How To Ignore Data And Calculate Other Data In Same Cell
Sep 20, 2013
I have a cell with two parts of data which looks like this 21A (5.5) now 21A is a location plot number and the (5.5) is the area in rods of the plot.
Now I need to calculate the cost of this plot by multiplying the number of rods by the cost per rods, so is there a way of just using the number in the brackets in a sum and ignoring the rest of the information, now I know I could just make another cell with the 5.5 bit in it but it makes the spread sheet too complicated and wide
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Nov 1, 2006
In column A I have a list of text. There are blank lines in between the cell that actually contain text. What I am trying to accomplish is create a validation list that will give me only the cells with text in them and ignore the blanks. For example in column A1:A7 I have the following text:
My validation list will return those names but will also give me the blanks in between the names.
Is there any way to ignore the blanks?
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Dec 17, 2012
I want the user the be able to pick a number. This number corresponds to a table value. The formula needs to take the value in the adjacent cell from the picked number and run a calculation on it.
For example, if the user picks 7, it will select the adjacent value to 7 in a table for use in a calculation in another cell.
I attached an example : example_001.xlsx
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Mar 1, 2006
Can I get VLookup to ignore certain data.
My situation is this,
Sheet 1 has
ColumnA Column B
Name Job#
Bob 1234
Bob 1235
Bob 1236
On Sheet 2 I have a combo box so I can pick any name from column A on sheet
one, then I want to use Vlookup, or whatever will work, to show me the Job
numbers that a selected person has worked on. So when I pick "bob" from my
combo box in A1, B1:B3 would display 1234, 1235, 1236.
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Jul 24, 2009
I have two sheets in my workbook: one holds data (Sheet2), the other processes the data (Sheet1). Sheet2 has temperature data for each hour of every day during the year 1997 - about 9000 rows. Sheet1 averages the temperatures for each day together, and therefore has only 365 rows.
However, some of the data is missing - null values are represented by the value -9999. Sheet1 only averages hourly data if there at least 22 non-null values. If there are fewer than 22 non-null values, a message is written into the cell to indicate such. (See day 119 on Sheet1 in the attached file for an example of this)
I have the formula worked out to this point; however, I'd like to add in one more constraint: if a day has 2 or fewer null values, I still would like to average the data, but omit the null values in the average. (See day 118 on Sheet1 in the attached file for an example of this). My formula so far:
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Sep 22, 2007
I'm trying to do a Data Validation list where there is a range from A1:A10 named List, but there are only values in A1:A5.
For the drop down menu, I've done the Data Validation and List, and made it =List. The problem with that is, I only want the drop down to give the options if there is a value (A1:A5 not all of A1:A10). I thought that the Ignore blanks feature would do that, but it does absolutely nothing.
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Jul 22, 2009
I'd like to compute the average of a few numbers, but only if the data has a certain number of non-null values. I've attached my Excel sheet for reference.
I have relevant data in columns B and D, where B represents a day and D represents temperature. I'd like to average the temperatures together for each day and place the result in column E. However, this must be done only if each day has at least 22 non-null values (null values are represented by -9999).
A perfect example is day 296 - my average is thrown completely off by the existence of several null values in the last half of the day.
In addition to the problem above, I'd also like to only compute the average using the non-null values (ie, if a day has 23 non-null values and 1 null value, I want to ignore the null value in the average calculation - see day 222 as an example).
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Dec 5, 2011
I am making a summery table of lots of soil contaminant data.
In my summery table, for each determinand I want the average value automatically taken from data from a number of other tables within this same spreadsheet.
For example, for pH- I would average the pH value found in each table, from cell D6, G24 and AB9.
The problem:
Out of the three tables where I take each pH value from, on occasions only one will have a value- the other two will be "0".
How do I ensure that, when averages are taken, it will always ignore '0' values?
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Jan 13, 2009
I have the following chart that displays average speed for my bike rides (Green line). The problem is that I don't want the line going to points with no value or zero value. So, the first month would just be the point then, when I enter in an avg speed in Feb then the line would connect to Feb. Is this possible?
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Jan 13, 2009
I have the following chart that displays average speed for my bike rides (Green line). The problem is that I don't want the line going to points with no value or zero value. So, the first month would just be the point then, when I enter in an avg speed in Feb then the line would connect to Feb. Is this possible?
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Aug 6, 2008
Is is possible to create a calc for simple data input and assign this to cell U31 so that everytime user selects this cell then the calc pops up.
