Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Cells Once Data Is Entered Not Working
Aug 14, 2014
I have searched and found many examples of code that will lock cells once data has been entered. But for some reason, I cannot get it to work in my workbook. The weird thing is, I have successfully got them to work on blank workbooks. I unlock a range I want people to be able to edit, I protect the workbook, I enter the code, and it works. But I do the same thing on my workbook, nothing locks.
I've tried locking all the cells on a sheet, and only unlocking a small range, as in the examples (A1:A10), and I cant get it to work. I've tried not pre-protecting the sheet, I've tried 4 or 5 different examples of code. If it wasn't for the fact I've gotten it to work on blank workbooks, I'd think VBA was disabled or something. I can't post a copy of my workbook for you all to look at because its on a stand-alone computer at work (and the USB is disabled for info-sec).
Excel Version 2007
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Jul 30, 2014
I am new to Excel programming, haven't done any before and not familiar with creating/editing macros. Using Excel 2007.
I would like to automatically lock all the cells in a row if the date in column A in that row is >= 7 days old. Data is entered once a week (some time Sunday - Saturday) and I would like historical data (rows) to be locked so that they can't be edited inadvertently.
If possible could I also highlight the current working week somehow?
I have attached the worksheet : testworksheet.xlsx
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Mar 14, 2012
I am trying to lock out cells if a value is entered in another cell in Excel 2010. For instance, when entering a value into N7 (merged Columns N7,O7,P7 into one - not sure if that matters) I want Q7 (same thing, merged Q7,R7,S7 into one) and T7 (merged T7,U7,V7 into one) to be locked out.
So, if N7 has anything typed into it, I would like Q7 and T7 (merged) to be locked.
If that's possible, I would also like for it to happen from rows N7 - N21 ...
Is this hard to do? My understanding is that it's only possible through VBA ... am I accessing the script correctly? (right click the 'sheet 1' tab [named Issues log], select 'view code').
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Mar 22, 2007
I need a macro which will lock the cells after data is entered in the cell once. Cell should become non editable and should be only edited after a password is provided.
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Apr 16, 2008
I am trying to apply a conditional cell lock to a worksheet. I am using Excel 2003, not 2007.
In column J, I have a list validation being used. The default value is "Not Claimed", I want to lock the cell from being edited once the value has been changed to any other value on the list.
The worksheet will be password protected to prevent entries into static fields (A:I & N:P).
I also would like to give the user the ability to unlock a specific cell, not the entire worksheet, by entering a password or something if they accidently choose a wrong value from the list.
I have column Q and beyond available if I need to have the password entered somewhere else.
I have attached a sample of the file I am working with.
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Jul 23, 2014
How to Lock Individual Cells in a Worksheet excel 2007 .... i.e.
I want this selected area locked with password.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a log that is used to keep when items are due. I do not want my coworkers to delete items once they have been entered and saved. So the excel sheet I am trying to make has certain cells in a range that I want to autolock after saving. For example: the cell range is G3:J402. I enter Customer Name in Cell G3 and the Date the job was received in H3. Once i enter that information I want it locked once i save it. Then later on, my coworker completes the job and enters the date in I2. And again once she saves this she shouldn't be able to edit this information. Then again another day she comes and enters the date on I3 when the product has been shipped out.
While all of the above activity is going on, new customers are continuously being in added in G4, G5....
Also, if possible the date in the H range should be the date items are entered in G (this would be a nice added feature). I've included the file for review. I'm running Microsoft Excel 2010
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a log that is used to keep when items are due. I do not want my coworkers to delete items once they have been entered and saved. So the excel sheet I am trying to make has certain cells in a range that I want to autolock after saving. For example: the cell range is G3:J402. I enter Customer Name in Cell G3 and the Date the job was received in H3. Once i enter that information I want it locked once i save it. Then later on, my coworker completes the job and enters the date in I2. And again once she saves this she shouldn't be able to edit this information. Then again another day she comes and enters the date on I3 when the product has been shipped out.
While all of the above activity is going on, new customers are continuously being in added in G4, G5....
Also, if possible the date in the H range should be the date items are entered in G (this would be a nice added feature). I've included the file for review. I'm running Microsoft Excel 2010.
