Join 1 Column With Last Character Of Another

May 3, 2008

I need to take the number from column 1 and add the last letter from a string in column 2 for input into a third column:





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Join 2 Variables In Last Cell In Column

Sep 17, 2008

Split From Copy Non Null Cells In Column To Another. I'm trying to copy some of the results. How do you combine two variables with text into one cell. For example i want range("a1") = var1"."var2 so it would display var1.var2 if var1 = var1 and var2=var2

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Join Two Spreadsheets Based On A Common Column

May 13, 2006

I have two worksheets. One has columns A B C , the second has columns A B C D. Columns A in the two worksheets reflect the same data (serial number) , although one worksheet could have more rows than the other since it gets updated manually daily. I would like to use a macro that would:

1. use columns A's value in worksheet 1 to match a row in worksheet 2 then merge columns from worksheet 1 & 2 and insert into a new worksheet
2. repreat until all rows in worksheet 1 are read
3. save worksheet 3

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ARRAY.JOIN Function And Eliminate Any Blank Cells From The Final Column

Jan 30, 2009

I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of values from a 10 x 10 grid that does not have values in every cell.

(I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.)

I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.

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ARRAY.JOIN Function: Eliminate Any Blank Cells From The Final Column

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of all the values from a 10 x 10 array that does not have values in every cell. (I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.) I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.

how to properly execute that function. One earlier comment was that I was not specifying criteria. I'm not sure from the description and help section of "morefunc" as to what those criteria specs are, other than specifying the whole array. I am attaching a test file with the 10x10 grid & some missing values in A1:J10. Cell L1 has the ARRAY.JOIN function with the entire grid specified, but the output is only the first cell of the grid.

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Formulate Character In A Column?

Nov 3, 2008

How to formulate Character


B1 = IF character is 10, I take ABCDE (5 digit) but if only nine I'll take first 4 digit. How could I formulate that?

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Moving Text After Particular Character To Next Column

Oct 23, 2008

At this point, I have a list in the first column that looks something like the following:.......

First, I want to delete any cells that have two or more '' characters and delete any cells that do not have any text after the first '' character. Then I want to take the text before the character and put it in column B, deleting the ''. Once I have done these things, my original post and this one can be marked solved.

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Add Single Character Before & After Each Cell Value In Column

Jan 27, 2009

I am trying to do is put an asterisk at the beginning and the end of the Information in a cell for the entire column. Is there a way to make a macro that, once I highlight a column, it will put an asterisk at the beginning and end of the information in each cell in that column until a blank cell is reached where the macro will then stop? This will save me a lot of work. It will work for me if a particular column has to be defined in the macro, but would be better if it is one I can just highlight.

This would also work fine for me if I just had to highlight the cells that I want to use as well. Sorry if this seems to be a stupid question, but I am a very novice excel user

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Character Length Limit In Column In Excel?

Dec 16, 2013

Formula on how to limit character length limit in a column in excel. I would like to limit the column to 32 characters

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Retrieve A Character From A Text String In A Column?

May 26, 2009

i want to extract a value from a column into another column in excel.
this first column contains text and i want to extract a value that in located between the characters 'FOR' and 'MTHS'.
how do i do that?

the situation is the same for all the rows; the value that i want is just located between these characters.
is there a simpler way other than using the MID functn? because everytime i use it i need to count the no. of characters and its quite difficult to keep up with the numbers.

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Find Column Character Search Result

Jun 9, 2009

I'd like to search for text and get the column character where the cell with the found text. The combination the two 'demands'/formulae into one are giving me problems. And the fact that the column character can exist out of two characters I cannot solve.

I can get the column number with HLookup right? and it gives me the column number, not the character. I can solve this partially (and ugly even more) with =Char(((Hlookup etc)+64 (letter before A))).

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Finds Duplicates In Column And Adds An Alpha Character

May 10, 2009

I have a Macro that finds in Column F duplicates and adds an Alpha Character (A-Z) to the last right position in the filed.(1-12 Alpha/Numeric) .

It's set to check all rows until a specific number of rows are reached. The current code does this until intCount and intRow equals 1500. The number of rows vary in each file.

