Calculate Average Of 3 Values But Ignore If Any Value Is 0?
Dec 5, 2011
I am making a summery table of lots of soil contaminant data.
In my summery table, for each determinand I want the average value automatically taken from data from a number of other tables within this same spreadsheet.
For example, for pH- I would average the pH value found in each table, from cell D6, G24 and AB9.
The problem:
Out of the three tables where I take each pH value from, on occasions only one will have a value- the other two will be "0".
How do I ensure that, when averages are taken, it will always ignore '0' values?
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Nov 15, 2007
In column A I have
A1 = Monday
A2 = Tuesday
A3 = Wednesday
A4 = Thursday
A5 = Friday
B1 – B5 contains values, one of which is zero (b2)
I need to take the value in B5 then divide it by the average of B1:B4, however I need it to ignore the zero
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Jun 14, 2013
E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).
E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.
I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.
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Jan 22, 2010
Worksheet 1
I am calculating group averages for the following performers - very good, good, average, low, very low - for a series of factors.
Worksheet 2
Contains the same factors with the values for which Im trying to work out the average. Each factor has a performance rating above it, either very good, good, average, low, very low.
I need a formula which will match the performance rating from worksheet 1 (I3, J3, K3, L3, M3) to worksheet 2 and then calculate the averages of each factors based on those matches.
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Jan 23, 2014
I have a problem when Im trying to calculate averages in my pivot table. I dont know how to handle my missing values. If I leave them blank I cant get the average at all because the values end up under the dates instead of in a column next to the dates where I want them to be. If I write 0 it uses it as a value, eg 2+2+0 and i get 1,33 instead of 2. Also the zero could be a value for some of the parameters, so it's no good.
I am new to pivot tables.
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May 20, 2014
I am trying to calculate average for values in a range of data that fulfill a certain condition viz. >1000 &
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Jan 19, 2013
I'm stuck on the final piece of my macro project. I've attached a workbook with two sheets: sheet 1 is what I currently have, and sheet 2 is what I'd like my report to look like when complete.
On Sheet 1:
- column B is called Supervisor Name
- Columns D-O are months of the year, with either a Yes or No in each cell.
I'd like to write a macro that will:
- Take all unique values in Supervisor Name column, and paste these Above the current table.
- For each Supervisor, and each month, I'd like it to calculate, as a %, the number of Yes mentions in each month divided by the total cells (Yes/(Yes+No)).
Sheet 2 contains the output, in the format I'd like to see it.
Sheet 2:
Supervisor Name
Supervisor 1
[Code] .......
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Nov 13, 2013
I have specific cells A5, C5, D5, F5, H5 that I require and average value for but need to ignore those cells that have a zero value in the averaging.
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Mar 3, 2004
I am doing an average of a column of cells. How do I tell excel to ignore the blank cells in the column and not calculate them in the average?
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Oct 11, 2013
i get a problem in preparing a roster i went to ignore blank cells in calculating rank. and also i went to make the sum to be empty is one of the cells in a range is zero
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Jan 2, 2014
I have a table that looks like this (its basically a historical data of a stock exchange):
January 4, 2010
The List continues till the current Date.
I want to calculate Average Index Values of a Date of each month within a Date Range.
Example: Calculate Average Index Values for 3rd of Each month from 1st Feb 2010 to 3rd Jan 2011. Formula should calculate Average of the Index Values for 3rd Feb 2010, 3rd March 2010, 3rd April 2010, 3rd May 2010, 3rd June 2010, 3rd July 2010, 3rd Aug 2010, 3rd Sept 2010, 3rd Oct 2010, 3rd Nov 2010, 3rd Dec 2010, 3rd Jan 2011.
Both the Date and the Date Range is variable. Also, the Index Value for selected Date of one or more month may not be available as that being a holiday. In that case, the formula needs to use the last available Index Value before that Date. e.g. If Index Value for 3rd Oct 2010 is not available, system will use the Index Value of 2nd Oct 2010.
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Jan 31, 2009
In the above, i am trying to calculate the time taken between queries. I do not want any times/queries that are from someone else on the network to be counted.
I need something to ignore the blank cells, and take data from the next cell above which has data. I3, I8 and I14 are currently the trouble spots, and should be displaying 00:00:00, 00:04:00 and 00:06:00 respectively.
Note that someone from the network could have literally thousands in a row before I perform another query, not just alternating like the screenshot.
B is the real life time the query was performed. F is how long the query took. F does not take in to account the seconds between queries, which build up, so i am using B.
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm currently using this formula to calculate the average values in column B where the value in column A ='s E1 eg:
Instead of doing this however, I need the formula to calulate the average from column B where the "Date" in column A ='s the year and month I specify in other cells.
Year value specified in: F1
Month value specified in: G1
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Aug 6, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that is tracking a MTD receivables (running total). When it comes to weekends or day's when their were no receivables the running total needs to reference the last working day or the last receivable entry to perform its calculations for that day.
So in the table below (couldn't post attachment) the first row(1) = days of week , second row (2) = running MTD totals and the 3rd row (reference cells). So for Wednesday I our totals were 9995 which I entered in Row 3 (column A) and called it to Row 2 (column A). For Thursday I called Row 3 (column b which was known and manually entered) and subtracted Row 3 (column A) and populated Row 2 (column b). So my equation to in Row 2 column b is simple as =sum(b2-b1)
This is ok but when the weekend (or days not worked) come in to play you can see it produces a negative for Saturday / Sunday. Saturday took 15,707 and subtracted it from nothing (row 3 column d) since there were no receivables on Saturday.
