I would also like is for another txtbox (txtQtrLeave) to be auto populated based on this entry. Below is the code I've tried:

If CalendarEnd.Calendar1.Value > #3/31/2008# And CalendarEnd.Calendar1.Value < #1/6/2008# Then
Qtr = 1
frmAddClient.txtQtrLeave.Value = Qtr

... Qtr 2, 3 etc

It seems to return a value if I have one criteria but it doesn't work once I add the And element. What am I doing wrong (this has been driving me mad all morning)?

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Limit Date Range In Calendar Control To 1 Year

Mar 31, 2007

How do I limit the user from being able to choose only 1 year after they pick the first date on the first command button?

Here is the code on a userform which has a Calendar Control ...

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Pass Calendar Control Date To Selected TextBox On Another UserForm

May 9, 2008

I have a workbook that has multiple spreadsheets. Data is added to the spreadsheets using userforms for each spreadsheet. I have created a pop-up calendar to add dates and want to know if there is a way to add dates without having to create multiple calendars for each txt field on each userform. I would like it so that when I click on the calendar it would put the date into the text field it was launched from.

This is the code in the calendar which only puts the date into the field named Dat_Clsd.

Private Sub CMD_Close_Click() .....

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Excel 2010 :: Populate A Daily Calendar Using The Dates Between Date Of Arrival And Date Of Departure

May 30, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010. I need to populate a daily calendar with the number of nights spent, extracted from the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure of individuals.

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Using A Start And End Date To Copy Paste Rows To Another Worksheet

Jan 31, 2014

I'm trying to get a VBA code that will allow me to copy and paste rows based on a date range, for example

Column A = (Blanc)
Column B = Line Number
Column C = Date


i need to have a pop up box that i can input the start date and then another pop up for the end date (mm/dd/yyyy), then using these dates copy the whole row which are within the date range to another sheet called Summary.

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Populate Calendar If Date In Associated Cell Show Date On Calendar

Apr 4, 2013

I currently have a worksheet that when a user clicks on the cell, a calendar form opens. From here they can select a date, click ok, and the date gets placed in the corresponding cell they clicked on.

Now if the user needs to change that date, i want them to be able to click on the cell again, and when the calendar opens, the date in the cell would be selected on the calendar. I was able to do this in a userform, but im not sure how to edit it to work on the worksheet. I am using the below to populate the calendar.

private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target as range)
if not intersect(target,range("aa16:aa24")) is nothing then .show calendar
When the user clicks the date, the below code places it in the cell.

private sub ok_click()
with active cell
end with
unload me
end sub

Now the below code was used when I was using a userform, but im not sure how to edit this to pull the date from the active cell.

privatesub userform_activate()
if not tb is nothing then
if isdate(tb.value)then me.calendar1.value = tb.value
end if
end sub

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Highlight Todays Date In An Excel Calendar

Mar 26, 2009

I have a calendar in excel that looks like this:

January 20091234567891011February 200912345678

etc. for all days of the month, and all months of the year.

(The gold coloured cells are part of a formula I have somewhere else - no need to worry about them)

I was wondering - is there a way to get it so that whatever todays date is, the calendar will highlight the column a specific colour (e.g.) if the date was the 5th January, it would look like this:

January 20091234567891011February 200912345678

(Although not nescessarily that specific (and frankly pretty horrible) shade of green).

I have a list of all the HTML codes, palette numbers and hex codes for all the excel colours.

I'm using Excel 2003.

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Excel 2010 :: Date Picker To Default To Named Range

May 6, 2012

I am new to VBA. Using Excel 2010. I have a date picker on a userform named LtPayCalFm1. I have created a named range on a sheet within the workbook called LQD which is a date. I want the date picker to show the date LQD when the form opens. The code I have is


Private Sub LtPayCalFm1_Initialize()
Dim LQD As Range
DTPicker1.Value = LQD
End Sub

I get Run time error '380': Invalid property value How do I correct this?

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Excel 2007 :: Date Format For Dropdown Calendar

Apr 16, 2013

I select the date from drop down calendar in excel and linked with one cell. when i use the date in vlookup formula it does not work due to linked cell date format.

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Changing Calendar Start And Stop Dates

Jun 20, 2007

The company I work for does not use the usual calendar dates and uses a modified calendar. As an example, the month of January is Dec 31 thru Jan 27, February is Jan 28 thru Feb 24 and so on. I need to group data using a pivot table and summarize data by month, but as I just described above, calendar months will not work. Is there a way to modify what Excel sees as monthly dates?

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Excel 2007 :: Dropdown Calendar - Date And Time Picker

Apr 13, 2013

I want a drop down calender to choose date from and found that i can use More Controls> "microsoft Date and Time Picker 6.0 (SP4)" for excel 2007 but it doesn't work with other excel and shows a "x" not recognised in some other machines.

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Auto Populate Excel Calendar Based On Date Ranges

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to have the calendar in the second tab of the attached excel file to auto populate based on info in the first tab.

