Lightspeed Long Description Import From Excel - Separated Paragraphs

May 2, 2013

I am currently trying to import multiple 'long descriptions' onto Lightspeed product cards for display on an upcoming website. This is probably a very basic excel problem but I can't seem to find a simple solution online. Basically When I paste descriptions into a cell they break up into separate cells by line or paragraph break When I need them to stay together as one long description. Even if I have text qualifiers around the text they still only import one paragraph into lightspeed. Maybe that i am not saving it as the right file extension...

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Extracting Multiple Numbers From Excel Cell Having Long Description?

Jun 12, 2014

I need to extract numbers from excel cells. For eg-

BAR TBG 04.00X02.25X26.50 1340 HRN SMLS SPEC. ES4.38694

^^^ This is one of the cells. I need to pull out 04.00, 2.25, 26.50, 1340 into different cells from one given cell.

I have tried using =MID() function, but I need to make changes into that formula everytime the position of first numeric letter changes while I go along a column. And I need to make changes into it as I go along the row.

It is taking me a lot of time in extracting numbers from one cell into different cells and I am afraid that I will spend the rest of my life getting this stuff done.

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Import CSV With Commas In Description Field?

Dec 2, 2013

One of the fields I am importing has got a description with commas in. When I import the description is wrongly split. How can I fix that? KS14411011,22490030,"Airconditioner,Wall",5512

Private Sub cmdImportFile_Click()
Dim ImpRng As Range
Dim Filename As String


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Excel - Formula Map With The Description Of Another Sheet

Jul 3, 2014

I'm trying to map the cases present in the sheet 1 to Sheet 2. Here the sheet2 I have highlighted the rows yellow color that needs to be updated by using excel formulas.Here the sheet should be updated with the description below mentioned along with the formulas..Highlighted cells in the sheet2 is B,C,I,J,T,U. I have designed the below condition in the same order

B cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Identify the "(B Value)"Claim with below condition (D Value)

C cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify whether (I Value) Mapped to the below Coverage in CAS (K value)

C cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify whether the Incident (Q value)is below for the Coverage (K Value)

J cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify the the Exposure type(P) is below for the Coverage (K)

T cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify the cost created the reserve coverage (K value) is below (N value)

U cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

verify the line category of the payment done on the coverage

(X value of all the conditions for Sheet1 value)

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Excel Match Text In Description

Sep 2, 2013

I have about 70K rows of data. This is a pull from a CRM system and one of the columns contains Free text which may or may not contain a reference ID.

So basically, I need to be able to identify which (if any) of the 60 or so Reference ID appears somewhere in the text. It may be at the beginning, somewhere in the middle or at the end.

So i created two formulas:


I created 60 or so of these columns, all with a different Reference ID (MEBIG3 being the ID in this instance). I put the Reference ID in the Cell 1 of each of the columns. I then got a True in the cells wherever I matched the Ref ID to in the description field.

I then created another column with this:


[Code] ........

So wherever there was a True, it returned the Cell at the top of the column which has the Ref ID in it. I put a pivot table and it worked, but the problem is that Excel just can't really handle the number of calculations. The file keeps crashing and becoming corrupt (There are 70K rows, times 60 or so columns). Also I have actually run out of columns I can add in the nesting, I really need more.

Any way of doing the whole piece of analysis all in one Cell. So basically it says "If ADM1 appears anywhere in Column P return ADM1, If ADM2 appears anywhere in Column P return ADM2 and so on".

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Concatenate Paragraphs

Apr 23, 2007

What I am trying to do is to have the concatenated content of two different cells seperated into paragraps.

For example, if A1=Blue and B1=Red I want the content of C1 to look like

I use =A1&B1 in C1, but I'm missing something to split them.

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Extract Word Paragraphs

Mar 16, 2005

From XL, I'm trying to search a summary document for a keyword, then copy the paragraph containing the keyword to another document.

I want to be able to do this for a variable amount of paragraphs. Currently, the following code finds the keyword in summary.doc (once) and then copies it to test.doc It's a start. I can't seem to find a way to select and copy the paragraph (even once).

The keyword is always on line1 and the paragraph is always 4 lines....

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Excel 2010 :: Pasting Space Separated Values?

May 9, 2013

I have some text out of note pad in the following format

"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"
"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"

There is several lines like this. I need to copy it out of notepad and paste it into excel where every word in quotes is in its own cell. Right now if I paste it everything goes into cell A1.

I am using excel 2010..

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Lookup Comma Separated Data And Return Comma Separated Answer

Mar 19, 2014

Comma separated data on sheet 2, look up info on sheet 1, return comma separated data on sheet 2.

