If Statement Return Conditionally Value In Other Column

Oct 26, 2009

In column D I have an Expiry Date and in column E I put formula “=IF(D2<=TODAY()+90,"we have less than 90 days!!!","we have more than 90 days")” the formula works fine but my problem is I need formula if item have expired in column D its have to say in column E “ ITEM EXPIRED “ or something. I highlighted line in yellow below attached sheet.

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Return Column Header From If Statement

Jan 6, 2012

I'm working on a spreadsheet where I need to return the column header where the value in that row matches the criteria from an if statement.

The column headers are departments, the row headers are customers numbers, the values show the % of items sold in that department as a % of the total purchases by that customer.

I need to make a formula for each row so that if the % in any of the current row's values is 75%-100% then get the column header for the column that value is in.

I know it's an IF statement, but I don't know how to return the column header for the value when the if statement is true.

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Setup IF Statement - If Date In Column A It Will Return Q3?

May 2, 2014

I wan to set up an IF statement so that if the date in Column A is between 4/28/14 and 7/17/14, it will return "Q3" and blank if no date.

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Conditionally Format Each Group Of Rows And Each Column And Color The Cell In Each Column

Nov 27, 2009

I've a worksheet that is 3750 rows of cells from A to DT and contains only numbers with the exception of a header row. The rows are in groups, primarily 4 rows, although there are exceptions - these rows are separated by blank rows. Small example as follows.


I have been trying to conditionally format each group of rows and each column and color the cell in each column of four (or less) numbers in each group that represents the maximum number.
It was easy enough to come up with the conditional formatting BUT it will take forever to do this manually. I've been told to use a macro but I know nothing of programming. Has anyone seen or heard of a macro that might already be written to perform this onerous task.

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Two Columns Data In Single Column Conditionally

Jun 7, 2014

I am having data in two columns (A & B ). Now I want to get the data in the single column(column C) . Here column A(Name) & Column B(Mobile No). it is something like below.

Here is my input data:

I want to get output results like below in the column C

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Conditionally Unlock And Unprotect Certain Cells In A Column

Jan 19, 2012

Any way to conditionally unlock and unprotect certain cells in a column. I have been unsuccessful with my attempts at customizing other people's vba code that is a little different than what I am trying to achieve. So here's what I would like to accomplish:

If A23 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D23, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again
If A24 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D24, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again
If A25 = "Please See DME", then unprotect (pw=richie13) and unlock D25, then protect (pw=richie13) sheet again

and so on and so on.

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Conditionally Format Column B If It Finds A Match In A

Jan 30, 2012

What is wrong with this formula? I have used it before just fine, but sometimes including now it won't work.

PRODUCT_IMAGE Images 244-447439 244-455507 244-455507 244-455508 244-455508 244-455509 244-455509 244-455512

We can clearly see that we have a match in rows 2 and 1 columns A and B, but I am getting #NA. I have sorted the columns A-Z as well. I have also tried formatting the columns different ways and I still get #NA.

I need to conditionally format column B if it finds a match in A.

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Conditionally Hide Rows Based On 1 Column

Nov 22, 2007

I am trying to hide rows based on the contents of column BS. It the cell is empty (not just zero value, but completely empty of all formulae), then I want to leave it unhidden, then if the cell value is less than the value in cell E2 I want to hide the row. This code doesnt seem to like the first if...then next i

Sub hiderows()
Dim i As Long
Set v = cell.Value("$E$2")
' Turn off screen refresh for speed
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
' Get last row Col BS
For i = Range("BS2000").End(xlUp).Row To 15 Step -1
If IsEmpty(Cells(i)) Then Next i
ElseIf Cells.Value(i) < v Then Rows(i).Hidden = True
End If
Next i
' Turn on screen refresh
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Counting Conditionally - Count A Number Of Cells In One Column?

Dec 11, 2012

I am attempting to count a number of cells in one column so long as they fall within a certain date, which is located in another cell in the same column. I'm trying to account for a number of reports that happened within a certain week.

The formula I came up with was


But this returns 1 more then it should no matter what. Even when all cells within A_DATE are empty. it returns 1.

I know the COUNTIFS portion works to count the cells between certain dates.

Is what i'm looking to do possible or am I suffering from Excel burnout and just can't see that logicaly it makes no sense?