I didnt want to use an add-in in case other users don't have this add in on their computer.
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Jan 31, 2009
In the above, i am trying to calculate the time taken between queries. I do not want any times/queries that are from someone else on the network to be counted.
I need something to ignore the blank cells, and take data from the next cell above which has data. I3, I8 and I14 are currently the trouble spots, and should be displaying 00:00:00, 00:04:00 and 00:06:00 respectively.
Note that someone from the network could have literally thousands in a row before I perform another query, not just alternating like the screenshot.
B is the real life time the query was performed. F is how long the query took. F does not take in to account the seconds between queries, which build up, so i am using B.
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Feb 9, 2009
In cell A1 I have an input cell where a date is to be inserted manually.
In column l I have holidays listed.
Is it possuble to use validatio or something that will make it impossible to enter eighter a weekend or a date out of the holiday list?
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Nov 14, 2008
Id like to apply a formula, any formula to an entire column if it contains data, and incorporate the original data in the calculation and then replace the original data with the result. I don't want to have to create new columns.
I'm using this to fix up database results; a common problem is dates in dot format e.g. 14.11.2008
All I have so far is an autofill formula that overwrites everything. Can someone help me with the rest? I'm using the SUBSTITUTE function to replace the dots '.' with slashes '/'
Sub Create_formula_result()
Dim Limit As Long
Dim r As range
Set r = range("A1")
r.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[0]"""",(SUBSTITUTE(RC[0],""."",""/"")+0) ,"""")"
Limit = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
r.AutoFill Destination:=range(r, Cells(Limit, r.Column))
End Sub
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Aug 6, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that is tracking a MTD receivables (running total). When it comes to weekends or day's when their were no receivables the running total needs to reference the last working day or the last receivable entry to perform its calculations for that day.
So in the table below (couldn't post attachment) the first row(1) = days of week , second row (2) = running MTD totals and the 3rd row (reference cells). So for Wednesday I our totals were 9995 which I entered in Row 3 (column A) and called it to Row 2 (column A). For Thursday I called Row 3 (column b which was known and manually entered) and subtracted Row 3 (column A) and populated Row 2 (column b). So my equation to in Row 2 column b is simple as =sum(b2-b1)
This is ok but when the weekend (or days not worked) come in to play you can see it produces a negative for Saturday / Sunday. Saturday took 15,707 and subtracted it from nothing (row 3 column d) since there were no receivables on Saturday.
So I need a formula that will calculate from the last instance while ignoring blank cells.
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Apr 27, 2014
I have a worksheet (Data) that lists when pupils are in for Nursery sessions during the week. If they are in they have a 3 (hours) by their name in the relevant columns.
In the AM worksheet I now need to pull through a "register" so under each daily heading I need to pull through everyone that has a 3 next to their name under Monday AM / Tuesday AM / Wednesday AM etc. from the Data sheet. However, I don't want it to copy any blank cells. I then need to do the same for the PM sheet.
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Dec 29, 2006
I have few x values
I have few y values corresponding to the x values.
How to calculate a x value from given y value based on the above data. I tried linear iterpolation, I am not getting good results.
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Feb 14, 2013
In the attached excel sheet see the sample example tables 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. I have to use it for official purpose and my manger has given this task to complete it. I cannot even compare the forumlas and make it same for all the tables available.
How can I attach the excel file...
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Apr 29, 2013
I'm trying to produce a simple caluclation without creating multiple "IF" Statements.
In Col C I have a Simple Data Validation which chooses currency ( this table is Simple, Currency Code, Conversion Rate.
In Col D I enter the Value of the request.
Col E is where I want the result showing the USD value from the value I entered in Col D based on the Currency I chose in the Data Validation.
So in my sheet I have Currency BHD, total 20000, Value in USD is Col D/lookup Col C in data validation table.
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Dec 3, 2013
Item #
Cases in East
Dropped 1
Wave 1 - Qty
Dropped 2
Wave - 2 Qty
Dropped 3
I have above data where in I need to formula to calculate the 428 in dropped 1 should get calculated in Dropped 2 & dropped 3 as per the plan in wave 1 & wave 2
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a worksheet containing data in columns. For each column, I would like to calculate the standard deviation of the mid-95% of the values i.e. 2.5th percentile to 97.5th percentile (to reduce the effect of "outliers").
