Find A PORTION Of Text In A D Column And Automatically Adds The Price To The Right Of It Together In One Cell

Mar 22, 2009

I am trying to organize it in a way that I can have all my purchases added based on my text criteria of certain purchase... Ill try to be as clear as possible. I have already organized it in a way that when I paste new months statement in my Excel file it sorts it by date, newest on the top, and I made Conditional Formatting by color on column D which states the Description of purchase. Starbucks appears in description cell but it is followed by number and location making each Starbucks cell in column D different in name. So its hard to use Exact phrase formula to combine the amount for that purchase.

My question is: Is there a formula that find a PORTION of text in a D column and automatically adds the price to the right of it together in one cell. There is a formula that looks for the whole text in the cell but that doesn't work when my name has always some extra numbers at the end of the word Starbucks

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Cell Adds Previous Values Automatically

Aug 20, 2009

I have a market data linked to excel through DDE link so prices are updated real time.

Cell A5 contains last traded volume which updates whenever a trade is done.

I would like to SUM/ADD all last trade volume in cell C5. Is there any function or macro can help me to do this?

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Formula That Adds Both VL And DVL In A Column What I Have Now Only Adds The One

Jan 6, 2010

=COUNTIF(F3:F38,"=VL") This works for totaling the VL in the cells in the column but what if I need it to add DVL in the same column to that total? So I need it to add both VL AND DVL as one total. I can make it add one or the other but not both


5 2

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Get The Price To Automatically Fill Cell?

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to get the Price to automatically fill cell C11 of the attached spreadsheet when a user enters Grade and Thickness information. I have tried index function, match function, vlookup function, and combinations of all with no luck.

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TEXT Adds 15 Decimal Places In The Cell?

May 10, 2014

AVERAGEIFS(X$2:X$1000,$AT$2:$AT$1000,1)& TEXT(BE2/BD2," 0%")

The formula is working , but the result is : 3.50239234449761 58% Formatting the cell did not work. Can these decimals be slashed?

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Possible To Ignore Text Portion Of Given Cell

Jul 26, 2013

I was wondering whether it is possible to have excel ignore the text portion of a given cell. Or alternatively, have excel add in units (or specified text) after you input an initial value so that the cell can be used in a formula.

I have noticed that if I have cell A1 as 1 min and autofill, excel will recognize the number value and still put 2 min in A2, 3 min in A3, etc. However I can not use a function or any formula as the result will be #Value or another error.

I am looking for a way to be able to use the cells in formulas, and I do not want to put the text portion of the cells into another row/column.

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Extracting Portion Of Text From Cell

Nov 16, 2006

I have made something similar before and we were able to make it work... I tried the same code, but it is not working now. Basically in cell a1 I have

Auction Type: Auction, Auction End Time: 11/15/2006 10:00:00 AM(MST), Asking Price/Current Bid: $10.00, Number of Bids: 0, Description: , Traffic: 28
and in cell b1 I need it to only display $10.00 in cell c1 I need 0 (for number of bids)

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Macro To Copy The Portion Of Text In Cell?

Jun 2, 2014

write a macro to copy a set of sentences in an Excel Cell.

Excel cell contains set of sentences under 2 categories.

OK Points:
* ----------
* ----------
* ----------

Improvement Points:
* ----------
* ----------
* ----------

I need to copy the sentences under the heading improvement points. Enclosed trial excel sheet for further ref.

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Color Format A Portion Of Text Within A Cell

Jan 12, 2010

I have a column of data that contain miscellaneous comments in each of the cells in column 'A'. This is a sample of the text in one of those cells:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Is there a way to programmaticly search each cell in col 'A' to look for any occurrence of the string 'fox jumps over' and highlite in RED only that string occurrence?

So in the end the above cell would now be:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

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Automatically Adds A Row Down

Aug 20, 2009

all the data from the form is successfully placed into the assigned work sheet.

My question is

What is the code i have to Assign so it automatically adds a row down?

right now it adds the info but every time I try and put something new it overrides what was placed before..

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Efficient Entry Of Data & Automatically Have Their Price Show In Adjacent Cell

Aug 13, 2009

I own a Hair Salon which collates its daily takings using a spreadsheet. A section of this takings sheet asks staff to enter which Products have been sold and what they where sold for (RRP), so that once all products have been entered, totals at the end of the day allowing the end -of-day "till-up" process to reconcile purchases and services rendered aginst cash and cheques received.

Unfortunately there is over 600 products to choose from and this evergroes as new products are introduced by manufacturers. Names are long and often very similar, and product price manual listings are slow to reference, therefore the customer has to wait while the staff find the right product and select the right price.

All of this is subject to human error. What i would like is simply to enter part of the product name into a Cell and the right product to be visibly selectable and the price automatically added to an adjacent cell.

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Cell Referencing: Enter A Product Name In One Cell And Have The Price For That Product Automatically Appear In Another Cell

Feb 3, 2009

I'm trying to create a supply order form. Is it possible to enter a product name in one cell and have the price for that product automatically appear in another cell? Is there a formula that I can use to make this happen?

