How To Unhide Rows When Data Is Entered Into Cells

Dec 6, 2009

I have been searching the internet and forums for days now looking for and trying out macros and scripts that will automatically unhide rows once data has been entered into a cell. The data entered is a link to a cell in another sheet. Everything I have tried is close to what I am looking for but it does not quite work, and because I really don't understand the programming details, I don't know what to change in the script to make it work for my spreadsheet.

create a macro/script to do the following:

Various rows in my summary sheet will be hidden as they will probably not be used, but in the off chance that data will be displayed in them, I need them to automatically unhide. The data that might be displayed in them is a link from monthly record sheets i.e. "=Jan!F4" or "=Feb!F32"

And because I am taking data from a 12 month period, I need the rows to unhide if any data is displayed between cell range of F5:AC1705. It is a large spreadsheet of data and it is all linked to 12 other sheets.

Unfortunately, I am unable to attach the file as it is too large.

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Hide/Unhide Shapes Along With Rows/cells

Aug 18, 2009

I have an workbook with many sheets. each sheet contains loads of checkboxes, dropdowns, option buttons, groupboxes ... and they are created using a macro when the workbook is opened. all this works fine. Now I've grouped different rows based on their level of importance. Here's the glitch. whenever I select a group level, the rows get hidden, but not the shapes & objects present on them. Instead, they just jump to the row above or below and overlap the other shapes.

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Hide / Unhide Rows With No Data

Sep 21, 2012

I think this is fairly straight forward but my limited VBA skills have me going round in circles. I would like to have a button that hides and unhides rows where Column L has blank values but only from row 80 to 200 only. I would also like the button text to change from "Hide rows" to "Unhide Rows".

From Row 80 to 100 hide rows where there is no value in column LButton should be clickable to hide rows and then clickable to unhidebutton text changes.

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Unhide Rows/Columns Of Used Data Range

Aug 10, 2006

I have a Sheet which gathers data from another Sheet in the same Workbook, then uses that data to produce more output. However at it's smallest it is only 2 rows of data deep and 2 columns of data wide, and at it's greatest it is 100 rows deep by 48 columns wide.

I would like to display only the relevant output by "Unhiding" the completed rows and columns.

After headings etc the rows start at 28 and the columns at N.

I have written the following which works for the rows but nothing happens with the columns,

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim MyRow As Integer

Set MyRange = Range("a28")



MyRow = MyRange.Row
If MyRange.Value > 0 Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If

Set MyRange = MyRange.Offset(1, 0)
Loop Until MyRow = 128
End Sub...

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Auto-Populate Date When Data Entered Into Rows

Aug 10, 2014

I am building a budget spreadsheet and would like the date to automatically populate in column H when data is entered into rows J through AN, or alternately update column H when a sum total is populated in column I

I need to repeat this for rows 4 through 63

I was trying to use the following code, but cannot get it tweaked right.

[Code] .....

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Automatically Add Multiple New Rows When Data Entered Into Sheet

Aug 18, 2014

Download the attachment and have a look.

I want there to ALWAYS be 5 FREE/EMPTY rows to be able to enter data into them I also want the black area around the outside to ALWAYS be a further 15 rows in height below that.

Sheet 1 = Simple Example
Sheet 2 = A much larger example
Sheet 3 = Erroneously added data should still extend the sheet by 5 rows each time.

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Cells With Instructions Which Disappear When Data Entered?

Jan 29, 2009

creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.

For eg. go to [URL] In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.

In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.

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Cells With Instructions Which Disapper When Data Entered

Jan 29, 2009

I needed some help in creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.

For eg. go to In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.

In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.

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Macro To Lock Cells After Data Entered

Mar 22, 2007

I need a macro which will lock the cells after data is entered in the cell once. Cell should become non editable and should be only edited after a password is provided.

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Automatically Lock Cells When Data Entered

Apr 16, 2008

I am trying to apply a conditional cell lock to a worksheet. I am using Excel 2003, not 2007.

In column J, I have a list validation being used. The default value is "Not Claimed", I want to lock the cell from being edited once the value has been changed to any other value on the list.

The worksheet will be password protected to prevent entries into static fields (A:I & N:P).

I also would like to give the user the ability to unlock a specific cell, not the entire worksheet, by entering a password or something if they accidently choose a wrong value from the list.

I have column Q and beyond available if I need to have the password entered somewhere else.

I have attached a sample of the file I am working with.

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Change Cells Data Is Entered Into Based On Date?

