Join 2 Variables In Last Cell In Column
Sep 17, 2008
Split From Copy Non Null Cells In Column To Another. I'm trying to copy some of the results. How do you combine two variables with text into one cell. For example i want range("a1") = var1"."var2 so it would display var1.var2 if var1 = var1 and var2=var2
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May 3, 2008
I need to take the number from column 1 and add the last letter from a string in column 2 for input into a third column:
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May 13, 2006
I have two worksheets. One has columns A B C , the second has columns A B C D. Columns A in the two worksheets reflect the same data (serial number) , although one worksheet could have more rows than the other since it gets updated manually daily. I would like to use a macro that would:
1. use columns A's value in worksheet 1 to match a row in worksheet 2 then merge columns from worksheet 1 & 2 and insert into a new worksheet
2. repreat until all rows in worksheet 1 are read
3. save worksheet 3
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Jan 30, 2009
I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of values from a 10 x 10 grid that does not have values in every cell.
(I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.)
I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.
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Feb 2, 2009
I am trying to use the ARRAY.JOIN function as recommended by Domenic in previous posts. I need to output a single column of all the values from a 10 x 10 array that does not have values in every cell. (I would also like to eliminate any blank cells from the final column.) I can only get ARRAY.JOIN to output the first value of whatever range I select, not a column of values.
how to properly execute that function. One earlier comment was that I was not specifying criteria. I'm not sure from the description and help section of "morefunc" as to what those criteria specs are, other than specifying the whole array. I am attaching a test file with the 10x10 grid & some missing values in A1:J10. Cell L1 has the ARRAY.JOIN function with the entire grid specified, but the output is only the first cell of the grid.
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Dec 5, 2006
I am trying to change the value in a cell by referenceing it to another sheet. My cell is: Today it is 33F, have a nice day. Now, 33F should be called from another cell and should be inserted in this new cell. If I change the 33F in the other cell this change should be reflected in my text file.
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Sep 8, 2006
I have three cells in A2:C2 which require user to input some data.
What I want to achieve is to combine the data from A2:C2 in D2.
C2 is a field which user will input the date. He might key in 21/08/06 or
21/08/06, 30/08/06
I have tried using below formulas in D2 but without success.
=A2&" " &B2&" "&(C2)
=A3&" " &B3&" "&DAY(C3)&"/"&MONTH(C3)&"/"&YEAR(C3) (doesn't work if there are 2 dates.
I have attached a file which shows 3 scenarios if user input 1 date and 2 dates.
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Dec 14, 2009
i have a large spreadsheet of more than 400.000 address entries. The data is sorted by tables "A=name" "B=city" "C=country"
I need to join cells of Table A whenever B(city) & C(country) match.
Is there a formula which:
Looks up tables for cells with same "country" + same "city" = join all the names of Cell A (names)
Example: ....
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Aug 23, 2006
I have a document that has 3 colums.
Complete Name | Surname | First Name
The Complete Name is currently blank. The others just list the users Surname and First name. In the Complete name I need it to have Surname,Firstname - for example
Complete Name | Surname | First Name
Jordan,Michael Jordan Michael
Is there a Formula (Not Macro) that I can use to combine the Surname and First name cells to populate the Complete name cell with the surname,first name???
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Sep 28, 2006
I am trying to write some VBA to join the values in 2 cells into another cell for a list, however my knowledge at this level is a little lacking. For each row in a list I would like to join the value of the cell of Column A and the value in the cell of Column B and write the output to Column C for that row, as shown in the attached example. Column C in the example shows the expected output.
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Apr 27, 2009
i know this is easy but i don't have an idea how to do it. I have dates written on column A1:A7 like
what I would like to do is how can I combine 29-Mar-09 and 4-Apr-09 into one cell...I would like the output to be placed in cell A8 appear as "29-Mar-09 to 4-Apr-09".
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Apr 2, 2007
apSheet.Range("A2").Formula = "=D2&E2&F2"
I am trying to do the same kind of formula with a user form where the user is picking the range for the needed columns. I am not sure how to make it work.
