Label Making (take The Information And Incorporate It Into A Label Format)
Jan 14, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with a customers information and various parts we make for them. I need to be able to take this information and incorporate it into a label format. I need something quick and easy as there can be 150 parts per customer
As I am a fresh user of excel 2007 I do not know how hard it is to solve the problem I am facing but hopefully there is a solution that the readers here are willing to share with me.
I have a list of **-s that I have recorded as a hobby with my friends (karaoke, free concerts...) and I have them coded in a specific way, so that I can find them on a shelve easily. The list is built up in a form that is seen on the example file that I added. So far I have used my own handwriting and a sticker to label my ** boxes. Itīs not a very good looking combo to be honest. Since I already have all the data in my excel tabel it would be good to use excel to take all the things from there and just print it out. How to do that? The front cover is easy, I used VLOOKUP function. All I have to do is enter a number into the column C1 and the front label gets filled.
The problem for me is the back cover that should take the right track nr, title and length from several rows (VLOOKUP uses only one row at a time)? How to make it work, that excel would know that on the first album there are 3 tracks and when chaging a number in C1 there would be 2 tracks on a second one.
I have two userforms with a label which displays CompetitorID. I want to transfer content (displayvalue) from UF1.label to UF2.Label. I know labels don't have a value property but want to simply know if it can be done as presently I'm getting run time error 380, can't set property value.
VB : HeadEntryForm.lbCompID = Me.lbCompID ' trf selected competitor ID to ID field on HeadEntryForm
I have a userform in Excel and I would like to have a label calculate from the sum of 3 different labels. I have tried a few ways of which none worked.
This is what I currently have. This returns $0.00 in the label value but does not calculate...
Code: Public Sub TotalCACost() If TextBox12.Value > "" Then Label685.Caption = ""
The reason that I have it as a public sub is that I am calling it to Private Sub extBox12_Change() as well as a couple of other textboxes so that when ever TextBox12 or the other textBoxes gets changed, the value will recalculate. The "other textBoxes" change the values of label443, 444, 445, 385, 386, 387 etc..
I would like to ask if there is a possible way for a Label to display information that are based on multiple textboxes? All the information are based on the textboxes and listboxes that are in the userform and will be displayed on the Label (label16)
I created a userform where if a value from cell x is true then the label caption changes to value in cell z. While everything works fine, the label caption does not seem to appear in my userform until i click on the label. Is there anyway that it can appear automatically once the userform opens?
Also example of my code is:
Private Sub EventDateResult_Click () If Range("A5") = "1" Then Me.EventDateResult.Caption = Range("N4") End If End Sub
I'm working for a local authority who have been given a mass of survey data. In this particular task, residents of each small district within our area have been asked their levels of satisfaction with a service, and how important they think that service is. I want to plot these two values against each other using a scatterplot, and label each service.
Excel does not automatically allow this so I used a very good sheet from the forums here: Attach labels with names to the points in a scatter plot. It's the top file, and works well. However, I can't seem to customise it for my own data.
Problems include:
- Excel often freezing when I try to run it - Not all the data being picked up for the chart - Incorrect labels being picked up..........
I have a plot that shows the position of a drifting buoy in the ocean. I have created a second series that is just the most recent position of that buoy. Everyday, using VBA, I update the chart 2nd series to point to the location of the new lat and long. For this second series, which is only one point, I have data labels turned on. I replace the data label text with the date and time of that latest position. Here is my problem. I can not find a way to format the date. No matter what I try, it has the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM. I really just want it to be a 24 hour clock (mm/dd/yy hhmm).
I have tried forcing the format of the variable date_of_latest_pos, I have tried changing the cell format that contains the actual date and time...
I have a textbox with a label & he will type in his name in the textbox & it appears on the label. Is there any way to put the word "Hi" on the label & then have his name appear after "Hi" on the label. I can do it using 2 labels side by side but I would like to have it all on 1 label
I am trying to create a button where it automatically copys and paste a label. I need to change the label name from the original to say "New". Since this button will be used constantly, how do I find the last Label copied, and change the caption on that lable? If you look at the code I have, you would see that it calls for a specific Label number to be changed (Label 826).