So first of all I calculate the values of the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles:
A102 (2.5th percentile) = PERCENTILE(A1:A100,0.025)
A103 (97.5th percentile) = PERCENTILE(A1:A100,0.975)
Then using an array formula shamelessly plagiarized from this very website, I calculate the standard deviation of the values that lie in that range:
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Jun 26, 2007
I have in column D starting D9, I have numbers starting at 1, and may finish at 100. But there could be duplicates, 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,13,.........
I would like to only copy the range D9 to H (End of column D), ignoring all the duplicate numbers, to another sheet.
So on the second sheet, it would be 1,2,3,4,5,6...... with the data copied from E,F,G and H.
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm using Excel 2003. I have about 190 rows that I use on any given day to enter start times & end times. I calculate the difference in Column E. Is there a formula that will calculate the average time as I enter them in the rows? Some days may have only 100 entries, other days may have as many as 190. I don't want to keep adjusting the average formula for column E.
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Dec 13, 2012
Refer the attached work sheet and any formula to calculate the values once the criteria is met.
To calculate % after multiple look ups.xls
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Nov 4, 2005
I've found myself having to use a spreadsheet to calculate some acoustics problems, (problematic frequencies, called modes, in orders ranging from 0,1,2,3....).
Ideally what I want to be able to do is simply to get Excell to calculate all the possible combinations of these modes.
A combination could be:
Obviously this is a nightmare to input by hand, is there any kind of function I can use to help with this process?
Also these frequencies only need to be calculated up to a certain point, so is it possible I could also instruct the cell to only display a value if it is less than a value in another cell?
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Jun 13, 2014
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Feb 19, 2008
I have a data set that contains a repeating cycle. I want excel to find the first and second occurrence of the data crossing the zero axis and then report the time between the zero crossings. The data is not purely in ascending or descending order and often just changes from positive to negative or negative to positive without hitting the actual 0 point.
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Jul 26, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet which will automatically calculate data based on laid down criteria.The criteria are as follows:
Cab Type in cell () Indica
If the value of cell () is less than or equal to 40Km then cell (B3) will be 400.
For every extra km above 40 the cell value in cell (B2) will be extra km done multiplied by 8 in cell (D2)
If the value of cell () is greater than 40 but less than or equal to 80 then cell (B3) will be 800
For every extra km above 80 the cell value in cell () will be extra km done multiplied by 12 in cell (D2)
Cab Type in cell () Indego
If the value of cell () is less than or equal to 40Km then cell (B3) will be 600.
For every extra km above 40 the cell value in cell (B2) will be extra km done multiplied by 14 in cell (D2)
If the value of cell () is greater than 40 but less than or equal to 80 then cell (B2) will be 1200
For every extra km above 80 the cell value in cell (B2) will be extra km done multiplied by 16 in cell (D2)
Ther are about 5 different types of cabs in the sheet.
Cab Type Provided
Total KM run
Basic Amount
Extra km
What I want to achieve is as under:
1. If value of cell A1 = Indica and value of cell B2 is entered as 40
Then the values of cells (C2:e2) should populate automatically as 400, 0, 400
2. If value of cell A3 = Indica and value of cell B3 is entered as 40
Then the values of cells (C3:e3) should populate automatically as 400, 40, 440
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Jun 9, 2014
How to calculate the monthly sales based on the data given ?
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Feb 10, 2013
I am a teacher and have a recurring problem when trying to sort data in excel. The problem involves national curriculum sub levels. For those not familiar with these levels, there is a main level then 3 sub levels. The problem is that they are counter intuative to the way excel sorts data. The sub levels work like this:
4a - highest
2c - lowest
There are lower and higher levels, but you get the idea. If I have a set of pupil data that I want to sort into decending order, I find it difficult in Excel. E.g.
If I manually sort the above data into descending order of national curriculum level it will look like this:
but if I try to get excel to do it, obviously excel just treat the levels as alpha numeric and sorts them like this:
I know there must be an easy way involving creating a custom list, but I don't know how to do it.
Problem 2
A related query involves finding a way to get excel to complete the data in the Sub levels progress required column below:
NameLevelTargetSub levels progress required
At the moment I manually complete this. E.g. for Mary the Sub levels progress required would be 4, as there are 4 sub levels between 3b and 4a. For Joe it would be 3 as there are 3 sub levels between 3a and 4a, etc. Is there a quick way to get excel to calculate this.
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