Launching Another File Format From Vba

Mar 14, 2007

My company uses database software called Business Objects. At the moment few people are using the program and its reports as they can't find the key ones or workout how to run them correctly. As everyone is comfortable with excel. I am creating a series of forms to guide my users to the key reports. I like this method because it is very user friendly and I can add lots of descriptions. Unfortunately my programming knowledge is limited to excel so I can't write a standalone program as you might suggest I do.

The problem:
I want to launch the non-excel files using VBA. For example, a user will click on a "Customer" button to see a second form containing a list of customer reports. The user will then click on the button containing the name of the report they want to launch. I want the file to open. I tried using hyperlinks in an excel spreadsheet which works fine for opening the non-excel files, but it isn’t nearly as user-friendly or interactive.

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Launching Pdf Files In A Macro

Dec 17, 2008

I have a macro that launches word or excel files if the file address (e.g. C:Documents and SettingsHenryDesktop est.xls) is typed into cell A1 by looking at the last 3 letters of the file name.

I cannot find a way to enable it to launch pdf files as well (e.g. C:Documents and SettingsHenryDesktop est.pdf)

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Launching Macro Recorder Using VBA

Jun 9, 2009

I hide all Excel standard tabs and thus need a button on custom tab to record a macro. (I did this successfully with custom menu in Excel 2003.) In 2007 ribbon, I've reused the code for a button's OnAction, now going to callback that runs:

Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("MacroRecord")

In Excel 2003, the stop button appeared automatically for me. But in Excel 2007, with hiding standard tabs, etc., I see no way to stop recording, other than running my button to return the Developer's tab, where the Record Macro button has changed to Stop Macro.

I'd like to either add a second button to my ribbon to stop recording the macro (but I can't find an idMso to use in a callback) or have my Record button change to Stop button, like Excel does. But I can't come up with correct code.

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Launching VNC Browser From Worksheet

Apr 14, 2006

I have a worksheet that is a graphical display of a call floor with its cubicles. I am able to pop up a box with many details about the workstation in the cubicle (see Display pop-up box when cell selected) for more details, and would now like to go further with this application.

Our practice is to use VNC to review the end users' screens when they call us for assistance; given that I know the machine name and IP address, how can I start a VNC browsing session for the target machine?

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Saving And Launching Program Sequencing

Mar 3, 2014

I have a non Microsoft program file that I can open in excel. I usually make changes to the file; save it to its native format, then open up the non Microsoft program and open that file that I just edited in excel.

If I had to simplify it, using notepad as an example.

I open the TXT in excel and make changes.

Then Save the TXT in a folder location.

Open Notepad.

Browse to the folder Location.

Open the edited file.

I did not know if there was a quick VBA that I could use to get this to work?

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Launching Hyperlink - Exit Sub Procedure

Mar 13, 2014

I have a sub procedure that launches a hyperlink, but i have some conditionality so that if a cell (J3) is blank it pops up a message letting the user know they need to populate cell (J3). My problem is that if cell J3 is blank it pops of the message, but it still launches the link.

Sub NEWShyperlink()
Dim s As String

If Range("J3").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Make sure you have entered the ticker symbol into cell J3!", vbExclamation, "Can not get News/Press Releases"

[Code] .....

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Launching A Macro That's Stored In A To Be Opened

Nov 15, 2007

Sub test12()

Set wbABC = Workbooks.Open("C:ABCwithMacro.xls")
Call abcMacro 'this macro is stored in ABCwithMacro.xls
'error - sub or function not defined on 'call abcMacro'

End Sub

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Launching External Link In Firefox

Jan 30, 2007

I have a list of URLs and I wrote a small VBA code to launch them when the user clicks on a button, however, it launches in Internet Explorer. Is there any way to get it to launch in Firefox instead?

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Low Memory Launching Windows Explorer

Jul 7, 2007

how to launch windows explorer from a path that resides in a cell using the code below.