Sub CreateANewPN() Dim LastRow As Long Dim SecondLastRow As Long Range("I65536").Select LastRow = Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Row SecondLastRow = LastRow - 1 Range("A" & SecondLastRow, "A" & LastRow).Select Range("A" & SecondLastRow).Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.EntireRow.Copy Range("A" & SecondLastRow).Select Range("A" & SecondLastRow).Activate Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown ActiveSheet.Shapes("Label 826").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Characters.Text = "NewPN" End Sub
i am populating a form, one label on the form accepts a string (2, 3, 6, 7) or (45, 46, 49) without the brackets. ie. LblWrd
For i = 2 To final If BxSC = ws.Cells(i, 43) Then LblWrd = ws.Cells(i, 44) ElseIf BxSC = ws.Cells(i, 45) Then LblWrd = ws.Cells(i, 46) ElseIf BxSC = ws.Cells(i, 47) Then
i want to take those values, split them at the comma and place them into an array. That array then populates a combobox.
something along the lines of:
Private Sub BxWrd_Click() Dim arr() As Variant Dim splitTarget As Variant Dim splitString As String
I have the following code written to check calculations. Now I would like to make one or another Label Visible depending on the value this code returns.
If TextBox57 = 0 then I want Label 7 to visible but if it doesn't I need Label 8 to be visible. I am starting both Labels hidden.
Possible to create a class that contains a textbox and a label?
I need something like a checkbox except instead of showing a check mark, it shows how many time the checkbox is clicked.
What I can think of is a combination of a textbox and a label. When the label is clicked, the number in the textbox increases (or decreases, depending on a pre-set condition) by one.
I have a worksheet ("Pivot Tables") pivot table ("Breakfast"), and the Field ("Date") in the Row Labels. The date ranges from 1/20/2014 - 2/6/2014. My issue is figuring out a macro to automatically change the date ranges to what I want.
Is there a simpler way to write the code so I do not have to change the dates I want visible each time. But instead just write the start and ending date.
I am doing a "Lost and found" spreadsheet project for a hotel.
Each row contains the lost items with all the necessary info in separate cells (Room nr, found by, reference nr, client name, etc)
Every item is being bagged and then a label is put on it. ( has the same information but its just arranged prperly. (Like a label )
What I would like to do is to have a column in each row that has a "print" button. What would happen is that the macro would create a label in sheet2, print it on the default printer and then erase everything on sheet2. (I am kind of new to macros so I dont even know if I need to use the sheet 2 for it).
I have already done a kind of a template for the label and set it up on sheet2. I would probably manage to get the print function working with the online tutorials(if not i'll be back) but can't figure out how to do the first bit of it.
I have a table of data in cells B1:F5. I want to find the maximum value for each line of data from D:F and record the maximum value in cell H and then the heading (held in row 1) in cell I. Some one has kindly given me some code which has gotten me very close to this goal, but it doesn't quite work. I've been through the code line by line several times and I can't figure out where the problem is. I've included my code and the file.
Sub FindWinner() Dim lngEntryRows As Long Dim lngRow As Long Dim rngEntries As Range Dim dblMax As Integer Dim intMaxCount As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False lngEntryRows = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row lngRow = 2 Do Until lngRow = lngEntryRows Set rngEntries = Range("D" & lngRow, "F" & lngRow) dblMax = WorksheetFunction.Max(rngEntries) Range("H" & lngRow).Value = dblMax intMaxCount = WorksheetFunction. CountIf(rngEntries, dblMax) If intMaxCount = 1 Then Range("I" & lngRow).Value = Cells(1, WorksheetFunction.Match(dblMax, rngEntries)).Value Else Range("I" & lngRow).Value = "Draw" End If lngRow = lngRow + 1 Loop Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
I have a spreadsheet with rows of data. Presently, there are three pairs of columns. The first column in each pair has a label (E, F, R). The second column represents the number assigned to the label (e.g. 30, 40, 60, 70). The labels may appear in the first column of any of the three pairs. I would like to reorganize the data in three columns, which are headed, E, F, R, with the associated number underneath the heading. I have attached a sample spreadsheet showing the desired results.