Change Cells Data Is Entered Into Based On Date?

Jul 19, 2014

I own 3 restaurants and I use Excel to track my sales statics. I have to enter certain pieces of data on a daily basis and it can become slightly cumbersome when dealing with the sort of washed out look of Excel spreadsheets. I wanted to write a Windows application that would handle the process for me but my knowledge of programming languages is too limited and I don't really have the time to learn. What I'd like is to have a single page on my workbooks with which I can enter the data in on a field type view, and have it go to the appropriate cell on the "Raw" data sheets in the same workbook. For example:

Let's assume this is the Raw data sheet. I currently enter the data that I need here, and Excel does the rest for me. This gets hard to look at everyday when dealing with hundreds of numbers.

Net Sales
Prior Year Sales
Percent Increase/Decrease


Entering the data here would automatically fill in the data on the Raw sheet, and would know which cells to put the data into based on the date, which would of course be gotten from the =Today() formula.

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Excel 2007 :: Cannot Change Date Format On Data Already Entered

Jun 22, 2014

I have a SS of a WW1 casualty list and one of the columns is Dates of Birth but the data has been entered in three different formats eg 21/2/1898 or 21.2.1898 or 21 Feb 1898. I have tried to Format Cells and change the date format to the slash but after highlighting a number of fields and right clicking they will not re format. Though i use Excel quite a bit i am a general user and dont understand it in depth.

article using =DATEVALUE(

am using Office 2007.

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Date Cells In Project Plan To Change Based On Other Cells Including Other Date Cells

Oct 31, 2008

This is a project plan with tasks and dates. Column A is the activity number. (Example 1, 2, 3" etc). Column B is the task (Ex. "Complete Report"). Column C is number of days required to complete the task. Column D is the dependency column. (Ex. Cell D2 =1 in other words Task 2 is dependent on task 1). Column E is the date.

I would like to have a seperate start date cell and a go live date cell.

The objective is to enter a start date, and have each column E date increase based on the number of days entered in Column C. If a task is dependent on another and I change the number of days in Column C I need the dependent task to change the same amount of days.

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Copy Data Based On Date Entered By User For Report Across Multiple Sheets

Jun 20, 2006

What i want to do is copy all records from whatever date i enter, onto sheet test. The full excel file has over 80 worksheets for each individual rep, the example i attached has 8 sheets..

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Change Cell To CLOSED When Date Entered

Jan 19, 2010

I need a script that changes a cell to say closed (uses a drop box) when a date is entered into the date column. I have attached a workbook with the basic options, obviously there will be a lot more columns and information in the original workbook and I will adding the code to at least 2 worksheets.

However to give a basic understanding if I have a drop box in column A with the options Active, Inactive and Closed. When I enter a date in Column B (headed Closed Date) I want Column A to change the option to Closed automatically.

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Date That Is Entered In One Column Change Dates

Aug 30, 2007

In tab 1, I am trying get column S to change to what any time date in column F, G, H, J, L, N, Q or R get changed to-

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Change Cell Colours Based On Date Range In Two Other Cells

Sep 12, 2012

I'm creating a project calendar in Excel and for each task I have a Start Date (A) and End Date (B) in adjacent cells. To the right are corresponding date cells like a timeline set up with 52 cells representing weeks of the year. I.e Week 1 (C) starts at 02 Jul 12, Week 2 (D) starts at 09 jul 12 etc. up to 24 Jun 14 (BF).

Start Date
End date


When a start date and end date are entered in the respective columns, I need to have the color start on the cell for that range in the timeline and that color should carry out to the end date cell in the timeline. A bit like a Gantt chart but not to that detail.

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Change Color Of A Cell For Some Time Based On Its Value That Is Not Manually Entered

Oct 25, 2012

VBA macro to change the color of a cell automatically for a specific period of time -say 5 minutes, based on the value the subject cell holds at that time. The cell value is not manually entered but comes from a sub.

There will be hundreds of such cells so that the macro must be able to be repeated for other cells utilizing their individual cell values as well.

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Change Font Of Text In One Cell Based On Information Entered In Another

Apr 28, 2008

if a macro or private macro is necessary, I would need basic instruction how to use those as well (I mentioned private macro as I understand they automatically run whenever worksheet info is changed, which I would like in this example.)

I'm simply trying to change fonts in cells based on the inputs of other cells. Obviously, using conditional formatting doesn't allow for this.

For my example, assume the word "MrExcel" is in cells D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2, P2 and R2. If I type different font names (Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, etc.) in the cells to the immediate right of each word "MrExcel," -- cells E2, G2, I2, K2, M2, O2, Q2 and S2 -- I would like the "MrExcel" word in each corresponding cell changed to the corresponding font to the right. I would like the ability to do this for up to 15 different fonts. There will be many rows to this worksheet I need to use this process for.