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Find Keywords Within Cell Text Of Another Column?

Nov 8, 2013

I'm evaluating the effectiveness of a keyword list we use to identify certain, high priorit,y medical situations from a string of text.

So, I have a column on a sheet of data (EIS Report!"B:B") in this case, and a seperate column on another sheet with keywords (Keywords!"A2:A47").

I use the formula ={OR(NOT(ISERROR(FIND(keywords!$A$2:$A$47,$B2))))} to identify if any of the keywords exist in the string.
This works well but I would like to improve my work in two ways:

1 - Identfiy, in another column on the EIS report sheet, which keyword it is that's been found within the string,
2 - On the keyword sheet, add another column of words, which if found within the string, would act as an exclusion.For example, I might use "STAB" as a keyword to look for "Male stabbed" etc, however might want to exclude "STABBING" to stop the solution triggering on "STABBING PAINS IN ABDO"

How might i adjust my formula?

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Find Last Number In Row / Add 1 To Current Cell (if Another Cell In That Column Has Text)

May 23, 2014

file storage

1. Look at the "Days so far" section

2. Ignore cell C1

3. All the other cells in that row are shaded blue. Look at these.

4. Look at the "Volunteer" row - all the cells in that row are shaded blue. Look at these.

5. Wherever a name - any name - appears in the "Volunteer" row, 1 is added to the previous number in the "Days so far" section and the result is displayed in cell from the "Days so far" row above that Volunteer's name.

6. For example, we begin in C1 with a count of 12 days so far - this was manually entered

7. In cell H5, we see Henry has volunteered 1 day. The total no. of days so far should now be 12+1. Therefore, the number in H1 should be 13.

8. In cell G47, we see Joseph has volunteered 1 day. The total number of days volunteered BEFORE Joseph volunteered is 15 (see cell D43). But now, with Joseph volunteering 1 day, the total no. of days so far should now be 15+1. Therefore, the number in G43 should be 16.

9. what formula l must put in the "Days so far" row (excluding cell C1, which is manually input) to give me the "should be" results predicted in that row? I'm guessing it will be a formula which looks at each row fragment of the "Days so far" row, row by row, right up to the previous cell in that row, all within one formula.

P.S. I just want to leave the "Days so far" row blank, for any columns where there are no volunteers in the "Volunteer" row, so please don't give a formula which inserts zero for days with no volunteer, and then sums the cumulative total.

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Find Cell Value In Column & Return Text In Adjacent Cell

Jun 10, 2008

I have a drop down list in a merged cell B12-F12 and B13-F13 and B14-F14 . . . B30-F30.

I need the adjacent merged cell to populate a reason (text) based on the text answer in the drop down list or the entered text in the first merged cell. For example in the cell B12-F12 the user picks from the list or types in "Amiodarone." I want the adjacent merged cell G12-J12to automatically fill with "Heart Rhythm." I also want to be able to set up multiple if - them statements like if Amiodarone is entered then fill adjacent cell with Heart Rhythm and if Toprol XL then fill adjacent cell with Heart / Blood pressure and if simvastatin then fill adjacent cell with Cholesterol, etc. I have about 30 different options for cell 1 that I want to have auto fill in cell 2 based on the contents of cell 1. I've attached my file.

I want the user to be able to choose from the list or type the drug name in.

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Find Certain Text In Column And Then Replace All Similarities From Another Cell

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to find a function, or conditional format, that will allow to find certain text in a column and then replace all the similarities from another cell.

So basically, I have 3 Columns.

Redundant Text
Replacement Text
What The Text Currently Reads

Red Hats
Save On Red Hats Online
Black & Red Hats

Blue Jeans
Find Blue Men's Jeans
Blue Jeans On Sale

1) There is text that is recurring in the the thousands of the cells of Column 3.
2) I have used a program that found the recurring data, and put them in Column 1
3) Column 2 is what I want ever cell in Column 3 to change to when it matches the cell in Column 1
4) Is there a function that will find text in the 3rd Column that matches text in the 1st column (multiple cells in the 3rd column will match one cell in the 1st column)
5) Then Replace the text in the 3rd Column with the corresponding text in the 2nd column

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VBA Which Adds Text To Subject Of Email

Jul 22, 2014

I currently have the below in my VBA which adds the text to the subject of an email:

Application.Text(today - 1, "MM-DD-YY")

today = Int(Now()) is part of the macro. How do i format this to display workdays only.

For instance if today is 07/21 (monday) i need this to display 07/18 vs 07/20.

In excel that function would be =WORKDAY(A1,-1) where A1 is =Today(), just not sure how to translate this to VBA.

