How To Get Closing Price From Cell
Aug 2, 2014
A1 cell includes; Dividend Payment : TWITTER (National Market) %39,06 (Closing Price: 5,28 Dolar), Cash Dividend I want 5,28 result in B1 cell ?
A2 cell includes; Dividend Payment : FACEBOOK %5,00 (Closing Price: 53,18 Dolar), Stock Dividend I want 53,18 result in B2 cell ?
In order to understand my question open enclosed file.
Note1: "Closing Price:" text in the cells are stable.
Note2: "Dolar" text in the cells are stable.
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Sep 5, 2012
I need J22 to multiply based on years in B22 AND increase 5% for each of those years (compounding) after two years (excludes year 1 from 5% increase). In addition the cell needs to remain blank if D22 is blank. B22 = 1, then the stockprice needs to remain the same, and only increase by 5% after year 1.
B22 = a number of years indicated by the formula: =IF(A22="","",DATEDIF(A22,I3,"y"))
J22 =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(D22,stockprices,2,FALSE))
If J22 stockprice lookup is $1000.00, and the number of years listed in B22 is 6, then the reported value in J22 needs to be $1494.40.
Windows 7 Ultimate / Excel 2010
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Jun 9, 2008
I have calculated the implied volatility for different single options using the newton raphson method. But, I also need to calculate the implied volatility which minimizes the sum of squared differences between the observed market price and the model price for each day. I guess one needs to use vectors (jacobian matrix) to do this, but I do not know how to expand the code to be able to do this. Anyone have any idea how this can be done? I have attached the [code] I have used to calculate the implied volatility for one option.
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Jan 4, 2010
The analysis basically has 2 data components to it:
The 1st part, is a basic transaction list of shopping items bought through the year. Each transaction's shopping item also has the quantity of that item purchased at that time.
The 2nd part, is a pricing sheet for all the different types of shopping items. The pricing sheet has different prices for different quantities at which the item is purchased.
What I am trying to do is to find the relevant price for shopping item, which depends on not only what the item is, but also the quantity. In point form, it should follow the logic below:
1) Identify the item in the shopping list (worksheet 1) from the list of prices (worksheet 2)
2) Find quantity in the prices worksheet that is closest to the quantity in the shopping list (i.e. where the difference between the quantity on transaction list and the quantity on the pricing sheet is the least)
3) Pull the price for this "closest quantity"
I have uploaded a worksheet showing the structure of that data.
Is there some VB code I need to do this, or can it just be a few simple formulas?
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Sep 14, 2006
I have a userform which opens when the workbook opens. Ideally Id like to have the userform open without the workbook coming up and have the workbook close when you close the userform. If thats not doable then is there a way to just close the workbook when the userform is closed?
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Jul 24, 2006
All data is located within one book. I have two sheets with material codes in each sheet which include pricing (existing and current)
Sheet1 (has existing material codes plus existing pricing) Has about 1200 lines
Sheet2 (has current material codes plus current pricing), has about 36000 lines
I need to cross check if the material code (taken from sheet1) are still available in sheet2, and if they are, copy the current price back to sheet1. The current price needs to be pasted back into sheet1 (next to the existing price). If the material code doesn't exist (for whatever reason, in sheet2), the program needs to move onto the next line and leave the current price for that material code blank. The program should finish once all the lines in sheet1 are completed. I have attached a sample of what I'm trying to do,
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Feb 12, 2010
I have have a large array of prices (across rows) and am looking for the closest price to match a price that I have been provided with. It's a basic benchmarking exercise on a row by row basis....and the price can be positive or negative. Is there a clean way to reference the closest price?
I have come across a fair amount of solutions, but none worked optimally - particularly the =INDEX(Data,MATCH(MIN(ABS(Data-Target)),ABS(Data-Target),0)) just didn't work for some lines, and only worked for values less than source price in other instances.
I would also like to reference the source on the next column.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am trying to do an if statement where I ask if the 2009 price is .50 or less away from the 2008 price, bring back "Check" See below:
2008 2009
$23.95 $24.15
Using excel 2007
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Sep 10, 2007
I would like a macro which disables the close function of a worksheet if a particular cell or has not being filled out?
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Sep 20, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which has a sales report for 100 stores. When a store opens the spreadsheet they login using a username and password on a userform. This then filters the report and brings up there respective line. The stores have to fill in certain cells on there line. I want to display an alert if they forget to fill in a cell when they login.
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Mar 27, 2014
I am trying to get the Price to automatically fill cell C11 of the attached spreadsheet when a user enters Grade and Thickness information. I have tried index function, match function, vlookup function, and combinations of all with no luck.
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Mar 14, 2012
I have a drop down box where I can choose 6 different metals, and another drop down box to choose different months in the future. I have the current price of each of these metals, but they change for each different month in the future - I also have how much the current price should change by for each of these separate months. I currently have a cell using a simple IF statement to choose the current price for each metal, however I'd like this cell to also be able to change for the specific different month in the future. This is roughly how it looks:
Expiry Jun-12
Product Copper
Future PriceXXXX
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Feb 24, 2007
I have three cells, let's call them A1, A2, A3. Cell A2 contains a list of products. I need to be able to have the price for these products appear in cell A3. The prices vary based on the contents of cell A1. There is a different list of prices for each different value in A1. I've tried to figure out a way to use a lookup, but can't seem to wrap my brain around it.
Contents of A1 determines unit prices in A3.
Contents of A2 is a list of products.
Contents of A3 is pricing for list products in A2, but pricing is controlled by content of A1.
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Aug 18, 2009
I attached an excel that I created. But I have one problem with it.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a small macro that before closing the workbook will check a range ("C4:G24") on Sheet ("Data Checks"). It will then show a msgbox displaying each non "OK" result in the range. I want this to close the workbook if all cells in the range have the value "OK" and cancel the close if the msgbox appears. This is what I have so far...
