Find Rows With Commas, Then Move Those Rows To Another Row
Jan 19, 2010
I've got an excel file with over 20,000 rows with Column A being having values of a "Vendor Number" while Column B has a "Vendor Name" Here is an example:
Vendor #Vendor Name
1001ABC Supply
1002Larry, Moe, Curly Inc
1003John Smith
1004Fred, Wilma, Barney LLC
I'd like it to find the rows where the Vendor Name has a comma present, and then put it in another sheet, or in another column like column C and D. If I can't get both the Vendor # and Vendor Name re-inserted someplace, that is OK. The Vendor Name is the big one.
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm a macro novice and have been trying to teach myself how to write the correct one for a task I need to do, but I cannot seem to get it right. Basically, I have bunch of data and for one of the variables, different values are separated by commas. What I want is to create a row copying the info below for each piece of data after the comma.
I suspect there is a fairly easy way to do this, but I cannot figure it out from searching the forums (or rather, I can't get it to work right).
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Apr 13, 2014
I'm attempting to FIND all occurrences of the word Godaddy embedded in strings in Col A, and if found, copy the contents of Col B to Col E.
1. The VBA is amending on the Loop While line, and
2. What syntax do I use to copy the contents
HTML Code:
Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a10")
[Code] .....
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Aug 28, 2007
I have a worksheet in which I have sorted the data based in date and numbering (column I and E). I would like to create 2 macros for following actions:
1- all rows with the value "TOM" in column C will have to be deleted.
2- all rows with a value of 601 or 602 in column E, will have to be moved to the bottom of the sheet after the last row with data. The rows that have been moved will have to be sorted based in date (column I) and numbering (column E).
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May 24, 2007
I have 3 columns and 200 rows. The first column is for Name of product. 2nd column for number and 3rd for $value of number of products. Have 200 rows. Have done a sort and checked. 2 sets of rows are for the same product name. I want to know if it is possible to add up values in 2nd and 3rd column, 2 rows at a time , then 4th and 5th column and so forth, by some formula rather than doing it manually?
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Feb 2, 2014
The below code compares the Data in a Field that must be set and collect the duplicate Values in a second Worksheet.
The thing I want it to copy the rows, when a duplicate is found in Col A. editing the code below:
Original Sheet:
"A" "B" "C" "D"
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Feb 5, 2010
I want to design a search form in excel that will lokk for the values in excelsheet and when match occurs then pop up those rows in listbox in the form. There are different criterias: one is Client_no or Policy_no ,If the person knows this no then he can simply type it in the textnox and press search and then the matching row will be displayed in listbox. If the user doesn't know the policy_no then he can try other things in the frame e.g First name,Last name,any part of address(so hopefully we'll use like operator here),Postcode.
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Oct 14, 2006
I've got a rather simple question. I need a code which would activate a cell which is located 10 rows down from the currently active cell. I found this piece of code
Sub move()
ActiveCell.End(xlUp).Offset(10, 0).Activate
End Sub
but somehow it does not do the job it is supposed to do.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have a sheet that holds my inventory and has 3 colums. The colums are serialnumber, techid and date. I also have a sheet for each techid. Is there a way to delete/move a row of data if the serialnumber is entered on another sheet.
I have a serialnumber added to my first sheet. I go to a techid sheet and enter that same serial number. Is there a way to copy the entire row the same serialnumber is on and copy to the current sheet? Possibly a search function where I enter a serialnumber and it finds the same thing on the main sheet and copies the rows into the current sheet.
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Aug 11, 2013
I need a way to move every 7 rows into columns.
So rows 1-7 become columns 1-7, rows 8-14 into columns 1-7 etc.
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Jun 18, 2014
I'm trying to adapt a macro written elsewhere on this forum for my purposes. I need to move 127 rows of data into one row. The macro written does exactly what I would like, except that it only works for 3 rows, rather than 127. How do I get this to work?Here's what I have so far:
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Aug 26, 2008
We run reports from active directory to see user accounts that have not been logged into the network between 30 and 90 days. We have a few spreadsheets within a workbook (Investigate, Disable, Delete, No Action). All user accounts are imported into the investigate spreadsheet. What we would like to do is automatically take predecided accounts (service accounts that we do not log on to the network - only meant for services, etc) and move them from the investigate spreadsheet into the No Action spreadsheet. These accounts all start with svc. Generic accounts start with GEN and so on....
