How To Hide / Unhide Rows Based On Selection From Dropdown Box

Feb 1, 2013

I have a worksheet that allows you to choose 1-20... depending on the selection it should unhide specific rows but I keep getting errors...

Code that will allow you to unhide other worksheets in the same book????

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Hide Rows Based On Dropdown Selection?

Jan 8, 2005

I have a shared worksheet that has many rows of data... but only certain rows are relevant to each specific users. I would like each user to be able to select their name from a drop-down list in order to have all rows that are not important to them be hidden. I can put the name of the user in column 'A' in each row they need to see, but how could I make all rows that do not contain their name in column 'A' hide? In other words, if 'Bill' is selected from a drop-down list, only rows that contain 'Bill' in column 'A' would be seen.

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Hide Rows With Variable Text Based On Dropdown Selection

Jun 11, 2014

I have a spreadsheet which contains our fleet information covering many vehicles in one list. The teams for these vehicles are listed in Column A. What I would like to have is:

A dropdown box to pick from All, or the various teams in A1To hide every row that doesn't match the selection of A1To reveal every row that contains the selection for A1 at any point in column A. e.g: "*Dog Team*"

This is because something might be listed as "Moved from Dog Team" or "Dog Team, temporarily on loan", or "Dog Team V66.m"

I have taken a small sample of the data I will be working from and made a very simple drop down box which displays the pages of information for the vehicles by hiding/unhiding blocks of columns:


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then
If Range("A2") = "MOT/Service" Then
ActiveSheet.Columns("A:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Columns("Q:CE").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
ElseIf Range("A2") = "Contact Details" Then


But because there is also filters on the sheet, meaning the positions of the entries based on rows can change, I need it to search for the "*xyzzy*" method, but am unsure how to do this! While just using the Filters will work, due to some human limitations I have been asked to have a specific drop down box in a very specific location with instructions next to it.

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Hide/unhide Columns Based On Dropdown List Answer

Sep 26, 2008

I am a newbie to Excel. I really appreciate if someone could help me here and this is very urgent as I have a project going on.

I have a cell say B3, which is a dropdown list I created using Data Validation. It only lists down Yes or No.

What I need is when you click on Yes in B3, i need columns C to I to unhide. If answer is No, column C to I should be hidden. By default, the columns will be hidden.

Can you please help? I tried many times but not successful. Appreciate if someone will be able to walk me through details. If you want to see the sample spreadsheet, I can sent it to you by email. I tried Data> Outline group but they are not happy with this.

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Hide / Unhide Columns In Multiple Worksheets Based On Item Chosen In Dropdown List?

Feb 26, 2014

I am hoping to create a drop down list of months in one sheet, and when I select a certain month, columns in about 10 other worksheets in the same workbook will either hide or unhide columns...

The spreadsheet is laid out with columns (C-N) for each month in the year, for actuals, then columns for budget and budget variance (O-P), then YTD Actual, YTD Budget and YTD Variance. When I select September, for example, I want October-December to hide, and leave Jan-Sep unhidden, while keeping the budget, YTD and variance columns.

Is there a VBA code that can achieve this?

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How To Hide/unhide Rows Based On Cell Value

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using column A as a reference. My data starts in cell A3.

Whenever theres a zero in any cell in column A I would like that row to hide.
If the row was hidden and the value changes to any number greater than zero I need the row to unhide.

I can record two macros for the hide/unhide part of this but I dont understand how to run them based on cell value.

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Hide/Unhide Rows Based On 1 Cell

Jul 3, 2007

I'm trying to find a way to hide rows based on a condition in one cell.

Basically I have a pull-down list with Yes or No in it. I want to hide rows 52 through 57, if No is selected, and make the rows reappear if Yes is selected.

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Hide & Unhide Rows Based On Cell Value

Feb 26, 2010

I realize there are many Hide/Unhide requests. Although, believe me when I state that I have checked into the matter, and tried to solve it on my own.

If any of you fine forum dwellers could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am trying to achieve the following:

Two Macros:
To hide rows(entire spreadsheet) based on cell value in Column C (value is '0')
Here is a code (from this forum) that seems to be the least complex/confusing. I don't understand the "AC2" value. Would it not be A2? Or does it signify a certain range?

Sub HideRows()
With Sheets("Store Snapshot")
If Range("AC2").Value = 2 Then Rows("13:15").EntireRow.Hidden = True
If Range("AC2").Value = 1 Then Rows("13:15").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End With
End Sub

To UNHIDE the rows that Macro #1 Hid.

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Hide & Unhide Rows Based On Condition

Aug 17, 2007

Attached is a portion of the file I will be working with, just to illustrate what I would like to do.

