Legend Overlaps The Plot Area Of Chart
May 4, 2007
I have charts that needs to be placed on specific position and have specific sizes on a chartsheet. I use chartobjects(i).plotarea (top, left, width, height) for that.
Unfortunately when I set these values they still change and get antoher value, there is some scaling going on in Excel and I do not know where that comes from. I have been looking on the internet and finally I found a piece of code which works, but still not good enough, because the legend is also not good positioned.
De data for resizing the charts (ChtNew), the legends and the charttitle I get from other charts (ChtOrig). The legend.legendposition of ChtOrig does not have a value but it still have a top,left,height en width which I use.
I show you my code, the part with the for-next is taken from the internet.
With ChtNew.legend
.Top = ChtOrig.Legend.Top
.Height = ChtOrig.Legend.Height
.Left = ChtOrig.Legend.Left
.Width = ChtOrig.Legend.Width '* 1.1
.Top = ChtOrig.Legend.Top + ChtOrig.ChartTitle.Top
End With
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Oct 26, 2006
I have plenty of experience with VBA outside of charts so that's where I need assistance. I need to get SeriesCollection(4), the PTAI series, to appear on the area chart second from the bottom instead of on the top.
The order for the non-line series should be, from top to bottom:
SeriesCollection(3) - Non-Mission AC ( Training, T&E, AMarc series)
SeriesCollection(2) - Total Pipeline series
SeriesCollection(4) - PTAI series
SeriesCollection(1) - Available PMAI series
Here's the
Sub MakeSandChart()
Dim ChartSource As Range
Dim ChartName As String
Dim ChartSheet As String
Dim yCount As Integer
Dim PAA_Value As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
passtype = Mid(ActiveSheet.Name, 5, 1)
Set ws = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
ChartName = Left(ActiveSheet.Name, 5)
ChartSheet = ChartName & " Chart"
ChartName = "F18" & passtype
Set ChartSource = Union(Range("SummRowDate" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowTAI" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowNM" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowTotPipe" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowPTAI" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowPMAI" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowPlanPAA" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowWorkPAA" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowDrillPAA" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowBaseline" & passtype))
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Jan 29, 2010
how to resize the plotarea of a chart so that it wont overlap with the title. I can't seem to find the appropriate property to let me determine the height or the bottom edge of the chart title.
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May 16, 2008
This seems so simple but i looked everywhere and i cannot find the vba script to add a 3 point solid black line border around the chart and plot area of my graphs. The record macro option does not record this.
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Sep 30, 2013
I need a way to make a customized legend for a scatter plot, is there any way to do that through VBA? I have a scatter plot with some points highlighted green, and some points grey depending on the user selection and need to be able to create a legend based on what the user selects (e.g. Green - Category B, Grey - Category A, etc.).
For some reason I can't get Excel to rename points on the scatter, so I feel like there is only one option: create custom images and align them correctly with labels on the plot.
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Nov 1, 2006
I am trying to graph the following data in an area chart with line charts superimposed on the area chart. I have a lot of data (and a lot going on) so I'm trying to figure out the best way to show this in excel from a functional standpoing (i can't get this to work in excel!!) to also an asthetic standpoint (dont want it to look terrible or illegible). This is what I'm trying to chart:
1) Weather data (temperature) by region:
So one region, would be: Northwest
I would like the "area" (so a shaded region) to be the min/max of the temperature data for each month.
2) I would like to show the temperature for each year as a line graph on the chart - so you can see if a year falls in or out of the shaded region.
3) I would like to show a company's sales increases across the same months per year as separate line charts. I may choose to just show the biggest outlier year in the end... or to show 2006 (the latest data).
What I am trying to convery with the chart is that the company's sales is or is not tied to weather deviations. I have attached an excel file with the data. I haven't been able to use the area chart or get a two axis chart to work or get it to look even remotely professional.
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Jan 13, 2009
I follows Andy Pope Methods to make average line,
Q.1 To make the line span across plot area continue…
I can not find solution, trying different options.
Please let me know how to do it?
Q.2 Question related to Average
If value is zero the, how to make average excluding zero by excel functions.
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Jan 3, 2012
I'm trying to format the plot area of a X-Y scatter chart in a three colour gradient (Green, Yellow & Red).
The trick is, I would like the green portion to be centred in a user defined place on the plot with the yellow radiating from it, and the red radiating from the yellow. Ideally I would like to define some stops for the green as a user defined shape, with stops for the yellow outside the green stops (like the % stops you get in a vertical or angled gradient, but instead of the stops being simple straight lines or concentric circles from the middle, they would be user defined shapes).
I can do the normal types of gradient, but have no idea how to customise them in this way.
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Jun 29, 2014
I'm using Office/Excel 2004 on a Mac Mini duo running OS10.6.8. I upgraded to Office/Excel 2011 but I find the program so horrible I had to switch back to 2004.
The problem: On one chart, the Y-axis label values have moved from outside the left-hand axis to _inside_ the right-hand axis and within the plot area. I can't figure out how to move the labels back to the right position.
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Jul 30, 2007
how can I add an legend entry that has been removed by error?
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Jun 28, 2005
I am creating a chart where the number of data series used on the chart will change every time the code runs depending on what information people are looking for. That part works fine. I need a legend that shows which data series were added to the chart. Is there a way to get a dynamic legend on the chart that matches the data series, without manually adding it?