Is this possible? I'm in a bit of a jam and have exhausted my knowledge of formulas in that they won't work in this case ... I'm assuming I need to delve into the unknown land (to me) of macros, private macros, or VBA.

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Change Data Based On Date Field

Aug 26, 2009

I have a file, a portion is attached, where I want to paste the value of the formula (in this case, just that of the external data) once it has grabbed the data from an external source.

If the first time I open the file is Jan 15, I want it to grab the data in columns C, E and G from Jan 1 to Jan 14 and paste each cell's value in the same cell. Any data on Jan 15 or past Jan 15, I don't want the value (hasn't been collected yet).

If I open the file again on Jan 18, I need the data from Jan 15 to Jan 17.

I have this macro which works well for grabbing the data and pasting the value.

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Making Cells Change Color Based On Qualifications Expiration Date

Dec 25, 2012

I have created a qualification tracking spreadsheet to track when qualifications are coming due. Each cell may have a different date based on when that employee initially got that qualification. I want the cell that the initial qualification date is typed in to turn "red" after 180days, "orange" after 120 days and "yellow" after 90 days. I have a formula that does close to what I need, but it changes the cell next to it in color.

That code is as follows: =AND(A1<>"",Today()>=A1+90,B1="")

I have attached the sheet, what I am trying to do. Basically columns B-E and rows 2-35 are the ones that need the formatting.

Streiffs_Weapons_Warfare_Qual Tracker.xls

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Change Formula When Data Entered

Jul 22, 2006

There are two worksheets: Finances and Summary. On Finances, there is data input for years, quarterly. There is a cell on Summary that depends on which year is input first, in which case the cells in the formula SUM("cell1:cell4"))/4 is currently changed manually by the user by just checking to see which year data is input first on Finances. I need a macro or a formula function where the workbook finds which year is being used on Finances first, then changes the cells in the Summary formula accordingly.

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Macro To Concatenate Based On Entered Date

Sep 3, 2007

I have attached a spreadsheet illustrating my query.

I would like to run a sub procedure called generatedataset then I'd like to enter a date from column J (starting from J4) into G12 ( cell G12 is a named range called effective_date). Then enter the concatenation of the adjacent cells K4 and L4 and place this into cell G9 (cell G9 is a named range called dataset_name). Then call the procedure again. Repeating for all values in range starting at J4 extending down, and for all corresponding concatenated values in K and L.

Data would always be taken from columns J or K&L and placed in the same cells ie G12 (named range effective_date) and G9 (named range dataset_name) respectively.

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Switching Cells Per Date Entered?

May 19, 2014

how to switch cells per date entered?

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Can A Formula Change Based On Data In Other Cells

Feb 25, 2004

What I mean is, I have a formula that sums a specific cell across several tabs.


Lets say that this formula resides in a summary sheet. And that the summary sheet is definable by a control in another sheet (user friendly).
So in the user friendly sheet, a user toggles to 'Assets'. In the Summary sheet, Assets appears in cell a1, there is a lookup table somewhere, and a lookup value of 120 appears in cell a2.

I want the formula above to adjust for cell a2.
If a2 = 115, then the formula should adjust to


Of course after I understand how to do this, I can do the same with the end of the sheet range and the cell ref.

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Excel 2003 :: Cell Value To Change If Date Is Entered In Different Cell?

Feb 21, 2014

I am using Excel 2003 at work.

New cases are entered on to the spreadsheet. The case remains open until a closure date is entered, at which point the case is closed. What I need is the following:

Cell A3 = should say "Open" if there is no value in cell Y3
Cell A3 = should say "Closed" if a date or any value is entered in cell Y3. Ideally it should only say "Closed" if a date is entered in format xx/xx/xx, but am flexible so that it says "Closed" if any data is input.

At the moment Cell A1 has a drop down list consisting of open and closed. I will remove this if it causes complication.

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Pull Data As Per The Date Entered?

Feb 10, 2014

I have a file in which records are saved in chronological order. What i want is when i click on a button it should prompt me for a date and when i enter the date it should retrieve the data from the database sorted in chronological order from the date i have entered.

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VBA - Check If Data Entered Is Valid Date

Aug 19, 2012

Any way to check if data entered is a valid date using a VBA function/routine?

For example, cdate() and isdate() functions accept dates like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11 when they are not valid.

If the cell is formatted as date format, then Excel replaces hyphens with forward slashes for dates, except invalid ones like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11, so in these cases I can test for existence of forward slashes in the following way

Len(Mid(pCell, InStr(pCell, "/") + 1, Len(pCell) - InStr(pCell, "/"))) 7

However this approach fails for Input boxes. Obviously I can't convert the Input box response using cdate function as it will incorrectly accept 31-Feb-12 as a valid date.

Any routines that will work for both cell entered and Input box entered dates?