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Sep 21, 2009
I am trying to create a macro the looks at column A and moves the entire row to another worksheet or deletes the entire row based off of the value in each cell. Right now I have the Macro replace the downloaded values to either AG, G, GI, ICP, IMG or delete. The idea be to move all of the values with AG in column A to the AG worksheet, move G to the G worksheet, etc.. and then delete all of those with delete in the cell.
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Dec 23, 2009
i learned how to highlight a row by placing an X in a single cell, my next question is:
Is there a way (most Likely there is) By placing "J/C" into a cell, make the entire row cut and then insert itself into my second sheet on row 2? "insert into a new row and not over existing information?"
now i have done this in the past using a Macro, select the row and then by pressing ctrl+k it would cut the row and then insert it into row 2 of the second sheet.
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Jan 21, 2010
I've got a pretty nice Worklist setup in Excel that enables you to organize all the work you need to do in a month. However i end up with little holes in the list whenever i finish a task because what my macroes does is whenever a job is marked as done on the list it moves that job to sheet2, which contains completed jobs. I'd like to have a macro that shifts all the rows 1 down whenever a job is completed(ill just call it from the job complete macro) but it needs to jump over(skip) row 26 because that row contains some images that my macros use. Altso i would like to, if possible avoid inserting any rows or cells or hiding them because that will totally mess up my macros :p I know i know, im not dynamic enough.
I've included a sample of the worksheet so you can see what i want.
By the way, I've altso got some trouble with a public function.
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Nov 2, 2011
I need to cut 2 rows when i put "V" in E column, and then to paste them below row that have in column A, "OLD".
I have many rows with data like this:
25..."old" row...............................
I need to cut the row with "V" in column E and the below row, and paste them below row with "old" in A column, like this:
23..."old" row...............................
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Sep 22, 2012
I have data that I want to move to columns:
1 Apples
2 Bananas
3 Oranges
4 Watermelon
5 Grapes
6 Kiwi
It should move every two rows to columns, like so:
1 Apples-------Bananas
2 Oranges -----Watermelon
3 Grapes-------Kiwi
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Jun 4, 2008
I need to look into a particular cell on a specific column.
if this cell does not contain a number, then I need to delete the entire row, not column.
and then of course do this for 30K+ rows.
if sheets("sheet1").cells(x,7) is not a number ( dont know how to write this )
then delete row and move up.
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Nov 27, 2009
I have cobbled together bits of code from around this forum to do what I need (thanks to all those I stole from!) but I'm stuck on the last bit.
I have a spreadsheet and the user types into an input box what they are looking for and the cursor moves to that position.
If the data is initially off the page when it is returned it is on the last row of the page I now see. Sometimes it may be appropriate to see data below it.
Is there anyway the found cell can always be shown about half way down the viewable page? (so that about 10 rows below are seen - obviously if the data is at the top then no movment is needed)
I tried the "ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=10" but hit problems where the data was on a higher screen than the last search.
I am using excel 2000
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Sep 6, 2006
I created a macro that is supposed to copy the contents of about 500 rows, and move them all up one row. One of the things that is contained in those rows are a bunch of links to Microsoft Word documents. When I try to move the 500 rows up manually (just copying, and pasting one row higher), it works fine. The link remains entact.
However, when I use the macro I recorded, the link no longer works. It looks like it is there (the text used to represent the link is there), but when you click on it, nothing is there. Here's my code....
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Nov 17, 2006
I have attached a sample file and would like to have the expected format as shown in the attached. Would greatly appreciate if someone could show me the faster way of reformating the data instead of doing it manually.