Sub LaunchWindowsExplorer()

Dim PID As Double
Dim strRootPath As String

Const strExpExe = "explorer.exe"
Const strArg = " " '" /e,/root, "

'// Change rootpath here
strRootPath = "J:MyDirectoryWilliams,Bob 7264"

PID = Shell(strExpExe & strArg & strRootPath, 1)

End Sub

The problem I have is that once I have done this a number of times (probably somewhere between 80-100 times then I notice windows explorer starts to play up as if running out of memory. A reboot soon fixes that, however, I was wondering if there is anything I can add to the code to keep it from hogging up memory...if that is even possible.

When I say 80 - 100 times, I don't mean opening up 80 - 100 instances of windows explorer. I mean launching windows explorer, moving some files then closing that instance of windows explorer. Then coming back into excel and repeating that process.

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Launching Excel In Separate Windows As Default?

Aug 16, 2012

Each time I click on an Excel file the worksheet will open up within an existing Excel worksheet that I have open. This is frustrating when you are working with two monitors or screens (laptop screen and additional monitor) and want to view each worksheet separately in separate screens. What I end up doing, which is not efficient, is I'll open the second worksheet which will open up in an existing worksheet that I have open and then I'll close it, and then launch a separate Excel worksheet and pull open the recent file and I'll have two open worksheets (not within same Excel worksheet I already have open). This allows me to grab and pull one worksheet in a separate screen and leave the other as I need both open on two monitors.

Question: is there a way to default Excel when opening or double clicking an Excel file to automatically open in a separate instance of Excel and not in an existing open worksheet?

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Launching Windows Explorer Path Error

May 27, 2007

I am trying to launch windows explorer from within excel vba. The routine below is borrowed from another post on this site and modified for my purposes.

Sub LaunchWindowsExplorer()

Dim PID As Double
Dim strRootPath As String

Const strExpExe = "explorer.exe"
Const strArg = " " '" /e,/root, "

'// Change rootpath here
strRootPath = "J:MyDirectoryWilliams,Bob 7264" ..............

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Launching Macro Based On Selected Cell Value (first Two Characters?)

Sep 6, 2013

I have a macro to sort a very large list of materials by a variety of conditions.

The macro runs automatically when a cell on the master list spread sheet is selected and using If/ElseIf it sorts based on what cell they have selected.

If ActiveCell = "ALUMINIZED" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$14:$K$1945").AutoFilter Field:=2
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$14:$K$1945").AutoFilter Field:=4
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$14:$K$1945").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _"Aluminized"

Which is working perfectly. The problem I am having is that some of the cells are two lines so it looks like this:


I don't know how to get it to launch based on that cell content because of the line break in there. Can I make it launch based on the first two characters only?

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File Format Or File Extension Not Valid

Sep 20, 2013

I saved my worksheet in vba .xlsx and for some reason, when I go to the folder that it's saved in and try to open the file I get an error message saying "excel cannot open the file 'PO Acks fo 09-20-2013.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file"

This is weird because I have another file that I save right before this that opens just fine without an error. Getting frustrating. When I go into the ~Users folder it shows as an excel file and saved as .xlsx.

Where would the link be missing?

Here is the code

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"G:PURCHASINGSupplier ServicesGroupSharePublic~UsersPO Acks for " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ".xlsx"

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3i8 File Format

Sep 1, 2009

I have files which are in "3I8" format....they open with excel....but the real problem is the data it has ( 121 801 1) is in one cell.....I should be able to add the last number....I cannot do it manually(8000 rows) there a way I can separate all three numbers in to each different cells in a single row.

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CSV File Format

Apr 8, 2009

i have an issue with CSV file format when opening in excel, between Col G and L i have cells which are overlapping to the next cell, not all of them overlap but there is quite a few, is there a way i can fix this, i have 20000 rows of data, i dont want to be going through manually trying to fix.

