How To Skip To Next Section Of Code When Filtered Table Returns No Values For Selection
May 1, 2014
I'm making a macro that filters a data set and then inputs a value into all of the rows for a certain column. When no results show up for the filter I receive a runtime 1004 error because there are no cells to select.
Here is my code:
Sheets("External Buys").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("Raw Data").Select
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AU$10432").AutoFilter Field:=39, Criteria1:= _
[Code] ......
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Nov 11, 2009
I have a simple code that opens 2 workbooks and then copies and pastes a cell from one to the other. The cell that's being copied is a formula by the way.
My problem is that the copy and paste keeps returning a "0" value, instead of the correct number. I am thinking it's probably because the file from which it is copied is very large and because the operation barely takes a second, it doesn't allow it enough time for the formula int he cell that is being copied to calculate the value.
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Aug 22, 2006
In the sample worksheet, I need VB code to copy the formulas in column D, to paste them as values in the same cells (without removing autofilter by clicking on menu Data>Filter>Autofilter, then edit>copy>paste special>values).
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a data table with all my data in it. I want to be able to filter the data, and have a column automatically calculate a running (or aggregate) sum of the filtered (visible) information in a particular column of the table.
If you glance at the attached sample spreadsheet (in 2nd post!), you will quickly see what I mean. I am searching for a formula for column L that will caculate a running sum for column K. In column T, you can see the results that I'm looking to reproduce in column L. Each cell in column T simply adds the K column value for that row to the previous value in column T (the cell above). However -- to my knowledge, and as in this case -- the formula for column T can only be copied down the column AFTER the table has been filtered.
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Aug 22, 2006
in the sample worksheet, I need help with a VB code to copy the formulas in column D, to paste them as values in the same cells (without removing autofilter by clicking on menu Data>Filter>Autofilter, then edit>copy>paste special>values).
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Aug 2, 2007
I am using a statement to step through a list of filenames in a list using the following syntax:
For Each filename In selection
Occasionally, the filenames I add to the selection range do not appear in the source folder. When this happens, the macro throws up an error message and stops. If no match is found, I want it to automatically skip to the next filename in the list. I know there is a way to do this, I just do not know the syntax for achieving this.
This is how I think part of it is done, using the .Find statement:
For Each filename In selection
Workbooks.Find filename: = "...blah blah .."
If no match is found, the statement is False, and I then need to add another statement to tell the code to skip to the next in the list if the filename does not appear anywhere in the selection range/list.
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Aug 11, 2013
I'm trying to return 2 values from a table selection, based on a value i.e. if I look up the table for "Team 1" - i'd like to return Team 1 v Team 6, Team 9 v Team 1, and so on, to a Fixtures Section in a different area of my Excel Sheet.
However, the look up value "Team 1" could be in column J or N. I've tried Index, Match, VLookup, IF statements etc....
See below:
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May 31, 2014
A web query I am trying to use to bring an online data table into my worksheet is broken. Now, instead of returning the data table nicely into my worksheet, it imports the code of the webpage, instead, and turns my worksheet into a mess.
The query used to work but there was recently an "upgrade" to the program that populates the web table and the query no longer works and just returns the code for the page, instead. I can see the html code for the table in all of the code it returns but I really need the table to import cleanly into excel.
I can't talk to the people who changed the web program.
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May 25, 2007
I'm trying to create a macro to help me with a running issues list. I what to be able to have an issues column and a fix coulumn. Then I'll have an open issues section and closed/fixed issues section. all issues that do not have any Information and date in the fix colum will stay in the open section unitl the fix is entered and then when I run my macro it will move any open issues that have data in the fixed column to the closed section)
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Jan 27, 2014
I have a macro that does exactly what I need it to do, but it takes a long time.
There are 4 horizontal sections. The top section (code not included) is the total of 3 sections which are segregated by location.
For the 3 sections:
rows 101 to 172 (section 1), 198 to 269 (section 2), & 295 to 366 (section 3) have the same formula for every other column starting with column F ending with column AT (sums hrs)
rows 173 to 194 (section 1), 270 to 269 (section 2), 367 to 388 (section 3) have the same formula for every other column starting with column G ending with column AU (sums dollar amount)
the columns are corresponding dates
Below is the code snippet that produces the results for section 1. I repeat the same code pattern for each section.
Dim r As Long
For r = 101 To 172
With LaborDetail.Cells(r, "F")
.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIFS('Data '!C17,'Data '!C38,RC1,'Data '!C37,R1C)"
.Value = .Value
[Code] .........
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Apr 2, 2014
Refer to the "Example" file I have uploaded. Basically I want to turn table on the left to something similar to the table on the right by adding an additional column to put in card number related to the transaction in each row, so I have information of the transaction and its corresponding card number in the same row.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a checklist that I need to have do some different things.