I have a macro that copies and pastes data - it uses these Tasks as templates. The macro copies these rows for each task that is required under the headings (Task #1 - Task#?). What I would like is to hide the rows under Station Maintenance Task #0 and it's 6 rows that are associated with it, as well as Task #0 under CMS and the 12 rows associated with it. In order for the macro I already have work properly is that these would be unhidden for the macro to run and then re-hidden afterward.

I searched on the forum for this topic, and found hide/unhide where you would put in the beginning row and ending row - however since there will be numberous rows added in, this type of defining rows would not work.

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Hide / Unhide Rows Based On Cell Value Containing Formula

Jun 17, 2014

I have the following code which works perfectly. It needs to hide rows 3:60 based on the value in K2.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("K2")) Is Nothing Then
If Not IsNumeric(Range("K2").Value) Or Range("K2").Value = "" Then
Range("A3:A60").EntireRow.Hidden = True
Range("A3:A60").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub

The problem I am experiencing is that I want to use a formula in K2. K2 must get its value from a cell on a different sheet.

If I manually delete the value in K2 the rows hide and if I manually enter a 1 in K2 the rows unhide, however I want to enter a formula in K2 that will result in either a 1 or blank cell.

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Hide / Unhide Rows Based On Calculated Cell?

Jul 12, 2013

I have a calculated cell (D13) which can either be (All), Grade or Rate.

If D13 = (All), I would like Rows 19:52 to be hidden
If D13 = Grade, Only Rows 19:20 to be hidden
If D13 = Rate, Only Rows 22:52 to be hidden

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Macro To Hide And Unhide Rows Based On Cell Value

Jan 2, 2014

I am trying to create a macro that will work on my master summary sheet. The sheet pulls information from other worksheets. I would like to have a macro that will look at range E7:E356. If the value is 0 then hide, but if the value changes then unhide the row. I have tried autofilter but it will not update automatically.

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Macro To Hide/unhide Rows Based On A Returned Value

Feb 4, 2008

I need to do: Based on whether a cell returns "Export" from a vlookup function, I need a macro to run, hiding some cells and unhiding others at the same time. Also, if possible, if the cell's value changes from "Export" to something else, I need it to revert back to the original hidden/visible rows.

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Macro To Hide/unhide Rows Based On Cell Value

Jun 17, 2003

Like to create a macro (button) to hide / unhide rows based on a cell value


A1=No then hide roa A
C1=No then hide row c

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Hide / Unhide Rows And Columns Based On Several Date Ranges

Mar 19, 2014

I am building a sheet to display deadlines (rows) by project (columns). I would like to have it automatically hide the rows and columns based on the date of the deadline. If the deadline is today or 1 week from today the associated rows and columns should be visible, otherwise, I would like to hide them.

My table is A1:N9, with A1 being a blank, row names A2:A9, and column names B1:N1.

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Hide Rows Based On Drop-Down Selection

Jan 8, 2005

I have a shared worksheet that has many rows of data... but only certain rows are relevant to each specific users. I would like each user to be able to select their name from a drop-down list in order to have all rows that are not important to them be hidden. I can put the name of the user in column 'A' in each row they need to see, but how could I make all rows that do not contain their name in column 'A' hide? In other words, if 'Bill' is selected from a drop-down list, only rows that contain 'Bill' in column 'A' would be seen.

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Hide Rows Based On Combobox Selection

Dec 16, 2006

I know there are a lot of hide row threads... i've searched for ages... but (unfortunately) i can't a solution that addresses my problem and I'm stuck. Please help!

I have a data between rows 10 and 1310 and I would like to use a combo box option to select and view certain rows of data only. I don't want to use auto filter because i have a separate macro using an auto filter on the same data - they won't play together.

So in short - combo box will contain values from column A. When value is selected from combo box hide all non matching rows based on column A values.

So i have added a combo box to sheet1 and populated it with the following workbook code...

Sub Workbook_Open()
With Sheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1
.AddItem "Select Product Type"
.AddItem "Apples"
.AddItem "Mangoes"
.AddItem "Oranges"
.AddItem "Clothes pegs"........

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Macro To Unhide / Hide Sheets With Combobox Selection

Jun 18, 2007

I have a workbook that contains approx 50 sheets and will grow to somewhere in the region of 200.

The majority of sheets, which contain the raw data referenced by the renaining sheets, are hidden. I will occasionally need to update the data in some of those hidden sheets and would like an easy / quick way of unhiding them.

The front page has several comboboxes which select the page needed for the calculation being performed, eg I select Chapter2 in the first combobox, section 4 in the second and page 12 in the 3rd. The output is combined / abbreviated into into a cell eg Ch2-Sec4-P12. That being the name of a sheet I then use INDIRECTs to retrieve the data I want and place it in a spare sheet, that works well.