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Split A Column Into 2 - Use Character Limit That Does Not Cut Words In Half

Jun 11, 2013

I have huge columns of data that can only be 30 characters long. I want to use a formula to split the column into two. The original column will have a character limit of 30, and should not cut words in half. If the Length will be more than 30 while including the entire last word of the cell, that word should be the first displayed in adjacent cell in the 2nd column.

The 2nd column can be any length.

I usually use a Text to Columns method, but dont know how to make it not cut off the words.

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Remove / Replace ONLY FIRST Occurrence Of First Character In All Rows Of Column?

Jul 30, 2013

I need to remove the first character in each row of a column, but only its first occurrence in each row. For instance:

Say, column 2 has following data (lots of rows, by the way):

First Text" - "blabla"
=SomeText2 = "blabla"
SomeText3 = "blabla"
=SomeText4 = "blabla"
-SomeText5 --- "blabla"

I would like to use the VBA code to remove ONLY the FIRST occurrence of the FIRST character specified (either "=" or "-") in each row in that column, so that I get:

First Text" - "blabla"
SomeText2 = "blabla"
SomeText3 = "blabla"
SomeText4 = "blabla"
SomeText5 --- "blabla"
...and so on...

I tried to use this:

Columns(2).Cells.Replace What:="-", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Columns(2).Cells.Replace What:="=", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
but it replaces ALL occurrences of "=" and "-" and that is not what I need.

I also tried this code:

With Range("B:B")
.Value = Replace(.Value, "=", "", 1, 1)
End With

But It doesn't work either.

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How To Remove Special Character Without Disturbing Other Character

Nov 27, 2012

To all sifus out there, how can i transfer from these:


To these:


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Append All Digits Before Character To All Numbers Between The Same Character

May 18, 2008

I have got a list of numeric abbreviations, for instance 10739011/21/31/41. What it should really display are the numbers 10739011, 10739021, 10739031 and 10739041 (the first six figures stay the same). All the numbers in my list are 8 figures long. I want to change the list from the list seperated by the backward slash to the complete numbers. I have uploaded an example of the list with backward slash between the numbers. Is there a way that Excel can automatically change these numbers to the full numbers?

Because all the numbers are 8 figures long, I thought the first 6 figures of the 1st number can be copied and those 6 figures pasted before the other two figures after the backslash. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;sorry, pressed OK too quickly. The problem is that there are sometimes 4 numbers in the cell, sometimes 6 and once three. I would like Excel to complete all the numbers in the cell and then move on to the cell underneath it and so on. Also, I would like each number to have it's own cell.

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Look For Character In Cell And Insert New Character - For More Than One

Sep 20, 2009

I have a cell which will contain SER01+SER02+SER03

and what i need it to contain is [SER01]+[SER02]+[SER03]

and shocker is i've got this to work for the first instance but not the other two

code as below... be grateful for your help

Sub measure1()
Dim list As String, pos As Integer, refl As String, refr As String, newlist As String
list = Cells(1472, 16).Value
pos = InStr(list, "+")
refl = Left(list, pos - 1)
refr = Right(list, pos + 1)
newlist = "[" & refl & "]"
Cells(1472, 17) = newlist
End Sub

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Find Empty Cell In Column And Apply Required Character To Empty Visible Cells?

May 8, 2014

I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.

I am using code similar to the below:

[Code] .....

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Add Character After 1st Character Of Cells

May 6, 2008

Need a formula/code that will determine what the corrected part number should be (insert dashes if they are missing) by comparing to other values in the list.

Original A1:A5 = {452, a-bc, 123, 4-52, abc}
Corrected C1:C5 = {4-52, a-bc, 123, 4-52, a-bc}

I can do this using an intermediate working column, but can this be done all in one formula, or via VBA?

My formulaic solution is thus: .....

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Sql To Join Two Table

Aug 10, 2008

how to join two tables which their relationship is one column in A table inclue another column in B table.

for example:
Table A:

Table B:

I want to join Table A and Table B, and the where clause should be A.ColumnA1 include B.ColumnB1.

Like the value of A.ColumnA1 is "Abc1234 test", and the value of B.ColumnB1 is "1234", and then we can join the TableA and Table B

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Join 2 Cells In VBA

Dec 6, 2007

I'm writing an Excel Macro and want to sum a number cell with the value "45667" and a text cell with the value "Prague" and return it to a new cell with the value " 45667 Prague"

I've done it successfully with the two text cells "John" and "Hopkins" to "John Hopkins".

