Inserting Excel Values Into Word Template

Feb 24, 2014

Month Pay Tax Socia
Jan 10000 2000 2999
Feb 15000 3499 3333
March 3455 222 333

I have an excel document with sheets representing employees and within the sheets it shows wages taxes nd social security tax for each month.

I want to create word documents for each month which inserts all the values for that particular month, aswell as the name of the employee into th word document. How to do this?

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Filling Word Template With Data From Excel?

Mar 31, 2014

I've set myself a project to try and automate some repetitive filling in of word documents and would like a point in the right direction. I've done some research on the MSDN and some sites on the web. The way I was thinking of doing it would be,

make a template with either Fields or Bookmarks (which would be best?) for each piece of data on the paper work.Put the repeated data into an excel sheet (with a button for the macro to be assigned to).

write some VB script that will, define and "label" the data in the XL sheetopen the word templateenter the data into each Field/BookmarkSave as a new file in a "New" folder (name of file and folder taken from the Data)open the next template and repeat.

would this be the best way of approaching this problem?Whats the best way of defining points in a word template, Fields, Bookmarks?what objects would I need to use to rename the folder?

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Word Template Populated By Excel Data?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a .dot word template that has the little 'grey' boxes that is awaiting information to be filled in, this information is already stored on a master excel sheet and the doc is simply for 'archiving' and users benefit, from my point of view its pointless.

So what I want to know is...

If I always have a .dot file which has :

Username : DATAHERE
Password: DATAHERE

and I have an excel file which is A1 : Username B1 : Password C1 : Email how easy / hard is it to create a button macro to automatically go to the .dot file location, open it and then put the create data in.

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Mail Merge From Excel Data To Word Template?

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying (and failing) to set up a mail merge with a Word document. I would like for the doc to take information entered in specific columns and display it in the right field. I've set up the field and the excel doc and went through the mail merge wizard's steps for setting it up but it doesn't seem to be doing what I want.I am attaching the doc and spreadsheet below.

MichaelFields TEST.Contract Entries.xlsxFields Test.Contract to Provide Legal Services.docx

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Retaining Data From Excel In Word Template When Row Added From Spreadsheet

Jun 4, 2014

I want to pull data from my excel file (using VBA) into Ms Word. I created a template in Word and wrote a macro to do this, it worked, however, anytime a new row is inserted or deleted in my excel spreadsheet my macro produces wrong results in my Ms Word template because the cell position has shifted, thereby producing the wrong result. How do i make it that my result remain the same when new row is added to my spreadsheet.

Excel row1: vicky 528
row2: sam 532
row3: john 092
row4: Own 211 word template: 092

This is what happen next:

Excel (New row added) Macro: ThisDocument.ScreenedPatients.Caption = wb.Sheets("CSAs").Cells(16, 1)

row1: pat 542
row2: vicky 528
row3: sam 532
row4: john 092
row5: Own 211 resulting Word template(running macro): word template: 532

But I want John to automatically go on the Word template without going into macro to change it all the time when a new row is added.

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Macro To Generate Word Document From Excel With Built In Header And Footer Template

Jan 23, 2014

All I want is to generate a word document with built in word header and footer (header and footer style name is "alphabet") based on the values which i mention in excel(path,word file name and header content.

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Retain Formula Links When Inserting Template Worksheet

Feb 13, 2008

I have a template file which has a reference to a cell on a sheet in another workbook.

I need to copy this template to 250 workbooks. However, everytime I copy this template sheet into a workbook, it updates the reference to the template name!
Is there an absolute reference I can use for the sheetname?

Example: Workbook Template - Sheet1 - Cell A1 = Value
Workbook Template - Sheet2 - Cell A1 = Sheet1!$A$1

So for so good, but when I copy Sheet2 to a new workbook, I need to have the exact same reference; ie. Sheet1$A$1 and NOT = ['C:Workbook template']Sheet1!$a$1

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Updating Excel Files...Old Template To New Template?

Jan 5, 2009

I Have a number(30+) of excel files based off of one template. I have since updated the template, thus making the the old ones obsolete. Is there a way to update the older files to use the new template without having to copy and paste the addition's row by row column by column?

None of the additions to the template will change the placement of existing data, nor will it change the data itself. It will however add Values to cells that were previously empty.

Hints, Tricks, or Ideas?

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Create New Document From Word Template

Apr 28, 2014

I have a template document, created in MS Word. I want to generate, from Excel, a new document as would happen when you open the template from windows explorer or whatever ie. Template1.doc as opposed to Template.xlt.

