Index Row Reference Not Filling Down?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a workbook where one worksheet is referencing cells from another worksheet. I need every third cell to pull from every single cell on the other sheet.

I have found on other threads that =INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+1)) worked. However when I filled down it wont increase the row reference.


=INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+1))
=INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+2))
=INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+3))


The other threads mentioned it should fill down fine, but not working for me.

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Index Row Reference When Filling Formula Across Columns

Oct 16, 2013

In Column A, starting in row 8, I have a list of part nos. This list can be any number of rows long.

Further down the sheet, I want to put that same list into a horizontal array. I currently have this formula in the first column. It will, of course, pull the value from the 1st row.


However, when I fill across all of my columns, it changes the Cell reference to B8, C8, etc. whereas I need it to change to A9, A10, etc.

Writing a formula that will index the ROW reference as I fill across?

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Filling Series - By Cell Reference

Sep 16, 2006

I have two obscure Files and I want certain information from each file.

I started by importing the data on seperate worksheets.

and I wanted to make a table basically summerizing the info on a third worksheet

On a third Worksheet i wanted to reference from those files in a table as i mentioned. So i started referencing the cells that contain the data for the first line and second line and i wanted to fill the series so I wouldn't have to type the info into Excel (like =C8)

uhm to summerize the following::

the two files are a players file (which has there specific team and player name) and a stats file (which has there corresponding stats). So i have the following

Year Team League GP G A Pts PIM +/-
2011-12 Swift Current Broncos WHL 82 5 22 27 128 10

the cell references are

for the stats worksheet

C8, D8, E8, J9, I9 (GP,G,A,PIM,+/-) Pts is just an add

and the next line would be 25 plus the cell references (so like C33)

i would like to fill it all the way down the page for about 1000 players

but it didn't work for me - the next line was C12, C27 etc...

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Increment Part Of Formula Row Reference When Filling Across

Jan 15, 2008

I have a spreadsheet containing quite a few lookups etc. I am trying to copy a cell across about 10 columns. This has to be done for about 50 different rows on about 20 different sheets, so I am looking for an alteration to the formula to help me rather than typing in the formula over and over;

='Basic Labour'!AD6*Rates!$E$526

Say this is in AD6, then in AE6 I would require

='Basic Labour'!AE6*Rates!$E$527

and so on across the region to be autofilled...

(It is multiplying the same cell in a different sheet against the 'next row down' in a rates lookup sheet).

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3d Reference In An INDEX Formula

Aug 12, 2009

i'm trying to search throgh multiple sheets using an INDEX formula.

=INDEX('12.31.09:11.15.09'!$AF$14:$AG$75,MATCH(E$2,'12.31.09:11.15.09'!$AC$14:$AC$75,0),MATCH($B61,' 12.31.09:11.15.09'!$AF$12:$AG$12,0))

In short, these are timesheets; in a separate sheet i'm using the above formula to find how many hrs were worked on all the other sheets for a given job# within a given date range. (in the above example, i'm only searching in timesheets between 11/15 and 12/31, but I will ultimately change that to include the entire year '12.31.09:01.15.09'). E2 is a referenced job number; B61 is a referenced date.

I'm getting a !VALUE error.
Can a 3d reference work inside an INDEX formula?

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Can Lookup Or Index Be Used To Reference To Different Cells

Jul 14, 2009

Can they be used to reference data based on data inserted into more than one cell? I have attached an example as its kind of confusing to explain.

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Using INDEX With Named Range Reference

Nov 14, 2008

I'm trying to use the INDEX function to return a value from a named range. But I'm not directly typing the named range into the INDEX argument. Instead, I'm grabbing the named range from a vlookup table (essentially, another named range). So, if "vh" is the name of the named range, I'm not using the formula:

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Reference Worksheet Name In Match Index?

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to use a match index formula to retrieve some data from another workbook...I am wondering if I can use a worksheet name as an IF condition, i.e. I want my match index formula to search the entire workbook, and return values for which there is a match, with the IF conditions being a specific code AND worksheet name.

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Index To Return Range Reference?

Mar 3, 2014

I'm trying to lookup two dates in a column in order to provide the start and end point of an array for use in the PERCENTILE.INC function.

I can't quite get it working, my base idea is something like;


So this looks for the dates found in C1 and D1, finds them in B1:B10, and returns the corresponding cells in A1:A10 for the array part of the PERCENTILE syntax.

I think the issue is that the lookup will return the value in A1:A10 rather than using the cell reference for the PERCENTILE.INC function...

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VBA For Filling Column Based On Reference Column?

Feb 2, 2012

If column B is not empty, I want the corresponding cell in the same row of column A to contain the value "1".

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INDEX MATCH With Rows And Columns As Reference?

Jun 11, 2014

I am trying to work on a index match but can't seem to make it work.

