I am trying desperately to link activex checkboxes I have in an excel spreadsheet to a textbox. I need a textbox in cell K11 to appear whenever the checkbox in cell H11 is marked. Is this possible to create in excel using VBA?
I'm trying to create a piechart to display the variance from project deadlines.
Red > 10 days Yellow 5-10 days Green < 5 days
I have the macro written and the piecharts are being created however they seem to lack functionality. I would like to be able to click on a segment of the chart and have it display the data (projects) that have that status. Any ideas on 3rd party software, JavaScript, any other methods of creating such an interactive pie chart?
I would like to know if it's possible to create an interactive map with excel? I explain my case: I have a map of UK, that is divided into 8 regions. For each region there is a value of rainfall ratio. I would like that, when the user click on a region of the map, the corresponding value of rainfall ratio is going to a cell or wherever, such that I can use it for further calculations.
I'm looking to have an interactive calendar created that when a specific date is entered in a cell,...example(A1)
The calendar at the top of the screen will reflect 3 months out (in a standard box looking format with the starting day highlighted in Bold. Imagine 3 calender boxes (always 3 months) and when you enter a date in cell 1,...(say 6/07/07, the calendars at the top adjust automatically so that the first box now reflects June and has the 7th day in Bold...the other two boxes now obviously reflect July, and August.
I've just read up on interactive charts and have got that sorted for my worksheet. But I have a slightly more complicated issue now...
The worksheet Logistics has results for 76 different tests and these tests have been taken multiple times. Hence, I can logically have a trendline of results for every test i.e. Test 1: 1/1, 2/2,3/3 etc...
I'll go nuts creating 76 charts...and it's a terrible messy way of getting the user to see how he's fared over the number of times he's taken a particular test.
What I'm looking for is a way for the user so indicate which test he wants to see the results for and the relevant results to come up. In other words, on choosing the trendline of results for a particular test. Possible?I saw something similar on a website but am not sure if it was relevant...
I am a novice VBA user, with a more-than-basic knowledge.
I have created several userforms in the past, but they were all “static”, meaning, the user was allowed certain options from a variety of combo boxes, and after filling all the data, the result was migrated into a sheet (database).
Now, I am trying to create an INTERACTIVE userform in which certain combo boxes will become available based on a user’s selection in a previous combo in the same form.
For example: If - in a “Payment” combo - the user will select “Check”, 3 new text boxes will appear (Date, Sum, Bank code) and the user will fill certain data related to his selection.
If, on the other hand, the user will select (in the “Payment” box) the option “Installments”, 3 other boxes will appear (Number of installments, first installment month, sum per installment). These boxes can either be text boxes of combo boxes, and here the user will select/fill the relevant data.
Naturally, the previous boxes, related to the “Check” option, will be made invisible.
Personally, I don’t care if ALL boxes are always visible, as long as they are activated or disabled (grayed out) based on user’s selection in the “Payment” combo.
The next step will be to migrate the selected/filled data from the form back into a sheet, where the data will be placed in different columns based on the final selection the user made in the form.
I am attaching a sample data file that contains two tabs (data and dashboard). By looking at dashboard tab you will know what I am trying to build. Based on the drop down values I would like to populate the data on the dashboard tab.
I am looking for a way to manipulate xy data graphically by moving points in an excel scatter plot. This functionality was present in older versions of excel, but I can't seem to do it in the MS office 2010 version.
when I am trying to open them. they are not opening. When opening excel with flash game, there is big black square box. When opening power point with flash game, it is giving error "Some controls on this presentation can't be activated. They might mot be registered on this computer"
Flash objects on by browser when surfing site are working perfectly fine. i have also re-installed fresh flash from adobe site, but no success.
I would like to make a soccer game in excel, there are two divisions of eight teams, and 77 non league teams. I want to be able to enter the teams and then randomdly do the fixtures and when that is done i would like to be able to enter the scores and on another worksheet have the table.
These are rules; you get points after falling sticks (if any falls). Points are 0-?. Goal is to get 50 points. If you get over 50 points, then points go back 25 points.
As you see (attachment) Matts points are 51, so he has now 25 points.
I am trying to use Excel to generate a game schedule for my fantasy football league. Right now I handle this task manually but I figured there has to be a way for Excel to work it out.
Let's say I have 16 teams playing 16 games. I have a table written out using numbers to represent the different teams. The x-axis has one team number per column while the y-axis has a week number in each row. The intersection of any column with each row shows the x-axis team's opponent for the week. What I want to do is substitute a team name or abbreviation for the team numbers in the body of the table and then generate a formula (or script? - I'm not sure of the correct terminology) to then produce a listing of the games each week. So the output would look something like this:
Week 1 BNS v ROC NYL v NFB WBB v TCF etc...