The best I've managed to achieve is the opening of the template.

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Create New Word Document From Template And Save As

Jan 21, 2014

I have been working on the following VBA code, which should copy specific charts from excel into specific places in a word-template.

I Am quite new with VBA, so I googled the code, changed a few things, and it works exactly as it should - except from one thing. When the Word-document is loaded from the template, I would like the document to be "saved as..."
Instead of just opening the template. I have tried

.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:=fname & ".doc"

The code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Sub EksporterTilWord()

Dim appWrd As Object
Dim objDoc As Object
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileName As String

[Code] ...........

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Macro To Open Up Word, Grab A Label Template

Aug 16, 2003

Included in the macro, I would like for the macro to open up Word, grab a label template, that I have stored (have to navigate there), and then merge the data from the excel file into the Word template.

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From Excel To Word Formatting Cell Values

Apr 4, 2012

I have one problem with my excel table exportation to .docx word document. I got 2 questions.

1) When I paste a Cell Range from my excel, it pastes well but leaving a double line spacing between the rows and I don't know how to re format this table for just having normal line spacing between lines.

Dim order_num As String
Dim last_row As String

last_row = ActiveCell.Row

[Code] .......

2) How can I bold normal text into a word ?

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Inserting Contents Of Cell Into Word Header

Feb 15, 2010

how to insert the text from a excel cell and paste it into a word header?

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Excel 2003 :: Count How Many Times A Word Is In A Range / Word Can Be In Cell More Than Once

Feb 16, 2012

I need to count how many times the word Test is in the range B4:H9 with

Range N2 = Test the formula below works if Test is only in the cell once.

=COUNTIF($B$4:$H$9,"*" & N2 & "*")

But I have data in cells like below, this is all in one cell, so how would I have it count all the times test is in the range when some cells have test 2 or more times in a single cell?


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Pick Word From Excel Search In MS Word And Replace All

Jan 4, 2012

I am trying to automate the below process:

1. I have a excel file with Japanese words in column A and their English equivalents in column B.

2. I am trying to create a Macro and assign it to a button. On pressing the button Macro should be able to:

3. open a form where I can enter location of a word file.

4. Macro should open the word file specified in (3).

5. Macro will pick up first Japanese word from excel file (Sheet 1 - A1)

6. Search for that word in Word file

7. Replace the Japanese words in Word file with their English equivalent from excel (B1)

8. Then it should search for second word (A2) and replace with its equivalent (B2) and so on till it reaches last filled cell in excel file column A.

After a lot of search I could find a code from net (Below), made a few changes, but it is not working.

Private Sub OK_Click()
' Requires a reference to Microsoft Word xx.x Object Library
Dim sFile As String


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Search Word For Text And Send Values Next To Text To Excel File

Apr 30, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Office 2003.

I am looking to automate a process where information is sent to someone in a text format and they in turn transfer that data to an excel file. It basically looks like this (but includes a lot more info):

Service Request #: 123456
Instrument Type: New Instrument
Lot/Serial #: 123456
SR Type: Product Complaint
Service Coverage: Maintenance Agreement

The info on the left (text preceding the colon) is always the same but the values following the colon can change. The excel file has all of the text before the colon and they just enter the information into the cells. I am looking to make it so that an Excel macro (or maybe a word/outlook macro) automatically scans the text document and sends this info to the exact same cells in excel every time.

The text file is actually a message from an Oracle database and I am not going to be able to make any changes to the way the data comes in.

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Replace Word In MS Word With Varable From MS Excel

May 1, 2009

I am in the middle of automating a process here at work, the program takes a word, "pencil" for example, from excel. It will then open up a word document with content already in it (premade template). The program will then find all instances of a string, "placepencilhere" for example, and will replace that instance with the string from excel.

Basically I want to be able to take a variable that has a stored string value from excel and use it to replace another variable in a word document.

I tried recording a replace (ctrl+f, replace tab) macro, copying the code, and inserting it into the excel vba code.. but I get a error message. Here is what I have:


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Copy And Rename Sheet (template) From Cell Value Entered In Template?

Feb 21, 2013

how to create a copy of my employee attendance template. Is there a way to create a copy of the template by entering an employee name in the "name" cell of the template and it automatically renames the sheet that employee name and also saves or recopies the template for use with the next employee?

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Excel Template For Tracking Inventory?