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IF Statement, MAX Statement, And Return A Value

Apr 25, 2007

Each row represents a call. If a call in column A equals "CW" and it has the highest duration (H:MM:SS) value in column B, then provide me the date (MM/DD/YYYY) for that call that is stated in column C.

Column A --- Column B ---- Column C
AB ------------ 0:02:22 ----- 04/14/2007
CW ----------- 0:03:13 ----- 04/16/2007
CW ----------- 0:01:42 ----- 04/13/2007

Thus, the value that should be returned is "04/16/2007".

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Conditionally Format Rows Based Duplicates Only Found In First Column?

Dec 6, 2013

I'm trying to conditionally format rows of data based on duplicates in the first column, then filter the results. I have a table of data with mutiple variables assigned to different "headings" that looks a little something like this:



[selects the table, then GoTo Special selects the blanks, fills in the blanks with the cell above, then Copy and Pastes As Values the entire table again to fill everything in]

I’m stuck on how to input a formula into the conditional formatting window that will:
Format the text to white in columns A, B, and E based on there being a duplicate above that row in Column A only. i.e. conditionally format the values with a * below:



If I use the conditional formula I found: =A1=A2, then cell E3 gets made white text when I don’t want it to, hence the “referencing column A” part of the question (Column A is always a unique ID number whereas Column E can have a duplicate in the row above). [Edit: Why can't I type Enter or put a line break here... I'll try re-edit at home...] When I go to filter on Column C for YYY again, the conditional formatting needs to realise to un-white the text, which is my next headache because it means conditional formatting that acts relative to hidden rows as a result of a filter... Oh and did I mention the client wants this done in 2003? This is an afterthought though – as I can force them to use 2010 if need be

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Return Null Value IF Statement

Mar 5, 2014

I have 2 sets of criteria, column B and D, both are ranked in column C and E respectively.

Cell h2 and h3 have the minimum requirements so I essentially want to add onto the RANK formula I have so if a person does not meet the minimum rank cells will return a null value.

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If Statement Return “W” Or “L” Result

Oct 14, 2008

creating a formula that will give me a result of either "W" or "L" depending on the amount in corresponding cell.

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If Statement To Return 3 Values

Aug 25, 2013

I want to use an IF statement that returns 3 values. I can do it to return 2.

Example: I am measuring performance of individuals. If they deliver below 50% I can return the value "Needs Improvement". If they deliver Over 60%, I need to show "Excellent" and finally if they deliver between 50% & 60% I need to return the value "Good".

I am not sure how to show 3 values.

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If / Or Statement To Return Header

Feb 15, 2012

I am working with data that has numeric values in columns S, T and U. In column M I want to return the header of the column that has the largest value (S,T or U).

Here is the formula I am trying to use:


The problem is that it only sometimes works properly. I have found instances where the value in column T is greater than S and yet column S's header is still returned. What am I doing wrong?

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IF Statement To Return A List

Feb 17, 2012

IF the first letter (i.e. left most letter) in any of the cells in range F7:F17 is "R", return its content to cell L3 and put a line break between each (i.e. create a list within a single cell).

I've read line breaks can be put in by using &CHAR(10)& but can't get a full formula to work.

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Return A Value In A Table Using An IF Statement

Dec 10, 2008

I am attempting to return a value in a table using an IF statement, but without referring to other values in the table.

My first column contains price break quantities;

The top row contains selling quantities;

The IF statement should return a "Y" in the cell if the value in the top row is greater than the value in the first column, but only for the relevant price break, i.e. the column with 51 in the first row should only have a "Y" in the row with 50. This would be much easier if I could work out how to post the workbook!

The formula cannot refer to other row values (otherwise it would be easy), and cannot use VB.

So far, I have come up with;


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If Statement: Return 'V,' If Cell='&'

Jan 15, 2007

When I tried using if & or statements I got an error - so I tried this:

=IF(K7="&","V,",""),IF(K7="1 Space + &"," V,","")

I want to return 'V,' if cell='&' or if cell='(space)&' I want to return '(space)V,' What is wrong with this statement..?

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If Statement That Return A String Of Text?

Jan 9, 2009

not sure if an "IF" staement is appropriate?