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Dec 18, 2008
I'm running Excel 2003 and I'm getting a #REF error in the legend of a chart! It displays the #REF and then the label. Anyone any idea what causes this - I can't find anything in Help.
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Jul 2, 2006
I want to include a legend to a bubble chart in the folowing format: the smallest bubble in this legend should represent values between A and B, the second (somewhat bigger bubble) should represent values between B and C,and so on. Is it possible to produce a standard legend in a bubble chart?
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Jan 15, 2007
I have a chart graphing different series, which includes a legend to label each series. The labels are linked to particular cells in the worksheet.
Most of the chart has Arial font formatting, but I need to change the formatting of a few characters in the legend:
I know that i can change the formatting of the whole legend, and even different entries in the legend. Is it possible to change the font of just a couple of characters in one legend entry?
Elements I need to change are:
Font type (eg from arial to symbol)
Size (varying from 8 to 14)
Bolding etc.
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Jun 16, 2012
We have a lot of charts we want to create in Excel 2007. We have templates created that seem to work. (But also sometime seem to not.)
After the charts are created that are placed in their own chart pages/sheets. The problem I'm having is that the x axis title doesn't seem to be centered horizontally wrt the x axis of the plot area. (It does look centered wrt the chart area.)
Some code or an algorithm to control he placement of the x axis title and maybe center it?
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Apr 8, 2012
So i deleted a chart legend - is there a way to get this back or do you have to start all over again?
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Jul 31, 2014
How do i change a title in legend on a chart. i.e. I want the label to be MGRS 2%
Job Category
Category %
EE Total
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Nov 22, 2013
I have 10 graphs with more than 20 legend entries. However, each graph only needs 3-4 elements out of the 20 legend entries in the graph. Is there any way to force Excel to only show those legend entries that have a value? (without deleting them manually)
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Dec 16, 2011
I have a chart with 20 series labels that are series 1, series 2.... etc. I want to label them with 20 corresponding cells but can't find how to do this in Excel 2010 (I seem to remember this being easy to do in older versions). At the moment I am having to click on source data and edit each label individually... Is there a quicker way?
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Sep 25, 2007
see this example of a chart: see Image1.gif (the right thumbnail) as you can see 2 different types of graphs are combined: "lines with markers" and "clustered column".
in the legend one can see that the order inside the legend is clustered by the two types. within a type i can change the order easily (right click on a line or column - format data series - series order - up or down).
question: i would like to change the order freely. how to do this? for the order inside the legend i actually do not care at all, whether a representation of the data is a line or a column. i only want to make it as readable as possible. example what i'd like to get (made by handmodifing the picture with a drawing program): see Image3.gif (the left thumbnail)
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May 14, 2014
I have a sheet with about 50-60 charts and I am hoping to have a master list of chart titles on the side, how can I link these titles with the charts themselves?
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Aug 4, 2006
I have a chart that combines 2 xy plots and a set of stacked columns ( total of 4 series).
I can adjust the series ordering between the 2 xy plots, and between the stacked columns, but not for all 4 at the same time.
I'd like the legend to show up as:
Series1, Series2, Series3, Series4
where 1 and 2 are the xy plots and 3 & 4 are the components of the stacked columns.
It is currently:
Series3, Series4, Series1, Series2
Any idea how to re-order the legend entries?
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Jun 18, 2008
Has anyone ever seen a problem like this? The Legend text is not displaying what is in the cell reference and I cannot figure out why.
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Feb 23, 2012
The order of entries in my chart legend make no sense to me. Why is it not matching the order of the source data?
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Dec 6, 2006
I have some weekly data that I need to produce a graph from (100% Stacked Column). Each time I create the graph using the dates as the x axis i only get a thin line which looks like it represents one day, the other space looks like it is for the other 6 days of the week. I know that you could add an apostrophe to the beginning of the date but this is to be an automated report.
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Oct 8, 2007
I have a set of data which indicates readings taken at different dates/times at varying intervals.
I want to create a chart where time is the X-axis but the usual charting feature would spread the data points at regular intervals. I want the data is spread out across the X-axis according to the actual timings.
I have a sample data in the file attached to this posting. There I showed the type of chart I want to see (which I achieved only by modifying the original set, Table 1. The modified set of data is in Table 2)
how to achieve this with the original table of data, Table 1.
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Jan 1, 2008
I am trying to figure out the best way to plot this data -- For each region, I want to plot December 2006 snowfall against December 2007 snowfall. So starting on row 12 to row 41 (in the attached file). First challenge: the dates are not aligned because it is using the retail calendar where 12/3/2006 is compared against 12/2/2007. How can I plot the snow depth for the Northeast for example? I can't just use a dual axis chart because there are also dual dates...
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Apr 14, 2014
I would like to create a chart in vba which contains 2 sets of data, both using the same x axis. The first must be a line graph, the second a staggered bar chart. This must be represented on one chart with data labels. Also, how do I change the colour of the plots?
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Aug 12, 2008
I have a 46000 rows of data. I want to make a chart, but only want to plot the highest and lowest data points in the data set. How do I get Excel to automatically find and plot only the highest and lowest data points?
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Mar 17, 2006
I am trying to set up a bar chart that will not plot values where I have left the cell blank so that I don't have to keep resizing the source data / sorting the data whenever I add more data.
I have tried putting NA() as the value as you would for scatter plots
I have also tried leaving the category cell blank
Neither of these seem to work. I have attached an example.
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