PFOLIOA/C CODEACCT NAME CURCODE DESCRIPTNNARRATIVE DATE ENTRY DATE CASH VALUE De--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABA001AUDCUST NOMINEES AUDINT0005 SALE 39727.08 INTECH BAL GR FD C29-Dec-082-Jan-09-27690.57N

This is what i want to achieve

PFOLIOA/C CODEACCT NAME CURCODE DESCRIPTNNARRATIVE DATE ENTRY DATE CASH VALUE De--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABA001AUDCUST NOMINEES AUDINT0005 SALE 39727.08 INTECH BAL GR FD C29-Dec-082-Jan-09-27690.57N

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Too Many Arguments For Specified File Format

Jan 23, 2014

Why excel won't accept a simple COUNT function?

This is the formula. It is supposed to count every 4th cell in a column.

=COUNT(F156,F152,F148,F144,F140,F136,F132,F128, F124,F120,F116,F112,F108,F104,F100,F96, F92,F88,F84,F80,F76,F72,F68,F64,F60,F56,F52,F48,F44,F40,F36,F32,F28,F24,F20,F16,F12,F8,F4)

Excel tells that it will accept up to 255 arguments in a COUNT function, but it'll only let me include:


I have to use this exact same formula as a SUM function as well, but am having the same problem. Neither SUM or COUNT will take all the arguments.

I've attached the file. The tabs in red are the worksheets that won't accept the formula. The green tabs worked fine (they all had less cells to include than the sheets in red.)

01-09-14 RouteSheets SLO.xls‎

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Save File Into CSV Format?

Jun 18, 2003

I am trying to save a file into a CSV format. When I choose that save as option the file is saved with the commas but a need each field to be surrounded by quotes.

Is there an easy way to do this? I know I could append the " around the data in each cell with a formula, but I'm hoping there is a cleaner way to do it.

I would also like to set the extention of the saved file to .txt when I save it, but Excel 2000 does not seem to let me do that.

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File Format Is Not Valid

Aug 3, 2005

i have a customer (im a computer tech, but excel is not my specialty) that has a weird problem with her most important file. She meant well, but tried to back up a 2.6 MB file to a floppy disk, and after it told her the disk was full, she was unable to open the file again in excel. (File Format Is Not Valid) It will, however, open in word, with the data there. Its in an unusable format, as there were 12 different worksheets (one for every month), all on the one page of MS Word. Better than nothing, but still will take weeks to reenter properly. I searched for a repair utility and had one that seemed to work, but only put a "0" in column A row 8. A far cry from what we are looking for. Ive also run a disk recovery program in the hopes of finding an older version of the file, but came up empty.

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File Cannot Be Saved In This Format

Jun 16, 2008

I have a file with code attached and when I try to save it I am told that the file cannot be saved in this format and that I must unprotect the code before saving.

I have no OnEvent macros in the code.

Does anyone have a solution for this problem. The code must be protected, non-protection is not an option.

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Date Format Error In CSV File

Apr 3, 2014

I am facing a weird date format error in .csv file for a specific time periods.

I have a file where data is stored on monthly basis from the years 1976 uptil today. I have all the data months in expected format except for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991. These files are created by using Informatica and SAS.

For example:
Expected date format = 1-January 1989
Actual Date Format = 1-Jan-89

This issue doesn't exist when we open the same file in Excel, Textpad and Notepad.

I have attached screenshot of the data (filename: CSV Issue.JPG).

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Saving File In DBase IV Format

Mar 20, 2006

I have done this several times in the past, but don't do it often. I have an
Excel spreadsheet that I need to save in DBase IV format, but when I try, it
cu ts off all of the columns to the right of what I can see on the screen
when I go back into the DBF file.

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Converting A Text File To .xls Format

Oct 21, 2008

I have received a large file of text and numbers arranged (loosely) in columns in a .txt file that I need to get into a usable form in Excel. I'm trying to use the Text Import Wizard but am running into problems geting the column breaks right as there are thousands of rows of data items. As soon I think that I've inserted the break line in the correct place I scroll down a little further to find an item that encroaches into the next column, and when I shift the break line to the right to accommodate this new item I then encroach on the items in this next column.

