From Excel To Word Formatting Cell Values

Apr 4, 2012

I have one problem with my excel table exportation to .docx word document. I got 2 questions.

1) When I paste a Cell Range from my excel, it pastes well but leaving a double line spacing between the rows and I don't know how to re format this table for just having normal line spacing between lines.

Dim order_num As String
Dim last_row As String

last_row = ActiveCell.Row

[Code] .......

2) How can I bold normal text into a word ?

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Excel 2003 :: Count How Many Times A Word Is In A Range / Word Can Be In Cell More Than Once

Feb 16, 2012

I need to count how many times the word Test is in the range B4:H9 with

Range N2 = Test the formula below works if Test is only in the cell once.

=COUNTIF($B$4:$H$9,"*" & N2 & "*")

But I have data in cells like below, this is all in one cell, so how would I have it count all the times test is in the range when some cells have test 2 or more times in a single cell?


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Paste Number From EXCEL To WORD And Retain Formatting

Aug 6, 2014

I am importing a data table from Excel into word. All works well except for the first column of my data, which contains numbers formatted as currency. I am using a bunch of loops to transfer the data into word, and for each cell the code looks like this:


Is there a way to tweak the code and preserve the formatting when I am importing numbers into word?

I tried the following code but it gives me type mismatch error:

[Code] ....

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Excel Conditional Formatting (Color Cell Based On Their Values)

Dec 29, 2013

Here i want to color my cell based on their dates for example : 01-Jan-2014 to 10-Jan-2014.

For the respective date i want to color my bars from G10 to P10.

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Conditional Formatting (particular Word In The Value That Is In The Cell)

Aug 4, 2009

Is there a way that I can Conditional Format a cell is it has a particular word in the value that is in the Cell?

I'm looking to CF where Cell Value is like Duties:

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Any Cell Containing The Word If?

Jun 9, 2014

I want to write a macro for conditonal formatting

I want to highlight any cell containing the word "If "

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Inserting Excel Values Into Word Template

Feb 24, 2014

Month Pay Tax Socia
Jan 10000 2000 2999
Feb 15000 3499 3333
March 3455 222 333

I have an excel document with sheets representing employees and within the sheets it shows wages taxes nd social security tax for each month.

I want to create word documents for each month which inserts all the values for that particular month, aswell as the name of the employee into th word document. How to do this?

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Pick Word From Excel Search In MS Word And Replace All

Jan 4, 2012

I am trying to automate the below process:

1. I have a excel file with Japanese words in column A and their English equivalents in column B.

2. I am trying to create a Macro and assign it to a button. On pressing the button Macro should be able to:

3. open a form where I can enter location of a word file.

4. Macro should open the word file specified in (3).

5. Macro will pick up first Japanese word from excel file (Sheet 1 - A1)

6. Search for that word in Word file

7. Replace the Japanese words in Word file with their English equivalent from excel (B1)

8. Then it should search for second word (A2) and replace with its equivalent (B2) and so on till it reaches last filled cell in excel file column A.

After a lot of search I could find a code from net (Below), made a few changes, but it is not working.

Private Sub OK_Click()
' Requires a reference to Microsoft Word xx.x Object Library
Dim sFile As String


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Word TAB Function In Excel Cell

Mar 19, 2014

I am having a formatting issue within a cell. I would like to accomplish a TAB space between to words so they always have the same space between, no matter how many characters the words or numbers have.

Example: I insert text and numbers from different cells in to one.

Formula: ........

It looks like this... so far so good.
25.02.2014 EUR 5'600.00 1.2177 CHF 6'819.12 Withrawal

But if i insert multiple lines with higher or lower amounts the formating goes wrong.

25.02.2014 EUR 5'600.00 1.2177 CHF 6'819.12 Withrawal
26.02.2014 EUR 10'000.00 1.2212 CHF 12'212.00 Deposit

The target would be to keep straight lines like with the TAB in Word.


I know there is no TAB whitin excel cells, but maybe there is a way to set a default charachter lenght that can be forced even if the amount or the text is shorter.

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Excel To Delete First Word In A Cell?

Sep 12, 2013

My text currently looks like:

"PEN228 PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28"

I need it to look like:

"PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28"

I searched the forum the last couple of days and got the following formula: =RIGHT(TRIM(E3),FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(E3," ","~",LEN(TRIM(E3))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(E3)," ",""))))-1)

However that is leaving: "228 PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28". Unfortunately I need to get rid of all of the first word.

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Excel 2010 :: Formatting Chart Axis Values?

Oct 8, 2011

Why the recorded code doesn't work? I recorded the code below to format the Y-axis values of a chart with the recorder.

With Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font
.NameComplexScript = "Arial"


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Excel 2010 :: Clear Cell If Certain Word Does NOT Appear In Another Cell

Jan 31, 2014

I'm having issues with some coding to work in excel 2003, 2007 & 2010 which will ensure that if cell E3 is changed to anything except "pool_car", then cell D12 is changed to 0.00.

So if a user originally selects "pool_car" in E3 and then enters a figure in D12 (which they are allowed to do using data validation), if they then choose to change the car type in E3, that D12 is then cleared of the figure they entered for the "pool_car".

I'm already using a similar code to clear other cells if another changes but am uncertain of who to change this coding or write other coding to suit.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Find A Word In A Cell

Sep 13, 2013

What is the formula for Excel 2010 if I have a text in a cell:

CM/62 Charge MTS/7/5/2013 000
CM/72 Non-Cash Adj MSC/7/3/2013 A15
CM/1542 Charge ADM/6/24/2013 S28
CM/63610 Charge MIS/7/5/2013
CM/527 Non-Cash Adj MSC/7/8/2013 S
CM/1542 Charge ADM/6/24/2013 S2
CM/5623 Charge LTE/7/24/2013 000
CM/1610 Rentup MAF/7/1/2013 S21

I need to get the result for word: MTS, MSC, ADM, LTE, MAF

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Based On 3 Values In Pivot?

May 9, 2014

I need to highlight a column in a pivot based on the 3 rules below.

Highlight cell in column A if:

Cell in Column A contains numbers 4, 5, 6. or 6.5.
Cell in Column D contains a value
Cell in Column E contains a value

An example of how it should look (Excel 2010): MrExcelhelp1.xlsx

Formula to put in conditional formatting?

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting Based On Two Previous Values

Feb 19, 2013

I'm creating an excel document that tracks the amount of time someone has (in months) in the program. Certain residents are able to 'fast track' if they meet conditions, and I am trying to create this spreadsheet so that anyone who looks at it can tell who qualifies (and when).

The issue I'm having is with conditional formatting, because I don't know how to do it with mutliple conditions.

Column C is their previous time (months) in the program
Column D is their current time (months) in the program
Column E is their total time in the program (Sum C+D)

Coumn E is what I would like to format, based on the following rules set out in the program manual:

If previous time is 9 months or more, a resident is eligible to fast track after 6 months current time (format green).
If previous time is less than 6 months, a resident is eligible to fast track after 9 months current time (format green).

I understand that their is an odd gap - but these are the rules currently set out by the program manual, which is what I have to follow.

I'm using Excel 2007 - if that changes anything.

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Search Word For Text And Send Values Next To Text To Excel File

Apr 30, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Office 2003.

I am looking to automate a process where information is sent to someone in a text format and they in turn transfer that data to an excel file. It basically looks like this (but includes a lot more info):

Service Request #: 123456
Instrument Type: New Instrument
Lot/Serial #: 123456
SR Type: Product Complaint
Service Coverage: Maintenance Agreement

The info on the left (text preceding the colon) is always the same but the values following the colon can change. The excel file has all of the text before the colon and they just enter the information into the cells. I am looking to make it so that an Excel macro (or maybe a word/outlook macro) automatically scans the text document and sends this info to the exact same cells in excel every time.

The text file is actually a message from an Oracle database and I am not going to be able to make any changes to the way the data comes in.

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Conditional Formatting: If A Cell Value In Column X Contains The Word "open", Format Row Background To Yellow

May 7, 2009

I need to set up some conditional formatting on my spreadsheet, however I am having a little trouble with one of my conditions. The requirement is:

- if a cell value in column X contains the word "open", format row background to yellow.

- if a cell value in column X contains the word "resolved", format row background to green.

- if a cell value in column X contains the word "moved" OR "closed", format row background to blue.

Now I have manged the first two on my own, using the conditional formatting tool and using the formula "=SEARCH("open",INDIRECT("X"&ROW()))".

However I am stuck on the last one. I tried...

=OR(SEARCH("resolved",INDIRECT("X"&ROW())), SEARCH("closed",INDIRECT("X"&ROW())))

However this doesnt work. I tried looking at adding VB script in but to be honest I am not a VB programmer and cant really spend too much time on this. fix the final conditional format so it run if the cell contains either "resolved" or "closed"?

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Cell Formatting - Type In A Word In Sheet 1 Say Mike On Sheet 2?

Jan 28, 2014

I was wondering if there was any way to do a cell format so that if I type in a word in sheet1 say "mike" on sheet2 the word "mike" cell would be highlighted? or if there is a formula you could use to do that.