My look up value are on column while the data I want to show and look up array are on rows and still getting 0 results.

Is there any solution ofr this to make it work without altering my look up value & arrays to columns as well?

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Using VLookup (But Reference A Cell As Column Index)

Aug 10, 2012

How can I do the following....if for example I have the following vlookup;

=vlookup(A12, 'sheet 2 $A$2:$ID50$, 3, false

How can I change the column index i.e. the 3, to reference to a cell.

=vlookup(A12, 'sheet 2 $A$2:$ID50$, H1, false

The above example doesn't work but I'm sure something can be done using TEXT or VALUE

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Excel 2010 :: Index / Match With Reference?

Dec 24, 2013

I am currently using the below formula to add values (D6:D225 on sheets Mon, Tue, ...) given the criteria is met in any cells within the two columns across the five sheets (E6:E225 & N6:N225 on sheets Mon, Tue, ...).

When the references to the columns do not randomly change themselves to #REF! it works fine however, it does this often, forcing my to rewrite the formula.

**Why does it do that and is there a way to stop it?

Also, when I do have to rewrite I am forced to do each cell individually to change the number within the quotes. I have tried to use a cell reference there but when I do Excel just gives me a "0" as if there is no data to be retrieved.

I am using Excel 2010 on a company computer with the macros blocked so no VBA.


Excel 2010

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Index Match Offset - Find Contents Of Reference Cell

Jun 21, 2012

How can I modify the following formula to find the contents of reference cell, for example if the cell reference (G$3) is equal to 9 I want it to use 8 instead.


I tried using G$3-1 but this doesn't appear to work.

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Macro For Putting Index Reference Numbers In Numerical Sequence?

Nov 12, 2012

I have a document that is a subject index for book that has terms that reference page numbers. The structure is for example: Employment, 587, 592, 553, 605, 233 The term is always following by comma and then space and listing of page numbers that subject reference applies. In many cases the page number references are out of sequence and I need them to be in numerical sequence. i.e. Employment, 233, 553, 587, 592, 605 There are many subject terms in index and need to check and fix sequence of page references for each.

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Index Or Match Formula: When A Reference Number Is Used - It Popluates Cells From A List

Jun 6, 2006

I am looking for a formula or something - that when a reference number is used - it popluates cells from a list. Attached is a sample spreadsheet - 2 worksheets are being used - 1 is Purchase List and the 2nd is Fax Commitment. When reference no is filled in on the Fax Commitment sheet and it = the same reference no as on the Purchase List - I need it to populate the appropriate fields (in this case I have colour coded)

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Combining Two Values In Two Separate Cells To Make A Cell Reference Or Index Refer.

Jul 15, 2009

I want to use a value in one cell as a row designation, and a value in another cell as a column designation. Ultimately, the values will be text which will refer to row and column headers. What formula would allow me to do this? example:

A1 contains B
B1 contains 2
B2 contains "tribbles"

An imaginary function might go like this........

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Inserting An INDEX,MATCH Function Into A HYPERLINK Function Instead Of Cell Reference

Mar 20, 2009

Another interesting dilemma to solve. Using this formula:

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Automatic Filling

Feb 14, 2010

I’m not even sure I can do this- but- I want to be able to have a few columns, 3 of them I want to be Item #, Item, Cost.

Is there a way to put the Item # (Number) in, then have the other 2 automatically come up?

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Filling A List From The Top?

Jan 18, 2013

I have a table of information on a worksheet and one of the columns determines whether the item in that row is active (there will be active and inactive items in this "Main List")

On a seperate worksheet (in the same file) I want to only display the active items in a new table (Overview) and always ensure it has no empy spaces other than at the bottom of the list, so if row 1/2 in the Main List are inactive items then the first row in the Overview List would display row 3 from the Main List.

Ideally I would rather do it in a formula than VB if possible.

I've attached a file showing what I am trying to explain, where the Overview tab currently has the data typed in it should automatically populate based on column "I" on the MainList tab.


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Filling Down A Column Using VBA

Sep 25, 2007

I want to be able to have a macro that will compare one cell to the rest of the cells in a collum. I have used the COUNTIF() formula and it's getting on my nerves a bit because it seems as though everytime i sort the data, it totally messes up the formula (as in it changes the cell refernces to seemingly randomly generated numbers, but that is a different matter! lol). here is the formula, and it will be followed by the formula that is in the cell directly below it: =COUNTIF(F2:F65536, F2) and the one below it: =COUNTIF(F2:F65536, F3). Only one number needs to change, but when i fill down in excell, it wants to add one to every number, even when i click COPY cells... oh well. So i want to write this macro that will do just that. That way, it has fixed reference parameters e.g. F2:F65536, and one variable parameter e.g. F2, F3, F4 and so on. I'm not too savvy with this whole VBA stuff... the university insisted that everyone uses C++ nowadays, lol. I would like this macro to output its data into an adjacent cell ex. if F2 was compared, the data will be placed in H2.

