Spreadsheet To Manage My Players In A Virtual Sports Game
Dec 13, 2007
I have been working on a spreadsheet to manage my players in a virtual sports game. I have worked out that the optimum skill scores for all the positions and want a way to compare a player to the optimum.
For example:
Position 147.1737.6742.0533.8313.6711.3317.33
These are the averages for Position 1
How do I find the player who closest matches this optimum. Players have scores in the same 7 skill areas.
How I can use a formula for inputting a persons position in a race for the scores appear automatically in the adjacent column. E.g 1st place 10 pts, 2nd 8pts etc?
I am making a 'sports day' spreadsheet for a project and i have one problem, the spread sheet is meant to have the possiblitlity of mistakes reduced to a minimum.
I have 6 teams in the sports day and under each i put 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th.
basically i need the rows to only accept 1st 2nd 3rd..... only once. I need something like an error message to come up if a value is entered twice on a row.
I'm trying to figure out a simple spreadsheet that can spit out tournament payouts based on a flexible number of players (we might have 55, 60, 100) and flexible percentages based on the pot size (if we have 100 players, we would like to pay more players than if we had 50).
Something like [input number of players] [input pot size] [input # of payouts] [input percentage of each payout] it would just save a ton of time as we're trying to calculate payouts on the go.
I'm trying to copy over some data from 1 sheet to another..... I have filled in some data in the range A5:AG11 on my source sheet, and i intend to copy over the lot (although actually, only row 5 may be populated), and paste into another sheet.
I have 2 problems: firstly, the columns in my 2nd sheet dont match up exactly with the format of my source sheet, so i need to copy & paste the data in 2 parts... column A into column A of my destination sheet, and columns B:AG into columns D:AI of my destination sheet.
Secondly, as i'm pasting all 6 rows, regardless of if they are blank or not, excel seems to paste in virtual blank cells, with no data or spaces in any trailing row.... so, for eg:
Sheets("Overview").Range("A65500").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(Selection) Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop
Now selects a blank cell about 5 cells down from the first 'proper' blank cell.
how to vanish these virtual spaces it's putting in?
Is it possible in VBA to instance a range without assigning it to a location in a worksheet? I want to use functions like mmult to manipulate "matrices". I don't think that mmult can handle arrays, so I wanted to use ranges. However, I am running lots of iterations, so I would prefer to keep the calculations in memory only.
I have a column labeled W-L, In each cell there is a W or an L .How can I total up all the W's and L's and have the total count show a 21-13 (21 wins 13 losses). Also the scores of the games are listed as 5-4, 3-7, for each game.how can I add up all the runs for and runs against to give a total xx-xx
I have many spreadsheets with sports stats. I pulled the information from the web. So on one page I have the stats. The next page I want to be able to type the teams name and have excel pull out all the stats I want. Makes it easy to compare teams stats that are playing each other. Is this possible I tried to use most of the lookup functions but I just cant figure this out.
I have not found a complete excelsheet that works to my wishes... so I thought maybe you guys could help me.. This is quite a big request. What I want is to add an sheet with a automatic league table to my spredsheed. I already have all the fixtures and the reports will be filled in as the season goes on.
(so what i want is that when i fill in the results of the fixtures there will be an table that automaticlly updated. The +/- statistics isnt essential. I was regarding to +/- in total sets...)
I attached the spreadsheet.
The games will be played as a best of three stets so there will be no draws.
I am attempting to upgrade a scoring system in excel 2003 which I use to rank wins in a sports results grid and i have to amend a formula based on a new version. The current formula in the attached part-completed worksheet Draw9 of 1 to 9, which I wish to amend, is in cells AM42:53 one of which is:
I have now added an extra column of data in cell AN44:53 under “LSD” and I would like to use this to improve the accuracy of the original ranking. In other words I wish to Rank teams using the “Wins” in column AL42:53 plus the “LSD” data in columns AN44:53 and this will ensure that where teams are tied on the same number of wins then the numbers in the “LSD” column will enable a clear ranking i.e. say 3 teams on 3 wins ranked 6th = will now be ranked 6th,7th & 8th.
I'm having problem in managing 4000 checkboxes in a sheet. My sheet containt 2000 rows with 2 coloum of checkboxes. The question is, how to know when checkbox tick in one coloum then it will automatically tick the other one. I know how to do it with small quantity of checkboxes (i.e.: 10 checkboxes). But 4000 checkboxes make me headache.