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Auto-Populate Date When Data Entered Into Rows

Aug 10, 2014

I am building a budget spreadsheet and would like the date to automatically populate in column H when data is entered into rows J through AN, or alternately update column H when a sum total is populated in column I

I need to repeat this for rows 4 through 63

I was trying to use the following code, but cannot get it tweaked right.

[Code] .....

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Record Time And Date Of Data Entered Into Workbook?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm having trouble while trying to use a variable in a cell reference. I have a sheet that is being used to record the time and date of data entered into the workbook. This sheet is divided into columns, each designated to a specific type of data. I have written a macro to enter the current time in the correct column, but that macro is embarrassingly long and complicated because I used a series of if statements to handle all the different data being entered. I'm trying to simplify by using vlookup, and assigning the column value to a variable, and inserting that variable into the cell reference.

Here is the line I need to insert a variable into:

Sheets("Current").Cells(Rows.Count, columnstart).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = Now()

Where columnstart is my variable. It is an integer, but it's value will change depending on the type of data being entered.

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Update Cells Based On Date And Data Changes

Apr 8, 2009

Attached simplified sheet gives background - but need to update the cells in the aggregate monthly table C44:C55 based on data in single cell above, and according to the correct month. Need do this without the previous months data changing.

Month is determined by cell E8 and data to be updated to the agg month range is to come from cell C15. The month date will change automatically as will the data in C15.

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Display Data Based On Key Codes Entered?

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to do in the title so here it goes. I want a user to be able (on form 1) to enter a list of codes that refer to specific requirements (e.g. code PB114 may mean the user needs to perform a pressure test) and then excel will automatically display the requirement somewhere below. It is going to be somewhat of a database. In otherwords lets say in cell A1 you type in a code, e.g. PB114. In a range of merged cells or somewhere below that cell I want the information "Perform a pressure test" to appear.

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Change Color Of Group Of Cells Based On Data In Another Group Of Cells

Jan 12, 2014

Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:

If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.

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Add A Date Time Stamp In A Cell After Data Is Entered In A Different Cell And Date

Apr 18, 2014

I am working on an Inventory Spreadsheet. I have need it to date time stamp that willpopulate a different cell /field when text are entered in a different cell/field and will not change all the previous dates entered on the spreadsheetevery time I re-open the spreadsheet. I formula I am using is =IF(E3<>"",IF(D15="",NOW(),D15),"")and it changes each time I open thesheet to do the inventory so I do not know the date of the last inventory. Iwant to capture the actual date that the inventory was completed in thesecond/different cell?

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Returning Values Based Upon Data Point Entered In VBA Userform

Jan 20, 2014

Basically, I have a Userform and am trying to have a user enter 1 datapoint into a Textbox. Based upon that datapoint (it's 9 digits), I am trying to see if I can therefore reference a linked Access Table to fill in other textboxes with information tied to that record (so if they enter a unqiue ID, I want to automatically return Name of Person, Location, etc.) . I liken it to a vlookup in regular Excel but am just not sure how to go about it in VBA.

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Cells With Instructions Which Disappear When Data Entered?

Jan 29, 2009

creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.

For eg. go to [URL] In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.

In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.

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Cells With Instructions Which Disapper When Data Entered

Jan 29, 2009

I needed some help in creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.

For eg. go to In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.

In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.

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How To Unhide Rows When Data Is Entered Into Cells

Dec 6, 2009

I have been searching the internet and forums for days now looking for and trying out macros and scripts that will automatically unhide rows once data has been entered into a cell. The data entered is a link to a cell in another sheet. Everything I have tried is close to what I am looking for but it does not quite work, and because I really don't understand the programming details, I don't know what to change in the script to make it work for my spreadsheet.

create a macro/script to do the following:

Various rows in my summary sheet will be hidden as they will probably not be used, but in the off chance that data will be displayed in them, I need them to automatically unhide. The data that might be displayed in them is a link from monthly record sheets i.e. "=Jan!F4" or "=Feb!F32"

And because I am taking data from a 12 month period, I need the rows to unhide if any data is displayed between cell range of F5:AC1705. It is a large spreadsheet of data and it is all linked to 12 other sheets.

Unfortunately, I am unable to attach the file as it is too large.

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Macro To Lock Cells After Data Entered

Mar 22, 2007

I need a macro which will lock the cells after data is entered in the cell once. Cell should become non editable and should be only edited after a password is provided.

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Automatically Lock Cells When Data Entered

Apr 16, 2008

I am trying to apply a conditional cell lock to a worksheet. I am using Excel 2003, not 2007.

In column J, I have a list validation being used. The default value is "Not Claimed", I want to lock the cell from being edited once the value has been changed to any other value on the list.

The worksheet will be password protected to prevent entries into static fields (A:I & N:P).

I also would like to give the user the ability to unlock a specific cell, not the entire worksheet, by entering a password or something if they accidently choose a wrong value from the list.

I have column Q and beyond available if I need to have the password entered somewhere else.

I have attached a sample of the file I am working with.

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