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim r As Range, txt As String
With Sheets("Data Checks")
'for each non "OK" result in range
For Each r In .Range("C4:G24")
If r.Text <> "OK" Then
txt = txt & r.Text & vbLf
End If
End With
If txt <> "OK" Then
MsgBox "Please check:" & vbLf & vbLf & txt, vbExclamation
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
The problem I have is that although the msgbox displays the correct cell values if they are not "OK", it also appears and cancels the close if all cells in range DO have value "OK"???
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Jan 28, 2013
I have the following table in excel:
Price: Percentage:
$150 10%
$100 12%
$50 14%
I'm trying to use the percentage depending on what price I enter in a cell. For example; if I enter $135 then 10% will be used, if I enter $65 then 12% will be used, and if I enter $47 then 14% will be used.
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Aug 13, 2008
to formulate Excel formulas to obtain the average buy price and average sell price for me to do this futures trading. Thanks a lot. I downloaded the Htmlmaker to post the spreadsheet here to show the manual way to calcualte the average buy price and average sell price but when it is on html form, i clicked on the 'Please click this button to send the source into clipboard' button & then i paste into this thread. Is the way to make my spreadsheet appear here correct cause it cannot work.
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Oct 24, 2008
I need an all inclusive formula (all in one cell) that would look at the above table and depending upon the price paid (3000-14999 or 15000-99999 or 100000-249999) and depending upon what monthly term they choose (24, 30, or 36), the appropriate finance charge would be used to calculate a total cost (9-13%). The only way I know to do this is by using IF's and AND's, but there are simply too many arguments and I cannot properly write the formula.
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Mar 22, 2009
I am trying to organize it in a way that I can have all my purchases added based on my text criteria of certain purchase... Ill try to be as clear as possible. I have already organized it in a way that when I paste new months statement in my Excel file it sorts it by date, newest on the top, and I made Conditional Formatting by color on column D which states the Description of purchase. Starbucks appears in description cell but it is followed by number and location making each Starbucks cell in column D different in name. So its hard to use Exact phrase formula to combine the amount for that purchase.
My question is: Is there a formula that find a PORTION of text in a D column and automatically adds the price to the right of it together in one cell. There is a formula that looks for the whole text in the cell but that doesn't work when my name has always some extra numbers at the end of the word Starbucks
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Aug 13, 2009
I own a Hair Salon which collates its daily takings using a spreadsheet. A section of this takings sheet asks staff to enter which Products have been sold and what they where sold for (RRP), so that once all products have been entered, totals at the end of the day allowing the end -of-day "till-up" process to reconcile purchases and services rendered aginst cash and cheques received.
Unfortunately there is over 600 products to choose from and this evergroes as new products are introduced by manufacturers. Names are long and often very similar, and product price manual listings are slow to reference, therefore the customer has to wait while the staff find the right product and select the right price.
All of this is subject to human error. What i would like is simply to enter part of the product name into a Cell and the right product to be visibly selectable and the price automatically added to an adjacent cell.
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Feb 3, 2009
I'm trying to create a supply order form. Is it possible to enter a product name in one cell and have the price for that product automatically appear in another cell? Is there a formula that I can use to make this happen?
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Aug 30, 2012
Looking forward VBA coding for:
If input is entered into column C (range C2:C100), then row cells for columns D, E ,F, H or I must NOT be blank upon save.
Could be that one or more of these row cells are left blank by mistake.
An error msg pops up upon attempting to save, stops the save and colors each cell yellow that needs info entered into.
Using Excel 2010.
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Apr 22, 2006
I've attached part of the file I'm working with, and can't figure out how to align the text to the top in the merged cells titled description. How do I format the cell so that if there isn't two lines of type in the description it remains aligned with the quantity and price
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a unit price and a quantity. I want to be able to take the sum of the extended price without having to add a column for extended price. I don't want to just hide it, either.
Example attached.
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Jun 10, 2009
Though VBA is very similar to VB6 (which is what I took a course in a few years ago) there are some things I can't figure out. One of them is ending and closing a procedure (i.e. if an "if then" statement is not met). In VB6, if I remember correctly, you would use "Me.Close". What is a similar method in VBA for taking this action?
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Apr 18, 2009
Is there any way to have a macro, that is started from the immediate window, close the immediate window when it's done. My macro closes the immediate window, but as soon as it ends, the immediate window reopens and my cursor is inside it.
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Jun 17, 2009
Ok so my code below works fine except for when the user selects yes to the prompt and cancel in the save box. When that happens excel attempts to close and crashes. I want it so if the user says yes initially and then hits cancel the sub will cancel and the workbook will stay open.
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a macro that once it's run, it quits the application. The problem is that once it activates, it closes all the excel worksheets. What I want to happen is that if it is the only excel workbook open I want the application to quit, but if there is another workbook open I want it to just close itself only and leave the other ones alone.
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Aug 22, 2012
I have a perfectly functioning piece of code. There is still one snag, however. In the process of running the macro, three new workbooks are opened. I would like to close all three of those workbooks at the end. I am using the following procedure for each of the sheets:
To open the worksheet
Dim wb As WorkbookMsgBox "Please select the Stakeholder File"SHFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Files (*.xls),*.xls", , "Please select the Stakeholder Workbook")If SHFile "False" Then Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=SHFile)
To close the worksheet at the end:
If Not wb is Nothing Then wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
The only problem is that I am getting bugs when closing multiple workbooks (3). I have assigned the names wb, vb and ab to the three workbooks.
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Mar 22, 2007
I recently added some code to close a file after a few minutes of inactivity. (Here's the sub code)
Sub time_out()
If Timer - LastEventTime
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