Excel Match Text In Description

Sep 2, 2013

I have about 70K rows of data. This is a pull from a CRM system and one of the columns contains Free text which may or may not contain a reference ID.

So basically, I need to be able to identify which (if any) of the 60 or so Reference ID appears somewhere in the text. It may be at the beginning, somewhere in the middle or at the end.

So i created two formulas:


I created 60 or so of these columns, all with a different Reference ID (MEBIG3 being the ID in this instance). I put the Reference ID in the Cell 1 of each of the columns. I then got a True in the cells wherever I matched the Ref ID to in the description field.

I then created another column with this:


[Code] ........

So wherever there was a True, it returned the Cell at the top of the column which has the Ref ID in it. I put a pivot table and it worked, but the problem is that Excel just can't really handle the number of calculations. The file keeps crashing and becoming corrupt (There are 70K rows, times 60 or so columns). Also I have actually run out of columns I can add in the nesting, I really need more.

Any way of doing the whole piece of analysis all in one Cell. So basically it says "If ADM1 appears anywhere in Column P return ADM1, If ADM2 appears anywhere in Column P return ADM2 and so on".

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Looking Up Data And Match The Description And Then Insert The Value

Jan 21, 2008

I have a table I down load from SAP with the following headers;
Route, Description, DChl, YF21 (SD),YF31 (SD),YF21 (MM),YF31 (MM),YF10 (MM),YF11 (MM),YF12 (MM).

All I need to do is look up and match the Description and then insert the value (they are percentages) found under the columes YF21 onwards.

I have tried VLOOKUP until I am blue in the face and cannot get it to work.

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Mid Function :: Match Account Number With Description

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to use a Mid function to help me in my vba problem.

In my first table I have a list of account numbers. E.g. 'ZZ500543'

In my second table I have a list of account descriptions. E.g. 'Denis Morgan ZZ500543 leak from bath'

I need to match the account number in Table1 with the correct account description in Table2. I thought a Mid function would be the best option to pick out the account number in Table2? Is this right? How would I go about using it?

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Match Description Which Might Be Because Of ByVal Target As Range

Oct 22, 2008

I get and error which says Procedure declaration does not match description which might be because of ByVal Target As Range if this can not be used than what can be the exact solution for this as i have to get the Target address

Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shtChild As Worksheet
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim intCol As Integer
Dim strValue As String
Dim Target As Range
Dim rng As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = False
Set sht = Sh............

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Update Description Of Item If Text Matches Using IF?

Mar 20, 2014

I've got 2 columns.

Column A, Item Description
Column B, Item Cost

In Column B, it will display the item cost as either a numerical value, (example $1.00) or it will say "disco" for discontinued.

I want to update the item description in Column A by adding the work "disco" if Column B display's "disco". If column B display's any numerical value (0-999999999) then I would it to do nothing.

what IF formula I need to accomplish this?

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Count Formula For Description Text Field

Sep 25, 2006

I import a database with mostly unique records which has a description field that includes, among other things: Model Name, followed by predominant color. Unfortunately, there are no seperate fields for the Model Name or Color, e.g.:


Is there a way to create a summary table which would count the number of occurences of the Model Name and the number of occurences of the color?

Fortunately, there are no more than 25 Model Names, and no more than 10 colors or color/combinations, so we could compare against two lists.

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Excel - Formula Map With The Description Of Another Sheet

Jul 3, 2014

I'm trying to map the cases present in the sheet 1 to Sheet 2. Here the sheet2 I have highlighted the rows yellow color that needs to be updated by using excel formulas.Here the sheet should be updated with the description below mentioned along with the formulas..Highlighted cells in the sheet2 is B,C,I,J,T,U. I have designed the below condition in the same order

B cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Identify the "(B Value)"Claim with below condition (D Value)

C cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify whether (I Value) Mapped to the below Coverage in CAS (K value)

C cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify whether the Incident (Q value)is below for the Coverage (K Value)

J cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify the the Exposure type(P) is below for the Coverage (K)

T cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

Verify the cost created the reserve coverage (K value) is below (N value)

U cells should be updated with the reference of Sheet1 with the below condition:

verify the line category of the payment done on the coverage

(X value of all the conditions for Sheet1 value)

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Lightspeed Long Description Import From Excel - Separated Paragraphs

May 2, 2013

I am currently trying to import multiple 'long descriptions' onto Lightspeed product cards for display on an upcoming website. This is probably a very basic excel problem but I can't seem to find a simple solution online. Basically When I paste descriptions into a cell they break up into separate cells by line or paragraph break When I need them to stay together as one long description. Even if I have text qualifiers around the text they still only import one paragraph into lightspeed. Maybe that i am not saving it as the right file extension...

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Extracting Multiple Numbers From Excel Cell Having Long Description?

Jun 12, 2014

I need to extract numbers from excel cells. For eg-

BAR TBG 04.00X02.25X26.50 1340 HRN SMLS SPEC. ES4.38694

^^^ This is one of the cells. I need to pull out 04.00, 2.25, 26.50, 1340 into different cells from one given cell.

I have tried using =MID() function, but I need to make changes into that formula everytime the position of first numeric letter changes while I go along a column. And I need to make changes into it as I go along the row.

It is taking me a lot of time in extracting numbers from one cell into different cells and I am afraid that I will spend the rest of my life getting this stuff done.

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Excel 2010 :: Match - Text Length Limitation

May 8, 2014

Excel 2007-2010. I'm using match(string, range,0) but there must be a limitation on the length of the string since I know the string is in the range but it returns #value as if it is not found. Is there a VBA solution to get around this without having to loop/cycle through the entire range?

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Using Wildcards For Text In Index / Match Multiple Criteria In Excel

Jun 10, 2014

I'm having trouble using wildcards for text in index/match multiple criteria; I need to find the nearest site along a river (x) below a certain point (distance =21), each stretch of the river is labelled with the streches downstream (so stretch abc is upstream of ab).

My problem arises when the nearest point downstream is on the downtsream stretch of river. How do I use wild card to search for ab&"*" that will exclude abd.



[Code] ..........

'formula in cell E14 ={INDEX(A2:C11,MATCH(1,(A14=B2:B11)*(C2:C11

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Excel 2007 :: Match Partial Text When Partial Text Is Not Exact

May 20, 2014

This is for Excel 2007,I have two sets of model numbers. One set is the full model numbers of the units we use, and the other is an abbreviated form used to lookup up certificate numbers. I need a way to match these up so I can use one set of search criteria to find out if there is a match. Here is an example of what I need to match with a partial text match:

H,AE35(6,9)36+TD and AE3563636D145C2501AP
H,RE36(6,9)36 and RE36936C145B2505AP

if I could do this with a formula that matches multiple items at the same time (ie; if A & B & C match=true) with the above model number being one of those items (certificate numbers are issued for sets, but the other model numbers are fine).If that's not possible, a one time VBA run to match all of the abbreviations at once would also work. If these items are matched up with a one time VBA, the VBA needs to account for their being more than one match for each abbreviation depending on the size of the unit.

So H,AE35(6,9)36+TD could be matched to:

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Excel 2011 :: Conditional Formatting Based On Text Match From If Statement?

Oct 2, 2013

I want to highlight a cell if the text displayed from an IF formula is equal to the cell content.

CELLS BK10:BN10 are merged and have entered into them the following text "SELL"

Cells BJ20:BP20 are merged and contain the following formula which currently results in the cell displaying "SELL"

=IF(BM22<=-0.08,"SELL", IF(AND(BM22>-0.08,BM22 < -0.03),"NO INDICATION", IF(BM22>=-0.03,"HOLD")))

Cell BM22 is a percentage calculation of the differences between two different days of volume for this stock and that formula is: =(BH22/BH25)-1 Cell BM22 currently is calculating the result to be -65.65%

When I set up a CLASSIC Conditional Formatting using a formula (="If($BJ$20=""SELL""") to check the if the text in cells BK10 match the text displayed in cell BJ20 - I get no error messages and no formatting?