Jan 2, 2012

Quick rundown, I have a sales background, so other parts (accounting, inventory, etc) are what I want to improve so Im not running around when an order comes in, where is it, do I have it in stock.

I know microsoft has some templates, any worth downloading and starting with, then move the data or add functions to an inventory and accounting template to start, any other templates recommended for an online business.

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Excel Index Card Template?

Apr 12, 2012

I was wondering if there was a template in excel 2003 that could be used for printing on a 3x5 index card. if so,e finding it or setting it up?

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Pivot Table In Excel Template

Jan 21, 2013

How do I add a pivot table to a template so when the template is run the pivot table still shows?

I have added the pivot table - clicked SAVE , but when i run my template (Picking up external data) the pivot table disappears?

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Excel Template For Sending Mails In Outlook?

Sep 9, 2011

I have an excel sheet on which to address, cc address, subject , attachement location and file name is mapped. Can some one help me out but executing the macro it will pick the file from the location and send to the Recipient with cc and subject and attach the file accordingly. The excel sheet is attached for your reference.

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Carry Forward Balance In Excel Using Template

Mar 12, 2013

I want to make a template in excel. Lets assume I have Opening Balance in A1 and closing balance in B1. How do I make template make new sheet and every time I make new sheets it should take the closing balance of the previous sheet as the opening balance and so on and so forth. But the very first sheet needs to have the opening balance as unlocked cell but the rest of them needs to be locked.

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Excel 2010 :: Template Only Has 5 Working Days In It?

Apr 8, 2013

I am using Excel 2010. The template only has 5 working days in it, but I need to set 6 working days (Saturday is also working day). Wondering, how to get this working without spoiling the functions. Also the date format is in US , need to change to UK without disrupting the Formula/Functions.

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Excel 2007 :: Protect Template But Not The Children?

Jul 24, 2014

Using Excel 2007. When I put password protection on the template, the template child doc also gets the same password protection. I want to prevent tampering on the template, but I want the child doc to be fully editable for the end user. After all, isn't that the purpose of a template? I just don't want anyone to be able to edit the template itself, which also seems like the purpose of a template. Am I missing something about not seeing how to configure this obvious functionality?

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Open Text File Into Excel Template

Jan 10, 2010

I work for a company that has about 650 locations. Each location has a location manager that is responsible for submitting a Performance Review spreadsheet for all the employees at their location.

Currently I have an Excel file that has all employees/locations. One of the columns on my spreadsheet is "Location ID"...which is literately a number we've assigned to our Locations. I have an Excel template saved that I'd like each Location to open into.

Can someone help me? I need each location to be it's own spreadesheet...which I have a template created already. I'd prefer to find an automated way to do this...rather than manually creating 650 spreadsheets.

I'd prefer to do this in anoter application, such as MS Access, but senior management already made the decision this will be done in I'm stuck with what I got.

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Excel 2007 :: Password Protect Template?

Sep 5, 2012

In Excel 03 I could just password protect a template and prompt for to open the template at read only is there a way to do the same thing in Excel 07?

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How To Make Excel Template Work On Only 1 System

Mar 9, 2014

Is it possible to make excel template work only on 1 computer by giving any vba password (on lines of license number).

Aim is to ensure it works on only client computer, even if template is shared outside it becomes useless.(We often see clients audit team getting access to templates using it for thier purpose & distributing).

In same spirit what are best practices one can take like protecting formulas with password etc

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Excel 2007 :: Macro For Duplicating Template Error

Jan 9, 2013

(Excel 2007), I have a template that I need duplicated for every reference. My Worksheet lists all the references and the macro use to duplicate a worksheet for every reference in the worksheet. The problem is when duplicating now, it duplicates the name of the template. For example, when the macro is ran sheet1= Template(1), sheet2= Template(2) ect.

Here's the code- I think it has something to do with the named ranges

Sub Macro1()
For i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Worksheet").Range("A:A"))
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = Worksheets("Worksheet").Cells(i, 1).Text
Next i
End Sub

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Template Excel File - Stop User From Saving

Oct 3, 2008

I have a template excel file that is loaded with macros. When the file is opened, a userform opens and the user makes several different selections. Based on the selections, the excel file is populated with information and pictures. I want to make sure that the user does not accidentally save over the template file when he/she is finished with the document.

My original solution was: when the user opened the excel file, it would automatically save under a different name in a temporary location. This would stop the user from being able to overwrite the source file. The users were not happy because the excel file is very large and takes a long time to save.

on another method to stop the user from overwriting the source file? using code? or another method?

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