Sample file attached : Book1.xlsx

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Spacing Multiple Variable Paragraphs In A Merged Cell

Jun 19, 2009

I am using excel as a base for formatting reports, and collating logical paragraphs, which I want to display in one massive merged cell on another worksheet.

The paragraphs are different for each report, and I do not wish to manually enter them in each time. I also want them to display as seperate paragraphs on the page, but in the same cell.

To throw a spanner in the works, the paragraphs are all of indeterminate length, otherwise, I could use different cells. If I combine them in the massive merged cell by using =cell1&cell2&cell3 then they will just appear merged as one whole huge paragraph. I want them to appear as separate paragraphs in the same big cell.

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Inserting- Sheet With A Range Of Paragraphs Of Text From Cell

Jan 19, 2009

I have a sheet with a range of paragraphs of text from cell D2:R2.

How can I get it so that if I put an X in the column under the relevant paragraph, it will insert the paragraph of text into the spreadsheet.

For example. Text lies in cell D2. If I put an X in cell D7, I want the text in D2 to be inserted into C7.

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Excel Not Auto-completing Long Word?

Jun 24, 2013

I have to type in a long place name with 10 letters repeatedly and whereas before Excel completed it after I typed the first two letters it has now stopped doing so. Is there a way to reactivate this facility? Other names do get auto-completed when typed in the same column.

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Excel VBA Errors For Long Macro Processing?

Dec 30, 2013

I have a very long (> 2 hr) macro that sifts through thousands of files and creates a table of contents (more or less). Anyway, the macro will operate just fine when I am also working at the same PC but if I walk away for an hour, Excel will sometimes generate an error (application defined or object defined error). I believe that it has something to do with the PC going idle although it really isn't going idle because I turn off sleep and hibernate while running the macro. Also, there are only two locations where the error seems to occur. See below:

Dim oApp As ObjectSet oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim files As New Collection
Dim fZip As Variant
For Each fZip In oApp.Namespace(zipFile).items

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Excel File Takes Long Time To Save

Jan 20, 2014


Excel takes about 10 minutes in the saving process. When I say 10 minutes, I mean, the excel screen freezes (says not responding) for about 10 minutes, then it actually saves at the very end in the normal time any other file would take as you watch the progress bar go forward.

I know many of the common answers and have tried. reducing the calculation time (which in turn reduces the saving time).

But in my circumstance, the calculation takes a very reasonable amount of time, and you see the progress % going forward.

- I would say I have about 2000 rows, and 15 columns.
- They have sumifs formulas.
- They link to a different workbook.
- The workbook I am working on saves to the network
- the source of my sumifs are also in the same folder on the network
- the recalculation takes about 10 seconds at most
- i have turned off recalculate before saving, it is all on manual calcs

- when i hit save, there are no calcs being performed
- there are no macros in the workbook
- there are only about 2 names in the name manager
- then it freezes for about 10 minutes.
- then the progress bar starts moving then it saves.

What is it doing in those 10 minutes?

1 more item to note, when I break the links to the workbook and thereby removing the sumifs formulas, its a snap.

Why does the existence of the sumifs extend saving time? I would completely understand if it elongated calculation time, but if calculation is off, then why does it even worry about it when saving?

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Excel 2007 :: VBA - Finding Endless Loop In Long Routine?

May 14, 2014

I have a very long routine, looping through 35,000-ish rows several times to detect and delete unwanted items. Occasionally, it gets locked into an endless loop and CTRL+Break will not stop it - I have to kill Excel through the Task Manager.

How can I find out where the endless loop is so I can detect what's causingit and fix it?

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Lookup Multiple Values In A Single Cell (separated By Commas) And Then Return The Values To A Single Cell (also Comma Separated)

Jan 7, 2009

If I have, in one cell (call it D1):


and in a lookup table on another sheet:
1 ED T
2 EH F
3 DR G
4 HU H
5 SE E
6 YU E

I need to be able to lookup the values in D1 on the table and return the values in column B to a single cell (say E1), also comma separated...



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Excel Keeps Using 25% CPU After XML Import

Apr 5, 2014

So I finally got a workaround for importing data from my Web Service to Excel.

It is currently working, but after I have imported the data I see from the Task Manager that Excel keeps using 25% CPU. And it also sometimes lags and mini freezes in Excel.

If I delete the row that was juts imported it immediately goes down to 0% CPU use and the lagg/freezes are gone.

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Excel Import Error?

Jul 11, 2013

I have a CSV file and the first field is date. I'm imprting this csv file using Data->Import from Text When I do that it's adding an additional column at the left. I do not want it to add additional column what should I do?

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Excel 2010 :: Import CSV Using VBA

Jul 8, 2014

I'm having problem importing a CSv file into Excel. The CSV file is around 4-5k lines.

