How To Change Line When Writing To Text File

Feb 9, 2012

Set FSO = New FileSystemObject
Set FSOFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(textfullname, 2, True)
FSOFile.Write ("xx")
FSOFile.Write ("02022012")
FSOFile.Writeline ("Next line")

I am getting this in the text file:- xx02022012Next line

I want this: xx02022012 Next line

How to change line when writing to a text file?? the writeline is not changing line.

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Writing To Text File Without Quotations

Aug 6, 2014

This code I am using writes cell data to a text file starting from A1 and going down the column. Each line/row is written in quotes. How can I disable or replace the quotes with blanks in the text file?

Here is the code:

[Code] ........

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Writing Results To A Text File

Jun 12, 2009

I'm trying to do something very simple, but I haven't had any luck searching for a function in excel that will let me do it.

Column A is a list of directories on a server, i.e. 01april, 02april, etc.
Column B is the path to those main directories, i.e. /raid0/data/documents/april/
Column C is where users can can type "1" if they want the directory or leave it blank if they do not want it selected.
Column D, if the corresponding row in column C=1, will show the complete source path/filename based on Column A and Column B.
Column E, if the corresponding row in column C=1, will show the complete destination path/filename based on Column A and Column B.

This is all working fine.

What I want to be able to do now though, is somehow, when someone sends the document back to me, create an FTP queue. I can do this with BulletProof FTP, because it allows really simple text queues.

So, what I need excel to do is, when someone has finished selecting their files, is write the results to a text file like exactly like this (without the Line1:, etc.):

Line1: <text from D2>
Line2: 0
Line3: 0
Line4: 0
Line5: ?
Line6: <text from E2>

(then repeated for each row in the excel document until column A is returning blank)

Seems simple enough.. Any ideas?

Also, an extra question--> is there any way I can make Excel list a directory structure automatically? Could it display the file size for the entire directory? I don't necessarily want it to list every file, just the directory paths and size of each directory.

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Row Offset And Writing To Next Line In Activesheet

Nov 1, 2007

I have a ComboBox. When a user selects an item from the ComboBox and clicks a command button (Add Button) the selection that the user selected writes to a row in the active worksheet and then resets the ComboBox allowing the user to make another choice after clicking the "Add" command button. I am trying to remember how to write the code for row offset so that when the user makes their next selection from the ComboBox and clicks the "Add" command button it puts it the selection in the next row of the active spreadsheet thus creating a running list of the users choices. Here is a line of the
Private Sub cmbAdd_Click()
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = cbxSeverity
cbxSeverity.Value = ""
End Sub

After the tcbxSeverity.Value ="" line I was testing trying to get to the next row by using something like this:

Private Sub cmbAdd_Click()
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = cbxSeverity
cbxSeverity.Value = ""
End Sub

I know that this code is incorrect but I cannot remember how to offset or check Rowsource to move to the next line.

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Read Each Line Of Text File

Oct 26, 2006

I'm using the following code to read a text file that I downloaded from a mainframe file.

Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, myLine
Debug.Print myLine

It reads and prints the first line, but then drops out of the loop. According to the help file, "Line Input" is looking for a carriage return (Chr(13)) or carriage return–linefeed (Chr(13) + Chr(10)) sequence. I have pasted a sample of the text file below. I'm not sure what the characters are at the beginning of each line, but perhaps I could find a way to replace each of them with a carriage return.


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Delete Last Line In Text File

Jun 19, 2007

I use the Append command to write a line to a text file. I have about 3 excel files appending data to the same text file.

If someone were to write a line in error I would like to have the ability to delete it.

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Specific Line Number Of Text File

Apr 6, 2008

I'm trying to do this in VBA.

I open a text file for input, and I want to jump to a certain line # in that text file. The difficult part is that each line has variable length, so I can't use the Seek function.

The data look like this:

... etc.

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65536 Line Text File Exceeds Row Limit

Aug 30, 2006

I wrote a Macro that was running up to now searching for information. Now the text file is bigger than the 65536 limit in Excel. How can you import the .txt file over two or more Sheets using a Macro?

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Write Array To Text File On Single Line

Apr 14, 2008

In VBA, is it possible to write to a text file, on 1 single line (without carriage return or line feed) the values of a dynamic array? For instance, I have the array:

Dim my(n) As Double 'n is changeable
my(0) = 0
my(1) = 1
my(2) = 2

I want to write to a text file, like this: Write #filename, my(0), my(1), my(2) '..... until my(n) but n is changing

I want them on 1 line, because I use the other direction (up - down) for other things).

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Bad File Mode: Writing To Locked Binary .txt File

Oct 6, 2006

I have a .txt file created in Notepad and it contains a 4 digit number (Job ID). I am recieving the dreaded "Bad File Mode" (#54) error when writing back the file.

I would like to OPEN it as R/W locked, read it, increment it by 1 and write it back. Am perfectly willing to create the .txt as non-binary if that is causing the issue.