I am using Mac Office Excel 2011. I feel like I have tried everything including changing the Number selection type of the cells to TEXT. Nothing seems to works.

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Excel 2003 :: Calculate Sum Based On Partial Text Match And Latest Date

Jun 19, 2014

I need a formula to do a partial text match on column B to find all rows that contain "825-CL-A", then sum column C for all applicable rows with the latest date. In this example the result should be "4.25 + 6.50 = 10.75". I'm using Excel 2003 for this project.

7/1/2012 0:00825-CL-A-41091-REG4.00
7/1/2012 0:00825-CL-A-41091-REG6.25
7/1/2013 0:00825-CL-A-41456-REG4.25
7/1/2013 0:00825-CL-A-41456-REG6.50
1/1/2014 0:00825-CL-A-41640-REG4.25
1/1/2014 0:00825-CL-A-41640-REG6.50
3/1/2014 0:00825-CL-E-41699-REG3.00
3/1/2014 0:00825-CL-E-41699-REG4.00

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If Two Cells Contain Specific Text - Match Or No Match

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to identify matches for company names I have in columns A and H.

I originally used =IF( $A3<>$H3,"No Match","Match")

The issue is that not all of the company names in column A contain "INC","LLC", "CORP", etc. So, I am not capturing all of the matches.


Column A: American Eagle Outfitters
Column H: American Eagle Outfitters INC

Is it possible to write a formula with the logic that IF A3 and H3 both contain "American Eagle Outfitter" then "Match" or "No Match"?

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Match Row That Contains Text Text String; List Associated Values From Pivot Table

Mar 28, 2009

refer to the attached workbook for reference. I am looking for a function in Sheet1, Column E that will search for the value of Sheet1, Column A within Sheet2, Column A. When a match is found, the function should look across Sheet2, Columns B - V for values of 1. When such values are found, the function should return the associated value from Sheet2, Row 2. There may be multiple values of 1, and as such, the function should separate values with a comma.

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VLook Up Specific Text Within Text And Output Match From Table

Dec 3, 2009

Table 1:
I like to go to Berlin.
You like to move to Amsterdam.
They want to see Chicago.
When will the reach San Francisco.

Table 2:
San Francisco

What I want to do:
I want my function to see if the text in Table 1 contains a value in Table 2, and if yes, output that value.

Desired Result:

Row A1:
I like to go to Berlin.
Row A2:
Row B1:
You like to move to Amsterdam.
Row B2:

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How To Extract Qty Min/Max From Description

Jan 31, 2009

Example: Table ...

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How To Combine The Description In One Line

Jun 17, 2014

Attached is a file containing stock codes and description. The stock code is repeated but i would like to have one line description per stock code.

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Lookup In A Description (color)

Mar 13, 2009

I have a column with a description that includes color in the description, I want to sort by color with breaking up the description, is there a formula that will look at the description such as "Am Cannoe black tecan" and in the cel next to it come back with "black". Then I would be able to sort by color column, otherwise I would have to text to column and break up the description, etc,,, ect....

So column a1 has the description, I want a formula that will put in column b1 "black" I have 3 colors, so I can do one at a time or add to same formula.....

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Sum Turnover Where Name Is PART Of The Description

May 14, 2009

I am looking for a way to use the sum.if formula, combined with the find.spec (I am not sure if this is the correct formule, at the moment I only have the Dutch Excel version, it is meant to find a word as part of a cell)

The part I am struggling with is how to find the correct cells to "sum" when the criterium is part of the cell contents. e.g. Paul is the description in am looking for in "Paul is riding his bike" If so, then add the turnover to Paul. I have made a demo to clarify what I mean.

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Split Description Into 3 Columns

Dec 9, 2009

I need help to split text (shown below) into 3 columns, now all text is in one cell.



I have over 30,000 rows of data which contains different number of spaces within a cell. Please see attached file.