The layout is similar to this :

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, ~,
A4, A3, dummy, "Dummy ,Dummy", ,
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, +,
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, -,
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, "(5 + 4) /4",

Consider that the formula (5 + 4) /4 has a CR and LF between (5+4) and /4

I've tried a few methods to import the files:

Reading the CSV file as a Text File a line at a time but with the CR a LF it get's all messed up

[Code] .....

Tried with Using OLEDB but the Sign + , - and ~ are read a Null

[Code] ....

And Finally tried wit th QueryTable but it does not recognize the Double Quote that precedes the comma so

"Dummy ,Dummy" it's seen as two column values instead of one.

[Code] .....

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Import JSON API To Excel

Dec 3, 2013

I am trying to import the following JSON APi link [URL] ... into an excel spreadsheet via a macro. How can I do this?

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Import CSV File To Excel

Jun 14, 2013

I have a CSV file which I want to import in excel. There are many text entries after the comma that starts with = and +.

When I imported this csv to excel then excel uses its mathematical logic that and gives a result #Name?

I tried reformatting these cells to treat as Text field only but that did not work.

I would like to maintain these text fields that starts with = and + .

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Import Access To Excel?

Feb 17, 2014

I am trying to import database records into Excel, but i keep getting an error "run-time error 424" on the code below.

It is probably something simple, but i havent tried importing from Access to Excel before.

The code below should clear the data from "Existing" and then copy the data from test.mdb into the same sheet.

The error occurs when opening "Data Source"

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbCommand As New ADODB.Command
RowCount = Worksheets("Existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Worksheets("Existing").Range("A2:V" & RowCount).ClearContents


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Excel 2010 :: Import CSV Using VBA?

Jul 8, 2014

I'm having problem importing a CSv file into Excel. The CSV file is around 4-5k lines.

The layout is similar to this :

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, ~,
A4, A3, dummy, "Dummy ,Dummy", ,


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Import From Access Using Excel VBA

Dec 17, 2008

I use Excel 2003 and am trying to import information from an access database. The recordset I am looking for is based on Cell B3 on a worksheet named Import.

Is there a way that Excel VBA Can do this?

The recordset contains text in the standard of Memos, Will I be able to import the entire Memo?

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How To Overcome The "Formula Too Long" Error On Windows Excel...

Jul 9, 2009

I have worked on this really difficult long formula, but the problem is, I have been working from my Mac. And my office, which this formula was made for, is all PC. Now generally this isn't a problem, but apparently PC's have a limit on how long the formula can be. Is there anyway to overcome this? I really need this formula to work..

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Import Word Data To Excel?

Apr 16, 2014

I would like to extract some text from a word file and transfert it into an excel spreadsheet.
My text is always presented in the same way. First there is a line with some data (see exemple bellow). I have no problem to extract them using the macro bellow even it's not perfect.

My problem is on the main text. I weed to keep the format or at least the different paragraphes as when you copy text in word and past it in the formula bar (or press F2).

Here is an exemple of my word file

Code : XXX1- Abrege : DGS45 - Type : D - ADICAP : PHXT5847

Text Paragraph 1
Text Paragraph 2


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Import HTML Table Into Excel?

May 13, 2009

I am familiar with VBA, but this one has me stumped! Basically, I want to have Excel fill out an Aspx form, submit it, and then pull in the data from the html table that the form produces. There are multiple queries it would have to do, so I would want it to loop through until it is done with my list of inputs. I don't even know where to start...

The website I need to pull data from is: [URL]

On the form, there are multiple fields, but the one I am interested in is the "Study Area Code." An example input I would have in this field is "529910." I would have a different sheet in my workbook with all the SACs I need to pull.

My vision for the end result is to have all the data pulled into one sheet.

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Import CSV To Excel But Filename Changes Daily

Nov 3, 2011

Problem I am having:

I want to import a csv file to an Excel workbook. The csv file name does not change, but the workbook which it is pasted into changes name every day (it has a filename which ends in todays date, and is updated daily).

Using the macro recorder I can get the process to work for today, but when as soon as I update the recipient files name the next day, the macro fails.

Code below:

' Sheets("MORCOM").Select
'Workbooks.Open Filename:= _

[Code] .......

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Import Excel Data To Workbook

Apr 23, 2012

I would like to import all data from a workbook (only 1 sheet), which the user must select from a file dialog, into a spesific sheet in the active workbook.

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Import Number Of CSV Files Into Excel?

Nov 13, 2012

I've got 80 CSV files that I need to import into an Excel sheet. The filenames are sequential, eg 1APN .... 80APN). I need each chunk of data added after the previous. How can I do this using VB?

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