Jul 19, 2014

I own 3 restaurants and I use Excel to track my sales statics. I have to enter certain pieces of data on a daily basis and it can become slightly cumbersome when dealing with the sort of washed out look of Excel spreadsheets. I wanted to write a Windows application that would handle the process for me but my knowledge of programming languages is too limited and I don't really have the time to learn. What I'd like is to have a single page on my workbooks with which I can enter the data in on a field type view, and have it go to the appropriate cell on the "Raw" data sheets in the same workbook. For example:

Let's assume this is the Raw data sheet. I currently enter the data that I need here, and Excel does the rest for me. This gets hard to look at everyday when dealing with hundreds of numbers.

Net Sales
Prior Year Sales
Percent Increase/Decrease


Entering the data here would automatically fill in the data on the Raw sheet, and would know which cells to put the data into based on the date, which would of course be gotten from the =Today() formula.

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Automatically Color Cells In Relation To Data Entered

Aug 30, 2013

how to do basic formulas in Excel but I are hoping that there is a macro or a VBA or something that can be made which might work for what i need.

I have decided to start a small tour shop (I make the reservations for guests with a hotel in the area and take them on tours of our region) and are looking to make a booking sheet for each month. Nothing complicated just simple. see the attached .xlsx file.

I was wondering if there is a way that when the fields in column A & B are filled in if it could automatically color the corresponding dates in for the same row in the calendar area? like I have manually done on sheet "October 2013"


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Data Validations - Cells Remain Blank If Nothing Is Entered On Sheet 1?

Jul 22, 2014

On Sheet 1 I have Data Validation Lists set up. On Sheet 2 I have the information populating from what is entered on Sheet 1, only problem is...when I don't have anything entered in the cell(s) on Sheet 1 then the cell(s) on Sheet 2 reflect 0. I would like the cell(s) to remain blank if nothing is entered on Sheet 1.

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Keeping Cells With Formula And Conditional Formatting Blank Until Data Entered?

Feb 22, 2013

I have a spreadsheet filled with formulas that depend on a value being entered into A2, A3, A4, etc... So column A starting at A2 is where I will manually input a number and the formulas I have in columns B, C, and D will import information from another sheet based off what is put in column A. In column D the formula I have to import data

is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Master!C:M,11,0),"").

This will import another number. Additionally in column D, I have conditional formatting that will return a red, yellow or green light based off the rule I have in place. Everything works fine, the only problem is that column D has a green light all the way down even without a value being placed in column A. I would like to find out a way to keep the cells in column D blank until a value is entered in column A. Also, if I go back and delete the value in column A, I would like the corresponding cell in column D to go back to blank as well.

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Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Cells Once Data Is Entered Not Working

Aug 14, 2014

I have searched and found many examples of code that will lock cells once data has been entered. But for some reason, I cannot get it to work in my workbook. The weird thing is, I have successfully got them to work on blank workbooks. I unlock a range I want people to be able to edit, I protect the workbook, I enter the code, and it works. But I do the same thing on my workbook, nothing locks.

I've tried locking all the cells on a sheet, and only unlocking a small range, as in the examples (A1:A10), and I cant get it to work. I've tried not pre-protecting the sheet, I've tried 4 or 5 different examples of code. If it wasn't for the fact I've gotten it to work on blank workbooks, I'd think VBA was disabled or something. I can't post a copy of my workbook for you all to look at because its on a stand-alone computer at work (and the USB is disabled for info-sec).

Excel Version 2007

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Unhide 2 Rows At A Time Starting With Rows 28 And 29?

Aug 20, 2014

I need to unhide 2 rows at a time starting with rows 28 and 29 IF cell N28:O28 > 0. I need this to be for rows 30 and 31 IF cell N30:O30 > 0, rows 32 and 33 IF cell N32:O32 > 0, rows 34 and 35 IF cell N34:O34 > 0, rows 36 and 37 IF cell N36:O36 > 0, rows 38 and 39 IF cell N38:O38 > 0, rows 40 and 41 IF cell N40:O40 > 0.

There is currently a formula in each of the selected cells that is why I was going for greater than zero.

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Vba To Unhide Rows, Print, And Rehide Rows

Feb 9, 2007

I am attempting unhide the same exact rows in multiple worksheets in Excel, Print the entire workbook, and then re-hide the same cells. As I am still learning VB i have been unsuccesfull. I have attached the code that I am using,

Sub Printdoc()
Dim sh As Worksheet

For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

With sh
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End With

Next sh

End Sub

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Hide / Unhide Certain Rows

Apr 3, 2014

I highlighted a selection of rows and clicked HIDE, now I want to unhide certain rows and when I highlight the rows above and below and right click - unhide nothing happens. I need to Unhide to find something.