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Apr 14, 2008
I have an original workbook. Also I have saved a "copy of the original Workbook". So the sheets and other headers are same. Now i want that If i delete a row in Original Workbook then the row should go out from origianl workbook and copied to "Copy of Orinal Workbook" in the same sheet from the the row is being deleted. Suppose row 7 of sheet1 is deleted, then the data of the row 7 from the original WB should go to row 2 of Copy of origianl WB (Being the first empty row. Similary if any row is deleted from sheet2 of Original Wb, the same should go to first empty row of Sheet 2 of Copy of Original WB. By this I want to keep a record of those rows which are deleted from the original Wb for future reference.
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Mar 24, 2009
I have built a workbook that tracks patient sat for my hospital. I have been manually entering the data and the workbook is fine. The worksheets are divided by month and evereything is fine. Now things have change and now I get a data dump from a handheld device. I think I can get the data to my into workbook I just need it to move to right worksheets by month.
The data comes to me like:
Date Sup Building Floor Unit Room Number
1/20/2009 08:30 Smith, John Med Center 01 Peds 120
and 10 other columns
I have tried everything from formulas to the advance auto filter. I have tried code with If - Then but pieces would move but not the whole row.
So basically I am lost. I am turning to you all to assit me in the first step.
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Mar 4, 2009
I have been trying to do this for 3 days using "Record Macro", but something always seems to be messed up. The main problem is that the worksheets are protected and the macro asks for the password.
Here is a calendar sheet that I've been working on. It contains the calendar on sheet 1(not important) and a client roster on sheet 2. The client roster gets filled quickly, and obviously gets unorganized. What I'd like to do is create a macro so that when a date is entered into column AA (when a client is discharged), that entire row is moved onto sheet 3 (Discharged). At the same time, I'd like all of the names in column A alphabetized.
I even tried to create an "Organize" button so that the users could just click it and alphabetize. The problem I ran into with that was that the users are using Office 2000, and the names get alphabetized but all of their information no longer matches up.
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May 19, 2009
This report spreadsheet is exported from SAP. Since SAP has a limit number of displaying the columns, there are 40 headings (= 40 columns) in the report has been broken down to 4 rows of headings.
How to use macros to move 3 those extra rows to one row and the number still matches each column? I also attatch the file for reference.
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Aug 2, 2009
I currently have this code here that DELETES duplicate rows in the "Customer Number" column..
How can I modify this code to instead take any 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc occurrence of a duplicate row and move it to a new worksheet named "Duplicates" and ALSO KEEP THE HEADER ROW?
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Aug 22, 2009
I have a set of data that has a store number in cell A1, the store name in B1 and then the store address in C1, C2, and C3. This pattern repeats for all ~300 stores. I am trying to get all of the store data on one row per store.
I have a set of data that looks like this:
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Sep 3, 2012
I have a workbook with 100 worksheets, and one TOC (table of contents) sheet. The TOC sheet is full of hyperlinks, linking to specific places in the workbook, and all other worksheets have a link that take it back to TOC sheet, selecting the cell that would link back to the sheet I just came from.
When I insert a new row, say above row 18, the links in all sheets that point to anything below row 18, point to a wrong cell now. Anything that pointed to A26 will continue to point to A26, but because of the row I inserted, the cell it should be linked to is now cell A27.
Is there a way to insert a row, and have all hyperlinks in the workbook adjust accordingly?
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Jun 2, 2013
I have this code that removes a group of cells on any row that contains "Y" in Column L, but it does not move the remaining group of cells on a row up after the cells are deleted.
VB code so that when a range of cells are deleted, the row(s) below are moved up?
Sub RemoveReceived()
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row 'change "H" to the column that determines which is the last row
For x = LastRow To 4 Step -1 'assuming it starts from row 4
If Cells(x, "L") = "Y" Then
Range("H" & x & ":K" & x).ClearContents ' or use Delete
[Code] ........
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Aug 16, 2008
We have to copy from lot of Java webpages
1. Data of single column 3 rows of data to First blank cell in 'C' column (say C6)
2. Then Transpose it across to the same row into 3 columns (from same C6 to d6 & e6)
Here I tried some VBA but needs how to put it across....
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