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Replace Word In MS Word With Varable From MS Excel

May 1, 2009

I am in the middle of automating a process here at work, the program takes a word, "pencil" for example, from excel. It will then open up a word document with content already in it (premade template). The program will then find all instances of a string, "placepencilhere" for example, and will replace that instance with the string from excel.

Basically I want to be able to take a variable that has a stored string value from excel and use it to replace another variable in a word document.

I tried recording a replace (ctrl+f, replace tab) macro, copying the code, and inserting it into the excel vba code.. but I get a error message. Here is what I have:


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Excel 2007 :: Type Number In A Cell And Have The Word Appear

May 12, 2010

I need to convert numbers to text in excel 2007. I have done it before in 2003, but can't seem to remember exactly what I used. I may have used some kind of conditional formatting, but not sure.

Here is an example of what I need.

If I type "7203" in a cell I want "Home Repairs" to appear. I have a list of words associated with a list of numbers and want to be able to type the number in a cell and have the word appear.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Copy And Paste Values AND Formatting

Jun 13, 2014

In excel 2010, I'm using the following to copy and paste values and formatting from a pivot table, but i lose the formatting (TableStyle2 = "PivotStyleLight8"):

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

I have tried to add, xlPasteFormats, but to no avail...?

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Excel 2007 :: Transfer Data From One Cell Into Word Then Upload

Mar 4, 2013

Currently I am working on a system uploading data from word(with what i think has a script) into a database one by one.(template of somesort) the data is stored into the database in word format.

can i place all the data in rows then get excel to transfer cell content into word and wait for it to upload then clear the contents(word) then do the next row(excel) until it did every cell that's filled? do i need any other applications for this one or can excel alone do it? i'd also like to add a new tab to excel for the command on when excel will do this.

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Paste Text Paragraph Into Excel And Give Each Individual Word Into Its Own Cell?

Sep 10, 2013

How do I paste a text paragraph into Excel and give each individual word into its own cell?

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Values Based On 2 Columns Of Numerical Data

Apr 12, 2013

I'm having issues with Excel's 2010 conditional formatting. Seems easy to use, but I'm trying to highlight values based on 2 columns of numerical data. Example:

Column F:

Column L:

I would like Column L to highlight values that are greater than Column F in green. If they are less than Column L then highlight them in red.

Seems I was able to do this with Excel 2003, but I don't understand the 2010 version.

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Export Cell Contents To Word Fields In A Protected Word Document

Jul 6, 2009

Is it possible to export Excel cell contents to Word fields in a protected Word document? For example...

What code would be needed to tell Excel to open up, copy and export the contents of A2 in the active sheet of a workbook to "Field 2" in a Word document named "Report 01" and then put the contents of B2 to "Field 2" etc?

Do both applications have to be opened up at the same time or is Excel able to open up Word on its own? Will the macro be able to....

1. Automatically open up the correct Word document?

2. Look ONLY in a certain folder for the "Report 01" Word document?


Bring up a "selection" box that allows you to select the document you wish Excel to export it's data to?

3. Close and save the Word Document without any user intervention?

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Word Footnote To Inline - Keep Formatting?

Jun 4, 2014

I have footnotes that I want to transform to inlines but I want to keep footnote formatting. So far I have part of code that changes footer to inline, but formatting is a mistery to me

Sub Footnotes_Conversion()
Dim oFeets As Footnotes
Dim oFoot As Footnote


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Conditional Formatting - Hide Cell Values?

Mar 28, 2014

I have a spreadsheet using Conditional Formatting to colour cells. Is it possible to hide the cell value so only the colour is shown?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Two Cell Values?

Sep 21, 2013

I want to do conditional formatting based on two cell values.

i want to do conditional format the column 'R' based on clolumns 'J' and 'R'.
column 'J' is a text column named PRIORITY which can hold the values P1,P2,P3 an P4.
Column 'R' is nothing but difference of two columns 'M' and 'H'(both are time stamps).Column'R' is in below format.

column M and H are in below format:

eg: 9/11/13 9:41 AM

Now i want to format the column'R' like
if column J ="P2" and column 'R' > "00:10:00"(10 mins) =it should become red.
if column J="P3" and column 'R'>"00:30:00"(30 mins) = it should become red.

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How To Do Conditional Formatting Based On Two Cell Values

Jan 14, 2014

highlighting dates on a premade calendar.

The calendar is made as below:





The data table is given as below:





I need to highlight the cell in the calendar that matches both the task and the date in the data table. For example- in the situation above, D1 would be highlighted.

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Of Cell Depending On Value Of Another Cell?

May 9, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010 and I would like to format a cell (say, the font of that cell turns RED) if the value of another cell meets a certain criteria.

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