Create Unique Reference Number For Data Entry

Mar 20, 2007

I'm making a user form in excel/vbe, that will enter data into a worksheet behind the form. I would like to make a unique reference number that is automatically generated by the form as the next in the series. It can be as simple a number as 00001 so nothing too complicated I hope.

When the user opens the user-form i would like the reference to appear on the form so that they know what it is. Then when they enter the data I want the number to go in the database with all the rest of the info they have entered and also for a message box to come up reminding them to rememeber their number.

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Generate Unique Reference Number?

Jan 9, 2014

I'm wanting some sort of formula to generate a reference number that relates to numbers i put in a cell. i want the end result to look something like this:

Reference number
362 3620001
456 4560001
362 3620002
487 4870001
456 4540002

As you can see id like it to generate a reference number to the number that i input, and also when i input that number twice or three times it picks that up on the reference number also.

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Allocating Employee Names With Unique Reference Number

Oct 31, 2008

I have been given a database with peoples names that require a unique number to hide/replace the name to hide their identity for a meeting and to act as a ghost system.

The problem i have is that some individuals names on the list appear more than once so i cannot simply call Joe Bloggs number 3 as he can appear further down the list at number 120.

I was wondering is there is a way to do this without manually replacing each name with a number and making and logging the persons name that corresponds to the number.

as there are 600 names and some can appear up to 4 - 5 times!

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How Do You Create A Unique Random Number W/o Duplicates

Feb 5, 2008

I'm needing to generate a unique random value for a database with 3546 cases. The unique random values cannot be duplicates of each other. I tried the =RANDLOTTO function that I learned of in an old post on this board, but that results in "#NAME?" appearing in the first cell. I tried to install the Add-Ins (both the Analysis ToolPak and the Analysis ToolPak - VBA, but nothing seems to happen. Is there another way to generate these numbers?

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Formula Required To Take First Letter In 1 Cells And Add Random Number To Create Unique ID

Mar 27, 2014

I have 1200 doctor/patient records to input into an excel spreadsheet for import to an online EHR database. I can set up all the normal formulas and formatting but for the life of me not figure out how to create a custom formula to take the first letter of the patient first name and last name and add 6 figures to create a unique patient identifier.

ie. James + Smith+ random 6 figures = JS245318.

In my spreadsheet the first name is under Column 1, Last name Column 3 and the unique number generated in column 4.

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Create A Custom Data Entry Form

Jan 30, 2008

I am having trouble creating a custom data entry form in excel. What steps would I need to take..

Attached is a example of the data, the Headers are in bold, the highlighted columns are to be drop boxes.

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# Of Unique Dates Per Unique List Entry

Oct 22, 2009

Each product is represented by a serial number (column A).
The can be sorted on column A from smallest to largest prior to calculating results if that helps.

The repair list contains 1 entry per spare part used, so the same serial number may occur several times.

Furthermore, a product may have been repaired on several instances - so the serial numbers can span several dates (column B).

The solution i am looking for should return the number of unique repair dates per serial number. That way i can see, how many times each product has been repaired. Results can be displayed in an individual column.

Sample list:
Serial........Repair date

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Create Unique List From Data

Feb 11, 2014

I have some raw data of employment records on one workbook and from this i need to autopopulate there information into another workbook.

I need to split the records up by the different departments they work . I.e so what i am after if possible is -

If The department name in the raw data matches column A1 for example then it auto populates down in B2 all the names of people who work in that department .

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Create Unique Values List While Overwriting Old Data?

Jan 24, 2012

I will copy a report into sheet 1, starting in the same place(A1), on a weekly basis. The headers are: Item, Quantity & Price

Week 1's report shows the following:
Windows 5 $1.00
Doors 6 $1.50
Chairs 7 $2.00

Week 2's report shows the following:
Windows 3 $1.00 (change in quantity)
Tables 7 $5.00 (new item)
Chairs 7 $2.50 (change in price)

I need to have a rolling, unique list on Sheet 2 that will do the following:

- add new line items

- keep old line items while checking to see if the quantity or price has changed.