I have tried hard to find other solutions with links at the following places but not exactly what I'm desiring:Auto lock cells after data entry when file saved...
Auto lock cells after data entered and SAVED.
Auto Lock Selected Range of Cells After Saving
I should also mention that most solutions either provide for locking/unlocking of all cells but not a selected range. Or they provide for locking/unlocking of a selected range but not for a specific sheet or not after you have saved the workbook.
This is unique in that I'd like it to autolock after i press the save button for a SPECIFIC number of cells. I just wanted to clarify as to not make others think that I haven't used the search function.
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Dec 19, 2013
2007 Excel spreadsheet. My company currently shares ONE spreadsheet to generate new project numbers (Shown below). My issue is once a new number is assigned, it is supposed to be entered into our accounting software but that doesn't appear to be happening in some cases.
Is there a way that a pop up message can appear when column G is populated (Entered by)? Something like, "please be sure to enter this XYZ".
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May 15, 2013
I am looking to write a code to lock/unlock cells based on values selected using a drop down list (see attached Excel) For example if Netherlands is chosen as the Country (Column A), then except for the columns Amsterdam (column B) and Eindhoven (column C), all other columns must be locked. Similarly, if India is chosen as the country from the drop down list, then only the columns New Delhi and Mumbai must be editable for the user, the rest of the columns remain locked.
I tried tweaking some of the lock/unlock codes around, but got lost especially with getting to run the macro - still trying to come to terms with running a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange" function in the sheet from "Module"!
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Jun 22, 2014
I have a SS of a WW1 casualty list and one of the columns is Dates of Birth but the data has been entered in three different formats eg 21/2/1898 or 21.2.1898 or 21 Feb 1898. I have tried to Format Cells and change the date format to the slash but after highlighting a number of fields and right clicking they will not re format. Though i use Excel quite a bit i am a general user and dont understand it in depth.
article using =DATEVALUE(
am using Office 2007.
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Aug 2, 2013
I use MS Excel 2007 and I was wondering if it was possible to enter data for certain things once, and have that data copied automatically every time I type the text. For example, if I type Blue Car in a cell and type 4 in the next cell, is there a way I can program Excel to enter that data every time I type Blue Car?
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm creating a configuration tool for instrumentation that has several options. Many of these options are dependent on one another. To summarize, I need to:
*Conditionally lock cells (and populate with "N/A") OR allow selection from drop down list - the list exists, it's the locking and auto-population I'm struggling with
Example: If A1 = No, then B1 = "N/A" and is locked, else allow selection from drop down list in B1
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Jun 12, 2013
I have created a table in Excel 2010 (pls see attached table named post.xlsx).
Then copied the above table into PowerPoint 2010, using "paste link" (I tried to attach the PowerPoint file but the system says "invalid file type" and I cannot attach it).
I have received income data for another month - the new month is 13 and the corresponding new income is 100.
I typed 13 and 100 into the Excel table post.xlsx and thus extended the table by another column.
Then I went back to PowerPoint slide, then right clicked on the table there, then clicked "update link".
Specific Question:
The newly-typed column in Excel table is not get updated in PowerPoint table.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a workbook in excel 2003 which I had been running the following macros (listed below). We recently upgraded to Excel 07, and neither are working. When I try to run them, the "debug" option highlights the following line in the sort macro "Range("A2:z" & lastcell).Sort key1:=.Columns(1)". This is driving me crazy, as the macros worked perfectly under the older version of Microsoft. Is there an issue with crossfunctionality between '03 and '07'.
Private Sub Worksheet_change(ByVal target As Excel.Range)
If target.Column = 1 Then
ThisRow = target.Row
startRow = 1
i = 1
Set ws = ActiveSheet
maxRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
maxCol = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Do While i
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Sep 20, 2012
I'm trying to get some vba to automatically find the range of data in a spreadsheet (So start from a specified point and loop until it's blank) and populate a combobox with this range accordingly. I have read numerous articles and posts but nothing seems to work!!
I am using Excel 2007.
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Sep 13, 2009
It is possible to lock the Author of the Worksheet in File --> Properties --> Summary Tab..?
I am using Excel 2003 & 2007..