Iam pulling hockey stats from yahoo sports into excel on one tab then i have other tabs as teams and iam pulling the stats from the yahoo sports tab to them
the yahoo tab is called Players but when yahoo bringis in the players names they come with a space in front of them. Now the formula iam using works if i go to the players tab and take the space out but as soon as I refresh the data it puts the space back.
here is what iam using =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0)),INDEX(Players!NHL_2010_skaters, MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0), MATCH(E$4, Players!$A$1:$AT$1, 0)),0)
I think i have to put trim in by the players but when i try and add it I get formula errors.
I just inherited an excel spreadsheet that has 10 tabs per every month in the year. Right now it is not that bad as there are only two months in the spreadsheet but I can see this being a headache to tab through later on in the year.
My initial thought is to make a table of contents worksheet that has a bunch of buttons (with macros) to hide/show tabs based on month. (Note: It would not make sense to consolidate the month worksheets into one as each worksheet already has a lot of data in it to begin with.
I would like to make an IF-formula in excel. The problem is that i would like to to it for 12 different commands. i.e "IF(A1=14;243;"") but for 12 commands I saw that the in-built IF function in excel only manage 7 commands, is this true? And how do I write the formula,
Is it possible to make a setting in the registry, so next time excel opens the addin is not "marked" in the addins-list. I can't do it manually because, because the close_event in the addin will be executed and that will screw things up. Currently I'm looking at the regkeys: addin-manager and options, I see a change in the registry if I close XL when I unchecked an addin from the addin-list. It looks promising, but Iám not familiar with it
I am trying to make code to randomly pair up players. I have found code which makes a button that randomly pairs up players in a list but I want to make it so that ? players are paired with ? other players instead of everyone at the same time so that a person dosn't get paired with more then one player at a time.
E.g. take the first 6 players in a last and pair them with the second 6.
This is the code I found:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x As Range, RanRng As Range, z As Range, oRes, Ray Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, real, oSt As Integer, cl As Range Dim oCol As Integer Set RanRng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
I have a column that adds the total points for each Golfer at each Golf Course. (Column AI) I've added another column that I want to add the total points for each Golfer from each Course played. (Column AJ)
How can this be done so that it adds each players total points for each Course Played? There could be more Courses as well. Would I use a: (=IF(Course=Courses,Vlookup(Course,B2:B65536),35,False) with a Sum???
I am starting a new Fantasy Football League. I am wanting to be able to enter players into Sheet 2 as they are picked. And I am wanting those picks to be simultaneously placed on Sheets 3-14 according to their position. Sheet 1 is a list of names according to positions. A more detailed explanantion is entered below.....
I have this macro and I would like to audit the selection of players selected. I would like the number that is entered in the input obx to be placed in the sheet "DRAFT" and be placed in A1 and the next in A2 and so on. Can this code be modified for this to occur.
Sub SearchDelete() Dim ID, c As Range ID = InputBox("Enter the Super10 Player ID Number", "Super10 Player Search") If IsNumeric(ID) Then With ActiveSheet.Range("a:a") Set c = .Find(ID, LookIn:=xlValues) If Cells(c.Row, 11).Value = "" Then Msg = "P L A Y E R A L R E A D Y S E L E C T E D !" & vbCr & vbCr & "Player # : " & Cells(c.Row, 1).Value & vbCr & "Name : " & Cells(c.Row, 4).Value & vbCr & "Games : " & Cells(c.Row, 6).Value & vbCr & "Average : " & Cells(c.Row, 7).Value & vbCr & "Position : " & Cells(c.Row, 2).Value & vbCr & "Team : " & Cells(c.Row, 3).Value & vbCr & "Rank : " & Cells(c.Row, 27).Value & vbCr & "Rank POS : " & Cells(c.Row, 28).Value.............................
I am trying to assign a list of players onto teams but I need to distribute "skill" evenly to ensure teams are equally matched.
A statistician in the league suggested the best way to do this might be to sort the player list (descending) by the measure of "skill", then start assigning teams in blocks. If I have 40 players in the league / 4 teams = 10 players per team. I would randomize the numbers 1-4 (e.g. 3 1 4 2) and assign them to the first four players, randomize another set of 1-4, assign them to the next, and so on...
I could then sort the player list by “team assignment” column and have hypothetically equal skill on every team.
Couple of complications... number of players and teams might vary season to season. I will have to enter in number of teams and number of players at the beginning of each season along with a new list of their stats. Also, although I have a limited knowledge of Excel and VBA, none of the other coaches do so I want to make this as idiot proof as possible.
Using various macros (or functions) I found here I was able to randomize the first "block" of players but I cannot complete the randomizations for the remainder of the list. The only solution I have found would be to manually create an array using the “RandUnique” function over X (depending on number of teams) cells and then copy and paste this randomized subset down the rest of the player list.