I have 3 columns containing data:

column A has text in it,
example: A2="red", A3="green", A4="blue"

column B has 3 letter month in it and they could have repeats
example: B2="Jan", B3="Feb", B4="Jan"


in D2 list anything column A that matches C2
example: D2="red, blue"

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If Statement To Return A Blank Cell?

Apr 17, 2014

I can't seem to get this If statement to return an empty cell It returns 0

HTML Code: 

=IF(+B7+C7="","", +$C$3-B7+C7)

The formula will go in D7
If either B7 or C7 is empty, leave D7 empty
If either B7 or C7 has a value, add or subtract from $C$3

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If Statement- To Return A 2 If The Cell Value Was Greater Than

Feb 23, 2010

I know that if true the following formula would return a 1

=IF(I7= 500000 and if I wanted to return a 2 if the cell value was greater than 500000 but less than or equal to 1000000

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If Statement To Return Blank If Cell D1 Is Empty...

Nov 11, 2008

I have a problem with finding the right function. My goal is to have the following function...

The cell D1 has the following function: [=IF(B1<=C1;"YES";"NO")] But I would like to have the cell D1 to be left blank, if the cell A1 is blank.

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Search Range Of Data To Return A Value (IF Statement)

Oct 11, 2011

I have data that has months in it that are spelled wrong and in different formats etc. I need to be able to search the range of data I have created in a separate table in order to return the correct abbreviation into my spreadsheet. See below:

Need to be able to search this range (A1:E12) and return the corresponding horizontal value in the last column (Jan, Feb, Mar)


I am currently trying this, but its not working! =IF(F2="","",VLOOKUP(F2,Dates!$A$1:$E$12,5,TRUE))

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If Statement (return A Text Value If Numbers Are Present)

May 13, 2009

Column A consists of cells with a variety of five digit numbers. My formula needs to return a text value if numbers are present in column A, this is what I tried:
=if(A1="","Chassis") but it returns "False" instead of "Chassis".

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VLOOKUP To Return Image Based On If Statement

Nov 19, 2009

OK i have put the membership cards on the same sheet as my raw data so to make the formulas easier. On the membership card i have under membership level i have the formula : =VLOOKUP($J$3,A:E,4,FALSE)

there is 3 types of level bronze, silver and gold

what i would like is if the level is gold after then an image to be placed in the cell rather than the word gold and a different image for silver and a different image for bronze.

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If Statement That Will Return 0 If Difference Between Two Cell Ranges Is Negative?

Apr 26, 2014

How would i wrte this formula correctly?


It needs to say if the sum of the two cell ranges is less than or equal to zero then display as zero, otherwise display the answer

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IF Statement: Look At Different Cells And Return Different Values If Ture Or False

Nov 6, 2009

I have an IF statement that I need to look at different cells and return different values if ture or false, depending on what is selected in cell J2

Cell D2
if J2 = "FMB/FPI" then retrun the value of cell Y7
if J2 = "FPI/FPI" then N/A
if J2 = "FMB/OTHER" then return the value of cell Y7

Cell E2
if J2 = "FMB/FPI" then retrun the value of cell AC7
if J2 = "FPI/FPI" then then retrun the value of cell AC7
if J2 = "FMB/OTHER" then N/A

Cell F2
if J2 = "FMB/FPI" then N/A
if J2 = "FPI/FPI" then N/A
if J2 = "FMB/OTHER" then then retrun the value of cell AC7

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Return A Value Via An IF Statement Depending On The Font Style Of A Cell

Jan 16, 2007

Is it possible to return a value, via an IF statement, depending on the font style of a cell?

What I want to do is this...Check to see if a the font in the cell has a strikethrough, if it does, return 0, else return the value in the cell.

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Search Formula (return A Statement If A Certain Month Is Contained In The Text Within Another Cell)

Dec 21, 2008

I am trying to write a formula that will return a statement if a certain month is contained in the text within another cell. Formula is =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Dec",Assumptions!B2)),"Ensure Journal is Non Reversing","")

Cell B2 contains a date in the format of Dec 08, so if this date contains Dec, then return "Ensure Journal is Non Reversing", if it doesn't then leave the cell blank.

At the moment it is putting in the first test for every month I select and not changing to blank.

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How To Return Address Of Column Or Cell Select Not Just Return Value

Aug 18, 2014

How to return address of the column or cell I selected from Application.Inputbox, not just return the value?

[Code] ....

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