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Referencing To CSV File In Strange Format

Oct 21, 2009

I am working on an excel dashboard to display life information about energy consumption.

there is currently a bespoke syatem which does this but we need the dashboard to be changed so the job has fallen to me.

Energy usage across the site is recorded in a spreadsheet (automatically) every half an hour and is saved in a folder named CSV data, however the files are saved in a format which i assume is something for the current package: *.ew7

I can open and view the data by clicking "open as" and selecting excel.

I can reference to this data from another excel spreadsheet (dashboard) whilst they are both open it will update.

However when i close all spreadsheets and open just the dashboard it tells me that the links cannot be updated.

I need a solution or a way around this so i can reference from one workbook to another.

Has anyone had any experience of this kind of thing? can anyone offer a humble analyst a bit of advice?

I was not able to attach the file here (as its in the ew7 format) but i have uploaded it to rapidshare for anyone who wants to take a look...

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2007 DOS File Reading Into Format

Apr 8, 2009

I am running a DOS command to create a directory listing of ONLY DIR files with the short dos filenames and the long filenames. The command used is

DIR /A:D /X /N /S > c:sampledata.txt

Once read into excel, I simply want to have a spreadsheet with the following:

Directory Path Name, DIR Short Name, DIR Long Name

Anyone have some code to already do this? I have attached the sampledata.txt file to go with the pseudo code.

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Keep Text Format When Saving CSV File?

Apr 9, 2012

I have the following code which is part of a much larger macro which is converting a number so that the the trailing zero in the number 49.50 appears in the formula bar. This is essential as the eventual csv file links to an external printing program which only prints what is sees.

My problem is that this fix works when the file is saved in excel format, but when I save it in CSV format the number reverts to 49.5. How can I convert the original number which appears as 49.5 in the formula bar and is viewed a 00000050 in the file that the sent through. I cannot convert using the text to columns when the file is opened as the other codes in the original file need to maintain the original formatting.


Sub mc003()
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets


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Excel 2010 :: How To Keep XLS File Format

Jul 1, 2014

Isn't there a checkbox somewhere where I can tell Excel 2007 to leave xls files as they are? My Excel 2010 doesn't urge me to save an old xls file format into xlsx but in Excel 2007 I can't find a switch (and I don't rememeber if I had to do anything in 2010). So ultimately I want to stay in compatibility mode when using old files.

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Export .bin File Format In Excel

May 5, 2009

How do I export a file in .bin format

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Extract Date From File Name & Format

Aug 30, 2007

I'm just wondering how you would go about extracting a date from a filename and formatting it into a different format so you can . Find with it. The file names are always in the same format with the same prefix. So each file is something like ABCDEFGyyyymmdd.xls. I'm really lost on where I should start with this one

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Non US Date Format For Dates In CSV File

Oct 21, 2007

I am using a CSV that has the date in Column A in the format of DD/MM/YYYY. When I open this CSV using a VBA comand the Format of the Cells in this col are then formated as either Date or General. The general format happends when the date cant be turned into US format and when it can then the date is turned US and displayd as such.

14- Sep = 14/09/2007 as General
10- Sep = 09/10/2007 as Date

Im in Australia so the correct format is DD/MM/YYYY. Microsoft has issued a fix for this using Local:=True in the file open comand which is all good and well as it works unless you have office 2000 when it crashes. What would be the best way of fixing this, so that the Dates are all correct or the col is all the same format?

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Export Csv Without Changing The Format Of The Original File

Nov 20, 2013

In any other software, when I save a copy, or export to a different format the original file remains unaffected but in an excel it seems to work differently...and I end up having to save my file back to the xslx format. this extra time wasted when I am regularly exporting but it also makes me a bit nervous that I might accidentally not save back to the format with all my worksheets etc etc..

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