Therefore, after week 2's report is pasted on sheet 1, Sheet 2 should look like this:

Windows 3 $1.00
Doors 6 $1.50
Chairs 7 $2.50
Tables 7 $5.00

Here's the most important part: There will be formulas in Column D in Sheet 2 that I need to stay with each item. generating the desired result on Sheet 2!

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Macro To Create Unique Rolling Data List

Feb 4, 2012

I need a Macro to create a unique, rolling data list. On Sheet 1, a report is pasted(from outside source) in cell A3(Rows 1 & 2 are headers) on a weekly basis. It is always the same amount of columns wide(138). The number of rows will always vary but will never be more than 500.

Here’s what I need for Sheet 2:

-Column A should be a copy from Column A on Sheet 1 (data is ITEMS)
-Column B should be a copy from Column BH on Sheet 1 (data is QUANTITY of items)
-Column C should be a copy from Column BI on Sheet 1 (data is PRICE of items)

Here’s the challenge (when the new report is pasted on Sheet 1):

-Sheet 1. Find new ITEMS not on Sheet 2 and paste them at the end of the report on Sheet 2 along with their QUANTITY and PRICE
-Sheet 1. Find any ITEMS already on Sheet 2, then update new QUANTITY and PRICE from Sheet 1 onto Sheet 2
-Sheet 2. Leave ITEMS alone that are now missing from the new report on Sheet 1

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Create 1 List Of Unique Values From 12 Columns Of Data

Apr 28, 2014

I have a spreadsheet of 12 columns (A to L), with a list of student names under each down to row 31. Each column represents an after-school club that the child can attend.

However, a child can sign up to multiple clubs, so their name can appear in several places across the spreadsheet.

What I would like to do is have a 13th column which is an overall list of students who have signed up to at least 1 club, i.e. their name appears at least once in columns A to L.

How do I achieve this so that only unique entries are listed and duplicates are removed in this 13th column?

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Create Column Of Data Based On Unique Items

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to seperate singlr column information into seperate column based on the name in the Data 1 column.

Data1 Data2 Result 1 Result 2 Result 3

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Formula To Look For A Number Entry On One Worksheet And Return Another Fixed Entry?

Mar 14, 2014

Is there a formula that will allow me to look for the existence of any number value in a row of one worksheet and then return a specific number value in a cell on another worksheet? For example, if the formula finds any number value it will always return the number 15 to a cell on another worksheet.

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Cannot Create Or Use The Data Range Reference Because It Is Too Complex

Aug 15, 2008

I have a workbook containing a lot of worksheets, each sheet contains approx 60,000 rows of data (each sheet varies in the number of rows slightly but the data is always contained in column A). There are only 4 unique values and my task is to filter out the 4 seperate values and copy & append them to a master list in 4 columns side-by-side i.e. valueA in A1, valueB in B2 etc.

The problem I have run into is that when I have filtered out one of the values and try to copy it I get an error message - "Excel cannot create or use the data range reference because it is too complex".

This has left me thinking that the only way to process the data is to manually copy approx 20,000 rows at a time (I'm not sure what the maximum amount of filtered data Excel can handle is but this it can definitely handle) and paste to the master list.

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Create Formula In A Column That Increments Cell Reference From Data In Row

Sep 8, 2012

I'm new to Excel (4th day in class) and I can't find the answer to what I'm looking for on the net. Part of the problem is that I don't know what to call it, so I have a hard time looking it up.