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Feb 28, 2007
How would I go about lock a cell after there is an entry. Once the entry has been made the user could not change the entry. For example if a user enter in cell b2 he could not change the entry, he could change a2, c2, d2. He would also be able to put an other entry in b3, once enter the cell is lock.
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Jun 21, 2013
If I enter the city "Dunn" it auto capitalizes it. If I type my name "mark" in there it doesn't. I don't want it to auto "do" anything. How can I turn it off? I've tried copying into a new book and that didn't work so it doesn't seem to be formula driven. The issue is happening on a coworkers machine, but I cant seem to recreate it on mine. Hers is 2007 while mine is 2010.
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Jul 31, 2012
I am attaching the example where I need to lock H2 to H1000, note that sheet is locked "anixter12 and I have also given range to user for modification I simply want to lock cells in H once date is entered.
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Apr 12, 2014
I'm trying to convert the values entered by users into specific cells into a specific percentage. When I use this macro in Excel 2010, I can enter the value to be calculated directly into the cell and the macro runs automatically. When I open the file in Excel 2007, the macro does not calculate properly unless the value to be calculated is entered into the formula bar.
For example, in Excel 2007, if I enter '30' in cell E11, it should come out as '20%'. Instead it comes out as '0.2%' unless I enter '30' into the formula bar, which then calculates properly. It is far more efficient to be able to enter the value directly into the cell.
[Code] .....
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Jul 2, 2014
For Example...
In Excel:
Question Answer
What is his Name? John
How many apples did he buy? 8
How much did the apples cost? 50
In Word: John is in cell b2, 8 is in b3, 50 is in cell b4
John bought 8 apples totaling $ 50 dollars.
Based on the information typed in the answer column (excel spreadsheet) I would want a word document to automatically generate a sentence.
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Jan 5, 2013
Currently have a column of cells that after the data has been entered we would like the cell to lock to prevent changes. The sheet is currently protected with the cells in question unlocked (D173:D250). We would like to be able to change the data if we unprotect the sheet. We would also like to be able to add/delete cells (list) in the code as needed.
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Jun 26, 2014
I am trying to build a Calendar that pulls all of it's entries from data submitted via user form. To be more clear, I built a basic user form in VBA where I can submit this data: name, brief description, Time/duration, and date. Instead of the data I enter into the form populating in specific cells in my Excel workbook, I would like for the information to be populated into a calendar based on the date.
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Aug 10, 2014
I am building a budget spreadsheet and would like the date to automatically populate in column H when data is entered into rows J through AN, or alternately update column H when a sum total is populated in column I
I need to repeat this for rows 4 through 63
I was trying to use the following code, but cannot get it tweaked right.
[Code] .....
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Sep 12, 2013
I've got a spread sheet at work that is shared between 4 people. It's password protected and its been protected so only four of us can edit it. It was working fine until yesterday for no reason the auto filter stopped working. The drop down arrows are still there but nothing happens when you click on them?
The sheet was made on excel 2003 but one of the users uses the newer excel which we will all eventually get.
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Jan 6, 2010
I am trying to use the NETWORKDAYS function in excel to calculate the working days for my company. the problem is I m located in UAE and here Saturdays and Fridays are official days off for my company. Now the problem is that the excel have this built in function that Sunday and Saturdays are weekend days. I want to customize the function for my local days off for my company.
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Dec 20, 2009
I wrote a macro to list all the excel files from a directory and its sub-directories to an excel sheet. It is working in excel 2003 but shows error (object does not support this action) in 2007. Actually I have copied almost this entire macro from excel 2007 help only. Can somebody modify this to use in both the versions of excel?
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Sep 13, 2008
I've worked with Excel for many years and have just begun writing VBA in Excel 2007, so I am really stumped by this:
SR = 1
SC = 1
TR = 40
TC = 2
' Works
' All of the following Fail w/1004 Error
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1)).Select
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(40, 2)).Select
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(SR, SC), Cells(TR, TC)).Select
At first I thought I had a bad install,
but this is happening on two manufacturer installed systems...
And I seem to be following the documentation for the use of Range with Cells.
Am I missing something?
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Dec 13, 2011
Arrow keys do not move from one cell to the next. They advance the page or panel view. No spreadsheet works correctly, (new or existing) and scroll lock is not set.
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