I'd like to do the same to select the sheet to unhide. I can setup the comboboxes to give the name of the sheet I want to unhide / hide in a cell but then I'm stuck;

How can I use the contents of a cell in place of the sheet name in a macro command such as Sheets("data").Visible = Not (Sheets("data").Visible) ?

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Unhide/Hide Column When Choosing Dropdown List

Oct 5, 2009

Is there a way to have a column unhide one choosing a certain value from a dropdown list (validation)? I want the column to be hidden throughout the worksheet until a specific value is chosen in the list. Once it's chosen then I want it to unhide that column.

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Displaying Input Box Based On User Selection Of Dropdown Selection?

Jun 3, 2013

If a user selects certain options from a drop down list created by cell verification (from list), is it possible to display an input box and have the resulting input populate on another worksheet in the workbook? I have an attendance template I'm working with and if a user selects OT (Over Time) then a input box is displayed prompting for how many hours. The overtime is then tracked on another worksheet.

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Hide / Unhide Certain Rows

Apr 3, 2014

I highlighted a selection of rows and clicked HIDE, now I want to unhide certain rows and when I highlight the rows above and below and right click - unhide nothing happens. I need to Unhide to find something.

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Hide / Unhide Section Of Rows

Apr 3, 2014

I have a button that I want to hide/unhide a section of rows.

This is the code a have so far:

[Code] .....

So I've named a a section of rows "rngHideRows". I've tried to use the command .Range("rngHideRows").EntireRow.Hidden = True (and viariants of this) but nothing I try works.

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VBA Hide / Unhide Rows On Other Sheet?

Jun 18, 2014


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Sheets("Sheet2")
Select Case Target.Address(False, False)
Case "B12"[code].....

I need to change it so that it hides a range of rows, say (6:26) instead of adding a line of code for each of the rows from 6 to 26 that I want to hide

Also how can I go about hiding the same rows on 5 more sheets, can I add more sheetnames after "Sheet2"?

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Hide/unhide Rows With Zero Values

Jun 19, 2007

Need a macro which will hide rows having 0 values. On running once it will hide those rows having 0 values and on pressing second time it will unhide those hidden rows and so on.

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Hide Or Unhide Rows With Using Checkbox

Mar 7, 2009

I need to hide / unhide some rows in a sheet with the help of a activex checkbox... I want remove, let's say row 20:24 and row 34 with one checkbox.

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Hide, Unhide Rows And Count!?

Apr 2, 2009

I have a code that will hide all rows that have a "-" in Colum A, leaving me with the useful data.

However, this data is pulled from a front sheet that has data added to it.

What I would like my code to do is to relook at all the hidden cells, and if their value has changed from "-" to what ever the data may be then to unhide that row, displaying the data.

The code I'm using currently is: ....

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Hide/Unhide Rows From Name In List Box

Jan 11, 2010

I have a list box on a worksheet that contains the following names: field, vessel, pipe, structural. I would like to be able to unhide certain rows based
on the name shown in the list box. For example, if I choose field it would
unhide rows 3 thru 12, if i choose vessel it would unhide rows 13 thru 20, so on so forth. If nothing is choosen in the list box then rows stays hidden.

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Hide/unhide Rows Using Checkbox

Jan 20, 2010

i'm newbie here. i need to hide & unhide rows using checkbox in excel but i stuck. i write these simple code and it doesn't work at all. my bad..

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VBA - Hide / Unhide Multiple Rows

Oct 26, 2011

I have a workbook with multiple tabs. Each tab has about 600 rows. In each tab, I need to hide/unhide rows based on the value of a particular column in that row. For example,

Row1: 10,7.89,John,TRUE
Row2: 16,9.08,Ram,FALSE
Row3: 98,8.09,Joseph,FALSE
Row4: 76,1.23,Harry,TRUE

Using the 4th column (that has either TRUE or FALSE), I need to hide entire row. I am using a loop on the range and hiding each row. But it is taking about 4 minutes for each tab to loop through the 600 rows and hide/unhide the required rows. Is there a faster way to achieve this? Following is my code.

Sub Toggle_Rows()
Dim Cell As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Cell In Range("D1:D600")
If UCase(Cell.Value) = "TRUE" Then
Cell.EntireRow.Hidden = Not Cell.EntireRow.Hidden
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Hide / Unhide Rows With No Data

Sep 21, 2012

I think this is fairly straight forward but my limited VBA skills have me going round in circles. I would like to have a button that hides and unhides rows where Column L has blank values but only from row 80 to 200 only. I would also like the button text to change from "Hide rows" to "Unhide Rows".

From Row 80 to 100 hide rows where there is no value in column LButton should be clickable to hide rows and then clickable to unhidebutton text changes.

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