So I need a formula that will calculate from the last instance while ignoring blank cells.
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Apr 18, 2008
I am trying to figure out how to ignore a #VALUE! error in my OR formula. I am using this formula for conditional formatting and I don't want to correct the error because I am using the errored out cells as a fourth conditional format since you can only use three in excel. This is my formlua:
How can I modify this formula so that the whole formula doesn't error out if one of the cells has #VALUE! in it?
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Jun 15, 2014
I have a data set for a call centre that displays each staff member's daily call numbers across two different call types (Call Type 1, Call Type 2) - staff only work on one particular call type each day. I would like to create two pivot charts, one with daily/weekly/monthly averages for Call Type 1, and one for Call Type 2.
On the Call Type 1 pivot chart, is there any way to exclude staff members who only work on Call Type 2 by ignoring zero values and not displaying their name on the horizontal axis? Currently, if a staff member was working on Call Type 2, they will still display in the Call Type 1 chart as a gap. I have read in other forums that you can set a minimum value on standard Excel charts, but I can't see how to do this on a Pivot Chart.
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Oct 9, 2007
I've tried changing the cell format of some number values to text, so the numbers are not read and calculated in to certain formulas, but they're still included in the calculation. I need all values to display in the spreadsheet, but I need exclude a range that would vary.
Is it possible to just change the cell format, so numbers are ignored by a formula?
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Feb 15, 2005
Using Excel 2003. I have a data range for a graph. The values in the cells are the results of a simple If function - If(m28>0,n28,0). The results are taken from a larger data input exercise. But, the graph line (a simple graph!) plots the FALSE value (0) when I would like there to really be no value & hence no plotted point if the result is FALSE.
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Jan 15, 2013
Using Excel 2007
I have a table of four columns
First column is the Julian Date 1-365
The others are summarys per Julian date
Some Julian dates don't have any date to summarize
When charting How can I ignore the zero values and the associated Julian date, without literally removing each and every row manually that has no data?
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Aug 6, 2014
how to find the average times of two different sets of groups. There are the baseline times and intervention times. Both groups have three subtopics: Time Fell Asleep, Woke Up, and Duration (how many hours I slept). I am not sure how to find the average of each subtopic. Here are the times....
Baseline times:
Fell AsleepWoke UpDuration
2:30 AM10:00 AM7:30 hrs
4:30 AM12:30 PM8:00 hrs
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Apr 5, 2012
I have a column of percentages, how do I get an average % rate at the end of my column?
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Sep 27, 2012
I want to calculate the average for 6 cells across 6 different worksheets.
For instance in sheet 7 i want to calculate what the average of sheet 1 A1, Sheet 2 A1, Sheet 3 A1, Sheet 4 A1, Sheet 5 A1 and Sheet 6 A1 is. However some the cells contain blanks/zeros which are resulting in an error message. The overall figure still needs to be divided by 6 to get the average.
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Mar 15, 2013
I need to calculate the average based on SKU patterns.
For example, if the SKU begins with "CZD", then take the average SKU that meets that pattern.
Items Sold
[Code] ......
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Apr 3, 2008
I have two columns of data. Column B is age column C is gender. I want to calculate average male age and average female age. Suggestions?
57 f
53 f
47 m
40 f
42 m
Average female age is ___
Average male age is ___
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Mar 16, 2004
I need to find the average time it takes students to take exams . I use the following formula =text(end time - start time, "h:mm"). I am able to calculate the amount of time it takes a student to take the exam. Now I need a formula to calculate the average time students take to complete a test. I have over 80 times i need to average. Whenever i try a formula I keep getting 0.
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Sep 20, 2013
I have a cell with two parts of data which looks like this 21A (5.5) now 21A is a location plot number and the (5.5) is the area in rods of the plot.
Now I need to calculate the cost of this plot by multiplying the number of rods by the cost per rods, so is there a way of just using the number in the brackets in a sum and ignoring the rest of the information, now I know I could just make another cell with the 5.5 bit in it but it makes the spread sheet too complicated and wide
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Jul 1, 2014
I have a pivot table showing actual and forecasted sales per month for diffrent regions/sales channels/segment.
I would like to calculate the average monthly sale, for forecasted and actual data, within the pivot instead of doing it outside in columns to the right of the pivot table.
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Jun 10, 2014
I have an array formula in the attached file to calculate the average of the Top 3 (cell F6). I put that same formula in cell F14 to calculate the average of the Bottom 3 (just change the "large" to "small", however it doesn't work. The result shows zero. How do I fix this?
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Feb 14, 2014
Trying to calculate the lost revenue value for when a piece of machinary is offline for a period of time based on the hrly price during that particular period. The machines come on/off line at various times during the year so i am trying to make this a bit dynamic so i only need to add new info and not have to change the formula
Column F - Off date of machine
Column G - Restart date of machine
Column H - Hrly time
Column I - Hrly price
I thought this formula (an array) would work for me
=average(if((Column H>=Column F) * (Column H<= Column G), Column I)) but it only calculates that average price for the first period and not new average prices for other periods.
what adjustments I can make to my formula or is there a better formula to use?
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Mar 26, 2014
I need to calculate the average amount of days it is taking for files to be processed. Here is the example I have.
Assuming that B1=0 and C1=1 (in the # of days row)
# of Days 0123456789101112131415Total Files
File Count011712113203000000049
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