In the first tab, there is the start and end dates of certain projects. The calendar will need to only show the project name of every project being worked on that specific day.

Some days will have more than one project being worked on, the Calendar will just need to list them all under that day. The Start and End dates count as days the project being worked on as well. We will also need the calendar to auto update whenever we modify the dates in the first tab or add/remove projects (rows).

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Better Calendar Control

May 20, 2009

I'm trying to make it so that when a user clicks on a certain cell, a calendar pops up so they can pick a date. This seems like a pretty common thing to want; I hope Microsoft puts it into the next release.

Anyway, I've read the tutorial found at [url]which tells you how to create a userform, add the calendar control to it, etc.

I've also modified it so that the calendar comes up when the user clicks on a certain cell, and so that the form closes when they choose a date.

I had to use the selection_changed subroutine to tell if someone clicked on the cell, but there are some flaws.

First, moving over to the cell with the keyboard arrows brings up the calendar (undesired result; I only want it to come up with clicking)

Second, if the cell is already selected, clicking it doesn't bring up the calendar since the selection didn't change (also undesired; I would like the form to come up whether the cell was previously selected or not).

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Excel 2007 :: Text Blink Until Start Date Come

Nov 14, 2012

I'm creating my task file in excel 2007. In this file there is column for task description, Intimation date, start date, Set completion date, completion date and remarks. I want in intimation date cell, cell contain the date which is 5 days before the start date and the cell/text(date) blink until the start date come. if the task completed in the defined completion date, "complete in time" is written automatically in remarks column, and if completion date is after the set completion date for the task "delay in completion" written automatically in remarks column.

Sr. No.
Intimation date
Task Description
Start Date
Set Completion Date
Completion Date

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File Browsing In Macro - How To Change Default Start Location?

Sep 28, 2008

I use an image analysis program ImagePro which can call Excel within it's macro language (which seems to be visual basic). I looked up on this site how the change the drive (ChDrive command). But still when the Excel section (after With oExcel) executes the default file location in the browser is in My Documents on the C: drive.

Prior to this code Excel has been launched by this ImagePro macro, and a file Cumberland Template has been opened from the C: drive. Now I would like to do a Save As, but have Excel start at the I: drive location.

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Calendar Control On Click

Apr 21, 2008

I want to be able to show a calendar control, have the user select a date, and then fill a cell with that date. The range I would want the calendar to appear is B2:B100.

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Calendar Control Not Installed!

Dec 8, 2006

I got a file from someone that uses a Calendar Control in a user form, but my machine does not seem to have it installed, and Excel removes the control. I have Excel 2003 with SP2. I use the same version on my home machine but it does have Calendar Control, and the file works fine there. I tried copying the MSCC.* files from the OFFICE11 directory from home to this machine. Is there some straightforward way to install that control?

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VBA Calendar Control Without Control

Mar 12, 2003

Has anyone out their ever seen an Calendar type of control totally built in an Excel vba UserForm?

My problem that I’ve tried to resolve for some time is utilizing some type of pop-up calendar to eliminate format issues in my published Excel forms. I have tried a number of calendar controls but all have to be registered on the local machine and this cannot be guarantied for every machine.

If someone could direct me to a vba UserForm that has this built in that might do the trick. Or is their another way to deal with this?

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VBA Calendar Control Does Not Show Day Numbers

Jul 23, 2008

Over in the following thread


you can see we've hit a problem with the Calendar Control object.

I submitted a workbook which has an Activex calendar control embedded on a User Form. On my PC everything appears as you'd expect, with the calendar showing the individual days in the calendar matrix. However when the user loads the form on their system, although they see the calendar as you'd expect, and they can change the month & year at the top of the calendar, they don't see the individual day numbers, 1,2,3 etc. within the body of the calendar.

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Active X Calendar Control And Password

May 21, 2009

Having created a spreadsheet with active x calendar control I find that if the worksheet is password protected I'm unable to use the control to enter a date. Take the password off and it works fine. Is there a way around this??
The password for the attached example is "date"

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Limiting Calendar Control Dates

Jan 3, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that will always have the dates needed in cells H40 and H42. I would like the calendar to utilize the data validation in the cell to only allow someone to choose a date that is between the dates in H40 and H42.

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
'ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pbrmeasap"
ActiveCell.Value = CDbl(Calendar1.Value)
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
Calendar1.Visible = False

[Code] ...

Could I add this code anywhere to make it work?

Sub DataValidation()
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateDate, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=$H$40", Formula2:="=$H$42"

[Code] ......

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Calendar Control Vba Not To Go Past One Year

Mar 22, 2007

I have the following code in my calendar initialize: ....

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USE Calendar Control 10.0 Object In Worksheets

Jul 19, 2006

I'm trying to use the Calendar Control 10.0 object in one of my worksheets. I basically want to be able to display a value by clicking on one of the dates in the calendar. Example: Say I want the contents of cell A1 to be displayed in B1 when somebody clicks on the 17th of February 2006. Is there any way to do this?

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