Dim jinChar As String
fileNumber = FreeFile()
jinFP = "JIN.txt"
Open jinFP For Binary Access Read Write Lock Read Write As #fileNumber
Input #fileNumber, jinChar
jobIDNumber = CInt(jinChar)
jobIDNumber = jobIDNumber + 1
jinChar = CStr(jobIDNumber)
Write #1, jinChar
Close #fileNumber

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Replace Line Feed With Carriage Return In Text File

Sep 11, 2007

If I write a multi-line text in a cell (then go down with alt+enter) and after copy the cell pasting on Notepad, it display before inverted commas and after textual content.

Instead, if I select directly the content from the formula bar, it isn't happen.

Do exist a way for copy and paste directly from the cell without select from the formula bar?

Maybe with a macro?

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Search Unopen Sheet For Value / Change Color Of Line / Copy Line Paste?

Nov 17, 2012

Our small family business has a mailing campaign that we track with excel. However, we're very concerned about users opening the macro-filled master spreadsheet. Instead, we'd like a macro to do everything for them.

When a letter comes back in the mail with a bad address, the user types the Street number and street name such as "1234 Main St" into $A2 of c:dropbox eturned.xlsm, presses the macro button, and it should do the following:

Opens and Searches "Sheet1", "column S", in the file c:dropboxmaster1.xlsm, and finds the LAST instance of the address typed.Selects that entire rowCopies the entire row.Pastes the contents into the row of the active cell in the destination spreadsheet, overwriting what was there before. Such as $2:$2 if the address was typed in $A2.In the master1.xlsm spreadsheet, sets the entire copied row color to "gray".closes master1.xlsm and saves changes.

The end result is that the user now has an identical row of information in their spreadsheet, and the master spreadsheet's row is colored gray indicating it has been completed.

Other notes:I'm open to more efficient steps than this if you have them.There are approx 5,000 records to search through in master1.xlsx at any given time.

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Read Pdf Or Doc File Line By Line And Then Parse Data Into Proper Cells And Rows?

Feb 23, 2013

I have the data to import / read in a pdf, in a doc, or in an Excel worksheet whichever is easier to use. I need to import the data, parse it into the correct cells for that row and then repeat the import until the end of the file. Not all the cells are in each group of data to import, so those cells will be null for that row. Some of the data for one cell may be in up to 14 lines in the data file. I have be concatenating these data rows into one cell. There are 48,000 lines in the file to import or I would do this manually. I am assuming that doing this in VBA would be the most efficient method.

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Writing The Contents Of Cells Into A File

Apr 12, 2009

I have a bunch of values in column A, and I need to write (export) the entire column into a file called "ColumnA.dat".

create an Excel Macro Script that would accomplish that?

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Prevented From Writing To The .xlb File On Closing

Sep 15, 2009

I'm making a workbook which I want to distribute widely. It will have a lot of changes to the menus which happen 'onOpen'.

I am keen to not spoil peoples special menu setups on closing the workbook.

If I understand correctly, on closing, Excel writes the current menu settings to the .xlb file. Does anyone know of a way to prevent it doing this so that peoples setups are left unchanged?

Presumably there is code that will do it but I've searched a long time and found nothing.

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How To Change Line Thickness In Line Graph

May 21, 2010

I have a chart sheet with a line graph that contains two series: I want to change their thickness, but I am not able to format it with VBA.

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Writing Batch File To Remove Spaces From Filenames

Oct 11, 2008

I realise this is not strictly an excel question but it forms part of my VBA code within excel

I have been writing a VBA program (with some fantastic help from you guys) part of which writes to a batch file to rename files stored in a given folder. Unfortunately this fails if the original files have spaces in the filenames. The batch file contains command lines such as: ...

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Excel Form Writing Filled Data To Another File Or Sheet

Mar 5, 2014

Currently I work on a file which will be more like a form which will be filled by user and after he or she hits the button, the filled data will be written or sent to another Excel file or even Sheet in the same workbook which will store the filled data in database like form. The same as some web form which will post the data to database.

In other words, the workbook contains to sheets, one with forms to be filled in (cells) and one with specified columns. After filling in the cells on the first sheet and hitting the button, it will trigger the macro which will send data to second sheet and post data from each cell to appropriate column.

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Writing To File May Require Special Print Statement Syntax

Jan 22, 2013

' write data to txt file
For j = 1 To 3
For k = 1 To 21
Print FNum, OPTOarray(j, k)
Next k
Next j

I am writing an Array to a text file but I keep getting an error that the Print statement requires a suitable object. I tried Debug but all this did was put the data into the immediate window and created a file that was empty.

"????.Print FNum, OPTOarray(j, k)".

The data in the immediate window is correct but when you open the text file with notepad there is nothing to be seen.

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Edit Change And Output A Text File

Feb 7, 2009

I use excel to read in an ASCII data file in which every line beginning with H is a header line and lines beginning with S are data line.

I want excel to filter out the header lines and output the file with the data lines only then outputs these in a new file.

I also want it to read the values from column 72 to 75 and subtract 6 from them then output them again to the same new file.