Private Sub test()
'declare variables
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim iSheet As Worksheet
Dim apSheet As Worksheet
Dim glSheet As Worksheet
Dim x As Long
Dim apA, apB, apC, apD, apE, apF, apG, apH, apI, apJ
Dim LstAPRow
'set variables
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set iSheet = wb.Worksheets("Instructions")
Set apSheet = wb.Worksheets("AP Query")
With apSheet
LstAPRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
End With..............................................
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Oct 16, 2006
I have two cells. In cell A1 there is a text "(fi) = " and in A2 a number, for example 30. (fi) means a symbol for diameter (letter "f", using Symbol font). Is it possible to joint those two cells in third cell using formula "=A1&A2", maintaining original fonts? What i get is "f = 30", not "(fi) = 30".
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Apr 11, 2008
I am trying to write a macro that will select and copy all cells in a row that do not have a zero value.
The data I am trying to select will be contained in 12 cells in a single row, i.e cells A1:L1 and all zero values will always be on the right hand side of the first non-zero value in this row (going left to right), for example:
Row: A B C D E F G H I J K L
(1) 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
What I want to do here is to select and copy cells E1 to L1, since they are the cells with non-zero values. This can vary, so here there are 8 cells with non-zero values but the next time there might be only 5 cell or all 12 cells, etc. I have a lot of data to sort like this so doing this manually takes a lot of time.
Once the macro has selected and copied the right cells, I will manually paste the data where I need to put it.
The big problem I am having is knowing how to firstly select the appropiate cells.
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Jun 19, 2008
i need to copy the values from more than one cell and need to paste all the values in the single cell (if possible values seperated by commas).
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Aug 23, 2007
I am joining two cells together, date and time.
I1 & J1
12/13/2005 12:35:00 PM
I want it to appear as
12/13/2005 12:35:00 PM
but after joining i get the serial value of:
38699 0.524305555554747
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Jan 11, 2007
This is not related to macro - it's an excel question regarding wrapped-around text within a cell (i.e.: text brought onto next line by <Alt>+<Enter>)...
SayI have the following in a cell :
and say I want to add a figure (in this example 1A) to the first part of the cell and then another to the second line of wrapped text and so on. How can I split the cell (or lookup the first 'wrapped' line) so that I can then perform changes (using formulas with '&' to combine etc or whatever) so that in the end cell have the following:
Car 1A<Alt>+<Enter>
Truck 2C<Alt>+<Enter>
Van 1B
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Jul 20, 2007
Looking for formula with if then statement that involves a nested formula or concatenation. I need a formula that says: If cell A reads exactly ABCD then concatenate cell A with cell C. Very basic to most of you gurus but I'm fairly new with formulas.
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Aug 9, 2007
I am attemping to transpose a column of data into a single cell. I have a list of contact information, and one of the columns is for e-mail addresses. There are filters to the right of the data with different categories so the contact information can be filtered according to the different criteria. Ultimately, the people using the spreadsheet want to use those filters to create a list of e-mail addresses to send their distributions to.
The people who are using this don't have Outlook so we can't use an output to add them to the Outlook address book. We would like to make one cell at the bottom of all the data which would include all the e-mail addresses from that column seperated with a semi colon so they can just copy the contents of that cell and paste that into the To: field on their e-mail program. I've tried several different things but I've not been able to find a solution.
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Aug 23, 2007
I'm usually able to find my answer but I couldn't find anything to match what I need. Anyway... this is either really simple or impossible to do. I have two cells which have times in each. Say A1 has 5:00 PM and A2 has 10:00 PM. I'm just trying to make it so one cell will say:
From 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM... So I tried this ="From " & A1 & " to " & A2
But as I'm sure you already know that yields this result:
From 0.708333333333335 to 0.916666666666668
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Jan 17, 2008
For Exempel
I have even tried with concernate and indirect in A3 but no difference there...
I want A3 to return =B1 but it only returns it in text but i want it in form of a formula. Is there a formula that returns text directly into a formula or an easy way to do this?