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Find Text/Value & Use Found Cell, Row, Column In Macro Code

May 10, 2008

I am trying to clean up and simplify my macros by compartmentalizing frequently repeated commands. I like to search for text in column headings and define the cell containing it as a range that I can later use .column or .row commands on, so my macros are a bit more flexible. The code I currently use for this is

Dim XColumn As Range ‘the cell containing the text “X”
Selection.Find(What:="X", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Set XColumn = ActiveCell

I would like to be able to create a Macro (possibly name FindSetCell()) that will accept arguments and achieve the results of the above code in other macros
I think the command might look something like FindSetCell(“text to be searched for”,”name of newly Defined Range”) But I have not figured out how to code it

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Lookup For A Portion Of A Text Value

Dec 16, 2009

I want to lookup a text value in an array (vlookup). However, instead of searching for the exact value I want to search for only the exact match of the first four characters of the text value. Example

If I have in Cell A1 the text value: 5154
In cell B1 I want to lookup 5154 in the values cells C1 to C6

The result would be 515476

I tried with this:


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Leave Portion Of Text Formula

Jan 27, 2014

C4 - #01941 (ATF Cleaner)

I have asked this before as to a formula to get rid of the text and only leave the #01941. The formula I received is =LEFT(C4,FIND(" ",C4)-1) and it works fine.

My queston now is there a way to only leave ATF Cleaner? No ( ) around it?

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Extract A Portion Of A Text String

Jan 1, 2007

I have a text strings that contains the word "CHQ 123456" or some other CHQ number. There might be another word/words after the word CHQ xxxxxx something like:

Payment by CHQ 123456 against your inv 45225
ABCD Company Limited - CHQ 187546
PO 4520061257/CHQ 745865/invoice Number 4125

I need a UDF that extracts the CHQ No. from the text string

CHQ 123456
CHQ 187546
CHQ 745865

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Highlight Portion Of Text Of TextBox

Mar 27, 2008

The following code highlights part of the time (hours or minutes) that will be modified by a spin button. The code works fine (although maybe a more efficient way). Each time you click in the time it will highlight the hours or the minutes, depending on where you click. When you click on the spin button the control loses the focus so becomes un-highlighted. I thought that just setting the focus back to the text box would work but what I am getting now is it highlights on every other click of the spin button.

Private Sub spnTime_Change()
Dim dtTime As Date
Dim y As Integer
If strTimeChange = "" Then
MsgBox "Please click on a time to modify it"
Exit Sub
End If
dtTime = Format(ctlText, "hh:mm")
y = Me.spnTime.Value...............

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Find Formula That Will Automatically Fill In Text?

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to find a formula that will automatically fill in text that is entered in Sheet1 if it matches with a name in Sheet 2. I have found a formula that will enter a number but it will not work for text.

=SUMPRODUCT(Sheet 1!$C$3:$C$31,--(Sheet 2!$B$3:$B$31=$A15))

I would like the job on sheet 2 column B to fill in from what is listed next to their name on Sheet 1 column C, if the name of the person is entered on Sheet 2.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2
Staff Name &JobMary0John0Sally0Peter0

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Basis SUM Macro: Adds All The Numbers In A Column

Nov 15, 2008

I would like to have a macro which adds all the numbers in a column. The problem is that sometimes there are less sometimes there are more numbers. What I would like is, that the macro to sum the numbers right under the last cell which contains a number.

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Function: Constantly Adds The Numbers In A Column

Jan 25, 2009

I don't think there is such a function but is there a way that I can have a function that constantly adds the numbers in a column and when the sum of 240 is reached it adds 30. I need it to do this only once and not keep adding at every 240 point.

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Sort By Portion Of Data In Column?

Mar 19, 2012

Is it possible to sort by column, but only a specific portion of the data within the field?

For example, I have a set of numbers, 5026125120. I want to sort my spreadsheet by the 3rd and 4th digit only of that set of numbers (5026125120).

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How To Change Font Color In Portion Of Text String

Jul 16, 2013

I have a button (shape) whose text value is linked to cell A1. (In other words, if text in cell A1 changes, the text on the button changes). A concatenation formula exists in cell A1 to "join" together a combination of text and cell values. The formula in A1 looks something like this:

="You have "&B10&" records that contain errors."

I'd like to set the font for the "&B10" portion to be a different color than the rest of the text string so that it stands out from the rest of the text. Obviously this can be done when the text is manually entered into a text box, but when using a formula to populate the text in the text box, it's all or nothing. I'm hoping to find a way to embed a separate font color within the formula string in A1 for just the portion I want to change? For example, all text would be regular/black, but the numeric value generated from cell B10 would be yellow.

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Finds Duplicates In Column And Adds An Alpha Character

May 10, 2009

I have a Macro that finds in Column F duplicates and adds an Alpha Character (A-Z) to the last right position in the filed.(1-12 Alpha/Numeric) .

It's set to check all rows until a specific number of rows are reached. The current code does this until intCount and intRow equals 1500. The number of rows vary in each file.

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Generate A Random List In A Column That Adds Up To A Fixed Amount

Aug 17, 2008

i had a basic spreadsheet for my incomings and i got wiped with my hd exploding!! i know how much the total was i just need a way of creating a list of random amounts within a specified range over a year to give to my accountant.

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Find Latest Price By Each SKU In The List?

Dec 24, 2013

How to find the latest price by each sku in the list, the list contains many skus.

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