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Filling Down A Series.

Aug 3, 2009

I m looking to fill down a column where I am assigning a number that maps to a certain week of the year. In essence after every 7th value the number should increment by 1.

Date Day ConsumptionWeek number

1/01/2009Thu 827 1
2/01/2009Fri 907 1
3/01/2009Sat 1,013 1
4/01/2009Sun 1,051
5/01/2009Mon 1,097
6/01/2009Tue 1,155
7/01/2009Wed 1,044
8/01/2009Thu 976 2
9/01/2009Fri 1,034 2
10/01/2009Sat 1,107
11/01/2009Sun 1,073
12/01/2009Mon 1,161
13/01/2009Tue 1,395
14/01/2009Wed 1,172
15/01/2009Thu 1,060
16/01/2009Fri 1,008

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Filling Log By Qty Values

May 1, 2009

I fill mentioned data by Qty values in Sheet2?



Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

Required result like this.



Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Filling Out A Worksheet

Nov 12, 2009

im filling out a worksheet.

on the rows i have this data ex. (123467.00) is there a way i can format the cell so the final product is this ex. (1234.67).

i've tried may things but what i get is (123467)

i have multiple worksheets like this just want something that can do automatically instead of manually.

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Filling Up A Listbox

Feb 24, 2010

How can you fill up a listbox on a form with data from a couple of cells.

For example you have the worksheet Colors and you have these values in the cells of column A

A1 = red
A2 = yellow
A3 = blue

Now I want red, yellow and blue to be in the Listbox.

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Filling Down A Column

Sep 26, 2006

In my worksheet I have a column with the number 1 in cell G3 ,I want to fill down the column with the number 1 as far as there are rows that have text in them. How do I tell Excel to fill down only as far down as the end of my table.

I would like to run this in a macro.

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Conditional Filling

Jan 31, 2007

I have searched the site but cannot find an appropriate solution. I have a list of names in column a, some of the names are repeated if the name is repeated then at each occurence of the name I would like a '1' to be placed next to it in column B.

I am trying to adapt the conditional formatting formula:

= COUNTIF($A$1:$A$25,$A1)>1 and then I guess I need to add a '1' else ' null' command but I just can't seem to get the syntax correct.

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Excel 2007 :: Convert Absolute Reference Into Relative Reference

Feb 4, 2014

I have encountered some difficulty in modifying a macro I wrote into what I need. I created a macro that searches a column (Column C) for a cell value of, "stop", and then it copies everything above that cell and pastes it onto another sheet. In the sample data set that I was using, "stop" first occurred in cell C541, so the macro copies C1:C540 and pastes it onto another sheet. The problem is that the macro created an absolute reference to C540. What I desire is for the macro to use the 'Find' function to locate the first occurrence of, "stop", offset one cell above that cell, and then reference the active cell (which was positioned by these last two steps) in the range that should be copied. Basically, I'm hoping to have cells C1 through the active cell copied and then pasted onto another sheet.

Code below.

Sub FAIL()
' FAIL Macro
Selection.Find(What:="stop", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _

[Code] .......

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Stop Formula Column Reference Changing On Insert But Not Row Reference

Mar 6, 2008

A 'Days Attended' cell (N8) and a 'Days Absent' cell (O8). N8 needs to count the number of "Present" values there are on another worksheet. The other worksheet has dates across the top and names down the side.

When i use
=COUNTIF("Attendance!C9:Z9", "Present"),
and the next date comes along the formula changes to
=COUNTIF("Attendance!D9:AA9", "Present")

ie. the reference moves a column across - the new date's absent or present is not counted. Using =COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Attendance!C9:Z9"), "Present"). is no good because when i add a new name i need the row reference to move down as a row is inserted. ie. both person's formulas count the same row. So, my question: I need the columns to stay the same - C:Z (leyway for future dates) and the rows to change as i insert or delete people from the system.

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Filling Cells According To Time

Jul 22, 2009

I'm working on some data dealing with time fields, and I need to have them counted in 15 minute intervals.

For example, one of the entries listed in a column has an event starting at 02:25:00 and ending at 02:55:00 (30 minutes). Along the top row are times listed in 15-minute intervals, e.g. 13:00:00, 13:15:00, 13:30:00, etc. In the corresponding cells, if the entry took place within a particular interval, I need it to say "1", otherwise have it say "0" or "-" or something denoting no event.

An IF statement was used, but it didn't seem to work.

If that's a little hard to follow, check the example attachment for a better idea of what I'm trying to describe.

In the example spreadsheet, Row 2 (manually typed in) is what I'm looking for. Row 3 is the (failed) attempt to use the IF statement.

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