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Jan 11, 2010
I have been trying to use the concatenate function to join some text strings to a cell on a different sheet - From an input sheet -Sheet 1 named Input, to a Notification Form (Sheet 2). Although the Function Argument display tells me that it will display the result I want it actually displays just the formula. It's a very simple thing
Address 1 10 Downing Street
Address 2 Westminster
Address 3 London
Postcode SW1A 1AA
I want displayed as: 10 Downing Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 1AA in a single merged cell. All I am getting on the Form is =concatenate(Input!c25," ",Input!c26," "Input!c27," "Input!c28). I feel sure that it is a very easy solution but I can't arrive at it!!
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Jun 17, 2013
I want a formula to do the following. Count all instances when column A contains S or A and column B = 1. The example below would equal 2 (ONES MEETING CRITERIA ARE IN BOLD).
N 2
S 1
A 1
D 3
X 2
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Dec 2, 2013
I am making a weekly plan for machine inspection at the end of every column i need to sum how many machine will be inspected.
L= area
L1=10 ,) L1 has 10 machines ... this number can be change in the future that is why t is variable. for example:
L1=10, L2= 25, L3=20
sum ?
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Nov 25, 2009
i have data on number of employees in culomn A range from 1 to 10000. i need to generat four dummy variables in column B,C,D and E as the following
s=1 if number of employees 1-50 and zero otherwise
m=1 if number of employees 51-100 and zero otherwise
l=1 if number of employees 101-1000 and zero otherwise
xl=1 if number of employees 1001-10000 and zero otherwise
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Dec 3, 2013
I have a datasheet with 6000+ entries. One column has lists of companies, of which there are around 300 and their are entered into this column multiple times. I organized and identified the largest ones but a work file of 6000 is making it a long process to find every single company listed, paste their name onto a separate table to analyses. Is there a formula to take all the different company names and arrange them in a list OR list them just once in a column next to it? I will have to do this again and the analysis of the companies is the most important.but I find I need to spend all evening steadily combing the haystack for needles!
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Dec 9, 2009
COL 0 1
COL 0 1
I need to add the number of 0's in column B if Column A is COL and C OR D is 1. correct function yields 3 for this example. I've played with =sumproduct(if)) and =sumproduct(if(and))) etc... can't figure it out.
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Jun 28, 2007
I have data in three columns. The first column contains the machine name (Robot 3, Robot 4, and Robot 5), the second column contains the paint color (1-20), and the third column contains the data that I need to sum. For example the data could be paint purges, the number of purges from each robot. Each row of data will contain a number of purges for each robot, for each color. The data is provided by day, so I will be summing the data weekly.
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Mar 2, 2008
I recorded a macro to perform a graphing operation which will be used in a For-Next Loop which will run eight times. I need to modify the “ range” portion of one of the recorded lines to allow the graphing data to be dependent on variables I have set up as integers. See the applicable part of the recorded code below.
Dim firstrowno As Integer
Dim ltcol As Integer
Dim lastrowno As Integer
Dim rtcol As Integer
‘code which sets the values of the above variables Is Not shown
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:= Sheets("PLOTS").Range("AN27:AQ33"), PlotBy _
How do I replace/modify the ("AN27:AQ33") in the code above using the variable integers; firstrowno, ltcol, lastrowno and rtcol ?
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Jan 31, 2013
I have a table which looks like this:
Name 1 IDNumber Name 2 Name 3 Column 5
Tom20148 John Malmo
Tom20148 Will Malmo
Bob20206 Will Malmo
Tom20206 Will Paris
Bob20206 Rob Rotterdam
Bob20207 John Rotterdam
Ray20207 John Paris
Tom20208 John Malmo
Ray20208 Rob London
Ray20209 Rob Paris
Bob20209 Will Malmo
Is it possible to have excel go through this list and assign each row a number in column 5 based on the names and the IDNumber? Basically, I would want each entry that is identical in name 1, 2 and 3 to be assigned numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc based on their IDNumber. So Tom/John/Malmo with the IDNumber 20148 would get the number 1 in column 5, while the next match (Tom/John/Malmo/20208) would get the number 2 in column 5. For each different match of Name 1,2 and 3, I would want the count in column 5 to start at 1. So Bob/Will/Malmo/ 20206 would get number 1, Bob/Will/Malmo/20209 number 2 etc.
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