Very simply put, let's say there are examples numbers 1,2,3,4 put in cells A1 to A4 (vertical) and more example number 50,60,70,80 are put in cells A6 to D6 (horizontal)

What one formula can be written in B1 that I can copy down to B4 that will make B1=A1+A6, and B2=A2+B6, and B3=A3+C6, and B4=A4+D6

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Using Data Validation To Limit Entry Of Number Of Characters In A Cell

Jan 24, 2014

When you want to use Data Validation to limit the entry of the number of characters to a cell does this apply only to the cell that you are entering the characters or can it also apply to a cell that contains a LEN(A1) formula, for instance? Also,does the Data Validation limitation function includes spaces as well? Will the message appear while you are entering the characters (when it has reached the limit) or will it wait until you have hit Enter?

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Use One Template To Enter Data With Users Being Able To Start Entry From A Number Of Different Starting Points

Jul 30, 2009

We're trying to use one template to enter data with users being able to start entry from a number of different starting points. this changes they way the look-ups have to work. The attached sample explains it a whole lot better.

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Export CSV Data To Excel Userform Using Reference Number To Specify Relevant Data

Jun 16, 2014

What I would like to do is create a userform where I can input a case reference number and click a command button which searches the CSV/TXT file for any notes for the specific reference number and then returns all notes (seperated by a blank line) in the textbox within the userform in the posted/saved format.

I can find lots about importing to excel but nothing about importing data to userforms.

CSV file added for format. The userform contains two text boxes, one blank for import and one for completing the case reference number (format on CSV file. Line item 1).

i.e. if I searched by SL-001-0155648 I would get the below (It's not code but I thought the best way of showing what I mean):

[Code] .....

Attached File : Notes Test CSV.txt‎

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Unique Entry With Condition.

Jan 3, 2008

I've found part of my answer from searching for a previous thread and altering to suit my needs.
I've got the array formula:
This gives me the correct number of unique entries. What I'm after is the number of unique entries that start with 1042

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Filtering For Unique Values. But Keep Only First Entry

Jul 23, 2009

i need to filter and delete duplicate values. where i have some issues is that i just need keep the first entry and delete the second (and so on) entry. means when i have a list with ids and hours like that:

id1 hours1
id1 hours2
id1 hours3
id2 ...

i need to have id1 and hours1 but delete hours2 and hours3. hours is the result of a formula. i tried with advanced filter but it somehow just hides me the duplicates and it sums me the hours.

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Summing Appropriate Cells If Last Entry Of A Unique Id Is Encountered?

Jul 1, 2014

ID = 1: The B Number is the same for entries of ID =1. Thus where ID = 1 and Last is indicated, Cost = 10.

ID = 2: The B Number changes four times. In cell G20 (Last of all ID =2) Cost = 20+30+40+30 = 120. You are basically summing at each instance the B Number changes.

ID = 3: Cell G24 = 100 +30 (two instances of B Number changing)

ID = 4: B Number is always the same. Cost = 50

ID = 5: B number changes 3 times, Cost = 50+120+140 = 310

In essence, the idea is that if the ID matches for all rows of particular client, the total cost = individual cost. However, if the ID changes multiple times for a single client, the total cost becomes the sum of changed costs, but not the entire column, just summing at each instance it changes. And this summed cost must be entered whenever we see the last instance of a unique ID (This is indicated using Column F).

The problem that I'm running into is that currently I am doing this manually with my actual data set (has nearly 200,000 rows). What excel function or VBA code could I write to automate this entire process?

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How To Ensure Cell Entry In A Range Is Always Unique

Jun 18, 2013

I have a range B1:B20. These cells are populated by the user and I want to ensure that no two entries are the same. Is there a way of presenting a dialog box that prompts the user to enter a different value if the value they are trying to enter is already entered somewhere in the range?

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Move Data In Column To Single Row For Each Unique OSIS Number

Mar 12, 2014

I need to move data in column E to single row (as text string is fine as I can Text to column later) for each unique OSIS number. VB should copy columns A-D to sheet 2 then move each row data for unique OSIS to column E as one long text string separated by common. I can then parse out using text-to-column. Below is the VB code which stops on: txt = txt & Sheet1.Range("E" & x) & ","

I want to be able to look up class code and score by OSIS either using vlookup or in Access with OSIS as primary key.