Sub read()
Open "d:/intouch/0502SPSS.LOG" For Input As #1
Dim i As Integer
Dim lines(9999) As String
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, z
i = i + 1
If Mid(z, 1, 1) = "H" Then
i = i - 1

ElseIf Mid(z, 1, 1) = "S" Then.................................

the problem is that the new file is generated but it is always empty

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Excel 2003 :: Conditional Formatting Not Working And Cannot Change Colour Of A Cell Or Writing?

Sep 23, 2013

Excel 2003

On one of our computers at work, Excel is acting especially strange. The conditional formatting in Excel on one of our computers is not working. In addition, we cannot fill a cell with any color or change the color of the writing. We can click a color for the letters and type it in, but immediately after another cell is highlighted, the writing goes black again. When we try to highlight multiple cells with the cursor, the cells are black instead of the normal color. This happens to not just spreadsheets that are new, but existing spreadsheets on our shared drive from only this one computer as well. No other computers are affected this way. All other computers show the spreadsheets fine and do not have any functionality issues.

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Change Characters In Specific Position Of A Text File

Aug 6, 2008

I have a very large file of data, over 500,000 rows, opening in one sheet in Excel is not an option with my current version. In each row I need to change the characters in positions 41-44 from whatever they current are, to '9999'. I'm sure there has to be a way I can do this using vba, does anyone have a sample snippet of code, or another post they can point me too?

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Writing Text In A Cell

Jan 21, 2010

I have a problem, basically im writing in the cell but it keep going along, i want it so when i press enter it creates a new line in the cell, so i can have two lines of text in one cell. do i have to do something in the text settings?

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Writing Number As Text To A Cell

Jun 16, 2013

Process is that I read in lines from a text file and then based on a filter I then write some those values to a sheet. One of the values I transfer is always 5 characters with a trailing space. The first four may be all numbers (e.g. "0013 ") or a mix (e.g. "013G "). When I write these to the spreadsheet the ones without letters always end up as a number (e.g. "0013 " become 13). How do I force the cell to show all values as text in the cell just like I read it in. In fact, I'd prefer stripping out the trailing space but it's not critical. That I can do (TRIM).

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Highlight Last Line Of Text And Copy To Line Below?

Mar 14, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where on a weekly basis data is copied in to various tabs. I then have a "formula" tab where I have a single line of formulas which look up the various data tabs and extract the results I want to show.

Currently each week, before I import the new data into the various tabs, I copy the last row in the "formula" tab and paste to the line below it. This contains all the working formulas. I then paste values only on the line that I copied, thus "locking in" the values it calculated with that weeks data. This means that each row then contains the results with that week's data, and this will grow week by week.

What I am looking for is a formula that automates this process. So let's say that row 30 is the final row of data on my formula tab, it contains the formulas I want to use. I would need a macros that does the following:

1. Looks up last row (row 30)
2. Copies last row (row 30)
3. Pastes to next empty row (row 31)
4. Pastes values only to second last row (row 30)

I'm not too great with writing macros, I've found plenty that can find the last row, but I can't get them to work to highlight that row.

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Link Cells From One File To Another And Insert A New Line On The File

Apr 24, 2009

when I link cells from one file to another and insert a new line on the file I am linking to. the file that is linking goes down as follows:


How do I get Cell A5, to link to Cell A5 even if I add a new line in the Safety.xls spreadsheet. Taking the $ away does not work I have tried that.

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Difficulty Writing Code For Changing Font Color If Cell Contains Specific Text

Aug 11, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that will contain about 5-15 rows with a letter "S" in the column. If this letter S appears in the column, I need its entire row to change font color to RED and then change that row's value in column L to a negative number. is there any easy way to do this?

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Looping, Open Text File, Copy Text, Close Text File

Sep 18, 2009

I have an existing spreadsheet with a column of strings (actually VIN numbers). These numbers correllate to a bunch of text files, that can exist in one of three folders (UsernameDesktop1, 2, or 3) on my desktop. What I need the macro to do is:

1) get the filename from A2 (A1 is a heading row)
2) Find the appropriate text file in one of the three folders
3) Put the folder name into I2
4) Scan the text file for some strings, and copy some data that follows those strings into J2:O2 (I can handle programming this)
5) Close the text file
6) repeat above for the remainder of filenames (about 1800 files)

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Writing Specific Content From Excel To External File Of Specific Name

Apr 29, 2013

I have a worksheet that contains two basic columns of data, A and B. What I would like to do is based on the value in column A, I would like to copy the contents of column B to a textfile (preserving the basic line structure and hopefully without any extra characters like quotation marks attached). So for all the values in column A = 'Account', Id like to take all the corresponding values in Column E (for example) and save them to the same file, preferably where the filename itself as ''. And I would like to do this for all unique values in Column A, that is do it for 'Account' and 'AccountPrivilege' etc. Note Column A is essentially presorted alphabetically already. There are actually 1000s of rows with hundreds of unique A values so Id like to find a way to automate this process.


Company Information


[Code] ........

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Change Colour To A Whole Line

May 21, 2009

I have this code but is not working, i need to make an ajustment to this as well as at present it will only change colour to 1 cell but i need it to format the whole line, this is what i have so far

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