This is my

Sub SumCells()

Dim FirstName, SecondName, Zipcode, City, fullname, fulladdres, space

FirstName = range("cell1").value
SecondName = range("cell2").value
Zipcode = range("cell3").value
City = range("cell4").value
space = " "

fullname = firstname + space + secondname
fulladdress = zipcode + space + city

The problem is that city is recognized as "Prague", and the zipcode as 45667 (without the "")

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Join Rows Of Data?

May 26, 2014

We have approximately 100 rows x 200 columns of data and would like to combine the contents into one row. Is this possible without copying and pasting many times.


1 abc dek jui kol
2 ppo adf asd dfa

into one row

1 abc dek jui kol ppo adf asd dfa

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Join Two Record Sets From Different DB Using Vba?

Jun 9, 2014

I have an requirement that retrieving the data from two different data bases. I want to compare those two and prepare a report using VBA. I am able to get the data to excel separately, but now I need to join these two sets based on the key columns

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How To Join Cells In Different Columns

May 31, 2012

I have a list containing hundreds of rows and I need to join the cells in different columns.

Eg. Col A, Row 1 is "Red Maple"
Col B, Row 1 is "Acer Rubrum"
Col C, Row 1 is "60mm"

I need to join the row into one cell reading "Red Maple Acer Rubrum 60mm"

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Join The Text Formula

Feb 26, 2007

Column A2:A100 contains part description various len lengths max is 50 min is 22.

Column B2:B100 contains scrap qtys.

In column C2:C100 in need to join the text in A and B.

i want the scrap qty's all to be alligned i.e level, as column C is shown in a userformlist box.

meaning joining text/values would look like this (ignore full stops)
dispenser calsberg .........70
tap beer......................... 80

instead of
dispenser calsberg 70
tap beer 80
cowl 100

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Join Two Cells Of Data

Apr 20, 2009

I want to take a cell with a persons first name and a cell with their last name and combine into one.

What I have.
A1 B1
John Smith
Walt Smith

What I want.

John Smith
Walt Smith

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Join Arrays In Formula

Jun 14, 2009

I have a long OR function that I'm working on. The logicals for this change the search value from 1 to 9. Here is one of the logicals:


I need the "???" to be the arrays. The most complex of these will be: A1:C1&a2&c2&a3:c3 or is it
A1:c1,a2,c2,a3:c3 or perhaps another join method like

How do you join arrays to get the right result?

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Code To Join Dots

Dec 16, 2009

Cells E39:E53 are conditionally formatted to fill red if cell $AB$13=the cell 3 to its left .. eg: cell E39 would fill red if cell B39 (the cell 3 to the left of E39) is equal to cell $AB$13

Only one cell in the range will meet the condition at any time.

I also have the same range conditionally formatted to fill black if cell $AF$13=the cell 3 to its left .. eg: cell E39 would fill black if cell B39 (the cell 3 to the left of E39) is equal to cell $AF$13

Ranges F39:F53, and G39:G53, H39:H53 etc etc etc (all the way up to X39:X53) are all conditionally formatted the same way.

What I would like is for the cell that fills red in the first range to have a line connecting it to the cell that fills red in the second range, etc etc etc.

And the same for the cells that fill black.

Creating a chart from my data is not an option for other reasons, so I'd like to explore this possibility.

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Search For Name & Copy/Join To Corresponding Value

Aug 22, 2009

I'm dealing with 4 columns. Column A is a list of names. Column C is also a list of names, each with a number beside it in Column D (i.e "John Smith" in cell C1 with "10" beside it in cell D1). I need a formula that can search the list of names in Column A for the matching "John Smith", then put the corresponding number ("10") beside his name in Column B. Meaning...if the search finds the matching "John Smith" in cell A6, I need the formula to copy "10" to cell B6.

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Join Text With Cell Value

Dec 5, 2006

I am trying to change the value in a cell by referenceing it to another sheet. My cell is: Today it is 33F, have a nice day. Now, 33F should be called from another cell and should be inserted in this new cell. If I change the 33F in the other cell this change should be reflected in my text file.

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