I have two "sections" - not really sections but paragraphs so to speak. On each first line I have a checkbox. Now if the user checks "section" 1, I need the checkbox to change to NA for the "section" 2 first line.
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Nov 7, 2008
I've used VBA to make a picture appear when all the correct answers have been entered and it all works well. However, not to be too mean to 15 year olds, many of my students can be devious little feckers, and I want to hide and password protect the VBA code so that they can't just change the pictures visible section to true. I can password protect the workbook and worksheet, but not the VBA.
I'm entering the Visual Basic editor and I can see my simple script. I then click Tools - VBproject properties - protection. I'm clicking the "Lock Project for Viewing" box then filling in the password and confirming the password and clicking OK. But I can still see and edit my script, despite protecting the sheet and workbook.
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Apr 30, 2014
See the attached : ToolMatrix4.xlsm
Combobox2 filters listbox2 which is pulled from sheet2. How do I get the X to return the value to the relevant cell on sheet 2, ie create a relevant listindex for the listbox
Also, one other minor thing, why selecting the last record in the listbox doesnt write to the worksheet?
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Nov 28, 2007
I have a database of names and titles (acutally: #, last name, full name, title, meeting) and at this point I have a column using the following code.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A5:A355")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Font.Name = "Marlett"
If Target = vbNullString Then
Target = "a"
Target = vbNullString
End If
End If
End Sub
everything works like I want, except when I use the auto filter, the "a" won't be cleared from cells that are hidden. I need to make sure only one "a" is populated in this column as that's what I'm using with the vlookup function to key the data for my Character Generator.
Maybe I'm not using the best code, I'm new to this and just cobbled together code from a few different places.
Some quick background to what I'm doing, but you may not need it to help. I'm trying to use Excel to populate some cells that will tell our Chyron Character Generator (for those that don't know what that is, it's the device that puts graphics on screen during news programs, etc...) what to put up for lower third titles (and more) for our meetings we cover.
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Jul 13, 2007
My excel program on my home computer has a default number format so that when I type in a number such as "1", the spreadsheet displays 1E-20. If I enter the number as "1.0", the display will show correctly. I have tried changing the formats for the spreadsheet, but I still cannot get the program to work correctly. I tried reinstalling office, but nothing changed.
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May 16, 2012
I have create excel VBA to put data from excel sheet to Server database through network. I create the VBA on the "Workbook_beforeprint" so every time the user print out the sheet, the code will run.
Problem occur when there is no network and excel application become not responding.
I want to make VBA code so that every time excel application become not responding because no network, this code will bypass the existing VBA and resume to print.
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May 17, 2006
I m trying to bypass some code if a certain condtion is meet. If Cell A1 has a zero in it I want to skip the following code and continue one with the rest of the macro. This is the code I have.
j = 0
RowCount = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
cell_a = Range("A1").Value
If Not cell_a = 0 Then
Rows("1:" & cell_a * 2).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
For i = 1 To cell_a * 2
Range("a" & i).Select
ActiveCell.Value = j
j = j + 0.5
Next i
I put the If Not/Then statement in there to try and figure out what do. But I don't know what to put after the THEN statement. Basically I want run the code after the THEN statement if there isn't a zero in cell A1 and skip the code if A1 contains a zero.
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May 8, 2009
I have a workbook with lots of code to automate several things that I do. It does a great job at doing things I need it to do, but it takes foreeeveeerrr to save the workbook. The code has made the workbook a large file, and it takes a few minutes to save it. Is there a way to skip saving the code everytime you open the workbook. I don't ever need to change to code so I don't need to save it every time.
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Feb 7, 2014
I want extract table values from body of email into excel through vba code in outlook.
I want pull table values two kinds of mail format
One is First Part and another is Additional Ordering
I want pull table values for accurate First Part table into First order workbook where saved in path for accurate Additional Part O table into Additional Part workbook,where saved in path.
Find the attachment with code :
Attached Images
Attached Files
First Part.xls
Additional Part.xls
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Mar 20, 2014
how to create a pivot table that does not skip through blank data cells. I have a pivot table with data for several dates, but not every date has a data point. I would want the pivot table to show all the dates with the blanks, rather than skip through the days with no data.
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Jul 16, 2009
I want my macro to consider the # of rows of data on a spreadsheet and insert values into columns for those rows but then stop when it hits a blank one. For simplified example below, I have 3 columns in my spreadsheet. Row 1 has headers of Location, Status, and Effective Date. The first 5 rows of data under the headers have a value in the Location column (San Jose, Oakland, etc). When I run the macro, I want it to insert a value of "ACTIVE" in the Status column for each row that has a value in the Location column. Also, a single Effective Date value is stored in a cell elsewere in the spreadsheet, and I want the macro to insert that value in the Effective Date column for each row that has a value in the Location column. When it hits a blank row - row 7 in this spreadsheet - I want it to stop.