Public Sub processR2C()
pos = 1
txt = ""
For x = 2 To 99999

txt = txt & Sheet1.Range("E" & x) & ","
If Sheet1.Range("A" & x) Sheet1.Range("A" & x + 1) Then
Sheet2.Range("A" & pos) = Sheet1.Range("A" & x)

[Code] .........

Here is sample data


229647698 ABBASI AMJAD 2L4 ESS21QQR,40

[Code] ..........

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Filter Show The Most Recent (highest Row) Unique Entry

Jul 30, 2008

Is there a way to make Advance Filter show the most recent (highest row)unique entry instead of the first entry (lowest row)?

For instance if a spread sheet has

1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3

I want to keep the "1 3", "2 3", and "3 3" entry, not "1 1", "2 1", and "3 1".

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Zero Showing In Cell With Reference When Entry Is Deleted With Delete Key?

Jul 1, 2014

When I use a reference to populate a cell in anothe worksheet and I use the delete key to remove the entry, a zero shows up in the cell of the worksheet wit the cell reference. For example if I use =AM!A3 and use the delete key to delete the entry in cell A3 of worksheet AM, the worksheet with the reference =AM!A3 shows a zero. Is there some way to prevent the zero from appearing in the cell with the reference?

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Create A Separate Worksheet That Has The Data In And Reference Cells On Budget Worksheet?

Feb 7, 2014

I need to reference the projected and actual expenses from the total on worksheet 'expenses' So i did so, however, if I change the drop down on the expenses worksheet to only display housing data, then the projected and actual expenses on my budget worksheet changes as well to the new data portrayed on the expenses worksheet.

I need to reference the cell, without it changing when I change the category display, but I need the cell to change accordingly if I enter new data in the overall tablet on the expenses worksheet.

Or do I need to create a seperate worksheet that has the data in and reference my cells on my budget worksheet to that new worksheet?

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Macro / VB To Create Entry?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a workbook which tracks the current status of jobs and then records the changes on a separate worksheet in the workbook. Right now it is a time consuming process to enter the changes in the status log worksheet and then go enter them again in the change history worksheet.

I am wondering if there is a code that will allow the worksheet to automatically fill in an entry when something comes due. In my attached sample workbook on the 'status log' the Job number 372 in the CA # column is set up to be due today. We see in the 'what is due' column that corrective action is due.

I would like excel to automatically make an entry in the change history worksheet whenever a job becomes due. The change history worksheet has a highlighted row showing how the output would look ideally.

I know nothing about code or vba

Sample Workbook.xlsm

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Create A New Tab For Each Entry In Worksheet

Aug 18, 2008

Basically i have a list of 24 invoice #'s with cost/pounds/etc.

I need a macro that would look at a list from a sheet ( Temp Sheet ).
count the number of invoice
create a tab named the invoice numbers.

So basically, if there are 24 invoice #'s. I would have 24 tabs created that are named the invoice numbers.

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Automated Entry In Cell Instead Of Manual (without Causing Circular Reference)

Apr 22, 2008

I need to make cell A1 = cell D1.

Cell A1 is calculated by entering a number in cell E1[COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR]. Due to the various formulas used, when cell E1 goes up, the value in cell A1 goes down (and vice-versa - When E1 goes down, value in A1 goes up). Cell D1 is calculated using formulas UNASSOCIATED with A1 or E1.

I can't enter a formula for cell E1 to do the calculating due to the circular reference created.

I need some type of code that will automatically figure out what number needs to be in cell E1 to make cell A1 equal Cell D1 without creating the circular reference.

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Loop Through Data And Create Chart With A Number Of Series

Apr 8, 2008

I am looking to create a number of series on a chart (xyscattersmooth) from a datatable. Below is my data Table....

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