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Unhide Rows When Printing

Nov 28, 2007

Is there a VB routine that can unhide rows when I print?

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Unhide Hidden Rows..

Sep 5, 2009

I have a worksheet with a macro as follows: ...

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Macro To Unhide All Rows

Sep 16, 2009

Is there an easy way to make a macro to unhide all rows? I can do this to unhide a certain range however different rows maybe he hidden and so a set range won't work.

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Unhide One Row From Many Hidden Rows

Jun 7, 2007

I am trying to create a macro to unhide only a row at a time, from around 150 hidden rows altogether. It is basically to give the effect of adding extra rows to a "table" that a user could then input with new data (I have to do this way according to other set-up in the workbook), but this isn't very important to do with this question. When I do a Format<Row<Unhide from the Excel menu, it always unhides ALL of the hidden rows. I have fiddled around but can't seem to find a way to avoid this happening, all I want is for just one row to unhide. I thought it might depend what cell/s I had highlighted, but I haven't found a way that makes it work.

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Unhide Hidden Rows

Aug 21, 2007

I HID 4 rows using this help section. (Format - Hide)

Then, I modified several column widths simply by placing my curser at the top of the column and pulling it smaller or larger.
(I don't know if this did or did not cause my problem) which is simply that - I am now unable to find my hidden rows.

I know where they are supposed to be, but when I highlight them and click (Format - Unhide) nothing happens.

I tried (Find and Select - go to special) and no white bar shows up.

Can sombody please tell this frustrated Newby How to find the rows I just hid 1 hour ago?

If I posted in the wrong place, I appologise as I spent more time trying to figure out where and how to post than I did trying to solve my hidden row problem.

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Unhide Rows In 2007

Jun 17, 2008

I have done a search and drew a blank on this one. Hopefully there is an easy answer otherwise I see this as a fundamental flaw in Excel 2007 (on top of the lost productivity from ribbon interface). In all previous versions on Excel it was possible to select the rows either side of a hidden range (i.e. including the hidden rows) and right-click, Unhide. In Excel 2007 only visible cells are selected so this method does not work.

Hovering the mouse pointer on the row headings at the point of the hidden rows, waiting for the cursor to change and then right-click, Unhide only unhides the row imediately above, NOT the entire range. It seems the only way to unhide the entire range is to enter an address in the Name Box (taking care only hidden cells included otherwise only the visible ones will actually be selected) and then Format > Row > Unhide or Format > Row Height

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Unhide Rows - Spreadsheet Not Protected

May 24, 2014

I've a few rows that are hidden, and I cannot unhide them using the unhide function. The spreadsheet is not protected. What can I do?

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Hide / Unhide Section Of Rows

Apr 3, 2014

I have a button that I want to hide/unhide a section of rows.

This is the code a have so far:

[Code] .....

So I've named a a section of rows "rngHideRows". I've tried to use the command .Range("rngHideRows").EntireRow.Hidden = True (and viariants of this) but nothing I try works.

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VBA Hide / Unhide Rows On Other Sheet?

Jun 18, 2014


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Sheets("Sheet2")
Select Case Target.Address(False, False)
Case "B12"[code].....

I need to change it so that it hides a range of rows, say (6:26) instead of adding a line of code for each of the rows from 6 to 26 that I want to hide

Also how can I go about hiding the same rows on 5 more sheets, can I add more sheetnames after "Sheet2"?

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Hide/unhide Rows With Zero Values

Jun 19, 2007

Need a macro which will hide rows having 0 values. On running once it will hide those rows having 0 values and on pressing second time it will unhide those hidden rows and so on.

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Hide Or Unhide Rows With Using Checkbox

Mar 7, 2009

I need to hide / unhide some rows in a sheet with the help of a activex checkbox... I want remove, let's say row 20:24 and row 34 with one checkbox.

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Hide, Unhide Rows And Count!?

Apr 2, 2009

I have a code that will hide all rows that have a "-" in Colum A, leaving me with the useful data.

However, this data is pulled from a front sheet that has data added to it.

What I would like my code to do is to relook at all the hidden cells, and if their value has changed from "-" to what ever the data may be then to unhide that row, displaying the data.

The code I'm using currently is: ....

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