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Pull Down Option Description

Jul 29, 2009

I have created a pull down menu but cannot figure out how to add descriptions with them. The items in the pull down menu are codes instaed of making people look up their definition in a printed out table,I am hoping to figure out how to make it so that as people scroll through the pull down menu a corresponding definition for the "code" listed appears.

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Find First/Last Value In Row & Return Corresponding Description Above/Below

Apr 8, 2008

I'm trying to find

1) the last and

2) first values in a time series of data in which the the data points are scattered all over the place

AND I'd also like to

3) get the corresponding year ( Heading name) for both the

3.1) last and the

3.2) first data point

I've found solutions for all but 3.2. Thus the question remains:

How could I lookup the heading description for the first value on a row?


row #; lookup; year1; year2; year3; year4;
1; year3; ; ; 23; ;
2; year2; ; 21; ; 53;
3; year1; 12; ; 45; 2;

In case it helps anyone looking for same information or providing help to solve my problem 3.2 the other solutions I've found are:

1) lookup last value in row

i) Find Last Number In Row & Return Heading
... also an additional VB solution

ii) Find Last Number In Row & Return Heading
... page also includes solution for 2), below

iii) Find Last Number In Row & Return Heading
... 2 VB solutions

2) Lookup first value in row
Find Last Number In Row & Return Heading

... page also includes solution for 1), above


3) Lookup heading of last populated cell in row
Find Last Number In Row & Return Heading


4) Could I e.g. modify the above to lookup the year of first value?

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How To Display Description Of Options (list)

Feb 24, 2014

Any way to display the description of options (list) which in this case is a numbering code (like ECG201) in a data validation cell.

The length of the cell is not long enough for the users to know the appropriate description of the selected lists. I am now thinking there should be a way to display the description of each item so that users will know that ECG201 means "International College of Excellence", for example, instead of having to go from one worksheet (area) to another to know what an option means.

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Description Column In Pivot Table

Aug 10, 2009

I often use pivot tables to summarize accounting data. I wish to summarize the data by account number, but also wish to display the account description next to each account number. Both the account number and account description are separate columns in my original table of data.

I've always managed to do this by the use of lookup formulas after the formation of the pivot table in a column outside the pivot table, but it would be preferable to have those descriptions as part of the table.

If I designate both the account number and account description as row labels, they land on two different lines.

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User Defined Function Description

Nov 25, 2008

I have created a custom add-in with custom functions and am trying to make it user friendly for other users. By running the following macro I can add functions to different categories, but I was wondering if there was a way to do this automatically so that anyone that adds this add-in will have the functions show up in the proper category without having to manually run this macro.

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Insert Columns Based On Tab Description

Apr 14, 2009

I have a macro that inserts a blank column for every sheet in the workbook. The problem i have is that i only want a limited number of columns inserted. I only want a column to be inserted if the sheet tab has the name "detail" in it. I have tried for hours to get this to work, but i keep getting errors. Here is the code i am using.

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Multiple Sums Depending On A Description

Dec 28, 2005

I really don't know how easy or difficult it might be, but here it is:

I have something like this (example) :

| A | B | C | D |
1 | 15| W1 | | |
2 | 5| W2 | | |
3 | 7| W1 | | |
4 | 9| W3 | | |
5 | 21| W4 | | |
6 | 14| W2 | | |

I want to have the result of all the W1 in D1, All W2 in D2, All W3 in D3 and all W4 in D4 without having to create any additional SUMs somewhere else to discriminate and then get the result (e.g. =IF($B2="W2",$A2,0) and copying the formula all along the column, then =SUM(xx:xx) and get the result.)

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Import CSV With Commas In Description Field?

Dec 2, 2013

One of the fields I am importing has got a description with commas in. When I import the description is wrongly split. How can I fix that? KS14411011,22490030,"Airconditioner,Wall",5512

Private Sub cmdImportFile_Click()
Dim ImpRng As Range
Dim Filename As String


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