Each 3 letter abbreviation represents a team name. This would significantly reduce the amount of manual work I have to do since Excel would generate the game schedule as above for each week and then I take that information and dump it into the software I use to run the League.
I have a Text List (about 40 rows of Commercial Names) in a column. On 10 seperate sheets I make a 5 row by 5 column range (the Bingo Game) and manually copy one item from the Text List into one of the cells in the 5 by 5 range as randomly as possible until the range is filled. I've manually counted each item from the Text List's use, but it very time consuming when I add more items to my list. I'm looking for two solutions.
1. Is there a way to automatic the random distribution from the Text List into the various sheets on an equal basis.
2. Is there a way to count the number of times an item from the Text List appears in the 5 by 5 range and sum that for all 10 sheets.
I'm trying to link three cells lets call them C7, E7, and G7 to an NBA schedule. I'd like to have C7 Display the visiting team, E7 to display the date, and G7 to display the time of the game. Ideally I'd like these cells to change after the date of the previous game has passed to the next game. Is this possible? Would I need to create a separate sheet with the Visiting team, date of game, and tiem of game?
Basically it would be a simple race. Containing 4 counters (blue, green, red and Yellow) and 10 squares each.
There would be 40 cards 10 blue, 10 green, 10 red and 10 yellow. Cards would be draw randomly and the counters move respectively. I would be thinking about starting with =RANDBETWEEN(1,10).
I have no knowledge of VBA/ macro but would welcome ideas with what formulas/ commands to use.
I have added some snapshots to show what I would be looking for.
I have been working on a spreadsheet to manage my players in a virtual sports game. I have worked out that the optimum skill scores for all the positions and want a way to compare a player to the optimum.
For example:
1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th Position 147.1737.6742.0533.8313.6711.3317.33
These are the averages for Position 1
How do I find the player who closest matches this optimum. Players have scores in the same 7 skill areas.
I'm trying to create a bracket for video game tournaments and I'm having trouble with some of the functionality I want it to have.
Right now, I have cells B7 and B9 that will pull player names from another check in sheet. I have another cell, D8, that I would like to have a drop down list in containing the contents of B7 and B9. Everything I see online says to use Data Validation, but apparently that tool can't make a list using cells that aren't next to each other, so that won't work. How else can I tell excel how to populate this list? It is vital that the cells be apart from each other because the visual formatting is necessary for displaying the bracket on a projector so that the players can see their match assignments.
In addition, I would like to have another drop down menu in another cell with a list of valid bracket sizes (4, 8, 16, 32, etc.), and have the cells of the sheet either be visible or invisible depending on how many max players can enter. In other words, if columns B, D, F, and H correspond to the number of rounds it will take to finish the tournament (3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively), I would like the sheet to display only the cells necessary for the tournament, pull player names into the left most cells needed from another worksheet used for sign ups, and auto populate all of the columns to the right of the column for first round with drop down lists for the players who could have won that match in the previous round.
i need some code to be able to toggle design mode, i am creating embedded flash games in excel and i want to be able to change the game using a drop down and this code:
I was trying to create an autobingo game for my kids which randomized the 5 by 5 grid. To do that I did combined a Randbetween and VLOOKUP to a table on a separate sheet which had the name of the object (i.e. "cow") in column 2 and a picture in column 3. Well, the VLookup will return the name of the object but won't return the pictures. Is there a way to get those embedded objects to move into my autobingo form? I'm thinking this requires a Visual basic macro.
RSTUVWX5Your PointsPoints Needed To Level UpCurrent LevelYour CreditWithdrawalDepositCredit67
80You Need 18,000 Pts.IntermediateYour Credit is 0 Pts
911,5006,500BeginnerYour Credit is 0 Pts25004000 1010,4547,546BeginnerYour Credit is 454 Pts
45411125005,500BeginnerYour Credit is 1000 Pts200035001000 Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaS8=IF($AB$6$Q$23,"You Are Credited With "&TEXT(X8-$Q$23,"#,##0")&" Pts","Your Credit is 0 Pts")
Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
i have a "Game Points Bank Account" that keeps track of the points users earn or spend in the game...what i need help is creating a running total for the bank..ive tried everything nothing works..
(this is actually like a traditional bank account)
each player starts with 10,000 points
*Row 8 is the only row to have formulas*
*Rows 9-11 are typed in to show my desired results*
Here is the point value "Ranking System" for Column T