Location| Status | Effective Date
San Jose
I currently am using an IF statement in the Status column fields to say if Location = blank, then blank, else "ACTIVE". That works, except that the # of rows populated in Location column could be 5 or 1,000, and inserting the formula that many times seems to quickly increase the file size.
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Jan 8, 2008
Objective: To copy visible data from a filtered table (excel 2007) into an array.
Attempted solution: arr = Range("table1[#All]").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value
Problem: This approach works fine until the first hidden row in encountered, at which point the array ends. Visible rows beyond this point are not in the array. Could someone tell me what I've missed, or suggest a suitable alternative. I'm aware I could probably loop through the range manually (though I'm not exactly sure what to test - I can't get the range.hidden property.), but it seems like there ought to be a better way.
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Dec 28, 2013
Below is the macro code in which the code is segregating the data page wise i want the below changes:
> macro should copy and paste only values with the option skip blanks.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim j As Long
'Setup the loop to loop through the Areas
For j = 1 To Columns(1).SpecialCells(2).Areas.Count
'Add a new WorkSheet
[Code] .....
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May 25, 2014
I have a table A-AP 4-499 (row 4 being the column headers and 5 being the first row of data).
I'd like to remove some of the filter drop-down arrows as they aren't needed for some column headers and they also look unsightly.
This code works to remove all of the arrows:
Sub HideArrows()
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Integer
i = Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each c In Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, i))
c.AutoFilter Field:=c.Column, visibledropdown:=False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
However, I want to only remove arrows in the following column headers: A, G, I, J, K, M, N, O, P. I want to keep the rest.
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Nov 17, 2006
it seems that the string range.address is not always equal to the complete range address.
I mean, I noticed that, if rg is a range,
Dim rg As range
In the cases I noticed it, the range was an union of many ranges, and the string Address was already big, but not 1 kBite long.
My question: is there a way to get the *complete* range address, without this restriction?
I would like to use the address property, because I would like to have my range without sheet information.
So I use often : rg=Range(rg.address)
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Jul 31, 2008
I have this code that only returns a #NAME? error. I'd love it if someone could take a look and let me know what you think might be going on. If it factors into it, D1:D4 each contain one of the following: USD, AUD, GBP, MX and E1:E4 contain the corresponding exchange rate. Also, J7:AJ41 contain a function that returns a number. Let me know if you need more information. I just can't figure why this is not working.
Sub newtabs()
Dim x As Range
Dim Curr As String
Dim Rate As Double
For Each x In Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Range("D1:D4")
Curr = x.Value
Rate = x.Offset(0, 1).Value
Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Select
Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Copy After:=Sheets(2)
Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount (2)").Name = Curr
Cells(7, 10).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(activecell.offset(RC7)=" & Curr & ",('Cash Flow Detail - WkCount'!RC*" & Rate & "),0)"
End Sub
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Jun 11, 2013
I'm looking for a way to count the cells in a specified range if the cell contains a timevalue (such as: 0:05 or 1:15). When a cell in the same range contains a normal value (such as: 1 or 20) it should not be counted.
What formula should i use for this?
I was experimenting with:
But both don't seem to work.
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Oct 31, 2013
I've got a macro that adds new data to a sheet and updates an existing pivot table.
It's been working fine but ever since I've had to have two items in a field hidden it won't show any new data in the pivot table.
For example, the field firm name has two items hidden after the update any new firm names that weren't in the report before won't show up in the pivot table. The pivot table recognizes that it's part of the full data set but the checkboxes are all unchecked for the new firm names.
this is the code i"m using to update the pivot table:
'Update Pivottable
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Jan 29, 2014
In the attached spreadsheet:
1) RAW DATA tab has data for four fund managers. The number of managers will range from 0-200 in the final model.
2) A negative exposure number is a short, and a positive is a long
3) The "Return" is from Bloomberg downloaded data in the live model but I have made up numbers for the purposes of illustration.
4) The Summary tab shows what I would like my final output to be. Please note that (1) the number of managers, and the number of stocks per manager is dynamic (2) the number of longs and shorts is also dynamic (3) i want the impact total for longs (0.39%) to be calculated for me using the code (unless it is easier using another method)
The Summary sheet would have Manager 1, Manager 2 and so on but i have only included Manager 1 for purposes of illustration.
You might say it is easier to use a pivot table, but it is hard to get this format with longs and shorts separated. I would also like errors to be ignored when summing totals in the Summary sheet - these errors occur sometimes on Bloomberg when a company's name changes or they get taken over.
This sheet is due to run by itself when i am not around. (I can automate it myself once I know how to get my desired table).
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